Killers tell me whats wrong with the game from your perspective?



  • JackTheMimic
    JackTheMimic Member Posts: 59

    I'll speak in "shoulds". As a killer, the good survivors should feel squirmy. The killer should feel their genre (Wraith-sneaky, Clown-playful, Trapper-Devious, Demogorgon-Feral; to name a few) not necessarily feel "Powerful"(unless you're Oni with a full blood meter). Survivors should feel trapped in a place with a killer. Survivors should feel like there are options for evasion but those options are finite and using them removes those options. Survivors should feel like there are many things to do. Killers should feel like they are hunting prey not like they are stopping objectives. Killers and Survivors should feel like they both can gain many bloodpoints but neither should feel as if both sides "won."

    Killers should feel that if they haven't sacrificed one they should depip, if they sacrifice 2 they should safety pip, 3 they should pip, all four double pip.

    Survivors should feel that if they complete 4 objectives (Gens>heals>chases>totems) They should safety pip. Being sacrificed before this point by 2 or more separate hooks should depip. Doing 2 or more secondary objectives on top of main objectives (Getting unhooks, taking protection hits, and opening exit gates) should pip. Doing the most objectives on the team should grant double pip.(only one per game)

    Survival points should not be weighted toward surviving the trial. Survival should be granted when you go up 1 health state, get unhooked, or escape a killers grasp; by any means. Surviving the trial should be at most 1000 points. This incentivises survivors to put themselves in danger to maximize survival points.

  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638

    This goes for both sides but: I just want better matchmaking. That is it.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    This game is fairly well balanced at the moment with one huge glaring issue: matchmaking.

    Rank =/= skill in Dead By Daylight.

    Hitting rank 1 is essentially the same as hitting Summoner level 30 in League of Legends (is this still a thing?). Basically you have invested enough time into the game that it can be reasonably expected that you understand the basics of the game and what needs to be done in order to win. It does not mean that you are good at the game. Most people do not understand this and seem to think that "I hit red ranks so I am just as good as everyone else, and if I lose it's just because "x" side is op!"

    In a perfect world they would add in a skill rating system that would match people up accordingly and all would be well in the world. The issue with this is, how do you define skill in this game? How many times you escaped? How many kills you get on average? How many great skill checks you get or how long you last in a chase? None of that means anything and so an accurate matchmaking system will never exist. But maybe it would be better than literally nothing that we have going on right now?

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I agree that the matchmaking is the root of all evil. It's bad for both sides, but I think the effect gets amplified for killers, because, if they match with a team they shouldn't be going against, they can get blocked from doing pretty much all the actions in their play cycle. It's really common for new killers to finish games feeling like they didn't get to play, and it's not because they lost -- it's because they literally didn't get to do anything except get juked by that one Nea.

    As a secondary thing that matters a lot less than matchmaking, I hate the breakable walls. They don't make sense to me as a game mechanic, and it places killers in a situation where they already don't have enough time to do all the tasks they have to do, and now they're being asked to kick their way through strong loops, too.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,706

    In my oppinion, the biggest issue with game balance rn is the realms you play in. There is a huge discrepancy between the level of balance in the various maps. I can think of a handful of maps that are balanced or killer sided, with a large chunk of them being more survivor sided. This is usually due to either large map size, a very strong main building that is fairly easy to utilize its loops properly, or a combination of both. The maps that stand out to me include Groaning Storehouse, Wretched Shop, Fractured Cowshed, Rancid Abattoir, Grim Pantry, all of Springwood, Family Residence and Ormond. Pretty much all of these have a central building that not only have very powerful loops, but are also never too far from other decent loops or jungle gyms. The large size alone of most of these maps make it difficult to apply pressure well, and then the strong structures with nearby loops make chases take a fairly long time with certain killers, meaning less time to pressure gens. Of all the maps I listed above, I believe that Rancid Abattoir is the worst offender. While the map may not be huge, the very strong main building combined with its proximity to other loops more than makes up for it.

