The small PP build talk is just a manipulation of killer mains.



  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    I dont know why " S L U G " was flagged as inappropriate.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205
    edited December 2020

    I play quite a bit of killer (probably 40% of my total hours), and i generally agree with the small pp criticism of DS+Unbreakable.

    It has nothing to do with tunneling or slugging; it's an attempt to "punish"the killer for beating you. Or to "punish" the killer for your teammates doing poorly, unhooking on the killer's face, etc.

    But really, it's a strategy by survivors to essentially get at least one extra health state. That's fine, if you feel like you need an advantage to win. Just don't act like it's unfair of the killer to use the advantages they have.

    When you come off the hook, you don't have immunity -- it's a politeness thing. All things being equal, I'll usually chase the unhooker rather than the unhookee, because it makes for a more exciting game.

    But plenty of times the unhookee forgets that the choice not to chase them is mine; they act like I'm bound by some rule preventing me from chasing them, and they abuse it by trying to body block me as I chase the unhooker, self-caring, breaking a totem, or working a generator right in my face, or even just standing around and expecting me to leave him alone, etc.

    Also, when I play killer I chase whoever is easier to catch. Killers have a lot to do and places to be, so I don't have time to screw around. If your team's looper unhooks in my face and then clicks their flashlight at me I'm going to ignore that guy and instead chase the potato that I know I can catch.

    On the other hand, when I play killer I don't expect the survivors to throw the game. If I get hit with DS is just an extra 30 seconds added on to that chase. Sometimes that's enough for his team to finish the final gen so Adrenaline kicks in, or his teammates show up and take aggro, but by itself DS rarely changes the outcome for that survivor. (Although, I totally agree with the complaints about DS being a problem after gates are open -- DS can guarantee an escape with no options for the killer in that scenario.)

    I have a hard time understanding any argument that amounts to "I totally would have won if you weren't trying so hard." You either play to win and expect the other side to do the same, or you play a fun casual game and don't take it too seriously.

  • prodigy1337
    prodigy1337 Member Posts: 32

    Some people are growers and not showers. It's ok to have a small pp.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    Alright you are like 12, so probably no point in arguing further. But imagine thinking only your opinion is correct and attack people for having one that differ from you. Yikes. That personality trait.

    Therapy sweetie.

  • Kanamishii
    Kanamishii Member Posts: 19

    Killers who hard tunnel when there is no obsession are wack, yes when there is no DS you can but like me personally I only would hard tunnel if I'm having a good game then all of a sudden there's one gen left I gotta get someone out to keep pressure

  • damiennnnnn
    damiennnnnn Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2020

    What are you on about? Obviously it's just a slur against survivors most of the time but there's actual merit behind it. Just because you don't use it like others do doesn't mean a probleym doesn't exist, since you talked about scott jund you should know that people who use unbreakable+ds to do stupid ######### and be invincible. If you don't use unbreakable+ds combo to be a ######### infront if the killers face then you're not the target behind that slur.

    playing freddy with ultra slow down isn't small pp.

    playing spirit with stridor and strong add ons isn't small pp

    using insta downs on killers isn't small pp.

    This is stupid, 1. nobody says freddy with ultra slow down is fun to play as/against. 2. again nobody does this on spirit in expecting any kind of pity because they are scumbags. 3. you cant claim killers with insta downs are some how overpowered, if it is like HG or DH then yeah but that is easy enough to counter if you have two people in comms.

    You're picking fights where they don't exist, if you're a person who uses unbreakable+ds for its intended reason (anti-slug and tunnel) then nobody is saying anything about you. People who use it to be invincible in front of the killer and do anything they want because they know they're invincible are who people call small pp.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    Dog, you are dumb.

    "Small pp build is okay because killers slug, and lillers camp"

    Remember when MoM released? Yeah? Remember how broken it was and everyone had it every game because of how broken it was? Thats because strong perks just get used, and commonly you need to play ######### because of those strong perks, being a killer main, I hate slugging, I hate tunneling, I hate running ruin and Undying, but I have to run those two perks to stop people from just rushing the ######### out of me. I'd like to use perk builds that are so out of the ordinary it makes a survivor say.

    "Territorial Imperative? The #########?"

    But instead i have to run a slow down perk to make up for that, but then you get this perfect perk set combo, that allows you to just run up to someone on a hook, go down than either stand up, or get picked up and still stand up, and still get the unhook and you both run free because one of them has borrowed and is just body blocking in a door, than I down him because he was body blocking. But wait, I can't pick him up either. Why? Because he ALSO has DS and low and behold 24 seconds later heyyyy he stood up using unbreakable. And I STILL can't pick him up if I downed his camped crawling corpse because he STILL has DS.

