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Fix matchmaking

WaveyTrey Member Posts: 643
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Why is it that I’m a Rank 4 playing with my friend (Rank 7) paired up with two random Rank 16s against a Rank 1 killer? Like seriously the other two got slaughtered in 5 seconds. Then we ended up dying...

Whenever I play killer all the random survivors know what they’re doing. They know how to juke, when to save, how to find each other to heal, etc. The moment I’m survivor I get lemmings and potatoes. It’s ridiculous every match I get a bunch of clowns that try to save without BT or anything. Or worse they hide in the bushes doing nothing while I juked the killer for 3 mins. I literally found a bill on Midwich just hiding in the bushes.

I NEVER fight players like this as killer. Easy BP. The moment I play killer they’re doing kobes when the hatch spawns, basement rescues, and all kinds of crazy stunts with no comms. Where are those survivors when I solo or duo queue? 🤔


  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I sympathize with you. The matchmaking is what makes this game unfun for me. It pairs up each game based on rank, but even the devs themselves stated that rank doesn't indicate skill. Until that changes we're just going to have to keep enduring this headache inducing matchmaking system.

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    If you only play solo survivor you will never have the benefits of a 4-man SWF and risk having mixed SWF and solo queue or, god forbid, only solo survivor games while as killer you are up against significantly more SWF.

    Also more solo queue in a game = higher fluctuation in skill/ranks.

  • It's been quite annoying for me as a killer. I lose about 90% of matches where I am paired against red ranked players as a green ranked killer, while it's more 50/50 whenever I'm paired against people closer to my own rank. Problem is I've been getting red ranked opponents for the majority of my matches lately, and I've nearly broken my controller out of frustration. I know they've allegedly fixed the matchmaking system to pair people using a more accurate standard than pipping and de-pipping, but this is still ridiculous.