    While this map does not have the same issues as the listed maps, I also take issue with Hawkins. The long walls and self contained rooms with few entrances/exits makes it very difficult to mind game. There have been so many times I wanted to try to mind game a survivor, so I duck into a room, planning to reappear further down the room, and find out that throughout the entire long wall I've been following, there is no other exit. Not to mention the rooms with 3 or more palettes in it, at least two of which are often very close to each other. With a catwalk right above. With pods that I'll often bounce over the entrance to while trying to go down them.

    Not to mention that some killers have their power severely hindered by some maps, specifically indoor maps. The Trapper probably suffers the most from this, but it also makes the blight and hilbilly difficult to play, since survivors have an abundance of walls to duck behind.

    In short, I think it would be great if the maps were all much closer together in terms of quality.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Why don't you play killer and find out? you are missing out on 50% of the game you purchased.

  • CJ48
    CJ48 Member Posts: 16

    I agree that survivors for the most part are more toxic, but saying that killers are “victims” and that they are not the toxic ones is just incorrect 😂

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I'm not a killer main, but I do play it just about as much maybe a little more than survivor. I have a list (short but it exists)

    1. It's okay for survivors to bully the [BAD WORD] out of killers
    2. matchmaking
    3. totem spots
    4. survivor perks not being reworked in the same style as killers (which has been said)

    That's it. I honestly feel like the killers are much nicer both on the forums and in game than the survivors. Although they're are some real [Bad word] on both sides and some real angels on both sides, it definitely feel like there's more toxicity on the survivor side than killer side. (Which is kind of ironic seeing how the killers are the "villains" of the game)

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    So low rank killers a crushing new survivor players who then get frustrated, those same low rank killers are getting crushed by high rank survivors and then they get frustrated, and those high rank survivors are getting crushed by high rank killers. High rank killers are getting crushed by extremely optimized SWF squad. And the optomized SWF squad will periodically go up against a killer with 4k+ hours and get crushed. And everyone feels like the group that's crushing them is proof that the game is not balanced.

    However, I feel that for the most part this game is pretty balanced, even when it doesn't feel that way. But I would like to see BHVR make changes so that going up against someone that's better than you is properly rewarded.

    Additional BP for going up against an opponent that's higher rank than you (the larger the difference in rank the higher the bonus)

    Offer Additional BP to high rank killers and survivors for playing with a handicap.

  • Bully groups. That's all. Anything else is fine tbh.

    Usually they are optimized SWF groups that do this, they KNOW they will win so they can afford the time to BM as much as possible. Often they will "pretend" nice in post game chat too, as they know that is the only thing that might get them banned; but in game behaviour won't. Saying very passive aggressive things and the likes.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Here we go.. a top ten list in no order..

    1) DS/UB together is just broken and gives a survivor two minutes of invulnerability and can be up to eight if everyone has it. Competent survivors with these perks are practically unkillable and there's no counter to it.

    2) Decisive isn't actually anti-tunnel, it's just a minute of invulnerability.

    3) Unbreakable should deactivate if you pick yourself up.

    4) Maps that are far too big.

    5) Maps where the survivors have up to 3-5 strong structures or loops chained together (like shack into jungle gyms).

    6) Some killers being useless against very good survivors with the items listed above. Wraith against UB/DS on a strong survivor map is just a guaranteed loss.

    7) Doors being able to be 99'd..

    8) Individual items becoming oppressive when all four survivors bring it, like a med-kit

    9) Keys paired with hatch offerings.

    10) Sweaty SWF

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    the grass on the reworked maps make no fking noise when a survivor is moving through them.

    i get the ankle high grass not making noise as that stuff is everywhere but the waist high grass is also silent.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    We want easy 4k with a 100 hours trapper against a 4 swf with 20000 hours

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    super coordinated SWF teams are definitely an issue. i doubt they'd be able to do much about that though...

    map RNG is kinda dumb sometimes, that could be improved. im talking about setups like a T L wall into a Jungle Gym (window at the side) into shack, those are really dumb.

    genrushers too - there should be more of a penality for staying injured while working on gens. I always wanted a reduced action speed for injured Survivors - doesnt have to be much, but it should be enough to make healing seem more relevant in their eyes.

