What are some quality of life changes you would like to see?

Basically talking about anything outside of gameplay.
Personally i'd like to see the Daily Rituals reworked. I also feel The Rift is too difficult to climb as someone who can't play the game for several hours a day.
Feel free to post both problems you see and/or your solutions.
Also check out my poll (related).
I personally think there should be seperate areas for killer and survivor dailys. Maybe 2 each getting 1 per day each. Also someone suggested putting art on them (like tarot cards).
As far as The Rift maybe someone knows how many hours to reach the end? I feel if I could complete more of it, I might buy it more often.
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Making Kindred base kit, removing perk tiers, reworking daily rituals, reworking offerings, the ability to create loadout presets, the ability to mix-n-match cosmetics in the store and more UI indicators (chase indicators for all 4 survivors, indicators showing what your teammates are doing (repairing, healing, being chased, etc...).
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- Don't make skillchecks appear the very moment you let go of a generator, causing an automatic non-counterable missed skillcheck.
- Rift rework (the time u have to spend playing is abysmal)
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Reducing the price of cosmetics would be nice.
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Or allow skillchecks to get completed even after you let go. It works for other skillchecks like overcharge, it should work that way for regular skillchecks as well.
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Improved match making,
a practice area to learn maps and powers ect,
a better way to identify who each player in match was including adding a colored tag to characters using the same looks so you can block/reporting/giving props to people easier,
banning in game taunting,
making the grind less terrible by moving teachable perks to 20/25/30 allowing us to edit which teachables will show up on blood webs,
Adding a free rotation of killers and survivors to help alleviate the pay to win elements,
Chaging achievements/challenges/dailies to no longer be annoyingly rng or toxic, or require specific non free to play characters/perks ect,
Making it so every daily has both a killer and survivor option,
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I made a discussion about this a while back
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I'd personally like to see matchmaking put into thia game.