Whenever Trapper gets a rework please...

thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

...make it so he can't put a trap within 2m of an exit gate switch. This is kind of a super cheesey thing to do.

And let me make this point. YES Trapper needs a buff. I 100% agree. I think he should be able to carry more traps at base and have more things he could do with the traps maybe. Maybe an add-on that starts his traps open. IDK, he needs work.

BUT being able to put a trap right under the switch is honestly just stupid. He's the only killer that can physically stop you from opening the gate. Not even Twins can do this, and they could only do it to 1 gate even if they could. Trapper can do BOTH gates. If he closes hatch that's just a free 4k where any other killer would at least need Whispers to make it happen consistently.

Just one of those outdated things. Buff Trapper, but remove this one thing when you do please.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    The problem is that Traps make a big loud noise when you disarm the trap, which means the Trapper will know you're there. If you try to get sneaky and avoid detection, the Trapper can just reset the Trap, putting you back at square one.

  • Metalhead
    Metalhead Member Posts: 34

    Any killer can detect you hiding at and attempting to open a gate if they so choose. Stridor, Whispers, Spies, etc. there are many perks a killer can use to sniff you out that you rarely would think to counter at all that are far more effective than a trap.

    I main trapper and he is a thinking man's killer. It seems like you ran across one who was thinking ahead and you lost. No reason to nerf him

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Twins can do it to 2 exit gates though.

    Just park victor near one of the gates and controll the other one with charlotte.Either see a survivor as charlotte or wait for the killer instinct from victor

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    And when you are the last survivor?

    He basically gets a guaranteed 4k'd if he closes hatch and puts a trap at each gate. Like dude. Twins were explicitly denied the ability to block an exit gate and they can only actually block one. Trapper can block both, so what if you can disarm it he knows you are there, he just resets it and looks for you. Either he finds you or you die to EGC.

    It's dumb. And it's also super effective with 2 survivors. All he needs to do is slug if the other trap goes off.

    Tell me one reason why he should be allowed to completely block the switch.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yes but they can't actually stop you from opening the door while also tracking you.

    Also LOL at using Stridor or Spies to track someone opening a gate. You have Whispers, which can be dodged albeit it's very difficult. But if done right you can avoid it and get a gate open. Try doing that after disarming a trap.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    No they can't. They are explicitly denied the ability to physically block the gate. Yes you can have one stand guard. If it's Victor he can get kicked and you have to reset, giving the survivor a chance to get to the other gate. If it's Charlotte well you'd have to constantly switch back to her to see. The fact they can't physically block you is the key distinction here.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Hear me out:

    1-Equip Iridescent stone+ Fastening Tools.

    2-Get 4 stacks of Remember Me.

    3-Trap both gates.


    Any survivor that disarms the trap will take 36 seconds to open the door. The trap will reset in 30 seconds. :D

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yea and this kind of stuff makes it extra stupid. You could even have Bloody Coil to make it so that now the survivor is injured and easier to track.

    It's just dumb. Like why can he do this? Because he is F tier? That's honestly no excuse for this kind of BS. It's the Wobbles defense and that is just another kind of bull ######### right there.

  • Metalhead
    Metalhead Member Posts: 34

    Killer knows you're in the area, he just stands in front of the gate switch, blocking you off until whispers stops or a crow alerts him as you run for the other gate. Killer doesn't need a crow to tell him when you're at a gate, only to tell him which one you are moving towards, he can just body block or patrol the switch until you are found or move on and alert him again.

    Leave the trapper be, he's in bad enough shape as is. Start checking gates early on for traps if you know you are playing against one.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    You can make progress on the gates if they do that. If you don't just walk to the other gate and force him away from the door you can work on it before he KNOWS you are working on it. It can be done. But doing it against a Trapper is literally impossible.

    "Leave the trapper be, he's in bad enough shape as is."

