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How did they mori me without having a mori equipped?

Literally made an account to ask this because it just makes no sense to me.

Long story short, we all spawn on Haddonfield and quickly learn the killer is Legion, and in no time at all he kicks our asses. He mori'd three of us. Went to the post game screen and saw he had no mori equipped? I'm curious as to why he was able to do that? Do you NEED a mori equipped in order to mori people or is there something I'm missing?

I apologize for the over usage of the word "mori" know. Gotta make a point somehow.

Best Answer

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    Answer ✓

    Yeah, "exposed" is one of those terms that makes no intuitive sense. Exposed means that you can be downed in one hit; there is a skull icon on your HUD that will indicate when it is currently applied to you. Most exposed effects, such as Myers' tier 3 power or Haunted Ground, have a short duration. Hex: Devour Hope is permanent, unless the totem gets cleansed.

    Here is a list of things that can kill survivors:

    If this was Legion, and they had no mori offering, Devour Hope is the only thing that makes any sense based on what you have described.