  • Father_Dark
    Father_Dark Member Posts: 84

    I agree with everything you've said.

    The fastest I've had a gen finished on me is about 15 seconds. When that popped, I wanted to throw the game right there.

    Solo Q is hit or miss on if the team of survivors will work well together or not. SWFs have a huge advantage. The way I word nerf that is to give a team of 3 a 4% reduction on repairs/healing and a team of 4 an 8% (those numbers are off the top of my head and I'm sure they can be tweaked to be more meaningful.) I think a duo working together is powerful, but should not be nerfed and I do lean towards giving solo q players a 2% buff... but as I said, that's hit or miss.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    As of the latest Dev chat thing:

    ... they pretty much said outright that they will not increase time to complete on generators, regardless of how high the rank or how many are in a group together. They were more looking at adding things to help solo queue survivors with some of the info that SWF have. They mentioned things like Demogorgon's yell that can be heard across the map.

    What that means to me is that they are not worried about how strong SWF groups are; they're more worried about how weak solo survivors are. Which, you know, great. Good to see that they are not worried about the killer experience.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    The absolutely godawful matchmaking heavily skews any data the devs get. Leading to poorly though out changes that either sledgehammer nerf a killer or bug out the game.

    There are so many things to list that it deserves to be it's own post at this point.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    How completely unfun and imbalanced certain things in the game have stayed in the game for as long as they have. Why are Object and Iri Hatchets still in the game to this day? Why does buffing low tier killers take YEARS to accomplish? Im sure survivors want to face a variety of killers and not the same handful. I cant tell you the last time I saw another Clown main while playing survivor.

  • overwarz
    overwarz Member Posts: 7

    im a survivor main and used to be very toxic until i started playing killer and saw just how survivor sided that ######### was and realized why killers do stuff like camp or tunnel no less then 30 seconds in a game a generator pops your perks can barely apply enough pressure to keep them off gens meanwhile as all that happens the game just throws too many second chance perks at survivors or bully perks like headon meanwhile the killers have no second chances and almost no bully perks which if you cant apply enough pressure it results in the killer forced to either slug,camp,tunnel and the best part is?? The survivors complain if u dont bend your ass over for them or mock you for being bad while they sit there with perks like deadhard,decisive strike,iron will,unbreakable on them it makes playing killer not fun because the game leans way more to the survivor side

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    It's matchmaking. Only toxic players should get matched with other players marked as toxic while rank differences shouldn't be too tight to make the game too competitive and give room for experimenting with fun tactics.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,046
    edited January 2021

    Maps and early game.

    From a survivor perspective as well, I think spawning on gens is just dumb, especially while the killer (Which could be Clown or Bubba or any killer with low mobility), is across the entire map. From the Killer perspective, it's like playing the game with 3-4 gens. Combine this with a map like Disturbed Ward or Mother's Dwelling, this is even more stupid (could also add in toolboxes and prove thyself).

    Imo, all maps should be around the same, small size. Around Dead Dawg and Coal Tower. This already helps early game, but the early game issue still exists. Implement some type of early game startup to help killers, and that'll help so much with gens flying for no reason without you being able to do a single damn thing about it.

    At that point, at the HIGHEST level, the game would still be unbalanced, but this would be a big help in general, and wouldn't be too rough for lower skill levels, which struggle and don't take advantage of the early game anyway.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    If map selection works like that, I would like to remove Shelter wood, Wrecked yard, Coldwind. 3 original realms without main building.

    To Op, losing isnt an issue (though I believe losing all the time still lose the will to play), but the main problems is toxicness from survivors.

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    Tell me about it I tried a new killer I'm rank 15 and got matched with purple and red ranks. They weren't toxic though just what I get playing at night I guess.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    If u look at the PS4 player base. Many ppl have their communication settings turned off. These are survivors who are trying to get away from toxic survivors. They are not trying to avoid killers.

