If you had to remove one perk on both sides, which ones would you remove and why?

Personally I would remove:
Dead Hard: SUPER annoying, unreliable, braindead, and nothing more than a way to "outplay" killers by just pressing a button for free distance while potentially undermining an actual good play. At least DS has a genuine reason to exist healthwise, Dead Hard is just plain annoying and overused and imo has 0 reason to exist and be stacked with the several other extra chance perks.
Insidious: All it does is encourage camping. Insidious has absolutely no place in the game with how the community views camping and with how the emblem system punishes it. There are also several other stealth perks that are miles more fun and better to use. Sorry toxic bubbas.
Object, this perk shouldn't exist in any capacity, there is no reason to have unlimited information on the killer when 90% of this game is being unpredictable, object removes this and in the hands of a swf it free information for all 4 survivors with only "risk" to one. For killers I wouldn't remove anything that I consider unhealthy, there are plenty of useless perks (predator, blood hound, etc.) but I don't know any that are outright unhealthy for the game.
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Object of obsession, too much power for already powerful survivors.
Infectious fright, too much power for already powerful killers.
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Object of Obsession for Survivors, it´s the most unfair and unfun thing left in the game.
Toss between Undying and NOED for Killer
I´d rather have them tweaked to a reasoable level instead of removing them altogether though
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Dead Hard, it is extremely annoying.
Wouldn't remove any killer perk.
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Object of Obsession and NOED, both have the exact same issue: they're extremely annoying to deal with
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Dead Hard, because it's pretty much the poster child of the second chance meta.
Ruin, because right now it's too damn strong for no real effort.
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Dead Hard is literally stupid and it will be worse when redone from the ground up for dedicated servers. (At least change it so you CAN get hit if you Dead Hard at the killer seriously that's dumb af)
Hoarder because seriously why did this need to exist? The region of effect is so far that unless you're playing a fast moving killer you won't get over there in time and you give survivors a better chance to find something that's good for them. (as survivor I don't mind, but when killer I'm like "this is a waste of my time to get")
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Survivor: Borrowed Time
Promotes rushing hooks, farming survivors.
Killer: NOED
Free generator pressure, often encourages camping.
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Survivor: Object of Obsession. I'm not sure I really need to explain.
Killer: NOED. It's a perk that demolishes solo teams whilst SWFs can easily coordinate totem cleansing, and teaches really bad habits to killer players making them reliant on it. It becomes their crutch perk and they need to NOED camp to secure a kill and somehow they safety from it because the solos will rush in to try and save or cleanse the totem. It shouldn't exist.
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Killer - Knockout. It just encourages slug builds. Most killers I see using it slug survivors until they bleed out.
Survivor - Bond. Most players I see using this perk use it to screw over their teammates not help them.
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I would say
Object of Obsession, it's just so unhealthy for the game and gives a major unnecessary buff to swf while possibly being the death of an unaware solo.
Insidious, for your reasons. You cannot use this perk to benefit you in anyway unless it's camping.
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Wanted to give basically the same answer
I hate bamboozle so much, sucks the fun out of every chase
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Object for survivors and insidious for killer would be my pick
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Object - duh
For a different reason, monstrous shrine for killers - pure bloodweb pollution that refuses to stop appearing until I give in and just take it
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Killer: spirit fury
this perk adds nothing to the game imo. On its own it’s a useless perk that needs to charge up but with enduring you get rewarded for playing bad. Oh the survivor looped you well at an unsafe pallet and gets the stun nah they’re downed now.
survivor:self care
its annoying to everyone in the lobby and isn’t worth using. Inner strength already does it’s job better
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For survivors it would be either removing OoO or deadhard. Deadhard is definition of a crutch which allows you to press a button to fix your mess up while looping.
For killer, equally crutch NOED or insidious
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Monstrous Shrine & This Is Not Happening.
I just can’t see the devs reworking either of these to something compelling and useable, and with a buff that is not broken either.
