The Blight... Too weak?

What are your opinions on the Blight? I think he's weak now that you have to wait for your rushes to fully recharge before rushing again. I feel like he was balanced before the nerf, and now he's just super weak.
You always had to wait for your Rushes to fully recharge. Blight is one of the strongest Killers in the game.
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AscensionWho (Blight main) usually plays with only two perks (BBQ and Infectious) and wins like... 99% of his matches. I think Blight is more than fine. He's a very strong killer.
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Blight is a very strong but difficult killer. The only thing Blight needs at the moment is his first person camera moved up a bit because he just... can't see over anything. However, the devs know its too low and are working on it but that means changing a bunch of his first person animations so it might be a bit.
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Blight hasn't even received a nerf though, if anything he got a ton of buffs from the PTB.
As someone who mains blight and has played him for a while he's perfect where he is right now, if you know how to play as him he can be really powerful.
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Blight got nerfed? Since when
I thought it was just the 1 overtuned addon and the 1 addon with a secondary effect that was accidental leftover code
but also much like ascensionwho and speaking from experience a good blight can win 99% of their matches, personally ive only had 6 survivors escape out of fully powered exit gates (4 if I don't count the 2 that had 2 console players dc on them and let them go)
He is a great example of skill directly scaling with how well you can do as a killer
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For PC very good, for Console trash.
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Blight was one of the killers the devs got balanced and right.
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Blight is one of the strongest killers in the game. Personally, I think he's on the same level as Hag, Nurse and Spirit, the killers I go to for easy, consistent 4k's.
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Oh okay, I've played him on consoles and I never have any luck with him. Before when you could still rush at 1, 2, or 3 I could get downs, but now it's super difficult. Like used to you didn't have to wait for his bar to fill up to 5 before rushing again.
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He's not weak, he is just unreliable. Depending on the map and situation he can be one of the strongest killers in the game; and then be totally useless other times. His ability is a bit dodgy as well.
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Honestly, he needs two changes currently, one of which is already confirmed.
- Fix his camera, which the devs already confirmed is gonna happen
- Fix faulty collision, especially on reworked maps
While the first one isnt even required to play him well, its a huge QoL change that makes it less annoying for newer players to learn him. The devs didn't say anything about fixing collisions, but I just hope that they do work on it in the background. Although it never cost me a game as blight, maps like Ormond (with what feels like more than half of the walls unable to be slammed into) are just a really unfun experience since it can and will rob you of some hits and will cost newer players their game or make them unwilling to use their power to learn what is and what isn't possible.
The power itself however is absolutely fine, if you invest enough time into him he ends up being imo one of the strongest killers in the game, being able to keep up with the stronger SWFs, even if you don't run any Add-Ons.
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Blight is not a bad killer but he is not even in the top 5 in my opinion. I escape 90% of the time against him, maybe it's because I play him and I know which tricks he can do.
Also I don't think he needs to be buffed rn. Wraith, demo, pig and clown deserve it more.
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He's balanced.
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To everyone who says he is trash on console, its only because the frames on console are bad tbh
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You've never been able to do that though? You've always had to wait until you refilled all tokens before you could rush again.
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I play without add-ons.
With Add-ons he is strong. Without, he is weak.
I would urge those who are expressing their opinions to state whether they are add-on reliant.
Just my opinion.
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Not just that, turning is also an issue since on PC you have more range of motion and can turn faster, but i make due with what i got and id say i do pretty good.
Signed. A PS4 Blight Main
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I thought he was weak when they released him but I'm happy to say I was wrong. He has some pretty good mobility. Depending on the loop his power can end chases. The only issue I have with Blight is when I'm trying to bounce off something. I bounce off things when I don't want too and other times I don't bounce when I want too. It's like certain debris requires a direct hit to bounce while others will bounce no matter the angle.
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The only thing I don't like about Bight is how terribly he was optimized for consoles.
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And you can't flick.
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Blight is one of the killers I am confident that I could run just fine without add ons on most games the other games I am not confident on is SWF but let's be real here not every match is a military squad. Only thing weak about him is his frustratingly low camera.
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His power has 10 seconds cooldown if you managed to spent all 5 tokens. It's pretty fast cooldown actually. Also Blight usually use 2-3 tokens which reset for 4-6 seconds.
In some areas his power is useless, but he is 115 killer anyway. So you don't nessessary have to hit survivors with his power. You may just catch up to survivor and chase him as normal killer.
Blight is 115 killer with fast-rechargeble ability to sprint, and even hit. That makes him pretty strong killer.
His only weakness, that good survivors can easily juke his rush.
And you can be cucked by big yellow trees on swamp maps, which look like you can bump into those, but you just slide through. It feels like a bug which need to be acknoweleged and fixed someday.
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What are you talking about? You always had to wait to rush. Blight has never been nerfed. He has an insanely good base kit and even better addons. Blight, IMO, is a perfect killer.
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That was NEVER the case man. Blight ALWAYS had to rush at 5 tokens.
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I'm a Blight main, he isn't necessarily too weak but the lack of collision on some maps can really hurt him. I've been robbed of so many kills because of trees on Yamaoka and Red Forest as well as the Ormond snow piles in front of the main building. Also, I don't even want to talk about Swamp since most of the map is very slippery for Blight.
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That's not true. It just takes alot of practice to control your turns. I will admit it's kind of bs a PC Blight can have the turn rate of an Oni.
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Consistent 4ks yes, easy not always
though you might just be playing him in an easy way instead of challenging yourself to use your power 24/7 or in creative ways, still effective but arguably less fun of a playstyle
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don't worry a pc blight doesn't have the turn rate of oni, he has more
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He kind of can flick. It is very inconsistent when it wants to work.
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Yeah, blight it the one killer i have trouble with at red ranks. He's 'power" does almost nothing against loops and its very easy to dodge if you dont have the right addons. he's avery slow m1 killer overall
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So your answer to ridiculously strong killers is to make it harder on yourself and attempt to shame others into doing the same?
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Personal challenge means more learning and makes me a better player, just saying that challenging yourself increases rate of improvement.
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So in other words, yes.
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Blight is very strong. He takes time to learn before you can start 4King. You have to work for your kills which is more than can be said for half the other top tier killers right now.
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It really seems you want the answer to be yes so here you go
the word yes
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That's almost worse than not being able to flick at all. It works 100% of the time, 5% of the time lol
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Watch ascensionwho on twitch it works consistently.
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The only buff Blight needs is for his collision to be more consistent. I am looking at you, Swamp Maps and Ormond.
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On Console?
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No its console lol.
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I just want his damn pov fixed. But I do think he's a good killer but not in the same way that Spirit, Freddy and Hag are.