    Killers are victims, and the survivors are the aggressive oppressors trying to harrass the killer.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    1) Matchmaking is broken and puts browns yellows and greens with purple and red SWF squads

    2) At red and purple ranks you basically have to play nurse, spirit, freddy or billy or lose

    3) Gens go way too quickly against smart teams, meaning you have to run Undying-Ruin, B&Q and Surveillance or lose

    4) Certain maps are way too safe or give the survivors a easy stealth option that requires less then no effort (coughYamokacough)

    5) DS-Unbreakable exists and can be used for free with no cost or requirements other then getting hooked

    6) at red and purples if you don't play perfectly you lose

    7) SWF Toxic Meta squads exist

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    Please at least try playing killer, then you may have better understanding. I used to main survivor as well and only about 6 months ago actually started playing killer too and wow was it interesting to see the other side. and wow. Survivors have a lot of power yet they spend so much time complaining that killers are OP. I can assure you against a good team they're not. Mistakes cost killers a lot more since survivors have so many second chance/get out of jail free perks. I used to be one of the people that complained that killers were OP. Now I know better. The survivor side is far easier then the killer side in many aspects.

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    I used noed and blood warden and a survivor called me a dick and said I have no skill like survivors don't have meta perks too and I didn't even use blood warden cuz I killed the other 3 survivors and then closed the hatch

  • The_Floof
    The_Floof Member Posts: 69

    Personally, the one thing I would like to see and I know this will never come to be.

    Mic Option - When people are talking on a mic, the characters make noises. This way it gives away people location. Not like you can tell your friends. Oh yeah the Floof is over here looking for me. You talk, it should make mumbling sounds. Nothing word base, just kinda like the teachers from the peanuts.

    Gens: Honestly, I have been playing Survivor more lately so I cannot complain without going back into the shoes of the survivors. Gens are done to quickly. Even if you apply pressure. You get everyone running which I have seen a GREAT deal of. Prove thyself. Gens get popped so quickly even with just two people working on it.

    Keys: Everyone complains about them. The only thing I would like for the key to do is open for the person HOLDING the key. Not for the entire team. Its kinda sucks but kinda doesn't so this one is like a catch 22. You open the deal and you and one other escapes because the other two died for whatever reason. However, that is the only thing I can say, but again. Its a catch 22 because you have to wait for the darn thing to appear.

    Otherwise, Maps don't bother me to much. Sometimes they are good and sometimes they are bad. Also depends on my build.

  • Alphamav
    Alphamav Member Posts: 44

    Then wouldn't that redistribution in escape bp would have to be matched with redistribution in sacrifice / mori bp i.e. more points for breaking doors down, chasing?

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    Maps suck

    Map offerings shouldn't exist.


    That's about it.

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 320

    I've only been playing for a little over a month now so I can give you both my New Player and New Killer experiences. I also play Survivor but with the long wait times for Survivor games at the time I can normally play I prefer to play Killer.

    First, let me explain my mindset as Killer: My, the Player's, goal is not to kill every Survivor but to make a fun and intense play experience for [b]everyone[/b] involved. I go out of my way to try and hook everyone once before hooking someone their second time. Often times I'll run into someone who I already hooked once who hasn't been healed yet and it's been way more than sixty seconds so I know they don't have DS up and I...turn away and go look for someone else. I don't always do that, like when someone vaults though a window right in front of me when I wasn't in chase with them or some other silly move that leaves me scratching my head. But most often I don't take second hook until everyone else is on their first.

    Another thing that I, as Killer, prefer to do, unless I'm working on a Challenge that requires it, is let everyone get out alive. WHAT?! Shocking, I know. But Survivors have a hard time getting Bloodpoints, so that 5k for getting out alive is a major thing. If I've hooked everyone twice before the EGC I've got 5.6k already and am giving up 2.8k-4k ONCE to give FOUR people 5k. That's easy math for me, and I'm really bad at math. That's ignoring that at 5.6k already I'd only need 2.4k more to max out and if any of my hooks were during the EGC hooks I'd have more.

    That's my best case scenario though, which doesn't happen often. My point there though is that I don't try for the quad-sac unless I'm working on a challenge or achievement, and I've already got all the Killer Adepts. (Still need the "hidden" "Kill all Survivors by your hand" one though. And the other "hidden" 25 total "kill by your hand" one.)