Just get rid of them.
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Like someone mentioned above, I would remove Object of Obsession. Very unfun to play against in general, but especially if you are a Freddy, Hag or Trapper.
For Killer that would be Insidious. I know it's not used much except by some trolls, but I don't always want to be facecamped by a Bubba or a Deathslinger in Midwich Elementary School (like it happened a week ago).
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For Survivor: Object of Obsession - Abusable too easily by SWF
For Killer: Probably just NOED to shut people up, although there are far worse Perks.
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Survivor: Object of Obsession. Least balanced perk in the game, and serves no real purpose. DS at least discourages tunneling straight off the hook. BT is necessary to combat camping (and against certain killers it's still not enough). The exhaustion perks make chases more interesting, especially if the survivor is skilled at using them). Object is just plain annoying and gives the killer's position away in exchange for having your own aura revealed (sometimes). Playing Solo, the information is useless. PLaying SWF the information is OP.
Killer: Hex: Noed. If we're being honest, Noed doesn't really encourage people to cleanse all the dull totems. Nobody's really scared of Noed until it hits, and when it does most people just bolt out the exit gate. You can usually tell if a killer has NoeD based on how they play. It's way smarter to remember totem locations and find noed after the last gen pops. While it serves a purpose, I'm not sure it really fulfills its purpose. I feel like Undying fulfills its purpose better. Undying is definitely more annoying to go against as a solo survivor. But I think that can be tweaked a lot better than NoED can.
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well hate ds but i like it it just needs a tweak so imma go with dead hard
edit adrenaline
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Killer: bamboozle, stop destroying my shack, I live here :(
Survivor: Self-care just so people will bring medkits instead or actually pay DLC for inner strength or pharmacy. Self-care is not a perk, it's a drug that harms new players.
There is no "self-care can be used in the right situation". Equip WGLF and start grinding the bloodweb for medkits plebs or better yet equip bond and let others heal you.
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On the survivor side, it's hands down Object of Obsession. OoO is an unpleasant perk that I think most of us can agree should have been reworked a long time ago.
I don't think there are any killer perks which are quite as egregious as OoO (not even NOED, Ruin, or Undying), so I could agree with removing Insidious. I think it is a poorly thought-out perk that also deserves a rework; Trail of Torment is a better example of what Insidious could have been.
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How does a perk that doesn't work or appear until after all generators are done apply generator pressure?
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Shadow born because its use will hurt future killer play
No mither because it is just a trap for survivors in its current state
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Object of obsession and NOED. Both for the same reason. They are wayyyy too strong and require little input from the player
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Urban evasion for survivor.
Killer there's nothing I really care about removing. Maybe Insidious but I very rarely see that. Maybe NOED but I enjoy the stress it brings at endgame.
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So many Dead Hards. It's jank af and easy to bait out, sprint burst is a lot more annoying if you ask me.
Anyways, I would remove Object of Obsession for obvious reasons. Or Self-Care just because its annoying. Or Iron Will.
For Killers? Stridor if I removed Iron Will. Otherwise, I'd probably remove ... ??? I dunno tbh.
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Object or dead hard for survivor. Object is just a horrible perk, and its especially unfair on certain killers like stealth killers, Trapper, Hag etc. Dead hard because its just a chase extender. Most killers will bait it out, but often its used to make it to a pallet or a window. Its just such a crutch for chase, IMO.
Noed for killer. I know it can be countered by simply cleansing totems. That's not my issue. I feel like it just rewards failure.
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Survivor: Either Dead Hard or Unbreakable
Killer: NOED probably
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Killer: No One Escapes Death.
Survivor: Object Of Obsession
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Killer: Stridor so Spirit has an actual counter.
Survivor: Object of Obsession
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Dead Hard for me. Survivors use it to extend loops and get to pallets or gain more distance. OoO I can just tunnel or camp out if I don't just ignore them
Killer I would say NoEd or perhaps Pgtw . NOed for obvious reasons and pop so I don't lose gen progress.
