How To Be A Well Mannered Killer?

Yesterday was my first day playing DBD on PC. I've played for about two weeks on XBOX. The one difference I have noticed thus far: End game chat.

I was called all sorts of fun things at the end of one of my games last night. Camper and hacker being some of the nicer terms.

Here's why, sorry for the length:

I see Claudette from the get go. I am able to get her onto a hook. I start walking away because a gen pops in the distance, but I hear her trying to get off the hook behind me. So I turn and watch her until Daddy Long Legs start to show up due to failed attempts (almost struggle but not quite yet). I was there for maybe 3 seconds. I wasn't trying to camp by any means. I just figured if she's going to have the audacity to try to jump off right then, then I'm justified in observing her. So I go to check a nearby generator. I have the crows, one of them alerted me that a player was in that general area. Naturally she is rescued seconds later. I am able to find her very easily and I hook her again. I start looking in nearby lockers for her rescuer. She gets rescued again while I'm checking lockers. I'm able to down her and start carrying her to a hook. Two survivors block the hook and she wiggles free. I down one of them, and hook him. Then I look around for the other two players in that area. The fourth player unhooks him and they're able to escape through the gate. They burned through those generators. It was maybe a five-six minute game total.

End game chat comes up and they call me a camper for staying in that area. They also express their opinion of me in a very vulgar light. Even though I was actively looking for other survivors I knew were nearby. Then they said I had to be a hacker if I knew they were nearby. 🙄 Perks and eyeballs don't count I guess.

Anyway, should I have simply run off in the beginning instead of waiting the 3 seconds to see if she was going to get off the hook when she was actively attempting to do so right in front of me? As a new player, hindsight tells me I should have focused on the gens more so during that specific match. I legitimately thought they were using her as a distraction due to how easy it was to capture her.

Please productively criticize and give tips. I'm not trying to make the game any more "unpleasant" than it needs to be for other players. I would love to be a well mannered killer. 🤣



  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    First off, never let people get to you in the EGC. They want a rise, and I'd advise just GG'ing and leaving it at that. As for the hook situation, honestly, if someone decided to try unhook in my face, I'll stay and watch because they could have Deliverence (Free Unhook). And you'd be VERY surprised how many red ranks have no idea how certain killer perks work. Spies being a big one. I've been called a hacker myself for using it because it let me track someone in Hawkins once. You'd think someone with 2000+ hours would understand how a perk that's been in the game from the start works. As for the camping, I wouldn't say you camped at all. You knew someone was in the area, and you searched. Because you couldn't find them, rehooking the one you found was the best choice, otherwise you lose pressure all over again. People like to throw around camper and tunneller often, despite many doing it for the reason you did. Because they're still in the area. But overall, just play how you feel is best for you. There is no right or wrong. Just many survivor mains would rather you play by their rules (AKA Stand in a corner until your given permission to play)

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Do not concern yourself with the opinion of the sheep. They will whine no matter how you play.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    If you want to be a "well-mannered killer" as you put it you still need to strike a balance. You can't be excessively nice all the time, and even if you are, you'll get told off sometimes anyway.

    "I just figured if she's going to have the audacity to try to jump off right then, then I'm justified in observing her."

    You are, yes.

    "I am able to find her very easily and I hook her again. I start looking in nearby lockers for her rescuer. She gets rescued again while I'm checking lockers. I'm able to down her and start carrying her to a hook"

    This is on her teammates, first for recuing her then hiding, then for farming her, although they at least came to her rescue at the end. What you did wasn't "wrong" but hooking the same survivor repeatedly will likely get you told off in endgame chat (although nothing that happens in-game justifies being called horrible crap in endgame chat) If you're new you might not be aware of a popular survivor perk called decisive strike or DS, which you'll see a lot more of with higher ranks survivors which will punish this a lot too, trying to hook a recently unhooked survivor will free them and hit you with a five second stun. If a survivor is unhooked near you, it's often better to just down them, leave them there a look the other one (survivors don't like this either, but they don't hate it as much as being repeatedly hooked)

    as for endgame chat, you can ignore it completely and always keep it minimised, or participate and just say gg and leave if they're salty. Report if they start getting really nasty. Try and be "gracious in defeat, humble in victory" as someone on here put it. The salty ones want to get into a screaming match with you, but there's no need unless you particularly enjoy that.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    by killing them, as fast and good, thats a well mannered killer, any other than that is a survivor complaining.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    The only things I can think of:

    1. Hardcore camping is frowned upon as, without BT it's not always possible to save a hooked survivor and protect them from being tunneled.

