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Killers, do you believe dbd is survivor sided?



  • Member Posts: 543

    This seems to be the case. They did this so a survivor could escape a killer, but the fact that the killer is stressing about every other survivor not nearby is the real issue.

    Yeah no kidding lol, I guess he didn't really interpret what the data means

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    The moris are gone, man, you gotta let go.

    They died in the crash back in '96, you're never gonna wake up from the coma if you don't move on.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    It´s as survivor sided as it gets. I play solo and unless i get a team of afking or suiciding heroes, i usually get a similar amount of points as the killer. Hell, yesterday i even got a double pip without escaping.

    Killers have tons of gen slowdown perk. Where one is worse than the other. There is not a single killer perk, that is a powerful as DS, BT or Unbreakable.

    Totem spawns have been made more obvious, because apparently Undying Ruin was to unenjoyable for survivors. Now i see totems next to gens or in front of hills, when they used to be more hidden.

    Or lets talk about the DS "nerf" history. It used to work on the first pick up animation. Killers adapted by dribbling survivors to the hook. Survivors complained, so the amount of times a killer could drop a survivor was reduced. Killers adapted by equiping Enduring. Survivors complained and it was nerfed, so it doesn´t reduce the DS stun. Because that also didn´t work as expected, they changed DS to be usable after a hook. The 2 killer nerfs that came before, were not reverted, because reasons.

    Or BT. It used to protect both the unhooking + the unhooked survivor. But only once. Devs "nerfed" it by removing the protection for the unhooking survivor. To compensate, they also removed the one time use limit.

  • Member Posts: 1,264

    I want them to keep killer's at a strong state to compete with the swf meta.

    I've been in an all solo que and we played as if we had mic's. Quality of life changes are great and welcome but they can't just keep throwing away everything. That made the killer enjoyable upon release. I've never seen them being survivor sided directly, like hey put that there ,killer's are going to hate first bumps 🤜 🤛

    The maps have to be based on escape and survivor's need places to go when running from the killer.They broke infinites giving the killer more time added breakables,but if the way some matches turn out they shouldn't change a killer because someone got butthurt at a maneuver someone pulled on them or because they get such hard backlash.

    Kindred is pretty strong for information ,on the killer has no real opportunity to be countered in SWF once, I hook some one they can tell their friend, I'm on the way to a gen which makes you lose a potential chase.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    If the survivors use all the strongest tools they have, yes without a shadow of a doubt.

    The scales tip back quickly when they don't go all out though

  • Member Posts: 24

    I do have a YouTube channel, but haven’t posted any clown gameplay yet. Only survivor

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Yes and no. It really depends.

    If the survivors all play decently, split up and pressure multiple gens and don’t greed pallets and don’t play recklessly, they’re pretty sure to win. The killer may get a kill or two if they play well but the gates will probably be powered.

    But most games don’t go like this. If the survivors play like average survivors, it really depends on how the killer plays. If they play well they’ll probably win.

    So I’m not sure I’d say it’s survivor sided necessarily, but I think it is more dependent on survivor skill level. Killer skill matters obviously but if the survivors have good teamwork, strong perks and favourable RNG it’s hard for them to lose.

  • Member Posts: 521

    Short answer, yes.

    Long answer, who the ######### doesn't? The math checks out even the most basic survivor actions delays the Killer enough for 3 gens to pop at the start. The game is essentially rigged from the start.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Yes, and it's observable as to why. Put the top % killers and the top % survivors against each other and survivors will win at least 3/4 times. Here's a few reasons why:

    -Nurse and Spirit are the only ones who do decently against any team. The rest are unviable at high level without meta perks.

    -You can only deviate from the meta, and still win, against solos or weak SWFs.

    -Tiles like killer shack and jungle gyms exist that waste guaranteed time, and can be used repeatedly if the survivor is greedy and doesn't drop the pallet.

    -Gen regression is a must on pretty much every killer.

    -Killer has a much higher learning curve and skill ceiling.

    -The first person fov is SO BAD and limiting.

    -Killer buffs are few and far between.

    -Breakable walls were a Trojan Horse to reintroduce god loops.


    -Survivor meta perks.

    -Keys and hatch.

    -Bad scratch marks and sounds.

    -Free camouflage for Claudette and Adam, if they're wearing certain outfits.

    -Grab takeaways.

    These barely scratch the surface. I could go on.