    Meanwhile, while im trying to deal with this mess of stupid, there are still 2 people doing a Gen, and 2 people got away scott free unless I play ######### and just camp the dude I slugged. And wait the full 60 seconds, and the way you make 60 seconds sound makes me think you don't know how long 60 seconds is in that game, 60 seconds is a gen and a half with 2 people working on them. 60 seconds is 3 gens at 60-70ish% percent 60 seconds is time that a killer does not have in a match to spend ######### with one person because they have ds and unbreakable.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    The Small PP build is far more game breaking than Ruin/Undying. The Killer build doesn't alter gameplay, it just slows it down. The Small PP build literally breaks the game for the Killer in regards to that Survivor for an entire minute. To do whatever they want. That is far, FAR bigger than "a gen I left to rot lost a bunch of progress".

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    My question is, why the hell do you care about what people say about your build or anybody else's build? The internet and online games are filled with toxic people. It's a game, it just isn't that deep and the amount of time and emotion you seem to have invested in this is surprising. Play however you want, others will do the same.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696


    -Requires meaningful input from the killer to be useful (ie locating survivors/chasing/etc) which in turn forces killer/survivor interaction.

    -Requires meaningful input from survivors to remove (cleansing totems) which in turn ensures that survivors can't just sit on gens (boring gameplay) and provides more opportunities for killer/survivor interaction.

    The backlash to this combo is why we'll never see a meaningful second objective added to the game.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited December 2020

    What's interesting is that DS and UB are subject to the killers play style. If you don't tunnel, or engage with the survivor within 60 seconds of being rescued and you certainly don't slug anyone, these perks gain zero usage. There are times where I get no use out of either perk because the killer isn't playing in a way that provides the opportunity to use these one-time perks. The killer has a lot of power to nullify survivor perks. And many killer mains don't want to talk about, is the the cornerstone of people running these two perks is because so many killers go out of their way to circumvent DS. I know firsthand over the course of the last few years that some killers will openly tunnel and then slug and wait out the timer, sometimes being unnecessarily hostile and toxic about it. so I totally understand why there is a segment of survivors that will go out of their way to use their one-time decisive strike in the match against the killer who so brazenly went out of their way to circumvent it. So yes people jump in lockers and bring unbreakable to ensure some utility. Maybe stop tunneling and slugging and trying to circumvent the perks that are supposed to provide relief for these situations and survivors won't have to bring two or three perks allocated for that one situation.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    Ah, stop tunneling AND slugging if you run across the same survivor within 60s of unhook - Literally giving them the 60s of invincibility that people are complaining about (well, it's actually an enhanced version of this in your case, as the survivor never gets downed or uses DS).

    In all fairness, Unbreakable is pretty useful outside of this combo, though, as it still provides the recovery bonus (only counterable by Knock Out) regardless of whether you pick yourself up or not.

    The perks are both in the game and it's ok for anyone to use this combo, obviously, but your viewpoint and suggested solution are, in my opinion, asinine.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    It's pretty much the same with NOED. Everyone says you are a bad killer if you use it. Same goes for many other things in the game.

    Why even bother? Just use what you want

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    There is so much wrong with this post.

    Killers would not "circumvent" as you put it, if those perks were not there ALL the time. The fact they are so prevalent you can almost be 100% certain they are going to be there is the first red flag.

    "Don't tunnel or engage"

    You mean let them do whatever they want for FREE because you brought the Small PP build? No, that's a garbage argument. You just don't want to admit that Decisive Strike in its current state is weaponized. "Stop tunneling" is not the issue when you unhook someone I hooked, I spend the next 45 seconds hitting and chasing two other Survivors, kick a gen, swat off a totem cleanse attempt, and then your purple haired self runs right back into my line of sight brazenly, I down you again, but OOOOOP! Still within that minute, and I get Decisive Strike'd.

