What makes you go ugh?

There are many things in the game that cause me to go ugh out of frustration, but at the top of the list is getting to face Sir Fredrick decked out with every progression slowdown perk and add-on twice in a row.
What makes you go ugh?
Oni backhooking one of the two dudes in the match with No Mither.
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Seeing someone else play my boy legion stacked with 4 slowdown perks. It's just extremely unnecessary especially for Legion.
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Watching my Lobby transform into identical Survivors with identical gear at the last possible second. It isn't that I am afraid to face this weird meme or Bully Squad, it is the principle of the thing that they are TRYING to get one over on people. Why wait till the end? If you are going to do it, just do it from the start.
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The lack of functional hit validation whenever I play survivor on less than 60 ping but as killer on more than 150 hits are even more bullshit than before.
4man Toolbox teams with DS/UB/IW, two with Prove Thyself and two with Borrowed Time.
Teammates feeding Oni and Michael their power.
Huntress' existence.
Deathslinger's lack of terror radius
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Swing Chains + Paint Brush
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Watching all three of my teammates race each other to try and unhook me while the killer is facecamping.... and I always run kindred
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Watching survivors who have way too many second chance perks be bad at the game
like seriously you need ds, unbreakable, iron will, and dead hard but still only last 10 seconds in a chase, how do you even manage that
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Getting into a game and seeing that the killer is the twins or hag
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Eating a 59 second DS is probably one of the worst feelings in the game. I guess I tunneled you hard after downing and hooking someone else.
I also hate having a 4 man slug go to a 3 man slug because Unbreakable exists. Damn guess I gotta win again lmao.
Seeing Ruin/Undying on a Nurse or Spirit is annoying as well. Then again, seeing a Nurse or Spirit is annoying in general if they know how to use their power properly.
Getting unhooked in the killer's face without BT. It makes me want to equip DS for the next 5 matches.
Pig traps getting removed in 2 seconds. Especially if they popped a gen with it on.
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Crap like this. A matchmaking system that allows it's players to fall all the way back to begginer levels, and thereby destroy newer players.
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Getting hit through pallets, I love it when I'm killer though lol
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Solo a gen. 4 gens left. Get downed and hooked. Not a single teammate is on gens. I don't understand how many survivors expect to win the game.
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My bad I see it
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With a burning, hateful passion, it’s Hag.
I absolutely despise her.
She’s vile and is long overdue for a rework/review.
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My Bond showing me my team mates are wandering around doing nothing when I am being chased by the killer.
Entering a match and seeing the sleep timer on the survivors names.
Entering a lobby and seeing a Meg in there.
Survivors abusing DS to get gens done in your face as killer or hook saves.
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Bad survivors screaming for nerfs. Git gud!
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sending someone "gg" and getting "gg ez" as a response when they were freddy running ruin+undying+tinkerer
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Scrublord face camping bubbas.
Everything else is bearable.
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Playing Killer in general
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Going against Leatherface for the 5th straight match🙄
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Red Forest/Haddonfield/Ormond offering
59 second DS. Locker DS
Probably what I hate the most - getting dedicated right as you get a grab on your screen, then you just stand in place for 2 seconds while the survivor gets distance. So instead of an instant down, they now have full health and a 10 meters headstart on you. Awesome
And playing solo queue, having a teammate unhook you 1 foot away from the killer without BT. Back to the hook I go, I guess
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Watching random solo survivors not tap-checking the 1st gen of the match for Ruin!
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Teammates leaving me to die on the hook when the killer isn't even camping.
Having a team equipped with flashlights constantly blinding me.
Freddys equipped with every slowdown perk and addon imaginable.
Getting hit when I'm on the other side of the pallet.
Basement Bubbas.
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iri head
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Survivors repeatedly unhooking each other right in the killer’s face immediately after he hooks someone, abusing (misusing?) BT
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These two are top 5 material. So frustrating to face. When I have teams like this, I just fade into the shadows and disappear.
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Totally went “ugh” during this
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-Playing against Freddy,Spirit,Deathslinger
-Playing against Objects gamers
-Getting outplayed by aim dressing
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Not gonna lie, if that was me and second stage hits.......bye bye!
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Sometimes my Xbox has lag spikes, it's cost me some chases, survivor and killer. THAT makes me go
"ugh guess I just suck yas?" 👁️👄👁️
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I knew that Claudie was gonna come save me, Nea was really tryin’ to beat her to it though 😂 smh
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- The match begins, and after a few seconds the killer has already found me. Happens all the time, my luck is notoriously bad
- Getting unhooked right in front of the killer, downed, then failing DS skill check and getting hooked again.
- Slow hook rescues --> second stage
- Team mates hiding in bushes when someone is in chase.
- Having to leave an almost completed gen when Ruin is still up
- Facing Plague. Just hate that constant vomiting
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Man, I hate when the match starts, and I'm urban evading (yes, I'm bad, but I still do my best) and I urban evade right into Ghost Face's arms. Did it against a Demodoggy the other day cause I couldn't tell what direction he was coming from, when we were face to face, he just looked at me, I nodded my head at him and he was nice and let me go.
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Also, if I hadn’t stayed and played it out then this wouldn’t have happened 🥳
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First hook Moris' when they were a thing.
Getting hit with a 59 second DS.
That moment you realize that you're getting facecamped.
Teammates purposely sandbagging.
When survivors teabag after every stun.
Getting slugged at 5 gens.
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Making it around a corner but getting hit anyways.
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Same with vaulting a window and being visibly out of reach of the killer and still getting hit.
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- When I load into a lobby after 10 mins to see default clothed survivors.
When I see a secret offering.- When the killer has an extremely bad connection.
- When I go to second stage whilst using kindred.
- When Dead Hard doesn't work.
- When I play against a Spirit.
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Spirit mains.
Like I don't blame the players, but it's not exactly enjoyable going against Spirit like 8 games in a row. It's BHVR's own doing.
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75% of the maps
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Midwich makes me ugh, cry, rage and pout.
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The biggest gripe I have about Midwich is that the exit gates never change location and there is a long open stretch between the two for the killer to easily patrol.
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Deathslinger and the Midwich map.
Post edited by GrisouOats on1 -
Huntress or Billy
Indoor maps
Ruin Undying
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That gong sound of the EGC starting when you're the last survivor and killer finds the hatch.
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Freaking spirit. The only thing good about her was the noise bug that provided some sort of counterplay but when bugs like the hill that trapped even killers last months that one was fixed in days.
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When the devs release a patch that was pretty obvious it was a bad idea.
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I actually have to agree with this. A good hag with select perks to maximize her potential (Make your choice, Franklin's etc.) feels impossible to win against..
And then on the flipside I somehow don't have fun when I play AS her since usually I'm destroying the team I go up against and feel bad lol. All that being said I still love Hag as a character / her concept.
Now then, to answer OP:
1. Any of the following killers (In no particular order): Freddy, Spirit, Deathslinger, Twins, Leatherface, Doctor
2. Survivors who farm unhook you and you just get tunneled off hook without BT
3. Keys and moris (Especially keys rn)
4. Ruin + Undying but only when it becomes very clear that we aren't going to be able to get rid of it and the entire team starts to go down as it is usually a gg after a certain point. This can also include slowdown of any type stacked up to an extreme
5. Hook sabotage. The first time it happens in a match it just really jars you you know?
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90% of the survivors I get thrown into a match with.
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Getting hit by DS after just hooking someone else.