The game needs more balance... stop premade survivors pls.

Duende2211 Member Posts: 32
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Game is being very unfair with killers for this...

1) Because premades of survivors, 4 people talking to each other and coordinating all time is the most broken.thing in the game. You guys need to stop this, make something like close all apps like teamspeak/discord/etc when the game is running and you are playing as survivors. Or mute all the mics. Or that you can't play with added friends, but you can speak inside the game during the trial. Or something else, but you need to fix this unbalance point.

2) The nerf to Ebony Memento Mori is unfair with killers also, since is a ultra rare offering and need 2 hooks for work, means 8hooks to complete work for all survivors. And the survivors still got ultra rare keys that can open hatch in 1 single try, and they can have multiple of those by trial. 

Post edited by Duende2211 on


  • NeaMainNoob
    NeaMainNoob Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2021

    Poor Killers have to Deal with *us* playing with our *friends*. That Feature is in the game for a reason and im sure they wont go out of their way to rework something that is perfecly fine. Im not a fan of The ebony rework myself but...

    And lets not forget that the Killers have so many advantages over survs espacially the Franklins perk. And what about those Killers that facecamp and Tunnel that istnt fun for US survs either.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    The problem is that most of these advantages only come through or can be possibly capitalised on when in a group with comms. In slightly nerfing SWF players you're massively nerfing solo players. And solo A. Make up the majority of survivors, and B. Has been nerfed enough.

    As a solo player myself I struggle to motivate myself to play survivor in red ranks anymore.

  • GloryHunter
    GloryHunter Member Posts: 33

    Perhaps we should make Mori kill survivors after a single hook again and have a 2/3/4% chance of killing any nearby survivor in a radius of 32-meters of where the animation takes place.

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32

    Mori was fine before nerf, if u nerf mori u need nerf keys also. Because both items gives "free win".

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2021

    Ebony mori got nerf but keys dont, and that is not unfair? Why not? both are ultra rare items that gives players "free wins". Nerf both, o dont nerf anyone.

    Post edited by Duende2211 on
  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2021

    4 survivors with comms trolling the killer with flashligths is not unfair? 4 survivors with comms rushing all gens in no time, because they all have toolboxes and cordinate is not unfair? 4 survivors trolling 1 killer, doing circles on windows, body blocking, camping pallets and closets to stun is not unfair? Go search unfair in dictionary kid, that is directly bulling the 1 player using killer.

    Is my opinion (and im not the only one who thinks like this), if u dont like it move to another topic. No need to be rude.

    Post edited by Duende2211 on
  • Nox_Fx
    Nox_Fx Member Posts: 8

    While your basic observation of SWF being too powerful is correct, suggesting that a game disables basic Windows features to nerf SWF is absurb.

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32

    im not talking about solo survivors, im talking about premades (survivors with comms)

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2021

    read all what i say dude, that was just 1 of my suggestions. And im not talking about windows features. Im talking about third party apps like discord, and about mute microphones.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764
    edited January 2021

    Sad but true, even if devs make the game better with updates, the game is still far from balance. Also toxic players make experience worst for all, thinking only of their ego and make fun bullyng other people in a virtual videogame world. Problably Little people that wants to pretend to be Good in their empty bad life.

  • Nox_Fx
    Nox_Fx Member Posts: 8

    I wasn't addressing the rest of your ridiculous points, I was addressing that one ridiculous point. (even though the rest of your points are equally ridiculous.

    And an app taking control of other apps means that app is disabling or changing Windows features.

    Wake up.

  • IronWill
    IronWill Member Posts: 244

    And killers have none? LOL

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32

    Is not what i say. And u posting just a capture of all dead survivors means nothing, i can post 30 pics of all survivors alive with keys and trolling with flashligths.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,767

    How would the devs even enforce any disruption in comms if they wanted to? I don't know about the other platforms, but on Xbox the party chat is entirely separate from any game being played. Heck we can even be playing different games. And I believe Microsoft mandated any game they accept cannot interfere with the party chats in any way.

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2021

    In PC is more easy i guess, game already has control over sound peripherals. But also, surely there are another ways to stop the premade of survivors. I just give some ideas.

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32

    The only thing ridiculous here is u being a troll without any real argument, just calling names and believing third party programs/apps or sound peripherals are Windows features. The anticheat system can detected hacks (basically third party programs/apps) and the game already have control over sound peripherals so i think is not so hard just muted a mic if u are in a party with friends playing as survivor in same room.

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32

    I guess in PC (steam) it would be more easy, since game already has control over sound peripherals. So i dont think it would so hard just mute the mics if they are playing as survivors in same room. But surely there are other ways to end premade of survivors (becuase is most unbalance and broken issue in the game), i just give some ideas that is all.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I'm confident that you understand why removing the option to play the game with your friends would be a bad idea.

    And this:

    "You guys need to stop this, make something like close all apps like teamspeak/discord/etc when the game is running and you are playing as survivors. Or mute all the mics."

    ...yeah, this thing you're describing right here is called a computer virus.

