15 minutes

Seriously? 15 minutes?
I dc at the end of the game because their being ######### and I don't feel like watching some tbaggers click their flashlight at me so I just dc, expecting a 5 minute timeout, and I get 15 minutes. When you only have an hour and a half to play 15 minutes is detrimental. I get 5 minutes but 15 come on
Have you been DCing more?
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Just don't DC.
No excuses, unless you're stuck in a glitch.
If you do it, accept the consequences. Besides, it looks really bad when a killer DCs. You realize you are actually giving them a greater victory than just losing, when DCing. Fight until the end, then open the doors. Egc will eventually get them out.
Go break some pallets.
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No I rarely ever dc.
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I was expecting a 5 minute timeout.i knew disconnecting was gonna hurt me but I wasn't expecting such a long timeout when I usually never dc
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I'm not sure I understand? You were clearly having a rough game and not doing well against some aggressive Survivors, so you just quit and then were annoyed to find out you had a ban?
- You don't get 15 minutes for your first DC. You must have been doing more than just the one.
- We all have bad games. The only way to get better is to power through them.
- Don't give Bully Squads the satisfaction of quitting. Keep going till you kill them, or drive them out. If you want to be as obstinate as them you could simply walk around doing odd things.
I realize that you don't have a lot of time to play. We are all in the same boat. But quitting a game is Lose/Lose for you and Win/Win for the people you see as your tormentors. The longer they sit around trying to Bully you rather than doing their objectives and getting out is the longer you have to practice trying to Loop and or kill them. Their batteries are not endless. And if you chase them long enough you will get one. As painful as it is to do, suffering through a Bully Squad is good practice and they will eventually get bored and annoyed if they can't get you to quit. In the end, you get good and revenge is a dish best served cold. I LOVE getting Bully Squads these days. I collect the videos of where I pay back my early, learning stage with interest.
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I agree with the others. EGC was created for just this purpose. How will you improve by forfeiting bloodpoints?
A 4 man squad that gets a 4 escape will think "What a cute killer". A 4 man squad that gets you to d/c will go LOL OMFGZ LUL!!!.
You're seriously better off downsizing/putting the controller down or aimlessly wandering around for pallets to break.
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Count the amount of times you've DC'd, cause you don't get a penalty on the first DC
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use noed, solves endgames quick and efficient
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It's the end of the game you can just....hit them....it takes like 15 seconds and then you get actual bloodpoints for the match.
There is literally no reason other than to just be salty as even if it does a 5 minute penalty (and the algorithm takes into account when you disconnect as well) or 15 minutes either way it's still longer than the few seconds it takes to force a survivor out lol.
I mean I get they are being little snots but like; you're both only hurting yourself and giving them exactly what they want. It's literally the single worst choice you can make in that situation.