Is this game even a horror game?

To be honest, I initially bought the game because I really liked the idea being hunted by your favorite horror character. When I started playing about 1.5 years ago, I felt the game was really intense. However, by getting even more experienced in the game I lost all the stress and fear during playtime. What I feel now is frustration, anger and disappointment. Playing survvior is not horryfying at all (as survivors tend to make fun of the killers) and the escape chance is huge. Playing killer is problematic and it sometimes can be satisfying (when punishing toxic survivors).
I think that something needs to be done to make the killer have the upper hand in order for the game to be a real horror game.


  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    This isn't really the fault of the game, it's just the players as they get used to it. As you stated, the game felt really intense when you first got it, correct? In that sense the game did its job right, the problem is that players get used to this game and becomes less of being worried (unless you create challenges for yourself) and more being absolutely focused on achieving your ingame goals because it becomes easier to do with experience, you become more effective at it too.

    I feel like the best thing they could do (in my opinion) is add more modes that are in a random cycle for normal games so that people don't get as used to doing the same exact objectives all the time and absolutely always have to adapt to the new playstyles rather than just sometimes having to do so if a new killer comes around. Just my opinion here.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I think it depends on how you approach the game. I do not play it competitively anymore, and since I went to a more casual play-style, the terror in the game as increased. I would say its certainly more of a horror game than other similar titles

  • Nero
    Nero Member Posts: 43

    Poor Myers is sometimes scary

  • Fre_Shavacado0
    Fre_Shavacado0 Member Posts: 106

    it seemed a lot more intense when i first started playing but like everyone else is saying i guess it’s just because we are now use to the game? Myers still gives me anxiety lol and the pig when she first came out. i think it’s just because we’re so use to the killers, maybe once they add scarier ones the fear will come back.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    I don't think there is such a thing as a multiplayer horror game.

    When I think of horror games, I think "Silent Hill", "Resident Evil". It's the mood that sets the real tone for a game...and that mood is hard to take serious when players always seem to have leg spasms every time crouch is an option.

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    Every now and again I will have a game that has me on the edge of my seat. Sadly that has mostly been in games where someone gets dropped so it's 3 v 1 and 5 Gen's. Honestly I think that's where the balance lies these days.

  • m3dicookie
    m3dicookie Member Posts: 74

    ok lets look at it this way dbd was the first drug you tried it was great so you wanted more and more and more until its just not helping that horror fix nothing really can be done to fix it. and as a survivor main killers that get made fun of are the try hard that you can tell their trying to really get those kills. or the ones that just don't know what their doing.

  • YaNestea
    YaNestea Member Posts: 86
    edited June 2018
    i find just seeing your hooked friend and you’re right next to them, such a horrifying image to see. and while you’re running and you see someone getting chased from down the hall, that’s scary too. i think this game does so much things right in the horror aspect. it also depends on how the player and how they want to play. 
  • ACoolName
    ACoolName Member Posts: 177

    Well, humans have this amazing survival ability. Adapting.
    It's what got us through every thing and i mean everything. If we got over 20000 years surviving Nature and its trials, I don't think a game can really match it.
    Plus, experience. Ok, you're getting hunted the first time. Heart attack. But after 1000 trials, you physically won't be scared anymore until you're near death.
    Can't really fix what's not a problem.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Technically it IS a horror game, but currently it is probably the least serious and most trolly thing in the "horror" genre.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    Nero said:

    Poor Myers is sometimes scary

    Myers jump scares me a lot. The pig too. I never see it coming when it happens. That terror radius😅
  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    My first 50 hours in the game, my hands would shake. But then after another 100hrs in the game, I reached a point where I was trying to actively chase the killer to get them to chase me so I could get a daily ritual.

    So yeah, you just get used to it. It's like sleeping in the dark as a kid: scary at first, but then eventually a night light is more annoying than useful.

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    I would say it starts as a horror as you learn the game and just can’t seem to hide/escape the killer. Then it becomes more of a thriller as you get better with moments of adrenaline. 

    I’ve been playing since console release and I’m still nervous in the beginning until the killer is identified. Looking around and seeing Myers staring at me definitely still gets me. Or when a stealth killer pops up. The only two that don’t “thrill” me or make me nervous are Freddy (whether in the dream state or awake he’s either chasing you or isn’t) and Leatherface (his little waddle/pig noises). 
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited June 2018

    You never watch a horror movie for the 6th time and say it sucks because you didn't get scared. You judge it based on the first watch, right? Then it should be the same here.
    Personally, when I first started the game I played solo survivor and was terrified. So yeah, I consider this a horror game.

