"SeLfCaRe TaKeS ToO LoNg"

"SeLfCaRe TaKeS ToO LoNg"...
If another survivor heals you it takes 16 seconds and 2 (!!!) survivors can’t do anything else.
If you selfcare you are ALONE and it takes 32 seconds and another survivor can sit on a gen. So its the same amount of time overall.... if another survivor only takes one second to get to you and heal you it's actually more efficient to selfcare since you can do it immediately.
And you are more versatile if you selfcare because spreading out is really important and another survivor can finish a gen while you heal yourself.
So stop the self-care hate, it also allows you to make plays (get out of the exit gate if everyone else left or killer is near it, save someone safely, etc) and... well you don't die in one shot and thus stay longer in the game which is the most important part. It counters a lot of killers too (ghostface for example, if you selfcare under a pallet where you have a good overlook you won't be ambushed and die, same with other stealth killers). It also counters the Twins heavily since they rely on people being injured for pressure.
I am a 4k hours player who plays since release and I can tell you... I'd love if every of my teammates ran selfcare when I play solo survivor, they most of the time get ambushed by tinkerer or are unaware and die in one hit all the time or crouch in a bush waiting for someone else to show up and heal them... That's wasting time. As a killer I fear players who use selfcare wisely because they keep me from snowballing the game.
As a killer main without slowdown perks I approve this message
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I am of the opinion that self-care should be made base-kit to make solo more tolerable. It wouldn't make a difference for swf since they usually end up healing each other, while it would allow solo, especially new potatoes, to use other perks to benefit the match. Killers shouldn't be opposed to it since healing helps slow the game down.
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Selfcare itself isn't as bad as people make it out to be.
However, the problem is that it's usually used by players that lack game sense - who will often run to the corner of the map whenever they get injured to self care. This creates pressure and slows objectives for the other 3 players on the team.
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Of course your pp had to be Claudette lol but keep using self are, I'll just keep smacking you with sloppy butcher and it'll be a 3v1 whole game.
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Self-care is a useless Perk when you actually have skill and common sense in the game. Innerstrength is 100x better and being in a locker at the right times can save you. I'm not saying be a Dwight, but if you're getting ready to heal as someone is going on hook you can conveniently go into a locker to heal and avoid BBQ. Sorry, I just get way to many dumb ass greedy teammates who'd rather self-care their self than let me heal them with We'll Make It.
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What's wrong with being a Dwight?
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The problem with self care is that most players who run it in their builds develop bad habits and overuse it. They play super safe and spend far more time healing than they should be. Overall, those players waste more time than save. The whole idea of hiding until healed or actively looking for heals is an attitude developed from overreliance of self care. There are times where it makes sense to do it but those times are rare. Self care overall is not efficient compared to just having an injured survivor take calculated risks, have situational awareness and know how to loop. If the option to heal is there, then they can take it and there is no net loss of time.
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Nothing at all. Dwight is one of my mains. I'm saying for the people who actually do what Dwight does in the trailers... Aka sit in a locker all match lol
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I bring self care for the scenarios you mentioned to get me out of a tight spot. Otherwise it is always gens over healing myself. That time it takes to heal myself is almost half a gen solo
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You apologize to our good friend @Dwight_Fairfield right now, young man.
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If you find someone else to heal you, the two of you can then go pop a gen together in almost half the time it would normally take, avoiding any regression perks in the process. If you run away and self care, you're probably going to screw over your team unless you are willing to interrupt your heal to go be productive.
Self care is hated because people use it to stay healthy. That's a bad idea, especially if you don't have something extra like Botany Knowledge, Desperate Measures, or even Solidarity. Trying to stay healthy when it takes 32 seconds to heal is a really, really bad idea in so many situations. If you're bringing self care, be prepared to not use it.
Edit: What I mean by "trying to stay healthy" is when someone literally stops everything to self care despite it being a bad idea. In a corner or in the middle of the map, it doesn't really matter.
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As someone who uses sloppy on almost every m1 killer, I approve of this thread, I just love self care users who can't play injured and go self care in a corner.
Jokes aside, I don't think sc is useless when used correctly but people don't use it correctly.
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The funny part is that not healing and spreading out is the play against a lot of killers unless you have a med-kit or are a very weak looper
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As a someone who likes to use sulphuric acid bottles with nurses calling on clown, I support this message.
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As a
kilsurvivor main I approve! Self care is easily the best perk in the game. As a bonus, if a killer is using sloppy butcher it gives survivors more time to work on gens while you heal! They’ll thank you!9 -
Nothing! If only he has a cosmetic that was more revealing than his current ones.
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Or you could, you know, do half a generator in the time it takes to self-care through sloppy butcher.