    So, with it in mind that I am not often TRYING to get twelve hooks every game what do I find to be the most problematic as a Killer?

    As has been said the main issues for me is the broken matchmaking. Very early in a game I can normally tell if the Survivors I'm up against are Purple or Red ranks. As a Green Rank Killer when I go up against Reds I very rarely have an enjoyable game. Now, what do I mean by "enjoyable"? For me an enjoyable game is where I have to work to hook everyone once while putting pressure on gens but I [b]can[/b] get those hooks. I don't want them given to me, I do want to work for them, but against a Four Red SWF I'm lucky to even get one hook, let alone four. But when I play against Green Rank Survivors I actually tend to have more enjoyable games, I feel tested and often come out of those games ready for another. Against 'Whites' and Browns it just isn't fun and all too easy. Seeing someone try to escape off the hook and them promptly get hugged is a very saddening sight. So if nothing else please, please, [b][i][u]please[/u][/i][/b] do something about the matchmaking.

    Another thing that's been mentioned is Survivor toxicity. There is no reason for a Survivor who just dropped that pallet in front of me, didn't even stun me with it just dropped it in my way, to crouch five times and only run off when I fake breaking or actually break the pallet. Yes, you are better than me. Yes, I can't catch you in a chase and you'll loop me forever. Actions have consequences and the intent is to be insulting, and insults hurt. The same things goes for waiting around at the exit gate to t-bag before leaving. It is bullying, plain and simple.

    DS is next on my list. All DS does is encourage me to slug people. Whenever I'm in a game and I have an Obsession I play around DS on everyone. If I hit them back to dying I start counting out sixty seconds. I KNOW it is sixty seconds from when they got off the hook but most of the time I can't keep track of it in the middle of things and after hitting them I can count while I go about breaking nearby pallets that got dropped or looking for other Survivors etc and come back for them. This isn't fun for me and probably isn't fun for the person on the ground. And if someone jumps into a locker in the middle of a chase I'll just stand in front of it, again counting down the seconds, and if they leave before I grab them I M1 and STILL wait ten seconds because they could have left early to try and trick me. Something needs to change about DS, maybe it won't work if grabbed from a locker to encourage Survivors to keep the chase and try and escape via being sneaky and that it won't work if you are interrupted from an action, to prevent them from doing a gen right in front of the Killer. Maybe give the Killer an in-game minute countdown on an unhooked Survivor if there is an Obsession in the game, even if no one is actually running DS but is running another Obsession perk. I don't like to slug people but often times I can't just eat a DS and be stunned for five seconds.

    Next is the trip-o, Object of Obsession. I'm at the point now that if I see an OoO I don't even bother playing the game. If I'm feeling really petty I'll hunt the OoO down and just slug them the whole game. I shouldn't react to toxicity with toxicity, I know I shouldn't, but we all slip sometimes. And being petty is just so [i]easy[/i]. Sometimes I'll still play against an OoO but I always just assume it's a four person SWF with comms so I don't try mind games or any of the other really fun things you can do in a game when the Survivors have limited information.

    SWF groups is another thing that's been brought up and is something I have trouble with. I like the suggestion that DBD has an in-game proximity voice chat system and use of external voice chat programs is not allowed. I don't like the suggestion that the Killer can also talk over the voice chat but being able to [i]hear[/i] what is being said would be really immersive. It'd still allow SWF groups to make plans and coordinate but only while close enough together and the allow the Killer to know their plans and try to counter them. It also helps the solo-players as they can now talk with one another so they are not all just running around doing their own things and everyone gets killed.

    I honestly don't have a problem with Unbreakable itself. But in combination with DS and Soul Guard it is very unfun to play against. We already have Exhaustion as a status effect, maybe the various 'second chance' perks could have their own, [u]called[/u] "Second Chance", that never goes away once you have it and those perks can only be used if you don't have it yet, or flipped the other way; the perk gives you the status but you can only have it once and as soon as you use it it goes away. DS and Unbreakable already have a 'once per trial restriction on them so that would just make them be unusable together like all of the various Exhaustion perks.