    2. Tunneling as mentioned above, feels awful. I get it though sometimes it just happens, especially when there are more than one of the same character or they look similar.

    3. Slugging is also frowned upon but I feel like it's so commonplace nowadays that survivors need to get used to it and bring any one of the plethora of perks that can counter it (This is coming from someone who plays survivor way more than killer). That being said, it does feel awful when a killer attempts to slug all four survivors but imo that's a high risk high reward move bcuz of unbreakable + other perks.

    All of these are, unfortunately valid tactics and you can't be in trouble for ever using them. If anything survivors will just be really unhappy. Like I myself, it feels really bad when I get camped on my first hook and then tunneled immediately off it when my friends save me, and then hooked again and camped like, it's just hook simulator 9000 and at that point, my friends or solo q survivors with any brain cells + kindred will just give up on me and work on gens. Also hidden 4th:

    4. Hitting hooked survivors

    This is just gross behavior, don't do it.

    Now moving on to survivor things:

    1. Tbagging, literally no reason to do this ever unless you want the killers attention like a tank using provoke I guess and 9/10 times it isn't used this way lol. Much like killers hitting hooked survivors, this is just gross behavior.

    2. Flashlight clicky clicky, personally I don't see how this is toxic but a lot of killers hate it. I even see some killers who say: "bringing a flashlight at all is toxic" which I find funny since there are literally so many ways to counter flashlights and imo flashlight is a VERY high risk high reward item as opposed to something like medkit. Alas, I digress.

    3. Legitimate gen rushing, the kind where survivors refuse to help their hooked survivors and only work on gens (Of course, exceptions can be made if the hooked survivor is being face camped and subjected to tunneling etc).

    4. Chaining stun perks for fun and not doing objectives. Basically when two or more survivors play with the killer instead of going gens which is extremely unfun for the killer and technically holds the game hostage. Very bad behavior.

    I might be missing some but those are the main things I can think of off the top of my head. The killer ones are unfortunately things that can't be helped, they happen naturally sometimes and it takes a lot of self control to not do some of them lol so expecting ALL killers not to do each of them a little bit is asking a lot imo.

    Survivor on the other hand, there's no reason to do any of those things and yet, so many do. I don't get it personally.

  • UnicornImperium
    UnicornImperium Member Posts: 17

    Forgive my ignorance, but what is tunneling? Focusing on one survivor?

  • UnicornImperium
    UnicornImperium Member Posts: 17

    Nevermind. I watched a video on tunneling. I feel that would: 1. Be super boring. 2. Be a stream sniper tactic.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Remember, if you are anywhere on the map after hooking, you are camping.

    Just like if the same idiot Survivor runs across the middle of the map right in front of you twice, you are tunneling.

  • The best way to be a well mannered killer is to basically let the survivors win whilst still giving them somewhat of a challenge. Chase them off gens so they aren’t stuck playing gen sim all day. Let them get pallet hits and flashlight you if they have one. Down them and hook them ONLY ONCE each. After hooking them go stand in the corner on the opposite side of the map so the other survivors can get their saving points. After they each have been hooked once you can down them ONE more time so they can get healing points. Continue chasing them whilst not hitting them until they fix the last gen and open the exit door. If they choose to t bag in the exit gate, stand there and watch them do it so they feel satisfaction with their win. The let them all leave. Also DO NOT bring any hex perks as those are all toxic as hell!!! And no one likes looking for totems anyway as they take up way too much time.

    If you use this strategy then I can guarantee you will become a well mannered killer

    Just incase anyone thinks I’m being serious here, I’m joking, seriously play however you want and ignore the entitled morons on both sides as best you can and try to have fun:)

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Look, if you know that someone else is in the area for a save, or that someone got free with Deliverance or just a lucky try or whatever, I'd never fault you for going back to the hook, especially if you're close enough to see/hear it.