    "Don't tunnel" my [BAD WORD]

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Newsflash, there are three other survivors. You don't have to keep going after the same person especially within 60 seconds of being rescued. That's your choice and those choices can have consequences. Everyone knows how decisive strike works so no one should be surprised if they pick someone up within 60 seconds they are likely to be struck. You want to keep going after the same people within the allocated time that is well established and then cry and complain about getting hit with DS. I love when survivors bring these two perks and BT because they're not going to get a single use out of any of those perks in my trials.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I'm talking about in the current state of the game. Yes if you want to avoid DS, you need to not pick the person up within 60 seconds of being rescued. That is well established, there are no surprises there. However because a lot of killers go out of their way to tunnel and then bypass DS by slugging, it makes sense that survivors will also bring Unbreakable. alternatively just avoid that person for 60 seconds, there are three other people to go after. Even accidentally I almost never run into DS. Unless they're all wearing the same skin and I lost track of which is which. Again the reason people bring unbreakable for the most part is as a backup for killers that openly circumvent DS.

    I could list thousands of situations where I have been tunneled for no reason and then slugged. So in this case, DS was completely circumvented and nullified and provided zero relief. And some don't even care about DS, they will instantly pick you up and resume the tunnel after the stun. However I should feel sorry for killers, because for the next 60 seconds I'm untouchable they can't do anything or I'm guaranteed to escape. All of these DS topics are always about the poor killer, never about the poor survivor that is getting tunnelled unnecessarily the whole match or left slugged on the floor with no remedy. And how dare they bring unbreakable to provide some relief because that's just unacceptable.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Read my post again.

    Decisive Strike is NOT an anti-tunneling perk. Say that nice and loud so you can hear yourself say it. Because it isn't. I can, and have, on MANY occasions, interacted with other survivors, even hooked them, in that minute, and then still gotten Decisive Strike'd.

    The minute timer is WAAAAAY too long. You cannot cry you are being tunneled if another Survivor got the hook within that time limit. Tunneling is when you get TARGETED for removal at the exclusion of other Survivors. Yet for some reason Decisive Strike continues to remain active even after I go after other Survivors.

    The nanosecond I hook someone, your Decisive Strike should deactivate. It's objective proof you are not being tunneled. As it stands right now it is like getting the Gold Star in Mario Brothers, and you know it.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited December 2020

    I agree it is not an anti tunnel perk, and I'm glad that you agree as well. It is simply a grab the survivor within 60 seconds of being rescued and you will be stunned perk. It can provide some relief to tunneling, but it does have some offensive uses outside of that. I'm in agreement with fine tuning the perk to narrow the scope for tunneling but then it would need some adjustments on the survivor side of the perk. This is where people often diverge, they want to see the timer reduced but they want to see no other changes to make it more effective at dealing exclusively with being tunneled. I just don't know what that would look like, it obviously couldn't be too strong where it was guaranteed to provide total relief to tunneling but it should be more effective and narrowly tailored to anti tunnel. I don't normally agree with a lot of the suggested changes because I think they would provide tremendous value for the killer but from the survivor's perspective, who is the victim of being tunnelled would provide almost no relief.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696
    edited December 2020

    Yo, bro!

    There are 3 other survivors, my guy!

    Just let that guy go finish that gen when you have 1-2 gens left.

    IT BK!

    I don't care if people bring whatever, but the idea of literally letting someone walk away consequence free like that guy is suggestion is hilarious.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    That's not what I actually said but yes there are three other people. So why go after the person that was just rescued when there are three other people? Yes I know, there are myriad circumstances where it makes sense for whatever reason to do so. Just be prepared for the potential incoming DS. You know how the perk works so don't act surprised.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    The best suggestion I have heard so far is to reduce the timer to 15 seconds but completely suspend the timer as long as the previous victim is in a chase.

    The other suggestion is that it deactivates after ten seconds on a generator or in a locker.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    "There are 3 other Survivors!" is always a weird argument to me. It implies Decisive Strike is ONLY ever used at the beginning of the game.

    This scenario gets a hell of a lot worse when you are down to the last two Survivors. Survivor A unhooks Survivor B, Survivor B has Decisive Strike.... soooo.... I'm just supposed to let him go and I am FORCED to exclusively go find Survivor A? Weaksauce.

  • Redfortunex
    Redfortunex Member Posts: 4

    Your quote is the most honest and logical assessment of all the crazy comments... especially those who speak for another human/creator/streamer. These people get a famous for basically playing the same game we all play. I personally will never watch a streamer. I actually don’t understand the reasoning for watching someone make faces in a little box while playing the game I ould be playing. I definitely would never pay that person hard earned money either. But im off track, I play because I love the game. I remember starting out and being scared of the killer and having fun chasing survivors. I just search for that feeling. Who cares what other people say. Multiplayer games already require other players to kinda dictate your game experience. So IMO you should have as much and if not more influence on your game playing the way you want.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060

    It's a video game. "Victim blaming" isn't a thing because something happened in a video game you didn't like. Don't use real world, serious terms for actual victims on yourself over a video game. Not a good look.

