We need to stop buying cosmetics if we want this game to play better.

TheeSpongeman Member Posts: 53
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Sure, use all your shards or whatever, but we should really reserve our money once they've concentrated on fixing the games many bugs. Supply and demand, they see people constantly buying skins so that's what they work on. They keep popping out skins and cosmetics so fast that it's obvious this is where all there manpower goes. Hopefully I'm not the only one who sees this. New killers too, we probably should stop demanding new killers and let them fix the ones they have now. Fixing balance issues, making the game actually scary for survivors instead of joke, making perks that nobody choose because they barely have any benefits to justify their existence. Hell, some of these perks only need a number tweek, which is as easy as changing a simple value yet they don't do this because they're prioritizing making another clown suit.

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