    I tend to get annoyed at killers who mindlessly tunnel one person instead of going for the unhooker (since this is how I play myself... and it's bad to risk BT), but if the killer is hanging around the hook to attack a teammate who they know is nearby or whatever, I'm going to get mad at my idiot teammate for that, not the killer.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    This. You can use non-meta perks, have a 12 hook game, go out of your way to not tunnel/camp/slug, and you will still be given ######### post game. It is comical. I have been given ######### for farming with survivors the entire match, for #########'s sakes. So just play the way you want to

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    Honestly what everyone has said is more or less right. Play to win and have fun. Obviously you have no interest in rubbing cheeks with hooked survivors or obsessively tunneling one single person. As long as you maintain that mindset you really need not be concerned.

    People like to get mad when they lose, especially when it's because of themselves. There is literally no right way to win against these people. So just ignore them. After enough games you will just be able to feel who is going to ######### down your throat. Don't let it bug you. If people try and rage at you either say nothing and move on or just say gg and mean it. You'll find ignoring them or genuine kindness is the best weapon. I've had survivors apologize to me because I said ggwp as soon as the match ended.

    Be polite at best and quiet at worst. Its a video game, and there is nothing to be gained by getting upset or raging at strangers who will no longer recognize you as an individual and just lump you into a group in five minutes.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    The simple answer is: you can't.

    There will always be a person who has a problem or will lie to make you look bad. Just play in a way that you think is fine and smart and don't care about the cry babies in the endgame chat.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Sorry! I left that out lol but yeah tunneling is where you just kill the same person right off hook and try to get them out of the match as fast as possible, mostly to create a better advantage for you (1 v 3).

    The reason I think it's awful is because 1. That poor survivor and 2. It's basically the killer equivalent of gen rushing.

    Anyways, bottom line play how you want to play. Don't let anyone tell you that you are supposed to give hatch to the last survivor (Although that is a very sweet thing to do). You're the killer so kill! Like I said, sometimes unintentional tunneling happens if there's more than one of a certain character or the injured person gets blocked by their teammate (Sandbagged).

    In cases where I accidentally down the same survivor I'll just leave them slugged and go after the other person and give the other survivors time to come pick up the slug but then it's a whole slugging issue. It's hard as killer lol more often than not everything you do may be construed as unfun because you're trying to kill the survivors but don't worry too much.

    If you press the little chat bubble button next to the end game chat bar it will minimize the chat! I do this a lot to avoid negative comments when I feel like they'll be coming lol

    If they do get nasty, just remember you can and should report people for grossly toxic behavior/threats. There's no reason for that kind of behavior in a game lol. If they just complain and are upset I write it off bcuz I've been there and I know how it can feel if you didn't have fun sometimes and maybe they're just venting. So long as they aren't waging personal attacks I see no reason to feel bad tbh.

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    Most of the time, we (survivors) have back to back runs. If you've never played survivor, let me tell you it flat out SUCKS to get into a game and go down less than 30 seconds in, then go right back on. I get it, that's the game and all, but game after game it gets to be A LOT. It's frustrating to play 4-5-6 games in a row where you're camped and tunneled.

    This doesn't excuse the awful bs in end chat- people are jerks who don't have manners. Don't let them get under your skin, sticks and stones and all that. They're just salty.

    Keep your chin up, if you're cool then MORE THAN LIKELY you will run into cool survivors, too. I know I have personally blocked flashlight beams for a killer when he was dope about letting us go, and I will double back and let the killer chase and hook me at EGC if we rushed gens.

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    Tunneling is usually hooking and re-hooking one individual (to get them out of the game) with indifference to all others. The killer may hit or down another survivor but will usually ignore them until the "preferred" survivor is out and has been sacrificed on hook 2/3 times.

    Camping is usually "sitting" withing direct view of the hook and preventing un-hoomkng sequences. This is sometimes confused with patrolling (though that too can be annoying more generally more accessible).

    I hope that this clears things up!