  • Laro
    Laro Member Posts: 5

    Sounds like you're upset because you have a small pp OP

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    If you're going to mention something I pointed out, why not quote me directly? I'm here, actively participating and have no problem doing so despite the attempted insults and denigration by some participants in this topic.

    Again I never said any of that, firstly I can't possibly list every single scenario that a killer is presented with. The matches are dynamic and there are a lot of factors to consider. However my saying there are three other players isn't an argument, it is a statement of fact. Ultimately you have to consider many factors including the state of the game and how many players are alive in the trial. Obviously things change over time. The bottom line is you don't always have to go after the newly rescued person, in some cases you do and that's a choice you make but again that's the point of player agency. We have a lot of freedom on the things we can do, but sometimes those choices are less than optimal. You can slug the second to last survivor to bypass getting hit with decisive strike but then there's a risk the person has unbreakable and can recover, rescue the person and they escape. my ultimate point was that there are choices, whether you like those choices or not is your opinion but they are choices.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    He uploaded another video today :O

  • KyreeMyers79
    KyreeMyers79 Member Posts: 3

    This has practically nothing to do with what youre talking about, but in my opinion they made this game way too easy for survivors and harder for killers. Why do you think finding a lobby takes so long when you're playing survivor. Survivors ######### about hex ruin (before it got turned into a useless perk) so they change it. Survivors ######### about moris so now you gotta hook them twice. But survivors can still run you in loops for days. You start chasing one not one minute later 3 gens pop. Js the way this game is currently going I have no faith in it to still be popular years from now. They're making it way to hard to be a killer. Which takes away the point of a survival (HORROR) game. Ya know to be scared while playing it. Now there's nothing but cocky survivors like hey chase me.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    I see that as a counterweight to the killers "small pp build": such as undying + ruin on literally everyone, noed in every load out and etc.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    But killer mains also have a small pp build. It’s any build with Fire Up. Op ass perk

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    Jesus Christ i've never seen someone so entitled. You sound like you have only ever played survivor and played killer once when you were new found it easy to kill people who didn't know how to play, then thought killer was too easy for a hardcore gamer such as yourself? You want empathy, think about what the killer was thinking while you were being "tunneled." If I am walking away from the hook and here you being rescued, only to come back and see only you running away, im going after you. If you run into me three times and die first? Was I tunneling? No, I was just playing killer. Why should I let you have a full 60 seconds or more. That's almost an entire gen. Likewise, why should I be punished for picking up a survivor, who has had more than enough time to heal up and run away already? As a survivor, I know when It was fair for me to be downed again.As a killer, I know when I deserve to be ds'd. You on the other hand think it wasnt fair unless 3 gens got done and all 3 survivors have been hooked again. Id give a killer example, but im certain you don't play much killer. If you are unhooked immediately and get downed again, it's your teams fault, if you fail to hide and get caught 3 times in 60 seconds, it's your fault.

    TL:DR You don't know what you're talking about. Not like you will admit it, a hardcore gamer like yourself is never wrong about a game they've played for 30 hours

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It's not about the size of the pp it's how you use it.

    If you use DS+unbreakable as the anti tunnel perks then no-one will complain about that.

    When you start using it in the killers face with 60 seconds of being untouchable is when people start having a problem.

    In short, who cares about some elementary school insult, use what you want

  • tattiepicker
    tattiepicker Member Posts: 6

    I've come to the conclusion that both sides take this game too seriously. It's designed by the devs to be balanced around having fun but human nature makes us want to compete and play to win. Not 4king every game and not escaping every time is ok, there is no win or lose, just play to have fun. Surely nobody classes playing sweaty as having fun?

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Scott is a killer main who plays survivor sometimes. Otz plays survivor too sometimes, is he not a killer main? Fungoose plays both sides, and he’s not a killer main? Come on.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875
    edited December 2020

    The only people who call it a small pp build are most commonly boys who have penis insecurity issues. The whole idea of calling it a “small pp build” is to project said insecurity, to make them feel insecure and/or annoyed/angry. When someone reacts in an annoyed/angry/insecure fashion, you have projective identification.

    Funny how psychology works

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    survivors been saying that about killers who run strong perks since 2016, now that a term from killers to survivors was accepted almost 4 years later u are gonna say that?.