  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    I personally don't see it as a horror game (Pizza Dwight doesn't help...), more like a competitive PvP game in a horror-themed realm.

  • Angelos455
    Angelos455 Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2018
    No. Actually I did not want more and more. When I escaped I would prefer to stop playing in order to remember this momment than play more and just forget it. Now, each escape is nothing unusual and adds up to the many escapes I succed every day. I think now it is much easier to escape.
    It is not that I am accustomed to the fear the game causes. I feel that the game is not really horryfying anymore. As I said, survivors are making fun of the killer. There is nothing to fear anymore.
    In my opinion, some things can never stop causing terror. Dead by Daylight is not one of them. What we really need is to make the killer something the survivors must be afraid of.
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    It's a slasher simulator inspired by horror films. You are not going to be scared of a horror film if you watch it for two hundred hours.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    The problem really is that Survivors are too safe. 

    When most Survivors play, they no longer think “Oh #########, I hope the Killer doesn’t find me.” While they sneak around. They aren’t trying to sneak around anymore. There is no need to. Now, it’s “Pop a squat on this gen, when Killer comes close, Sprint to Looping point A and begin Looping.” They have no fear because there are safety places. This is made even worse by Sprint Burst. 

    There can be no fear when you know you can easily get to a safe space. Being found and chased has nearly zero consequences when you can just Loop the Killer, like running around with a kite on a string. 

    If they want fear back in the game, they need to find a way to make Looping way, way more dangerous to do than it currently is. You have to make it very unsafe. 
  • CurseYou
    CurseYou Member Posts: 7

    Over time the game certainly loses its horror, but like what has already been mentioned, watch even the best horror movies multiple times and you'll no longer be scared by them.

    There have been times when a particularly unique killer build has really caught me off guard, even now, after 8 months of playing.

    And because of how infrequently you see those types of killer builds, I'm pretty sure If I were to encounter it again I'd still get the same jump scare.

    (Ie. a Myers with almost zero terror radius pulling you off a generator)

    I do consider this to be a horror game though, which still relies on the jump scare of being caught off guard. That just happens less and less the more you play.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Goldmund said:
    Watch the same movie over and over and tell me if it was as scary as the first time was.

    There are other horror games out there that are still scary after 50 hours, killing floor is really good example

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @vampire_toothy said:
    This isn't really the fault of the game, it's just the players as they get used to it. As you stated, the game felt really intense when you first got it, correct? In that sense the game did its job right, the problem is that players get used to this game and becomes less of being worried (unless you create challenges for yourself) and more being absolutely focused on achieving your ingame goals because it becomes easier to do with experience, you become more effective at it too.

    I feel like the best thing they could do (in my opinion) is add more modes that are in a random cycle for normal games so that people don't get as used to doing the same exact objectives all the time and absolutely always have to adapt to the new playstyles rather than just sometimes having to do so if a new killer comes around. Just my opinion here.

    It is definitely the fault of the game.
    If course survivors arent scared anymore if they understand how much power they have.....

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    Just wait for the pallet looping nerf coming in september, and watch how scary the game becomes again for that first week : P

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I think if there was a way to help increase the tension in game, make it feel like escape is more uncertain, it would help the horror feel. Instead of heartbeat, perhaps something creepy and unique for each killer, that gets louder the closer they get. Some killer like the Doctor or Leatherface, increase the terror radius. Other killers like the Wraith, Myers or the Huntress, greatly decrease or remove the terror radius. Make the games more unpredictable.

  • Goldmund
    Goldmund Member Posts: 14
    Master said:

    @Goldmund said:
    Watch the same movie over and over and tell me if it was as scary as the first time was.

    There are other horror games out there that are still scary after 50 hours, killing floor is really good example

    That game never scared me...
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Goldmund said:
    Master said:

    @Goldmund said:

    Watch the same movie over and over and tell me if it was as scary as the first time was.

    There are other horror games out there that are still scary after 50 hours, killing floor is really good example

    That game never scared me...

    Isn’t that game supposed to be comedic? And like.... a hack n’ slash with guns.... or berserker?

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    Horror THEME =/= Horror game.

  • lol
    lol Member Posts: 14

    yh it is cos when ur new its terrifying loool

  • Mr_Grumpy
    Mr_Grumpy Member Posts: 76

    that's the problem with every horror game, after you played it long enough it's not a bit scary anymore.