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    I haven't had a survivor salty at me in probably ~50 or so games. I don't camp, tunnel (i rarely get hit by DS), I don't use addons. I play exclusively Demo/Trapper/Wraith/Myers. I usually give the last survivor hatch because playing survivor feelsbadman. \

    I don't do this because I want to play by the survivors "rules," I just feel like too many killers get carried by perks or addons every game. Learning to play killers without addons is one of the best things people can do to improve.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I was a killer main but have been doing survivor lately (climbed 3 ranks). As a survivor I saw a few things that I didn't particularly like.

    -tunnrling/camping drove me nuts. I was hooked 3x in a row and they stayed right in front of me throwing Hatchet and slashing me

    -post hooking attacks for no reason

    I definitely learned my good etiquette from switching to survivor but there's no hard rules for killet tbh

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    They do post hooks attacks. A TON. If it's just once it's because it stops the screaming (some killers are more audio based than others so it helps) but I never understood why they do it more than once.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I play as Elodie so I can get the first attack. But I literally had Ghostface hitting me 5 times no reason as 2 gens popped. And then I played a huntress who just stared at me launching hatchet after hatchet. Like seriously I learned a lot from this experience

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    This is what I've learned since starting to play this particular game:

    1. Don't feel the need to explain or defend yourself. Only tell the story if you enjoy it.
    2. Don't let them tilt or trigger you with their salt. They are just trying to scapegoat you for their failures.
    3. When you get crap, either say something like, "YES! Let me taste the delicious salt of your tears!"
    4. Or, be hilariously friendly and upbeat no matter what they say. That also throws them.
    5. The best thing to do, the adult thing, is give them a "good game" and compliment something honestly, however small.
    6. Or you can just ignore the end game chat entirely and don't even bother to look at it.

    As long as you aren't cheating, finishing the games you start, and are being humble in victory and gracious in defeat, you have nothing to explain or defend. I kind of take the salt as a compliment these days. I record ever game and love getting the reportable stuff. Am I being a bit shallow and malicious, taking enjoyment from what is clearly their anger and misery? Yes, I suppose I am. But that is better than letting them drag me down to wallow in their pity party as their guest of dishonor. I think that the more of us who choose to be good sports and set an example, the better things will become. When I first starting playing this game I got crazy amounts of salt. Now, it is rare. I take that as a good sign.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Why should you not use the tools available to you? Perks and addons are part of the game.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Basically. It's generally used in reference to running down a survivor that just got unhooked, giving them no opportunity to recover or get back into the game.

    Borrowed Time and Decisive Strike are part of my own usual build because that's the one thing I personally hate encountering. I also run Babysitter occasionally.

    As for the op question of how to be a well mannered killer, my main rule is "don't go easy, but also go out of my way to be an a-hole". In reference to the above, I won't tunnel off hook, but I will slug off hook, but but re-hook nor impede the pickup, to keep to map pressure if the opportunity presents itself.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Again, this is cuz survivors are toxic. Not the killer. Not sure how many more examples ppl need.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Survivors can call you camper if you chase someone who go to unhook.

    They can call you tunneler if you find survivor who was hooked recently.

    They can call you sluger when they get downed togerher trying to pick up each other.

    They can call you hacker if you find someone who don't expect it.

    Sometimes they can even blame you for 3-gen.

    They made mistake and they don't want to blame themselves. Don't take it to heart.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Not wrong though. I can't tell you how many times I've been called tunneler and camper even though I always go for 12 hook games. I've been called all sorts of names, even though I always go for the rescuer, and I try to give everyone a fair enough points. Generally enough to pip, and still get called names at the end. It's great, instead of saying gg. My favorite ones are the twitch streamers who say gg and you look at their vod and see they were calling you all sorts of names, and raging, because they can't loop for more than 20 seconds.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I use a Nvidia Graphics card so there is built in recording for it. I just hit Alt-Z and it springs into action via a Geoforce app.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Easy. Dont insult others. Thats enough.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    People don't like that's survivors play the game either, so yeah, do literally whatever you find the most fun. As long as you're not cheating anything goes.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298
    edited December 2020

    I didn't say anywhere that you can't use addons. I am saying too many killers get carried by said perks and addons and never actually learn how to play the game. I personally don't use them because I feel like killer is already easy enough.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060
    edited December 2020

    Solution: Disable end game chat.