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And this applies to Urban Evasion and Spine Chill. Both perks get so much hate than they should because of all the bad players using them in a non-productive way. (spine chill: running around a gen when the light flickers constantly, urban evading in the corner while the killer is on the other side of the map)
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I’ve said this so many times that’s its starting to exhaust me: Self Care isn’t supposed to be used on its own. It’s an insurance perk.
Self Care, at bare minimum, should never be taken into a trial without a med kit (for the efficiency bonus). Ideally, it should be Botany Knowledge, Self Care, and a med kit, so that the player has immensely boosted efficiency for the med kit, and can both heal themselves and others very quickly, making them a much more valuable teammate, rather than a time waster by just taking Self Care alone. Self Care in the above builds is meant to be insurance in the event the med kit runs out of charges mid self heal.
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95% of survivors can't properly juke so they should absolutely run SC.
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Here we see the Claudette coming out of hiding to ferociously defend her precious perk.
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Self care is my favorite killer perk.
Don't mind me , just kicking this genny. Four people self caring, yeah, gg ez! Thanks.
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Survivors dictate how killers should play.
Survivors dictate how other survivors should play.
Play how you wanna play...
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As a killer main, I approve of this message.
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Selfcare is a good perk cause you can learn when and how to be effective with it...
I personally don't use it... cause I'm terrible with it
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just run Resillience, Botany Knowledge and Desperate Measures together with it.
ez fast healing!
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If I see you (or anyone) self-caring, know that I will not help you out in the trial.
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i run self care, key, and left behind. so far 99% survival rate. lol killers think they can stop me with sloppy butcher. i just T bag and laugh ^^
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Terrible perk. Encourages bad play.
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Me! Weak looper me! It is in all of our interests for me to get healed, I promise.
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As a killer main, PLEASE keep running self care! It’s a terrible perk and it does wonders for nurses calling lmao I always see people healing behind a rock or in a corner with no loops/pallets. Ez down.
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Run self care, botany, MoM and purple medkit with add ons. See you in 6-8 sec fam (MoM for the freebie hit coupled with the quick heal. Can pair with soul guard, DH, DS, UB, etc)
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Self care gamers are usually not very generous. That's why it gets hate not because you do nothing but because they heal when somrone is on hook and other teammates arent saving them. Your argument could be used against you and thats the way dbd is. Just use whatever perks you want and if you care about being useful just dont make bad habits
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Self-care is bad when
- Killer has ruin and pushed a survivor off of a generator
- Killer kicked a generator and is chasing another survivor.
- Killer has nurses calling (against nurses calling you need to reduce your time healing, having someone heal you or finding a medkit is critical to not going down due to showing your location to the killer)
Now, I'm not going to say self-care is always bad. For example,
- You have BT, you're the optimum survivor to go for a save and you may want to be full health to do that.
- You intend to take a body block to protect a vulnerable (death hook survivor)
- All survivors are injured verses a killer with infectious fright
In these circumstances it may be worth using self-care to prevent a snow ball win by the killer
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You often only end up needing to do that like one time a match though; very rarely twice. A brown med kit, super common, will do all that and let you save that perk slot.
I mean it can still be useful of course as you might not always have one, but it's one more thing to the pile of reasons why it's usually not needed.
Also if one person on your team has we'll make it or something, you'll see a lot of healing anyways.
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So many people just use it wrong way too much and ruined it for the rest of us
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If I had Inner Strength I'd use that over Self Care but I don't so rip.
That being said I still love using Self Care sometimes, almost always with a med-kit when I do. The way I utilize it is with an Emergency Medkit (Green) with lots of extra charge add-ons so that I can heal myself incredibly fast, multiple times. Sometimes I also run Resilience with this and will heal myself to 99 (Kind of risky) and tap to finish the heal during chase / at palettes if I anticipate I'll need to be able to take a hit.
Self care is not perfect but it's also not the WORST ever. It's like many perks in that, in can develop bad habits in players but with some creative use it can be quite nice! Honestly my favorite part of Self Care is the medkit efficiency buff. I'm a medkit runner lol
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I'm a very altruistic survivor. And yes, I have died many times while trying to do an end game collapse rescue (often, that person does escape though, soooo, yea me...? shrugs.) I run SC, Kindred and BT as my standard build and I usually have a medkit. I often do gens injured, but it depends on the killer. I also am not very good at looping. That is something I am working on still. Oh and I do not have inner strength, so that's not an option. These are the reasons I run SC.
If the killer is running nurses calling, which you can usually tell pretty quickly (same with BBQ or Tinker's), then I adjust accordingly. If I'm playing against Hag, I'll heal up before I go in for the rescue. Why? Not from what I do, but SOOOOO many times, after I unhook, the idiot unhooked survivor immediately runs and sets off every trap around us.
However, I have seen many survivors constantly doing SC instead of gens as the killer slowly builds up hooks on us. There are some matches that that I feel as if I'm the only one working on gens. Heck, one match, I pop'd the first 3 gens! It is what it is. Since 99.99% of the time I'm in SoloQ, I would rather have SC than to take a chance with a random person to heal me when I need it.