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Knockout I understand, but bond? It's such a handy perk to use, esp as a solo Qr, if people use it to bodyblock or something (On purpose), then I've never seen it before and they should just be reported, instead of just removing a very good perk that people should use more in solo Qs.
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I agree with OoO, but infectious fright is a mixed bag imo. That perk can really screw over killers who overestimate their own abilities, so I don't think it can be abused much.
I second, or third or whatever the count is, remove OoO from survivors. My second pick is Spine chill; spine chill just needs a rework, perk is too damned strong.
For killer, remove monstrous shrine and unrelenting. They're pure garbage.
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Either Tinkerer or Undying.
A perk shouldn't massively reward the killer and punish survivor for simply doing objective.
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Survivor : Babysitter - Utterly useless, why is this a paid-for perk?
Killer : Zanshin Tactics - Why is there a cooldown on this already terrible perk. Again, it's a paid-for one. Why does this exist at all? I doubt anyone ever uses it unless they're going for Adept.
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I would remove the unlimited second chances per build. As in can only have 1.
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No One Escapes Death requires the survivors to stop whatever they are doing and do ALL bones before the last generator is completed or face massive consequences. The killer doesn't have to equip this perk, the threat of them potentially having it will have the same effect (exactly like Decisive Strike).
The main problem I have with this perk is that killers will usually destroy solo queue players because they have no means of keeping track of the bones (unless they run a perk). Since solo queue players cannot keep track of bones, they usually just ignore them entirely and complete generators because against a decent killer, we can't have all survivors checking the map and find every single destroyed totem — that's just too much time you're giving the killer.
Therefore, that's why I believe we should remove it from the game, it's unhealthy for the game because it's a perk designed to destroy groups who can't communicate. The killer doesn't even have to equip it, survivors have to treat all killers like they have it equipped. It's just a mess for solo queue, but if you're in a premade group, you have no excuse at that point to deactivate No One Escapes Death.
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Object and Insidious. Both are either toxic or trash depending on how they are used, with no middle ground.
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Object of obsession.
Insidious OR remember me, they encourage camping and tunneling.
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Ruin is too strong for no real effort, however thats because the no effort is 2 ways, both killer having passive slowdown and survivors not looking for totems to remove it
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Dead Hard because it’s extremely unreliable, yet when it does work it corrects a mistake that can extend chases that should have ended.
Infectious “play the game for me” Fright. Need I say more?
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Some posts in here made me laugh. Imagine a Survivor main coming in here and saying the two perks that should be removed is Undying and Deja Vu. So much bias exists.
I'd probably want to delete more than a couple. But I'll actually just pick Deja Vu and Monstrous Shine. Useless perks. I feel most of the two strong perks could be brought down in power level.
Oh wait... OoO exists. OoO and Stridor to just make the Spirit mains rage.
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And then Undying comes along and keeps it going, thus reinforcing the "no real effort" part because now the survivors are putting in a shiteload of effort and it's still up.
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yea but its still on the survivors for putting in effort to only find one thing and leaving behind the other totems so
still a tossup
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Not sure I'd call that a toss up, one side is putting in all the effort and the other is using tracking perks to know which generators to camp.
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Oni, nurse, tuft of hair Myers don't want infectious fright removed, killers that don't need this info mind you but you're dumb not to run it. I never see it used successfully at rank 1 by anyone else. Maybe Spirit and Freddy again killers that don't need it but can sure utilize it if they do so desire. Sure you can pop on calm spirit and call it a day but call me crazy I want to scream when I'm hooked.
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Unbreakable and undying.
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So many OoO responses.
I can tell you now though that it’s friggin hilarious when the stars aline when OoO happen to be in my matches when running TTS and Undying.
Those matches become VERY unfun for the OoO once they’re blinded.