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The mash-to-struggle mechanic is stupid and bad and unnecessary
Just make it stop. It's awful. It's lag-prone. It leads people to accidentally dying because it didn't register a keystroke, and this creates a really negative game experience where you feel that the game has cheated you. It serves no purpose, other than to be annoying.
This would be a mori-caliber change, in the sense of just being a small conditional tweak. Why can't you guys just end this awful philosophy about the struggle mechanic needing to be "tense" or whatever? I've played this game for 2,300 hours; it isn't tense, it's just annoying.
Everyone has brought this up at one point or another but BHVR doesn't care. They think it's a great idea and part of what makes the game awesome, simulating the duress of the trials.
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Yeah, they're way wrong. It ceases to be tense after about the third time it happens.
Just remove hook interaction at the struggle phase. The downside is "you cannot attempt to escape." I would rather have no interaction than a very negative interaction, which is what this is.
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yep, thats a known fact for years now.
BHVR even acknowledged it, yet never really did anything about it...
just shows that they dont view this as an actual problem that needed some attention, but as a "yeah we'll get to it when we have time" type of problem, which means we probaply wont see an improvement for the next couple of years...
btw, if you're a PC player i can only advise you to change the struggle jey from space to mousewheel up or down. it makes it so much better, trust me (given you have a mouse where you can freely spin the weel without it stopping immediately).
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I have it on a different key that's more convenient. But that's completely ancillary to the actual problem, which is that it is an annoying mechanic. It would be an easy fix, a la the mori fix. "When we have time" is out the window as a response to this now.
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I don't struggle and it saves me money on controllers.
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I believe there was a survey after Pyramid Head's Launch where they inquired about the possibility of changing struggle, so there might be hope.
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yeah exactly: it is an easy fix. it should definitely not take them this long to fix it!
yet look at the mori nerf (which, much like this mechanic change, everyone agreed needed to happen) - it took them 3.5 YEARS to increase the required hook number (a simple number change) by one.
so based on that, i doubt anything in this regard is going to happen any time soon :/
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First thing I did when I started playing this game was switch m1 and spacebar. get a mouse with an autoclicker and your problem is solved.
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It's awful, people have told them this hundreds of times.
They have ignored every. Single. One of them.
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It's a very outdated gimmick that didn't age very well, it was cool at first but there is no skill involved and is very prone to people killing themselves on accident. My friend has a keyboard that doesn't register the space bar super well if he spams it, and he dies a lot on struggle stage unintentionally. I think they should probably replace it with a quick-time minigame or something that has a bit more forgiveness to it.
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They normally just force any discussion on the matter to feedback; because they know folks won't talk about it there.
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This is not the nature of my problem with it.
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thats not even allowed
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"Frowned upon". It was my solution, game is 1000x more enjoyable now
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It most certainly is allowed.
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Struggling is the entire reason I don't play Survivor on M+KB. (that and hitting skill checks with spacebar is really unnatural to me due to the lagginess of them combined with the natural delay of hitting a key vs. a controller button). I tried binding it to several different keys and even mouse wheel and it still absolutely sucked and hurt my hands. Mashing like that on a controller is at least moderately comfortable, even if I'm worried I'll break my A button lol.
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its bascily the same as a script
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I keep remapping which button on my PS4 controller to use for struggling in order to find the one least likely to give me carpal tunnel.
I currently have it as R1. Causes the least cramping.
Pls remove struggle mashing, BHVR.