  • Member Posts: 754

    I think it’s unbalanced for killers and solo q. I’m an effort to deal with swf they’ve given killers perks to try and handle groups but it’s still not balanced to compete with comms. This then leads to a bigger imbalance between solo q survivor and killer which makes it a little more killer sided.

    add improper matchmaking and rainbow/smurf swf groups, again killers and solo q survivors are left to deal.

  • Member Posts: 334

    This game is definitely survivor sided. You need to look at it from a business perspective tho.

    Survivors outnumber the killer 4 to 1. Survivors buy more cosmetics. They can team up with friends which makes it more appealing to play survivor. They need to keep people playing survivor. If Survivors perceive the game as to hard they will lose players.

    They want them to have an easier time so they will stay and bring in more players as well as buy cosmetics. Some will play killer and they do buy killer cosmetics.

    Over all they do it for the money. You can't blame them. Financially it makes sense. Sucks for killers but it won't chnage as long as Survivors keep playing and buying things.

  • Member Posts: 3,219
    edited December 2020

    Wrong, devs said all game were red rank killers and therefore considered red rank matches.

    Unless, of course, you have a different source than the devs, and talk about other statistics.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Oh yea it definitely is. You can tell by just playing. Playing survivor is less stressful and easier imo. Your mistakes can always be corrected by your team mates. The only thing that's stressful is survivors getting paired with boosted teammates or low ranks who get downed instantly. Killer is far more stressful and more punishing. 1 mistake and it could cost you the game. Potato survivors are no problem with any killer or rank. But as soon as you get semi decent solos or a swf then you're in trouble.

  • Member Posts: 778

    I don't think so. The is not survivor sided or killer sided, nor is it balanced, it just has some bs for either side, and I think the devs are slowly trying to make it better for both.

    I do think there are some seriously problematic stuff on the survivor side:

    -Perks that are very very strong and whose description could basically be summarized as "delete mistake or dele outplay from killer by pressing/holding a button". There are very few killer perks that work like this and the only one that's as powerful is probably NOED. I think perks that give you extra benefits during the match instead of outright deleting your mistakes are healthier.

    -Their main objective is uninteractive, too safe and too simplistic, it makes it feel like when a killer is sweating their balls off trying to outplay a survivor consistently and fast, all the other survivors are doing is holding M1 and somehow getting close to winning, which is ridiculous.

    -Their main form of defense against killers consist of getting gifted set ups by RNG. At the very least there's some skill in being able to use their set ups, but because of how gens work, sometimes that skill isn't even necessary. It's a very binary defense. You either make it to a pallet thanks to map layout or you don't. I think there should be more stuff survivors can do to that depend more on their skill than just map RNG.


    At the same time, killers are able to tunnel survivors out of a match, regardless of DS, and have the tools to camp survivors to death, or slug them to oblivion (now reinforced by the existence of the Twins), all these practices, despite being tactics, deprive survivors of meaningful gameplay, in fact they focus on depriving survivors of gameplay in order to give the killer more time to deal with the game. I don't think this is healthy.

    Lets also remember that because of very bad matchmaking and ineffective tutorials, it is very common to be the only survivor in a team that has the slightest idea what their doing. This makes solo survivor experience very frustrating for survivor players, however it's a catch 22, because the only thing that makes killer playable is there being some weak links in survivor teams, otherwise killer would be unbearable to play.

    But yeah...there's massively impactful issues that make the experience of both sides quite bad, but it is getting a little better...slowly... Problem is, people are very bad at talking about them.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Only thing I really disagree with is that Hawkin's is Survivor-sided. It's by far the easiest map to 4k on, especially with a stealth Killer.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Killers if anything need to be nerfed 🤣 theyre actually quite overpowered from a 1v4 perspective in regards to how fast they are in relation to the map size and the rate at which they can consistently find targets and knock them down . It’s not hard to find survivors and it’s certainly not hard to down them. The devs have made it quite easy on the killers as it is they don’t need anything else. If anything they need stuff taken away. 4 v 1 and the team of 4 does not individually equal 25% of the killer. Doing 5 gens on a tiny little map is harder than killing 4 survivors. And if you don’t see that I don’t know what to tell you. This isn’t your game if you can’t even kill 4 survivors that make a ton of noise, leave scratch marks, are slower than you, it’s quite sad actually

  • Member Posts: 103

    It’s definitely not survivor sided. The people playing killer just are rally bad at it lol

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Hawkins, lerys and temple are survivor sided......

    Every other survivor sided map you listed is gonna be reworked soon anyways.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    If I'm running Ruin+Undying, and/or playing as Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, Deathslinger or Pyramid Head, it's killer sided.