    BT is also somewhat problematic. Survivors shouldn't run up to the person I just hooked and unhook them right in front of me before I can even turn around to walk away. OK, you want to do an exchange? I'm fine with that. But doing it two, three, four times in one game? From the same person because they had their own means of not getting downed to exchange. That's the problem. The main issue for is being able to do it repeatedly so limited BT to only work once a trial should make it more bearable.

    Item wise, both main and add-ons, the only one I have a problem with is Keys. If I see a Key in my lobby I often throw out my "Don't tunnel" mindset and go for the key-holder. Because while I find flashlights to be annoying they actually have utility while the only thing a key is good for is getting out without having to open an Exit gate or getting out when two others are down and three gens have been done. The key is less about helping to escape as it is a slightly conditional free escape. Maybe make opening the Hatch cost charges so Survivors can't just Blood Amber all game. Maybe make it so the key can't open the Hatch unless you've repaired two gens while holding it. Because I've had games where the person who brought the key just want and hid and did nothing all game but escaped out the hatch after I found two others and left the fourth behind. I don't have any real good suggestions on how to "fix" keys because I'm not really sure what their purpose actually in-game is supposed to be.

    I'm still learning what's a safe pallet and what loops I should and should not try to play around so I've not got any suggestions there. Other than maybe make some of them taller on some maps so the tall Killers can try and mind game without being seen. Not all of them mind you, and not all maps, but maybe have a few less short loops. This will hurt my girl Huntress a bit but help out so many other Killers.

    I've not really had a problem with any of the maps. Some of them are a bit on the large side and could be just a little smaller so I don't have to spend fifteen minuets hunting down that Claudette who's doing just enough to not have away crows but is mostly just crouching in the corners not helping her team.

    In general I think some add-ons need to be reworked. I've got a lot of add-ons on various Killers that I've played with and didn't care for and so won't be using. The ability to sell back items, add-ons, and offerings would be nice for both Survivor and Killer. I know I often just buy things to get the Blood Web level over with so I can get my next one and [i]maybe[/i] get what I'm looking for. That's more of a New Player thing than it is a Killer thing though, since Killers can get BP so much easier than Survivors.

    Can't think of anything else on-topic at the moment. Other than as others have suggested if you really want to know what's wrong with playing Killer you need to actually play Killer yourself and find out. Because everyone is going to have problems with different things.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    This is a minor thing, but it's also frustrating that the scoring/ranking for killer currently doesn't account for the difficulty of the team you went up against. So, you might actually do really well to get one kill against people who are seven ranks above you, but it's treated the same as if you matched with people at the same skill level. It feels bad to do as well as you possibly could and have the end screen say you failed.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    perks and killer nerfs left and right

  • JackTheMimic
    JackTheMimic Member Posts: 59

    Do killers lack in BP? I've always thought that was the sole saving grace of playing killer. It maybe be stressful, chaotic, and way more difficult but, if you were half decent at killer you get a ton of BP regardless of sacrifices. Chase gives 400 every time you see a survivor. Using powers gives tons (for most killers) and even if survivors heal every time you hit them you get tons of points. Ranking up is the difficult part because even when you play well, 2 hooking everyone with no kills gets you a brown or silver in devout.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,238

    I have no idea what I'm about to play against. The best build on any given killer is beyond overkill for me in 99% of games. I often 4k at 3-5 gens with Corrupt as my only slowdown and brown add ons. I haven't lost a game in 2 days on Nurse with Corrupt/BBQ no add ons. But there are times when I actually get matched against good players and need an actual build. So I either annihilate the fun of the other side in 99% of my games to the point that they don't get a single gen, or I take losses I shouldn't have to take because I get out-perked for no reason.

    I straight up play KYF or have people lobby snipe me in crossplay off half the time anymore because I can't find matches with players near my skill level unless I completely nerf my builds.

    I think map RNG needs to go away or be turned way down. I also think the devs could really benefit from talking to skilled players on this one, because tile orientation is just as big of an issue as which tiles are spawning. A long wall jungle gym facing a certain way can completely break a map.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    As someone whos actually played the survivor side, how 80% of your pressure comes from survivors being idiots or chickens. Ive won way too many survivor games because the second the killer loses interest me i just get back on the gen. If they chase me off its just wasted time on their part while others do gens.