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I will be upfront I only now started using Selfcare after A teamates failed about 20 healing skill checks on me...Over and over..Trying get the killer to come over...To kill me...However,I don't heal unless It is in the clear and I clearly can't do anything unless I heal..Even,then I usually just use a medkite.
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As an enjoyer of bloody glove oni, I approve this message
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Run botany, resilience, desperate with it, 99% yourself and do gens faster, pop yourself off when the killer comes. It has its uses with the right perks.
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In the situation where you are injured and someone nearby is repairing a gen, it's actually better to self heal than to let them stop repairing to heal you. Don't believe me?
Gen - 80 charges, Heal - 16 charges
Both heal first method:
- 16 seconds to heal, no gen progress during this time
- 1.7 charges per second on generator, taking about 47 seconds
- total of 63 seconds to heal and do generator
Self care/gen split method:
- 32 seconds to heal, 32 charges on generator simultaneously
- 48 remaining charges once second survivor starts working, taking about 28 seconds to finish
- total of 60 seconds to heal and do generator
Almost negligible difference but technically self care is slightly more efficient than the other person stopping repair to heal you first, so it is mathematically proven that self care does not reduce gen efficiency, it actually slightly improves it. Does that make it worth a perk slot? Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't, either way though maybe people should stop hating on it so harshly
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Nah, Self Care takes too much time.
You could spend 32 seconds healing in a corner and dedicate an entire perk slot to it, or you could bring a medkit, which will heal you faster (and good medkits will heal you more then once!) Without taking up a perk slot.
You could also just run something like Bond, where you can see your teammates auras to encourage them to heal you. (Plus, it allows you to know what's happening with your solo queue teammates.)
Or, you could just run Inner Strength- helps encourage the breaking of totems which can progress the objectives (Especially with how meta Ruin+Undying is), helps you with your own map knowledge by encouraging you to learn totem spawns (Which can be great next time you're on the map and there's a Hex perk up) and helps prevent NOED. (Also, there's the fact that it's heal speed is always consistent. Inner Strength isn't effected by Sloppy Butcher.)
Besides, it encourages you to be afraid of being injured- and sitting in the injured state isn't always a bad thing.
Imho it's just not worth it. Takes too much to get use out of (Since you have to pretty much dedicate your build to make it useful) while not having the fun meme potential of other not so great perks. (Like Head-On builds, Chest Builds, or Flip-Flop.)
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just. run. a. #########. medkit
or stop being such a coward and do gens while injured
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32 seconds is way too long, I can get more than 1/3 of a gen done in that time!! If you just spread out and would have also worked on a gen the team would have at least 2 gens over 1/3 done. You need to pressure the killer by working on gens a healthstate is easily undone. You can still loop fine while injured. Selfcare should at least be paired with botany knowledge to make it helpful. And you need to know when to use it I often never use it when I put it in a build.
You'll spend your time better getting used to running around injured. Everyone healing constantly is actually really good since it means nobody is working on gens while the killer continuous hunting you down without the worry of 2 gens popping. There are moments for healing and there are moments for selfcare but the latter is rare if you would like to be efficient and win more.
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You mean make solo q more miserable. Without it being base kit, I already get left on hook because my team mates decide to self care instead of saving me from it.
Or this one claudette self caring near the ruin totem, instead of cleansing it, while the gens regressed.
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Correct use of self-care - use very sparingly if at all if there's a situation where you genuinely need to not be injured, although inner strength is even better for this
Usual use of self care - run like the wind after getting unhooked towards the corner of the map and evading the rescuer with we'll make it , possibly running straight into the killer en route
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Inner Strength + Do_Bones.exe = Profit
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But what if its the other way around? What if its just super safe playing people that run that perk? They would try to play super save without it anyway, and that means they might not come to your rescue unless they are fully healed. And if noones there to heal them, they just hide and let their team die. I have seen such players.
Also, not every player knows how to loop. I, for one, don´t. But i know how to juke. But at some maps, in order to juke the killer, you need to take a hit. Can only do that if i am healed.
Also, i play solo, and i had way too many survivors that don´t heal you, because if the killer comes and find you both, he often goes for the injured one.
the thing is, that self care is exactly as efficient as normal healing, because while it is at 50% speed, it just need one instead of 2 survivors. The difference is, that you choose then to heal, not that crappy teammate that wants to use you as a meatshield.
The thing is you have to know when to heal yourself and when not. But a potatoe teammate doesnt get better if he does not run self care.
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Self care is good, It's just that too many bad players rely on it heavily that it actually throws the game for them. One instance you should be using this perk on top of my head is when a Killer pretty much got everyone on lock down(Slugged or hooked) and you're injured. You need that to fully recover and make some plays.