    If I'm not doing any of these things and we're on a Macmillan, autohaven or the chapel, it's pretty balanced.

    If we're on any other map, it's survivor sided.

    Basically, DbD is map-sided.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited December 2020

    @ineedsleep It has been really disappointing that within a year in a half for perks, we only got one meta perk in Hex:Undying since ghostface's release. My new year resolution is that I hope dbd 2021 new killer perks are better than what we are currently getting.

    The game is definitely survivor sided but to what extent? We will not know until the developers make a skill based ranking system that is then used to calculate MMR for Matchmaking purposes. I imagine it would be really easy to create a skill based ranking system for survivor because it is easy to figure out what defines a good survivor player/team from a bad one. All you need to calculate is how fast/how many generators get done, how few hits/hook states a survivor gets and how effective they are at wasting the killer's time in a chase and all of these factors contribute to a high escape rate. if you do a lot for team, but you don't escape, if 2 more of your teammate escape, you pip, otherwise you draw/lose(Drawing is equal to pipping in current system at red). escaping is unconditional pip. They do need to look into weakening keys such as that the hatch only spawns at 5 generator completed and some time to open the hatch similar to exit gates(probably faster).

    Killer is way too complicated, I imagine what they will do to simplify killer is look at amount hooks a killer gets where 3 hooks counts as kill and If the killer gets 7 or less hooks, It counts as loss and if the killer gets 8 or more hooks than it counts as a win. Another feature they should add is something called killer mastery where you need to get a certain threshold in Killer Mastery(Based off your current global rank) for your games to count towards global ranking on that killer. If you can not achieve a high enough mastery, then your games will not count towards global ranking and ranking system should matchmaking should keep putting you 1 rank color below your actual rank until you are good enough to play that killer for learning purposes.

    Currently, It is too difficult to understand how Survivor sided or Killer-sided the game is because there is no clear indication of what skill a player is in the game. Some red rank killer matches are easy as hell while others are really hard. Its also really random from day to day. An analogy of the problem is like putting average chess player against Magnus Carlson and then saying chess is rigged for one side. We will better be able to understand whether the player playing that killer is ineffective at playing that killer and therefore does not belong in that ranking skill bracket or whether that killer/general killers is ineffective against good players and probably needs improvements.

  • I believe matckmaker and ranking is abysmally bad, disgusting and shamefully so. I don't think it's killer or survivor sided, I think the devs failed at one of the core principal requirements of making enjoyable games for people; and the community often instead argues about other matters instead of that- simply because at least balance changes are actually happening.

    I have yet to see a real, genuine, thought out attempt at overhauling the core problems however.

  • Member Posts: 292
    edited December 2020

    The game is survivor sided if the killer plays according to the survivor rule book and plays for points. Now if you're actually playing to 4k regardless of any means then the game can be killer sided and just a one sided massacre with Top tier killers. Be it slugging, camping, etc. There's a reason a Slugging God nurse is just insta DCs.

  • Sad thing is the game is survivor favored, but it has gotten better. Unfortunately, the devs are starting to swing once again in the Survivor side. This is coming from a Survivor main. 4 out of 5 matches I can escape with one or two hooks occurring and survive the match before the Killer can stop me and my friends. The game has become boring and that is why I stop playing.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Matchmaking needs some over hauling first...

  • Member Posts: 526


  • Member Posts: 244

    LOL if anything that shows it's killer sided. Cause BALANCE would mean 50% kill rate and 50% escape rate per match.

  • Member Posts: 24

    I guess in a way the game is swf sided. The amount of power red rank swf has is pretty big compared to the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    The game is SWF sided not survivor sided. The devs try to balance the game around solo ques (which is fine) but they don't add countermeasures for SWF abuse. Object is a perfect example of this, in solo que it's a meh perk that can help you or hurt you but in a SWF it's easily the most broken perk in the game, the entire team knows where you are at all times and the killer only knows where one person is. I can go on and on about this (soul guard + for the people x4 is also broken af) but yeah, SWF sided isn't the same as survivor sided.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Only at the highest ranks. 4 really good committed survivors swing the balance to the survivor side.

    But, have you played solo q in awhile? The hook suicides, dc, ######### gameplay, lack of work on gennys, swings heavily to the killer's favor.

    So, against optimal survivors it is, but a decent killer can 4k against the majority of survivors, especially against a true 4 man solo.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Yes but it has to be. There must be four times as many survivors in the game and if the game was not survivor sided it would die.

