Will people stop saying Spirit doesn't take skill?



  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Maybe survivors should just adapt and git gud

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "To get good at Spirit all you need is a good headset."

    Well then...

    "To get good at Nurse/Huntress all you need is a mouse."

    Because it's true. Nurse/Huntress with a mouse is literal EZ mode. After being forced into crossplay and seeing the BS hit registration from Huntress hatchets (aka generator sized hitbox) and Nurse blinks (the kind where she hits you before she even reappears from a blink, never seen a console Nurse get these kinds of hits and I know some of the best on Xbox), I've honestly lost all respect for PC Huntress/Nurse players. Slinger too I guess but I never had respect for that bastard.

    If you can't hit a hatchet or a blink 100% of the time with a mouse sell your PC and take up some other hobby please.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2020

    He was also playing against complete POTATOES that game. You'd never be able to do that against actual good survivors. He 100% cherry picks his games for YT.

    Survivors that fall for the stand still trick are potatoes. Literally all you need to do is break for the next loop and force her to phase without having LOS while she starts phase. I never understand how in the hell someone could think slow vaulting a pallet back into her, or ######### me just staying at the loop and trying to play HER game is ever going to work. Just run away it works most of the time. Unless she has speed she usually can't catch up to you before you make another loop, unless you have really bad positioning.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Spirit doesn't need skill.

    I am living proof of this.

    I do not have a working headset. Surround sound is enabled and functioning and yet half of my headset does not work. If anyone is to my right I cannot hear them, at all.

    I only play spirit in a voice call with loud people. It takes a lot of effort to hear people. I don't use add-ons, or stridor.

    I still 4k almost every single game as her, despite the fact she's the only killer I have level 50 that I never play.

    She does not need skill to play. I will continue saying that until someone proves me otherwise.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Spirit requires a lot of solid game sense and strong prediction of survivor tactics; you can't dominate with her if you don't know what you're doing, same as any killer. Her skill floor is a lot higher than, say, Nightmare or Doctor, who both perform really well in the hands of inexperienced players because their tool kits are inherently very forgiving and let them find survivors easier. You're going to eat a lot of crow as Spirit until you understand a lot about what survivors are likely to do, and know a thing or two about the habits of the specific survivors you are facing.

    People just say things take "no skill" when they're being edgy 17-year-olds who want to feel better about their own mistakes, and would rather blame a loss on the system.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    It's called an exaggeration. Yes it takes a little bit of skill. But not much and when you do learn you're ridiculously overpowered especially against solos.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Spirit takes skill to a degree. But Stridor spirit absolutely does not. The only part of a spirit's skill (outside of normal killer gameplay) is tracking survivor's when phasing.

    The thing is though, spirit has many unskilled areas, including:

    • Stand still 'mind game'
    • Passive phasing (can get her free hits at small loops with absolutely zero skill included).
    • Stridor spirit (and possibly Spatial sound enabled). If the killer can easily hear you breathing and can spawn right on top of you, survivors can't really outplay it.

    But at least the unskilled AFK window strat and bump into survivors whilst phasing strat are no longer possible.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    I think she does take some skill but there is a big difference between a Spirit and a Spirit using a headset. I like the mindgame aspect of phasing a lot but I think the audio part should be removed during phasing so it becomes more of an even mindgame where you're guessing based on your own judgment and visual cues.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Exactly but I don't think egotistical survivor mains are ready to admit that's facts yet.