Killers, what do you think of the mori changes?



  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Good. I can actually use all my Ebonies without taking a giant karma hit and games against Ebonies are actually worth playing now.

    I genuinely, earnestly don't understand why everyone's smashing their keyboards proclaiming they're absolute worthless garbage trash worst item in the game, since it allows you to take out death hook people no questions asked, no problem, no DS, no BT, no flashlight or pallet saves possible, no second chance, just do it right then and there.

    Are they just salty that an offering (an OFFERING, same slot you use to remove 2 chests and very very slightly reduce hook distance) isn't a free win button anymore? Salty that going hGHNKhNKHNKSDFGKH KeYs and casting Whataboutism at 9th level hasn't deleted keys from the game yet?

    Who knows.

    Good riddance, though.

  • FondaDix
    FondaDix Member Posts: 173

    I'm a killer main and it hasn't changed much. I will say that it made the challenges in the archive "kill so many survivors by your hand" more difficult. That being said I always had handfuls of ebony mori's since I never used them. Winning with them was never really winning, so what's the point. I will say now that you can only use them on the final hook they should give you more blood points as opposed to less since they have been rendered useless.

  • ast2astRegMgr
    ast2astRegMgr Member Posts: 124

    I used mori’s in yellow and green ranks to get back at people that brought items in especially 4 flashlights but it got boring so I hardly used them after that and don’t use them after nerf. The thing that I laugh about most is to here streamers say now that mori’s have been nerfed I can use them and not feel guilty because of the nerf well just because you brought an ebony doesn’t mean you have to mori off first hook. With the nerf now you can’t mori of first hook no it’s death hook only

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    It's a really good change.

    Mori's are still powerful as they bypass death hook defenses (DS, UB, sabotages, etc) but are no longer free wins for killers or extremely oppressive and frustrating for survivors.

    Those who call the change making mori's useless really don't know what they are talking about.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    I really wish the drama queens of the forum would get removed.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    They were to powerful before they changed them. But right now they promote a camping playstyle; if you really want your 3-4k by a mori you just need to force second state on first hook which is quite easy. First hook mori's are unfun for survivors and you can technically still do exactly that.

    I would have liked trying out something like the mori becomes active after 2 gens granting 1 stack to mori and than after each gen that gets done you get another stack. Plus granting a stack after hooking twice (not necessarily the same survivor). And limiting stacks to 1-4 depending on what color mori you took. It promotes tactical play from both survivor and killer.

  • Theninjajesus
    Theninjajesus Member Posts: 99

    *A* fix needed to happen. *THIS* fix was garbage. It took me all of 30 seconds to think up a more effective system.

    Every two hooks gets you a kill to use. Tentative additional restriction: the survivor had to have been hooked at least once to use the kill.

    As things stand, setting it to two hooks per makes it less time consuming to find a hook and death hook them rather than kill a survivor. Don't be surprised if they announce virtually nobody has used Moris following these changes, and they are going to try to figure something else out now.

    In essence, I think the Devs are going to make more work for themselves by taking the "easy" solution.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    As a killer main I hardly ever used mori, but think the change wasn't the best idea!

    Ivory Mori shouldn't have been touched imo, Ebony Mori was over kill! I think they should have made it to were all survivors need to be hooked once.

  • lupo_grigio
    lupo_grigio Member Posts: 126

    nothing really, i dont usually bring it, and when i used it, it was just for the lols, so yeah, just a shame how they nerfed this and not keys

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    I play both sides and never used mories as killer. It doesn't affect me at all. I never used to buy them in the bloodweb and I still won't so it literally makes no difference. They were broken and now they are balanced and can still counter DS and Unbreakable on death hook.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    I never really used them. People would either dc on loading screen or give up on hook. Its usually just there for daily challenges. Its a waste of bp. At this point it should be on the base kit or at least the yellow mori.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    A big problem is they left the ebony mori ultra rare. Now in lvl 50 bloodwebs you often only see the completely worthless mori as the ultra rare item.

    How is that worth an ultra rare?

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499
    edited December 2020

    They should have just removed them if it was only an animation. And they should be common offerings.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904
    edited December 2020

    Why should they remove them if players enjoy the animation? If the mori animations do nothing for you personally then don't use them. You're not losing anything and the players who like the mori animations get to still enjoy them.