  • Member Posts: 868
    edited December 2020

    same survivor sided as this forum

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited December 2020

    It isn't becoming survivor sided, it always has been. This is agreed upon by almost all the high rank/high hour community.

    Is the game less survivor sided than it used to be? Of course

    Does that mean it's balanced now? Definitely not.

    Killers can look stronger because the average survivor is really bad. However if we had a match of equal skill really good survivors against a really good killer, the killer will lose almost every time bar some off scenarios such as playing Nurse etc.

  • Member Posts: 868

    He won’t lose. He won’t 4k but probably 2k. The problem of killers is they think win is only 4k

  • Member Posts: 156

    The only instance when it's survivor sided is when a killer goes against SWF. When going against soloq players I would say it's even.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    That's not what they think, that's what people think they think.

    If he gets that 2k it's only happening from some heavy camping or tunneling, I wouldn't call that balance.

  • Member Posts: 28

    An easy fix which can negate some of these problems are:

    1. Give the killers the option again to switch to another killer inside lobby. What is even the point on locking killers? Not affecting ranks, not affecting survivors since they can't see you switch anyways.
    2. Please show which people are an SWF group. That way killers can prepare themselves with moris, certain perk combos, etc. And if they don't even like it they can dodge the lobby if they really feel like.


  • Member Posts: 2,677

    There's a really long answer to this but I'll keep it short and sweet. Yes.

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    At it's core, yes.

    Killers win because your average survivor (SWF or Solo) is trash. Against people who know how to play the game properly, utilizing pallets/loops and gen placement to their peak efficiency? The game is survivor sided. Plain and simple.

    Which makes it easy to spot everyone in here who doesn't know what they are doing as survivor. Cause they all answered "no".

    I wonder why.

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    As someone who plays both sides, yes, yes it is.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    In certain cases, yes. Some maps are still a bit BS for killer, like Disturbed Ward (although that map has the RNG issue with deadzones too, so it's kind of even? but the main building is broken af)

    In other cases, I feel like it can be really killer sided. Especially if there's no obsession. It's so easy to tunnel someone out of the game in the first 2 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    Depends on the survivor, depends on the killer. 90% of survivors are just average or below average, including SWF - you get rare really good survivors, but if you are smart in picking your chases that doesn't do them any good in the end. If they all happen to be really good survivors, then they should win. If you expect to own 100% of the time you are playing the wrong game.

  • Member Posts: 395

    Only at the highest level (which doesn't include public matches with crossplay on). Standard pubs probably favour killer on average in my experience, but crossplay off/tournament matches favour survivor heavily. But in red ranks I only get a proper good team once or twice every few weeks or so, so atleast 95+% of matches are easily winnable

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    So long as SWF is a thing, without any form of balancing, the game will always be survivor sided. No way of getting around that.

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    It also doesn't help that the literal built in win condition in the game (pips, not that they matter, but still) can literally not be achieved with less than at least a 3k at red ranks. Hell you don't even get it by 4king sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Slowly?! They've been on Operation Warp Speed Nerf for a few years now.

  • Member Posts: 64

    I'm mainly not a killer (16 prestiges on survivor, 1 on killer), but I still heavily believe that this game is survivor sided. Survivors have many perks that waste the killer's time and there is almost no counter to them. I have also seen a very clear bias in how long it takes for the devs to nerf survivor loadouts versus killer loadouts. I believe that this mostly comes from the fact that survivors make up most of their playerbase. Survivors can also bring items which drastically change the outcome of a match (crazy gen speed toolboxes, super fast and still efficient med-kits, ultra rare add-ons). Ruin and undying is practically a necessity at this point. As a survivor, I like to run fun builds, not meta builds, but I still find myself feeling bad for the killer when I have things like decisive (which doesn't punish tunneling at all btw) and syringes, toolboxes, or styptics. I could go on and on about things like this but I think you guys get the point by now.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Yes, it is.

  • Member Posts: 416

    Unpopular opinion that's probably already been said:

    This game is RNG sided.

    Sometimes you get the best setup to work with, and the game progresses like a dream.

    Sometimes all Hexes get cleansed immediately and the Gens are done on three minutes with no hooks because you were playing a killer for the first time at rank sixteen against a four man swf in red ranks.

    That's just how it is. I hate it, but all I can do is shut up and take it, really.

  • Member Posts: 354

    The game is more balanced than it's ever been, but it's still in the survivor's favor.

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