Please nerf CLOWN!

Clown is single handedly ruining my fun for this game. Once that killer sees you, there is absolutely no getting away unless they decide someone else is more important. The obnoxious number of potions he can throw coupled with the fact that he can still move at a decent pace while making them makes for a very unenjoyable experience.
nice bait
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Im sorry to tell you, but the clown even gets a buff xD bad news
that was the same what i say because i was new in dbd haha
"clown can slow you, is that not to strong ?"
"myers fast and can one hit you ? he is OP !"
"doc ? you cant hide yourself OP !"
my friend :D play dbd hours over hours and then you will see, clown is one the worst killer in dbd, and he is the next killer going buffed :D
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1 post on their account. Troll post. Yeah, that tracks.
But hey today I learned that "four" is officially an "obnoxious number of potions".
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poor b8 m8
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The real clown here is you
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Imagine if they used the yellow add-on which gives one more.
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There is no proof that he is getting a buff.
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There actually is, but I am not sure if it is against the rules to post it on this forum. But, it is out there. It is google-able.
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So how many have played the new Clown? Whats the killrate? Have they nerfed his addons like Solvent Jug and Pinky Finger? I mean we have to wait and see before we can really compare Clown before and after rework. He is doing fine already so I doubt they will buff or nerf him.
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Are you talking about this clip?
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I am talking about no clip, post, or information in particular. In no way am I affiliated with any potential developer leak.
Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!
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I mean, yeah vs a clown you are almost certainly going down. However that's kinda how it goes with every killer. They are faster than you after all. What you need to do is just stay alive as long as possible and give your team time to reset or do gens.
I will however say that his Exhaustion Bottles are obnoxious. Especially if you don't notice until its too late. I just wanted to use head on.
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Click bait