    Win win.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    They are useless right now except for some very few edge cases -- like killing someone who you know has DS. Why would you get an item that is useless? Don't.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    no d/c's from yellow moris or shrouds and i can actually use the other moris without delayed d/c's. its a change for the better for sure but

    now that killers can no longer lower the victory conditions and survivors can it is a bit unbalanced

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Bugged it, with 5 stacks you have the green/ebony restrictions too afaik, i.e. they have to have been hooked twice

    Wrt the changes I'm fine with them although they're kinda unimaginative, which is why I'm perplexed that it took this long. Why does increasing the hook requirement by one literally take years to do?

  • Sodahead
    Sodahead Member Posts: 99

    I only used them with 4 blendettes dressed the same in my lobby.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    Nerfed to uselessness with the laziest change they could have implemented. Throw it in the pile of useless that the majority of addons/perks/offerings sit in, crap that just gets in the way of getting the things we actually want when we level.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Amazing change.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    He chomps your head. the only only thing that doesn't make sense is you still have a head when he's done. Still pretty awesome

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    when I play killer I hardly ever use them unless I get bored of watching the entity take people away and I want a cool kill animation. so the change doesn't really bother me.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Who cares. I haven't used a mori since 2016.

  • Shiartu
    Shiartu Member Posts: 45

    I really love, how they stomped Mori'es. It just made that trial unfun, mostly for suvivors ofc. It was gameover before the match started.

    Im glad both as a killer and as a survivor, that mori has been "removed".

    Now they need to do something about keys, i think its so disgusting how many survivors have keys with them, i think it is borderline toxic to bring keys, when mories have been nerfed. Its like sticking it into the killers face, ha ha, mories got nerfed, but keys didn't.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2020

    I mean they were one of the most broken things in the game? What is there else to think?

    Like there is no defense for leaving them the way they were, if you notice even the people making a stink about it have no real argument they are just saying "Well survivors ____" or "Keys keys keys" and such, or other pointless things totally not related. They were broken, now they are not.

    Given by the amount of killers taking Mori's and then rage quitting at the gate when they haven't killed anyone; I think is proof that they made the right call.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    If YOU want mori nerfed, and it got nerfed, so u should be happy. But u sound salty.

    Why cant just leave keys alone?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    While i played killer, i am a survivor main. My opinion:

    Moris sure needed a change, because the ability to remove just one survivor early from the game changed the game dynamic highly in favor of the killer, to the point where it became unwinnable for solo survivors (unless all of them were experienced).

    However, moris now are basicly useless. The problem that comes from that is that other unbalanced parts of the game that could be handled with moris now can´t, swf for example. For a killer main that might not be the biggest problem, for part time killers it is.

    The other thing that comes from that is a changed game dynamic. Since the change, i only met survivors that seem more confidant, and do gens why faster. My survival rate shoot way up. That might be just lucky random allies, it might be a trend. (But also coincidented with rank reset, so maybe it was just luck).

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 670

    i don't really see anything different, as i use mori's strategically anyway, and i always wait until death hook to use them, like i've already been doing so. so this change didnt really affect me, though i can't say the same about others!

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    They're fine, now they need to change keys soon or people will start calling BHVR out

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Is that the definitive answer, for me Mori's was a tool not a weapon.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    You don't win moring someone off the first nor would you get the trophy, that's just lame trolls being lame trolls.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    LOL moris are just for animations why not make the key have a animation but not open any hatch lets do that also make key a offering

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    I've only ever used them to complete daily rituals that required it so, the nerf isn't a huge deal to me, but it does seem heavy-handed. I agree with many of the alternative solutions people have suggested. As is, they're not worth the investment of BP.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649
    edited December 2020

    I'm ok with them. Not broken anymore, and can still couter ######### like 59s DS at open gates or pallet/flashlight save, so i still don't believe they are useless.

    They do need some tinkering... Like how much they cost, why not make them more rare and replace them with bps so we all get points, maybe some other stuff too.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I don't like the changes and I think that they should have left Ivory as it was and only make it so that Ebony Mori needs 2 hooks.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited December 2020

    I have no control over the change to moris. The devs stated that they don't want moris to have a large effect on gameplay: moris now provide a little bit of a counter to things like DS and flashlight saves, but their main purpose is for the animations. (Moris can also be used to complete the Daily Ritual for 60k BP, but I've personally always used Rancor for that so it slipped my mind.) The devs knowingly changed moris for that purpose.

