We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

A new way to reduce toxicity

Wouldn't it be nice if, after encountering a particularly toxic person in after-game chat, that we could just "blacklist" them on a personal list? Just right click their name, click "blacklist", and poof you will no longer be matched with them. I think this would go a long way to curbing toxicity in DBD over time. ######### would steadily get longer and longer queues because of so many blacklists by other players. It would make a self correcting system. Wouldn't stop toxicity entirely of course, but it would discourage general foul behavior.


  • CloakedInKoalas
    CloakedInKoalas Member Posts: 15

    I fail to see how this is a problem. I would not want to play with someone who acts that immature. If they Blacklist everyone that beats them, they are only boxing in themselves. Again, the problem is self correcting.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    And depending on how this theoretical blacklist system works, it could potentially handicap SWF teams that recklessly blacklist for dumb reasons as well. For example, I would assume the system would take into account the collective team's blacklists, and so this could result in a very lengthy queue time indeed if not used sparingly only for people that truly deserve being blacklisted.

  • Father_Dark
    Father_Dark Member Posts: 84

    Again, self-correcting. The blacklist from all 4 survivors should be considered, regardless if it's a SWF or not. You run as survivor in a SWF, 4 people, 4 blacklists. If they box themselves in by blacklisting killers who are better than them, then they will wait longer and longer. If one of your friends is toxic, this is a perfect time to tell them, to fix their behavior or they won't run in your group due to the excessive match waiting times.

    As a killer, I don't see a down side to this. The toxic people I ban, I don't want to play with again. I don't care if they flashlight save or pallet stun me. I know when a player is better than me, but that doesn't make them toxic.

    People who abuse the system, be it as a killer or survivor, are only hurting themselves with longer and longer queue times.

    As a side note, I've had ONE game as killer (rank 8) where the red rank survivors, who were clearly better than me, at the end, said I played well. Almost every match I try to say "GG", no matter if I am killer or survivor. It's like shaking hands after a game with the opposing team. It's called being a good sport.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    This isn't a good solution, for all sorts of reasons others have already commented upon. There is a much easier solution:

    1. Don't be a bad sport, i.e. be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
    2. Ignore people who are bad sports and don't get sucked in.
    3. Record your games and report any behavior whatsoever that is over the line, and take the time to turn in the evidence.

    The company does act on these things if you follow procedure, which I admit is a pain. Is it worth the tedious process? Yes. Bad sports plague every game online and off. The only way to deal with it is to set a good example, and take the steps required to get such people sanctioned. In effect, if you do these things they will end up being warned and or banned.

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    I use self-care but i'm 100% of time soloq.

    Also deliverance because potatoes.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    I see suggestions for this a lot, and I really like the idea because I don't think toxic people deserve to play the game. But of course this feature would be abused a lot which is a shame.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    This will be easily abused and ruin matchmaking even more than it already is.

  • CloakedInKoalas
    CloakedInKoalas Member Posts: 15

    A few others here have also mentioned reasons it's self-correcting. If someone is abusing the system, they only box themselves off. As far as being good sports, this Blacklist would encourage that. if someone is mad, they won't say anything and ruin the game for others. For ignoring it and shrugging it off, this isn't a realistic option in the case of seriously toxic people. I stream my games and have had several people come into my chat on Twitch to rage at me. My audience sees I did nothing wrong, it's just these particular toxic people. I have to pause my stream for a moment to ban them. It's irritating and I would rather never be match-made with them again. I'm certain it would improve people's DBD experience all across the spectrum. Let's say one is a new player to DBD, they play killer and play poorly due to inexperience. Rather than getting awful insults hurled at them end-game (which makes them want to quit the game forever), they receive either positive feedback for improving or just simple silence. It creates a more positive, happier experience in the game rather than the cesspool of rage and anger that we have today.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246