    Again the Wobbles defense is bull ######### and that's what this is.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    It's for the lulz. you can easily step out of the trap before the 30 seconds mark. So you just disarm again and complete the opening. But whenever it happens to catch someone is sooooooooooooooo fun.

  • Metalhead
    Metalhead Member Posts: 34

    It's like people don't realize you can disarm a trap, get 20% or so gate progress, hide out while trapper investigates until your buddy disarms the other gate trap and he leaves letting you go repeat the process.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    If Twins can't block an exit gate why should Trapper? He is literally the only character that can physically block the gate. You haven't given a good reason for him to keep this yet.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    I would say if you're the last survivor and the Trapper played well, while also finding the hatch first, then Trapper has earned his 4k if he thought to trap the doors ahead of time while applying enough pressure to kill 3 people.

    Trapping the doors are a non issue.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    By earned his 4k you mean got a 3k and was just handed the 4th because of dumb mechanics? Because that's what this is. What if you had 3 bad survivors, you're saying no matter how good you are you should die because they all died? Literally no chance to escape. Yea sounds totally fair.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    Survivor is a team role with the option of playing selfishly. As a result, your teammates performance will affect you. You playing well doesn't entitle you to an escape. You just get a chance to escape, which diminishes the more terribly your teammates perform.

    The game is filled with dumb mechanics, but Trapper trapping the gates isn't one of them. Lots of things aren't fair, such as the hatch mechanic. Killer can play perfectly and still only 3k due to the survivor getting lucky and finding the hatch first. Heck, the killer can play decently and still lose 3 survivors due to a key.

    Both sides have ways to cheat the other out of a victory, if you have a problem with one, then you should have a problem with the other.

    Trapper trapping gates is a non-issue. It adds variety to a very stagnant game.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    Killers that can place traps shouldn’t be able to place them in front of the exit gate switch.

    Trapper, Freddy and Hag (Rusty Shackles) should be able to place them all around the exit gates and so on, but not create an almost impossible situation of escaping if you’re the last Survivor.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    This is very much an issue when there's only one Survivor left and the Hatch has been closed. Unless there's a Key in play somewhere, that last Survivor literally has zero chance of escape because that Survivor will never be able to attempt to open a Gate without the Trapper being notified of their Trap being disarmed.

  • HR_Helios
    HR_Helios Member Posts: 189

    That's the point. You've lost already. He's just sealing your fate

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    There's a difference between "you've lost" and "you literally have a 0% chance to escape." The latter isn't fair.

  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    This is only really a problem if you're the last survivor left and he's already closed the hatch. At that point you've already lost, so accept the loss and move on.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "You've already lost" does not mean "You literally are unable to escape." Even if it's difficult, the last Survivor is entitled to one last chance to escape, but that is rendered impossible if you cannot touch the Exit Gate switch without 100% notifying the Killer of your presence.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "The game is filled with dumb mechanics, but Trapper trapping the gates isn't one of them."

    Um... yes it is actually. Why is Trapper allowed to do this while Twins are not (especially when it's stronger for him)? No one has explained this yet.

    Hence why I asked for him to be BUFFED and then this removed because it's a stupid outdated feature.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    As someone that plays a lot of Freddy (and a decent amount of Hag) yes I agree 100%. There needs to be a minimum distance. Demo and Twins already have it, why not these other killers?

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    You can't compare the Trappers power to the Twins power, they are fundamentally different. All the twins have to do is run Whispers and they will have the same effect as Trappers traps. You park the sister at one exit gate while victor is at the other, now the player is notified which gate you're at.

    How different is what Trapper can do versus what Spirit, Nurse, and Hillbilly can do? If they run Whispers, they will get the same effect. All they have to do is use their abilities to zip between the two doors and watch for Whispers and bam, you have no chance to escape.