    Basically, doing your objective as a killer makes it harder, not easier, to win games against people with any shred of tactics

  • Erasox
    Erasox Member Posts: 230

    I want only server selection. I don't care about que times. I want the best server for me. The game putting me many times to the wrong server. And I have no problems to stay on this server.

  • thicc_iguana
    thicc_iguana Member Posts: 5

    I'm a survivor main so I'm not here to talk ######### but you also got see our side. Some survivors just starting also are going up against red ranked killers...

  • thicc_iguana
    thicc_iguana Member Posts: 5

    I think your just upset that you can't get a 4k without being toxic :/

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I'm a survivor, not a killer. Don't care about 4k or no k.

  • A_SmilingJester
    A_SmilingJester Member Posts: 8

    this is why I'm beginning to hate playing as killer they need to do something about this

  • ZVom
    ZVom Member Posts: 199

    Removal of BBQ. That's all. Besides that "Killer is fine and fun to play".

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Why did someone bring up my post again

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited June 2022

    One more to add. God-awful, clunky powers.

    A frightening amount of killers have to fight their power as much as they fight the survivors.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570
    edited June 2022

    That wouldn’t work. How would the current mmr see the difference between a good surv and a regular/bad surv? Or a good killer and a regular/bad killer? Also, if the escape rate were that low no one would play surv. Or even worse, everyone would start banding together as SWF.

    They need to rework how the mmr works so new survs would be faced with new killers and vice versa.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Disparity is actually the biggest issue with killers and has likely been the case since the games inception. Simply put, some killers have proper tools to create a good experience and make up for their M1 weakness. Other killers don't have that and have to rely on survivors making mistakes to benefit.

    Matchmaking can be fixed if they tried.

    Map design doesn't consider killer powers, killer weaknesses, and simply put, if you're a high mobility killer map design doesn't hurt you EVER, but if you're M1 1 bad map pretty much guarantees your performance goes down compared to others.

    RNG I play pig so I've had to deal with ######### RNG since I hopped into this game. Sometimes its a problem, sometimes its not, sometimes I wish I didn't have to give a ######### whether it was going to benefit me or not.

    Perks...Synergistic perks and ideas get hampered for the sake of balance quicker than base kit killer powers get changed to make them decent. (Looking at punk ass Sadako release here)

    Generator speeds for say a character with built in slow down like Pig...not a big deal. Take another killer like its a big deal.

    ^ All of this...WOULD NEVER BE AN ISSUE! If devs would address how WIDLY different killers perform in ACTUAL scenarios and not their goofy number base which doesn't explain how why, or ######### happened in the mentality of players during a match. I don't want to have to sit up and play Nurse and Blight and Spirit every damn game just to feel like the competition was fair. Big killer roster, everybody has unique skills and talents, yet only a fraction of them actually perform up to task. We get hamstrung licensed killers, who are a straight up embarassment to their franchise a lot of the time, and get expected to just suck it up and deal with the wide ass gap, even if we DON'T WANT TO PLAY THE MOST POWERFUL 3 KILLERS IN THE GAME! Its sick. And I don't wanna spend another dime on this trash until they fix that gap....

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    This post is old so earlier posts may have aged. Here's my input:

    Playing killer is way too stressful. On one hand I get that a role during a 1v4 is guaranteed to be stressful if you're the villain. That's perfectly fine. I just think the intensity is too much. The upcoming meta shift changes seem to help this tremendously according to a few killer mains feedback. The lore of Dbd states how killers are an unstoppable force and that somehow got lost during the 6 years of this game.

    To play killer, you gotta practice mindfulness and use mantras as reminders to keep your sportsmanship in check. I don't see this a lot in survivor mains. A lot of players on the Dbd subreddit joke about how nerve-wracking it is when youre on the ready up screen as killer.

    Something about all of that just doesnt seem right. Make killer feel more threatening and less intense to play as.