If the game was in a better state, what interesting and fun ideas do you have?

Happy new year everyone! 🎉
some kind of map hazard system. Maybe a frozen lake on ormond that slows you down. A crane that can be lowered and raised by both killer and survivor. Things like this to make the maps more unique
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Interesting ideas! I would like to see that you can get a cold when playing on Ormond, that would be interesting IMO!
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Instead of 5 different versions of the same map that really doesn't change much, I'd rather each realm have the same map in different states. Think of Freddy's map. We should have the basic one with the school taking place at night. A second version that is in the day during the winter where the streets are frozen over and you can risk slipping and sliding out of control (this would affect the killer as well).
The Yamaoka Estates alternate version could be a spring time at sunset that has parts that have been flooded, where wading through the water slows you down. Heck, the basement could be flooded and become even more dangerous if you get hooked there. There can be items that are found on the map that give you a temporary boost to move through the water like a one time use flippers.
The alternate version of the doctors map could be one where the treatment center has been through an earth quake. Part of the building would be in disrepair and there would be a huge crack that will divide the map with walk ways that take you over the chasm. Lighting will dance around, striking different parts of the map, giving a loud crack that will scare the crap out of survivors and killers.
More scalable objects, one time use vehicles - imagine a legion getting zooming across the map in a stolen school bus. If a survivor gets caught in it's path, they'll be put in the dying state. The killer wouldn't be able to stop until they make it to the end of its preset route. Once it's used it becomes a tile to loop around.
I'd like them to do something with powered gens, like allowing them to recharge med kits and flashlights.
The devs can do a lot, they just have to be willing to take some risks while at the same time be willing to back track after trying something and seeing it doesn't work.
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I love that idea! Would you mind posting a thread about that idea? It would be sort of weather presets.
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Rank expansion
10-1 Per color
Adjust black pips- and red pips
0-4 (Brown) - (4-6)
5 (Yellow) - (6-8)
6 (Green) - (8-9)
7 (Purple) - (9-12)
8 (Red) - (12-15)
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I remember when I first started playing dead by daylight I thought it had moris around the map lol (basically like Last Year: The Nightmare).
I'd like to see something like that to spice things up a bit.
I'd also like to see a wagering system. You wager what perks you won't run or items and you'll get extra Bloodpoints if you either escape or get a 4k in that match.
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Have add ons fully change the way the killer is played. Like plague can vomit in the air so it rains puke infecting everything around her and instead of making survivors sick it ruins their items, makes it harder to see, regress gens and etc. Instead of facing a killer with one power it could multuple. Make maps more immerse like map moris like im mortal combat
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I would but I suspect the mods would just move it to the suggestions/feedback section for it to die and disappear.
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You can first post it in general discussions and then they will move it. The thread would already get some replies when it was on the general discussions, please do it. It would probably be the first thread about that.
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I've always wanted more items. There's loads of stuff they could do, like an energy drink (speed boost), smoke bomb (smoke up an area making it harder for killer to see where you are/where you went), something to open gates faster and/or something that lets you hotwire a gate before it's powered to give it up to 50% starting progress. They could come up with so many ideas (or at least I could) and I feel like they should. Survivors aren't unique in any way and there's only one objective so giving them more stuff to help spice up the gameplay would be great. And if you count powers as the killers' items (given that they both have addons and both take up the same slot on the loadout screen) then killers have far more items than survivors.
I hate how one side continues to get more and more unique with each addition while the other side just gets constant reminders of how they're all the same and can't do anything about it