    You're forgetting that the Trapper has to take time away from chasing you and your teammates in order to collect the traps and to walk to the gates and trap the levers. You also have the option to ignore the hatch and wait by a gate the moment your last teammate gets downed. You then work on the gate as long as you safely can and sneak away before Trapper traps it. You also have perks to help you progress the opening faster. There are ways around it, it may be difficult, but it can still be done.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Because Trapper can physically stop you from doing the exit gate. It's not hard to understand. Twins can't physically stand in front of the gate to block it. They were explicitly DENIED that ability. Demo portals cannot be put by the gates either. Yet we have a killer that can do it and do it WAY more effectively than either of these killers.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Just /Basement_Trapper.exe and your gate switch trap dilemma poofs into imagination land

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    No, he can delay you from opening the gate, but he can't "stop" you unless he is actually there. You can still disarm the trap and work on the gate. The Twins, well at least the sister, I dunno about victor, can't stand in front of the lever because they will completely prevent you from touching the lever, with no chance to mind game them.

  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    You have a chance. Either wait till you think he's as far from the gate as possible and then disarm and try to open before he gets back or try and be clever.

    Disarm trap and go to other gate. Disarm, open a little, then hide, come back and repeat.

    Survivors have many chances to NOT be in this situation, so no, you're not entitled to "one more".

    Like I said, if Trapper's killed 3 survivors, closed the hatch, AND trapped both gates before you can get out, he's won, fair and square. You've been outplayed. Accept your likely loss.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yes he can stop you. You disarm and start the door. He comes over and resets the trap. Now he knows you are there and there is no way to do the door again without alerting him. You'd have to waste time going to the other door where it just happens again. There is no situation where you can get the gate open.

    Twins cannot stand directly in front of the gate to stop you from doing the gate. They have to switch back and forth and Victor can be kicked forcing them to reset. There is a small chance to get the gate open with that. But against Trapper there is literally 0 chance because you can't touch a gate at all if he keeps resetting the trap which all Trappers do before chasing.

    Imagine defending something that is so outdated newer killers can't even do it.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    Imagine being so entitled that you demand the developers to give you an easy win against a killer. And no, hiding next to a gate and waiting for the killer to leave doesn't require skill.

    Trappers traps have counters, it's is your choice whether or not you want to prepare for them. If they're such a detriment to your gaming experience, you should run Resilience, Wake Up and Spine Chill to give you faster opening speed.

    Not every match against every killer should play out the same. Your team failed to loop Trapper long enough to do gens. You failed to find the hatch. You failed to bring in a key. You failed to run Plunderers for an increased chance to get a key. You failed to prep the gate before Trapper had time to trap them. You are not entitled to have your escape made easier and have yet another chance to escape.

    You also have an offering that can cause the hatch to spawn at the main building or at the shack. When last person is hooked, you can prepare yourself to be near it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited January 2021

    You do not have a chance. There is no being clever. The Trapper stands about halfway between the two doors and simply waits for a Trap to be disarmed. No need to walk back and forth. "As far as possible" is halfway between the two gates.

    What you are describing with going back and forth and back and forth is is not feasible in the slightest if you have to alert the Trapper every single time you want to nudge the Gate a little. Either the Trapper will inevitably catch you because you need to do this so many times or you will run out of time because you have to do this so many times.

    you're not entitled to "one more".

    Yes, you literally are. That's why the Exit Gates are powered when the Hatch is closed instead of you just instantly dying. That's your "one more."

    Like I said, if Trapper's killed 3 survivors, closed the hatch, AND trapped both gates before you can get out, he's won, fair and square. You've been outplayed. Accept your likely loss.

    Not fair. Fair would mean that there is a way to beat it, even if it is unlikely. There is no way to beat this as the last Survivor.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2021

    Yes. Saying "Buff Trapper just remove this one stupid thing" is being entitled and asking for an easy win LOL. Wow. Those are some massive hoops to jump through to come to that conclusion.

    How do you prepare for alerting the killer to which door you are at and not being able to do ANY progress, not even touching the switch, without alerting him first? Please do tell.