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2021

    I undestand how that is a bad idea, but there must be another way to stop survivors premade since that is the most unbalance issue in the game. Calling a "virus" to mute a mics or close third apps (when the game is running and u are playing as survivor with friends in same room) is a little too much. Most of virus search to erase, stole, or encript ur data, meanwhile anticheats system already detected hacks (bassicaly third party apps/programs) and the game already has control over sound peripherals. So i dont think it would be so hard to do something for avoid comms premade of survivors and made the game more balance.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited January 2021

    A program that performs unwanted functions and/or tampers with your system's operation is, by definition, malware. You cannot reasonably expect that a game would have system-level access to your connected devices, to the degree that you are describing.

    Also, more broadly: You can't stop friends from talking to each other in a co-op game. You just can't. They will always find a way. This is just what is.

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2021

    Who talks about perform unwanted functions? Game should warning u about what is doing and u can agree or not, in fact if u read the privacy option of most software they (the companys like Facebook, Google, etc, etc) kind of does: they collect data and have some control of ur peripherals (example: Google does listen to ur mic celphone and record what u say, even if u are not using Google Assitant, just to know what kind of ads u would like).

    Also it can be added as an option, so killers that dont care playing vs premade can disable that option, and killers that do care (like myself) can enable it. So if is enable, u wouldnt be matchmaking vs premade (survivors that are friends and are in same party/room) and if is disable it would matchmaking with premade. Is that so hard to do? I dont think so, the game already access and use ur friend list, and I would be just an option like cros game.

    FYI: im main killer, but i do play as survivor solo and with friends (but we dont use comms cuz is unfair).

    Post edited by Duende2211 on
  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    ... can't people use Discord on their phones? Really, there's no reasonable way to prevent people from being on comms while playing.

    The devs can't reasonably do anything to stop people chatting while playing. And they can't remove SWF from the game, because a lot of people play games to play with friends, and they will not play a game where that's not an option.

    Queues are already pretty screwed up, what with crossplay and messed up ratios of survivors to killers. I don't think DbD can afford to make it worse by adding in a way for killers to avoid SWF.

    The only thing the devs can do is try to buff solo survivor to be on more equal footing with SWF (which means giving them more information), and then buff killers if need be to compensate. The devs won't remove SWF, and they won't do anything that could be construed as punishing people for playing with friends, so the only option left is trying to restore balance by elevating solo survivor and killer.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    In most regions at peak times, survivors have the longer queue, and sometimes that queue is over 30 minutes. Letting killers avoid SWF (and that would be all SWF, including those made up of 2 players) wouldn't mean "a bit more" waiting for them, it would mean a lot more waiting, and when their minutes in the queues are already in the double digits they're not going to wait longer.

    Matchmaking is already messed up because the waits are so long. A lot of rainbow-rank matches are caused by queue times, because the longer the wait time the more lenient the matchmaking becomes, until you end up with rank 17s going up against red ranks (not an exaggeration). So, already the game is prioritizing getting players into a match over giving players a fun and balanced match.

    I've seen the argument go back and forth: some players would rather have more balanced matches, and some players would rather just get into a match quickly. You're always going to have players disagreeing about this, so while you're okay with longer wait times there are other customers who aren't, and no matter how balanced the devs try to be about it one element is going to have to be prioritized over the other. At the moment, the way the game is programmed suggests the devs come down on the side of faster queue times.

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32

    Your idea about buff rewards for solo survivors is very good, but no need to exclude what im saying about the option (as killer) for avoid premade survivors. Both ideas can work great together. And if more survivors play as solo, the time of waiting queues would be shorter.

    The rainbow-rank matches is another issue.

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32

    The only thing ridiculous here is u being a troll without any real argument, just calling names and believing third party apps/programs and peripherals are windows features. Anticheat system already detected hacks (bassicaly third party apps/programs) and the game already has control over sound peripherals. So i dont think it would be so hard to do something for avoid comms premade of survivors and made the game a more balance.

  • Duende2211
    Duende2211 Member Posts: 32

    I undestand what u saying, but I dont agree. There always something devs can do if they want to. Queues for survivors are too long exactly because most of killers (specially on high lvls) dont want to play vs premades. And if waiting a bit more would prevent me of being bully by a premade i dont mind the waiting.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    After reading through this thread, it seems like the op wants to disagree more than consider other people opinions! This is a open discussion board, if you post a thread, expect people to have different opinion from yours. There always will be people who have different opinions and those can be discussed. Creating a thread with the sole intention of only receiving agreement is not what a discussion board is about.

    Not only that, but this suggestion of forcefully closing apps like Discord, Teamspeak, Skype, etc. would enforce a whole new set of rules with their own complications (there are laws about and restrictions about it, too). Disabling people peripherals simply wouldn't work and what you are describing is equivalent to a malware, possibly.

    Also, nothing stops people from calling their friends with their phone, they can still use Discord etc. on phones and some people do use the phone apps to talk to the people they play with.

This discussion has been closed.