How would you change - The Plague

GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Similar to what I did for The Pig, how would you change The Plague? While there is a bit of a disconnect between the devs and community due to Piggy's killrates, Plague is... at the bottom of both pick and kill rates (higher than only The Nurse in the latter category in all ranks; The hardest killer in the game)

So people aren't playing Plague, and that's probably also tanking her killrates. So, how would you change our beloved Vommy Mommy?


  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 571
    edited December 2020

    For me, bringing her height down some and quieting the loud whispering when she has her power active would massively improve her.

    Due to her hat combined with how tall she is there's zero mindgaming at loops as survivors can see you over everything, making her hard and frustrating to m1 people as and making it much easier to just stay sick all game.

    She could also probably use a small move speed bump while charging her vomit and maybe more baseline infection time on objects.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Doesn't plague already create a lose lose situation for the survivor? Either cleanse and have plague get Corrupt Purge or don't cleanse and be broken and easier to find.

    I think plague is fine but if you wanted to change her i say make generators that are infected slower to do and other infected things slower.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    A M1 killer that can now down survivors in one hit. At that point it comes down to your chase skills

  • Thanotos_Omega
    Thanotos_Omega Member Posts: 100

    Maybe add ramping up negative effect to being infected to make staying that way to long more scary, like after broken comes exhausted and then blindness and finally hindered, over the course of maybe 2-3 minutes,

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Here's the issue.

    Let's say all the survivors don't cleanse... then what? You're an M1 killer with no power other than them being 1 hits, just like Legion. Except, unlike Legion, you're in a worse position because Plague is extremely tall and Legion can always just DW you for info/stall for time.

    Now, you have one fountain to use by default. They're warned if you drink from it, so they can easily just go immersed on you. And if they don't, they can spread out, making it impossible to properly snowball, effectively wasting your power. That is if you can use it since it can spawn off in Narnia where you'll never be for 90% of the match.

    It's completely determined by if the survivors are confident enough to remain injured. If they are, you're pretty much screwed.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    I honestly don't think she needs much at all. Plague is one of my mains, to make that clear. The only things I would give her is increased action speed when interacting with an infected object, the Corrupted fountain being closer to the center of the map, and a look at some of her addons like the Corrupt Purge duration addons. She's a very mechanically skillful killer, you need to have experience to play her well, but when she is played well, she can be devastating. She's middle of the pack, I would say - high C tier or low B tier, with Deathslinger.

  • AnnoyingNarrator
    AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222

    I feel like you could do two things with her.

    First, you could just do a couple of debuffs for sick people. Like maybe a 10% slowdown or something.

    Secondly, a complete rework of her power favoring one side of her kit.

    Personally? I think that just giving survivors a reason to cleanse outside of being broken should be enough.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    Make illness affect generator skillchecks (make harder to hit), and when downing a fully ill survivor, for the length they've been ill, grant an extra bloodpoint amount. Say they've been ill for a long time nd nobody is cleansing, you may get like 2 bp/second they've been fully ill. If they've been fully ill for a minute, you would get an extra 120 bloodpoints, granting you 320 bloodpoints for downing them.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    Also, REMOVE THE COOLDOWN WHEN YOU DONT VOMIT (Talking about the cooldown when you try to vomit for a short time but don't and instead just receive a nasty cooldown with no benefits).

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    I agree with many of the suggestions here. I think the biggest thing is having her be in charge of her power and not in the hands of survivors.

    - So instead of needing pools to get corrupt purge, infecting survivors and objects could be how she acquires it on her own using a bar that goes up from infections. The pools would be how survivors become healthy again only.

    I hated the most about her is having to walk all the way to the other side of the map while in a chase to get her power. But then survivors could heal quickly and then the chase would be restarted all over again which wastes so much time.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Increase her bloodpoint gain in the deviousness category. Remember the "4K and depip" joke amongst Plague mains?

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276

    These are ludicrously overpowered and doesn't even address Plague's actual weaknesses. Yikes.

    I don't even think Plague is that bad. She's probably just a fairly unpopular killer from a fun standpoint for many which is why she isn't used. I think the additional Corrupt Pool in the beginning was a good enough change for now.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Increasing cleansing time to base healing speed and allowing for healing/speedup and slowdown perks to affect these speeds is the only change she really is. This would bring her inline with other killers, as the problem is survivors don't need to waste as much time cleansing and have far more time to work on gens, often ending up with them popping at a faster rate.

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,049

    What's wrong with giving a non-popular killer some new additions? I know they don't address the Plague's weaknesses, but it could make the killer more fun for some ppl. If you would fix all of the Plague's problems, it wouldn't really change how many ppl played her. Plague is just like Hag, both of them are very good if you're very experienced. For example, ppl don't play Hag because of her power and her counters. The only way to fix that is by giving her a rework, the same could be said for Plague.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yes the do LOL

    Plague main problem is lack of map pressure and chase potential. Being sick doesn't really hurt you as a survivor.

    By having it so that gens automatically regress if they are infected means that by working on a gen while sick you are basically giving the killer free Ruin if she kicks it. Notice it says "when damaged" which means she still has to kick the gen but now she has a built in slow down mechanic she can use to create more pressure and slow down the game.

    Having pallets rot away increases he chase potential since now it is risky to stay at a loop after the pallet is dropped. And she doesn't need to waste time breaking pallets either.

    Increasing her speed when holding Vile Purge just makes sense. There is honestly no reason for her to be slowed down after fully charging it. Corrupt Purge yes, because it is an actual hit, but Vile no. Just not necessary.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I just feel like plague is definitely far lower on the list of killers who need changes and I think she's in a much better spot than a fair number of killers currently in the game. She also has a pretty unqique gamestyle compared to other killers.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    I use to main her too but stopped because of hitting survivors with puke and nothing happening even though they do the animation of getting hit/ scream