Console unfairness to killers that needs addressing

Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Good morning

I have been debating posting this for awhile.

This is in no way a dig or anything like that. Just a game issue that needs looking into.

I have seen playing as survivor that pc survivors can move while I am still in my loading animations even work on gens while I'm still waiting on my character to be able to move.

This puts console killers at a huge disadvantage straight away especially if going against a full pc team.

They can move work on gens etc before the killer loads in this is extremely unfair and should be discussed and am surprised no one has mentioned this or brought this up?!

Feel like I'm going crazy or the only one that is seeing this go on or something lol

Anyway would love if any other people have also seen this happening.


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