    Survivors whine about literally everything you do to win.

    This busted "honor code" system that only killers are apparently supposed to follow is garbage. Survivors will run LITERALLY EVERYTHING at their disposal, and give precisely zero craps.


    This shaming killers for everything nonsense is starting to be exposed for what it is - survivor babies whining, as per the norm. Even looking at Twitch, survivor streamers viewcounts are plummeting faster than Cyberpunk review scores because people are starting to see how entitled they are.

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207
    edited December 2020

    I don't think you did anything wrong OP. Sure, sucks to be that guy who is always found right after unhooking and gets hooked again. But it happens sometimes, and they can run Decisive Strike to counter it. The post game chat is often toxic no matter what you do. There are some horrible people playing this game, just disable the chat.

    However, if you want to be a particularly "nice" killer (and still kill them), don't end any player's game right away. If survivor gets unsafely unhooked right in front of you, go for the unhooker (and maybe slug and leave the unhooked. Someone will pick them up, and it's still 2 people not doing gens). This is basically not punishing ''Meg'' for "Claudette's" mistake but it's up to you if you want to give another chance. There's a thin line between being well-mannered and losing if you aren't way better than the other team.

  • lKillYouSoftly
    lKillYouSoftly Member Posts: 14

    I know the pain, OP. I began playing killer weeks ago and have gotten survivors that made my life a living hell. Everything I do is apparently against the law to them. [eyeroll]

    I'm on PS4 so things are a bit different, but I highly suggest you ignore/block postgame chat. Just type "GGWP" and leave. That's it. You don't even have to type anything if they're already spamming the chat with bullshit. Riling you up is what their intention is. If they're gonna get upset over you doing your job, then that's their problem. You are not responsible for their happiness. I say this as a survivor main; they will whine about everything on God's green Earth.

    I was told that going for the recently hooked one is frowned upon due to not letting them play the game properly, especially if you hooked them at the start. Like Aquamarine said, you can try and go for the unhooker so at least 2 people are away from objectives, and they're closer to getting death hook. It's better than getting one to death hook, and then having to do the rest while gens are being popped.

    Of course, doing that is just a suggestion. If you have a strategy that works, use it.

    Although if you're nearby and their teammate knows this while still unhooking them anyway, that is their fault for not running BT. Not yours. Sometimes they'll blame their idiocy on you, and all you have to do is roll your eyes at their narcissism.

    Best of luck to you, OP. This game is full of toxicity, but I promise you that not all of us are bad. I know that's hard to believe, but trust me lol.

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    Dude, no, please stop with this. Survivor mains, especially swfs, will always say that you are a bad killer. No kills? Loser. One kill? Tunneler. Two kills and more? Camper. You will never satisfy them, so just play the game like you feel to.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200
    edited December 2020

    So, there's a lot of circle-jerking from killers here saying that you don't need to be "well-mannered" because survs are just whiny. Yes, there are a lot of whiny survs. And then there are the ones who thrash you and have the nerve to tell you you're crap at this because they got a win. It's a double-edged sword. This is supposed to be a GAME.

    That said, I prefer to play by giving lots of chances for actual gameplay. As survivor, you generally get pretty crappy blood points (which is the entire reason I started playing killer). Ending a game as fast as possible is gonna make people not like you, because they get bad scores and no points. You may have noticed this game is super grindy, and points from a single match get you almost nowhere. You don't have to farm with them, but getting very skilled with a few killers and knowing how to control match tempo is helpful. I prefer big, loud, fast killers (Oni is my favorite) but if you're god tier as a Ghost Face, work that. Contrary to popular belief, killers have a lot of power, especially if you know how to make the most of their abilities. You can try what one dude said, not using add-ons, but I like the way they can change up your ability and they're kinda fun sometimes. Just don't count on them for your power, because that poster was right about people relying on them too much. Even a face-camping trash Bubba will get wrecked by skilled survivors if he's relying on those totally wack add-ons they love to use.