    The OP asked if he should spend BP on moris. I told him their new main purpose so that he could decide for himself whether or not they're worth it.

    Edit: I can't find a source so I'm going to assume I misremembered and the devs did not specifically say that, it was either rumors or I'm inferring it from the mori change itself.

    Post edited by TragicSolitude on
  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    So they were never meant to impact gameplay (sigh) I got yelled at for using Rancor,this person was so mad he told me things about this community,some of them we're even true and I'm not blaming you , I mean was thats what the devs confirmed or just rumors.

    Do you think it's underhanded to use a mori to win?

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    because keys are broken as well they allow a loosing group to make an escape and WIN without any notice or counter play . NO using franklins is not counter play it is just damage control. Keys need to be changed. if they are not changed in the near future I am honestly expecting a good amount of the killer player base to leave and not look back. and I don't want to hear it was an easy change to make so why not push it early? yea no one will mind that we haven't even thought of how to re-work keys! we'll leave them be and "PROMISE" to re-work keys just like we did 3 years ago when we nerfed mori's originally! YES! this is probably what they thought about when they thought the mori change alone would be a good thing when (no they are not the same thing but they are roughly equivalent and most that talk about one talked about the other too!) deciding to do this.... I don't mind the change but they need to change devour hope so it works since the change but they haven't done that yet either that's a simple change... rancor is not affected why not change devour to mirror rancor's kill ability? simple change that should not have to have waited two + weeks for it to be implemented

  • MommyDeRose
    MommyDeRose Member Posts: 74

    Should have just removed ebony mori and kept the green as it was. Green wasn’t a problem, ebony was stupid and blatantly unfair. Now they are pointless and just for a kill animation.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 425

    They should've made Cypress Mori baseline and taken out Ivory Mori. Since they all work the same now there's no reason you'd ever use an Ivory or Cypress Mori. Ebony Mori does it all now so the other two are more of a waste of BP than anything else.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Disappointed, offended,

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858


  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    Personally, love it. I think the rarity might need reduction but I am so glad that all killers no longer have instant mori off hook. As a killer main, I would only use moris for challenges and even then I would wait till last hook. It feels necessary

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Crud, I could've sworn I read a comment by the devs themselves, but I can't find it through the search. Since I can't find it, I'm going to have to assume I was misremembering and the devs themselves never said anything about moris other than they are easier to change than keys. Sorry, I guess it was rumors. Damn it's hard to keep track of stuff on this forum. The closest I found (which isn't very close) was MandyTalk saying there wasn't much survivors could do to counter moris:

    I wouldn't say it's underhanded to use a mori to win. It's part of the game, it's there to be used. It'd be weird to use a mori for the purpose of losing.

    Back before the mori change, it sucked as a survivor to get tunneled off the hook and mori'd, but it was the most efficient way to use a mori; any killer who didn't do that was playing nice.

    Moris now are cool animations that allow killers to counter a few things: DS, Power Struggle, flashlight saves, and bodyblocking the hook. It's useful, but nowhere near as powerful as it used to be.

    I've also had people get mad at me for using Rancor. Back before the Decisive Strike rework, it was my favorite way to counter DS (or get revenge on someone who used DS). Now I just use it for the Daily Ritual.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Unfortunately,I relied heavily on the old moris,for an opportunity to 4k.Its rare that, I use them on first hook because I know how it feels to moried first hook ,only time I'll first hook kill someone I'm either really mad about something or I'm losing and moring is my only option and even if I'm losing it's a good chance,I wouldn't first hook mori you.I think this will put the game in a more competitive state tbh.

  • Zylance
    Zylance Member Posts: 64

    Pink mori was so rare to play against, it was NEVER a problem. It added something to the game that made toxic people abit more careful, witch was a good thing.

    I rarely used it myself, but I play to relax and have fun. Killer isn't fun when 2-3 people always seem to be on com. Then I need to play sweaty😒

    All in all. I miss it, and would welcome it back.. even as survivor main.

  • Zylance
    Zylance Member Posts: 64

    Also now in most cases it makes the killer waste a few more seconds than just using the hooks, so its absolutely stupid to buy them in the first place.