General Discussions

General Discussions

List your Christmas wishes for the Mid-Chapter.

Just list what you want them to do in the Mid-Chapter biggest wish from me game health. Bug fixes. Making Clown viable. Good changes to Haddonfield or Crotus Prenn. Feel like this will be a make or break at least reputation for behavior.

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  • Member Posts: 2,964

    Clowns rework

    DS nerf

    Haddonfield and crotus prenn rework

    perk buffs Blights POV increased

  • Member Posts: 499

    Clown rework

    God please change the swamp maps

    Possibly some perk changes

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Clown gets an addon that will let his bottles kill a survivor if intoxicated for long enough

  • Member Posts: 1,471

    Clown rework.

    Blight POV fix.

    Haddonfield and Swamp visual and balance updates.

    Victor can no longer be kicked after a successful pounce attack.

    Charlotte can recall Victor from anywhere on the map at any time at the expense of it taking him twice if not three times as long to recharge.

    If Victor is within 20 some odd meters of a survivor when they are hooked he is destroyed.

    Everything that was broken in 4.4.0 is now fixed.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Bloody Axe weapon for clown

  • Member Posts: 994

    Ruin and undying buff. :|

    Noed buff. :|

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    I agree with most of this, but I'm not sure on the kick after successful pounces. I feel downing multiple survivors should take some placement/patience/luck and not be the normal cause I've done it plenty enough as is. I've had several times where I down one Survivor and the other rushes to kick, but I move and position so that I'm ready to pounce before they can put their foot in my mouth and now I got 2 down.

  • Member Posts: 60

    Deleting server hit validation is my only wish as it ruined hit boxes.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Well my biggest one is fully fixing Legion's frenzy bug. He's still running a bit too slow.

    Blight PoV is second.

    I think I heard they were looking at Wraith... so I'm interested to see what they do with him and hopefully they buff his perks as well. Seriously his perks are probably the worst in the entire Killer side... unless you get addicted to Shadowborn.

    I hope they buff or mildly rework some of the really terrible perks in the Killer's base set. Or majorly in the case of Monstrous Shrine.

    I know they are looking at reworking Clown... but I don't much care about Clown, so those other things are higher up on my personal wish list.

  • Member Posts: 88

    Myers revision, removing out dated / inflated penalties.

    Remove 3 tier system for 2 tears and have mirrors / tombstones give appropriate movement penalties.

    Remove special mechanics to slow/limit stalking / body blocking / limitations on stalking amount.

    Some kind of buff or debuff on survivors for giving up stalking points / new mechanic

  • Member Posts: 159

    Clown to be good cause I wanna learn him

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    More double bp events.

    More bug fixing.

    And a bazooka for legion.

  • Member Posts: 155

    A functioning game would be cool

  • Member Posts: 1,075

    Delete freddy and legion thank

  • Member Posts: 4

    Better matchmaking for the love of God.

  • Member Posts: 105

    Haddonfield and Coldwind reworked (I can settle for Crotus though)

    Some buffs to the twins' perks (èlodie's are mostly alright)

    Some new animations for healing/totems

    Some character model updates (please do Laurie <3 )

  • Member Posts: 14,892

    Clown rework. Demo tweak. Perk reworks that were already hinted at. Swamp rework. Quentin face rework. Xenomorph and and Ellen Ripley added (and the work on this was actually why other updates were so messy lately, all work got put into this).

    Yeah. I know. I am too humble and don’t have high expectations. I hear that a lot.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Early Game Change.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Seriously. All i want is an ama not a q&a with cherry picked questions..

  • Member Posts: 14,892

    Oh yeah. This too!

    or at least new infos for this, as those questions were absent from the latest Q&A while also being top upvoted

  • Member Posts: 4,914

    Old Freddy

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    That clown doesn’t become a brainless meta killer like Freddy so I can enjoy playing him

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    Clown being made good while not reducing his skill floor. I'd prefer they don't make him easy to play, as they've done in the past with Freddy and to an extent Bubba and Doctor.

    This midchapter will probably only include one reworked realm as the last midchapter did. My guess is the reworked one is going to be coldwind, to round off the original three realms, but my hope is Haddonfield or Crotus Prenn.

    Some perk changes, hopefully with more solid buffs this time that'll make the perks strong (looking at you, cruel limits)

    A new cosmetic for deathslinger or plague, its been like 8 months, please, cool it with the claudette, feng and legion skins

    Some more developer interaction/acknowledgement of ideas. Has been good lately, let's keep it up!

    Hopefully Freddy changes, but given the clown rework that's unlikely. I just want to not feel dirty for playing my boy freddy. Please give him an exclusive offering that turns him back into old freddy, I will immediately buy $100 of auric cells.

    An acceptable, smaller level of game-breaking bugs

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    CLown rework,

    Demo buff,

    Bug fixes

    and a decent tome

  • Member Posts: 2,928

    Dragon Demo skin or a black trenchcoat/duster for Jake, i have been asking for that for over 2 years at this point

  • Member Posts: 570


  • Member Posts: 498

    Pufferfish tshirt or a whole pufferfish ounsie for dwight

  • Member Posts: 1,122

    Clown Rework

    Coldwind and Crotus Prenn/Red Forest/Backwater Swamp Rework (I think licensed maps may take a while longer due to approval from license holders).

    Blight POV Fix

    Twins Balancing, just so they're viable if not good

    Perk Updates to bad and/or useless perks

    Matchmaking Fix

    More Unique Chase Music for Killer TRs

    Finally, a Roadmap. Even something general would be nice, so we have an idea of what the Devs are focusing on at times.

  • Member Posts: 10,311

    Perk preference in the bloodweb. I hate spending 1,000,000 bp to get 1 perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,985


  • Member Posts: 1,503

    to be able to go home and see my family on Christmas day

    for covid to go away.

    to see a girl I haven't seen in 8 months.

    Oh you're talking about the game.

    Stop breaking things when you try to fix other things.

    actually pay attention to how people are playing the game and realize that it can be very annoying and negative on both sides sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 39

    That the plague has an entire rework when midchapter drops.

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    Hatch only spawns if there is one Survivor left or if all 5 generators are completed.

    Also that Clown's buff makes him more fun too, not just stronger.

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