    The more you rank up, the less matches will be skewed toward you, though. New survivors are often too timid or make very bad decisions, making them think you picked on them. If they're smart, they'll learn. If not, they're just doomed to be toxic, but hopefully you'll outrank them. I'd say things get less nasty with higher ranked survivors, but that's when you get the 4-player SWFs that will thrash you, then drag you in chat for being "bad at killer." You're not, they're just more powerful with communication. If they bully you in match, hang your usual playstyle and go hardball. Obviously, they don't think that this is a game meant to give both sides time to do their work and be rewarded, so don't let them get theirs.

    If (god forbid) you reach Rank 1 as killer, just remember that playing badly, i.e., tunneling down a survivor that plays well, downing as many as possible at once for "easy" hooks, whatever other bad habits people pick up, aren't worth being Rank 1. I've seen Rank 1 killers make some terrible excuses for the crap they do to get a 4k, and in the end, people don't like them and tell them how they feel in the chat. Again, it's a game. Two sides playing together, working toward separate goals, but they still need each other to play. Tanking the opponent doesn't do either of you any good, it just makes for a miserable game, and if you aren't one of the absolute sickos who play badly just because they like making others miserable, don't do it.

    Some of the most fun games I've had were when I was just trying to achieve a challenge or earn blood points. The survivors might have all escaped, but I still got a good score and all the sweet BP. You don't have to be gross and sweaty and kill everyone. Some killers think it's "their job" to kill everyone because "I'm the killer," and they'll do anything to do it. No, it's not a job, it's a goal to kill survivors, but it's not guaranteed, for the same reason it's not guaranteed that survivors survive. People make decisions that might or might not be helpful, they make mistakes, stuff happens, the game ends and you're either satisfied that it was a good match, or you're not. If you are, congrats! The game worked! If not, you re-queue and hope to have a better run next round.

    TL;DR, Play the game to PLAY the game. Know that you and the survs are both important. Gaining rank doesn't matter if you're miserable or you're making others miserable.

  • Izy
    Izy Member Posts: 27

    Most of the toxic survivors just don't understand killer. Their expectations of how a game should go often don't reflect what's reasonable for a killer to try and regain their momentum.

    Survivors don't care if you 4k, they are never going to do you any favors. They will always try and stomp you. Their idea of fair is that they should be able to 1v1 you and that you shouldn't worry that there's 3 others out there.

    You'll know deep down if you camped or intentionally tunneled at 5 gens. You'll never convince them to see from your perspective. Just gg and move on.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    I hate to #NotAllSurvs you, but...

    Not all survs.

    It really depends on how you approach the game. It's usually easy to tell what kind of killer you're working with by the second chase, kinda like it's easy to tell what kind of survivors you're working with if three gens pop while you were still downing your first hook. If I can already tell a killer is looking to maximize play and do a lot in a match, I relax a little. I still don't wanna get hit, but I'll poke around, open chests, unhook and heal. I will admit to getting scared by some killers just because of the character they're playing, and pushing harder because of that, though... [squints at Myers]

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    I don't understand it. If the player irritated you that bad then get them out of the game- they have a thing for that called hooks. There is literally no reason to repeatedly hit them, unless they are t-baging for no reason, they hey, use discretion. My recommendation: why not play survivor? I'm sure that your view will change on what survivors are saying on slugging/ camping/ tunneling/ hitting on hook. *SMH*

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited December 2020

    I'll give you my own personal rule book.

    1. I don't slug for the 4k
    2. I don't face camp. (Not even during EGC)
    3. When a survivor gets saved, I prioritize the unhooker.
    4. The unhooked survivor has 15 seconds where I will ignore them, after which they are fair game
    5. If the rescuer does not take aggro, I cannot be bothered to try to find them and will go after the individual hooked
    6. In the case where I've 2 hooked a survivor within a short period of time and they did not have decisive strike, I will be lenient with them if I find them shortly after they've been unhooked. (20-30 seconds of me leaving you alone)
    7. I don't like to win because I've slugged all the survivors while they're trying to unhook a team mate. If I have someone on hook and I've got 2 people slugged. I will pick one slug to allow that group to unhook or pick up the other slugged survivor.
  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Kneel to the survivors and accept you're just there for their fun and amusement

    Anything else you do is toxic