What killer did you use to main, but then dropped?

She was the first killer I played, because she was the one that looked the most interesting when I got the game and was a free killer. But then I picked up dlc killers and starting playing other killers. Now I'm just too out of practice with her hatchets that I play other killers more.
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Deathslinger. Console. RIP. However when they made the change to Bubba he became my new main and I have a lot of fun playing as him now.
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Old Doc. I miss him.
New Doc is so much easier and thus, boring to play. So I returned to main Trapper.
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Billy was my first co-main to Myers, way back in 2018. In hindsight, I acknowledge how OP he was since a total noob like me got Rank 1 within the first month of playing.
I miss his old FOV and stable camera. Can´t enjoy him anymore due to all the changes to him.
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Same i hate them so much for not adding M&K when crossplay came.
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I mained GF up until I went against good survivors
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Doctor. I mained Doctor for a bit of a while, then I switched to Pig when my gf bought me all the licensed chapters that were available at the time.
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Wraith. I switched to Pig soon after. :)
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I used to main Hag during the old-ruin days, i switched to Demo on a whim and after holding a 3 gen and landing some amazing shreds he's been my main ever since
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Pig, but then I got good with Doc, Hag, Spirit... essentially Killers that performed better :/ I still play Pig from time to time though
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Trapper idk I used to like his play style until Oni came out.
Then he become my main until now, that's becoming a bit boring, so I may get back to Trapper or Demo idk
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Same thought with Freddy. I used to main Freddy. He definitely had his weaknesses, but was unique and fun to play as. Now, too easy.
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i mained legion, stopped quickly then i mained hag, but since agaisn't sfw it's super hard and agaisn't solo it's too easy i dropped her. so now i switch killer a lot, if it's sfw i loose no big deal if it's solo i get 2-4 kill depending on their skill
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I have a couple.
Freddy. I was a pre-rework Freddy main, he was one of the reasons I got into the game. After the rework, I dropped him, while I was all for a buff he became too easy for me to use in comparison. I wanted a killer with a higher skill floor at that point.
Nurse. I mained Nurse for about 6 months on console after her rework, and was getting ok with her, but the amount of bugs every game got too frustrating to deal with. Animation bugs, loosing 2nd Blink, clipping into the edges of hitboxes in the environment and getting stuck, blink deadzones, m1 not coming out after blink, etc...
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I dropped huntress a while ago and replaced her with nurse.
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Huntress when I started
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I used to main old doc. Got pretty good with him too.
I turned to blight when he came out. Mostly because I love the themes associated with the hallowed blight ( if you couldn't tell by my post history )
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Huntress, until I got too good at understanding hitboxes.
Myers as well, but because I played too much of him.
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I still love him but gens go by too fast and by the time I finish collecting traps and setting them up, two or three can pop. If the Devs make his bag add-ons base-kit and allow him to start with all his traps (once he sets 6 traps he wouldn't be able to carry more than 4) while increasing his setting speed, I'll go back to him.
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Doctor, dropped for spirit and then dropped for hag. Spirit is still my favorite killer, but she's too powerful, I can 4k most of the games.
I dropped doc cuz the fps drop was unbearable
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Nurse. I surprisingly mained her on console, but after her change, she was really buggy (still is) and didn’t feel the same. I always liked using her add on less.
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Hillbilly. He was always my go to killer... he's the first killer I prestiged and got to P3 before prestiging any other killer in 2016. I found him very fun to play, powerful AND you can do neat tricks with him and bounce around around the place. Like this:
I've maybe played him once since his nerf. Don't like his addons, don't like the 'AGHHHHH' when he uses the chainsaw. (I hate it).
To be fair, I haven't really given the new billy a chance. But I feel like all that needed to change was his charge addons... so kind of salty.
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Wraith. This was right when I started DBD in very late 2017 early 2018, so before he was a tiny bit above garbage or clown tier. I immediately stopped playing him until he got a few buffs (I play him occasionally now) ever since I found out how bad he actually is.
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Hag and Preworked Freddy were my first mains. I loved the movies and just had to play as Freddy. Hag was a big help when I first started playing, finding survivors.
Then they released Spirit and I saved my shards and bought her. I just loved her from the start. I thought, this killer has potential. Guess I was on to something.
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Huntress/Nurse before dedicated and the Nurse nerf, now they both feel clunky and unrewarding to play.
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I wouldn't say I dropped him, but I play wayyy less Hill Billy than I used to.
I don't care about his nerf, never really used addons, insisted the basekit remain the same, but we all know these DEVs. They just gotta change something.
I actually despise the sound he makes when he charges... Every... Single... Time...
It's sooo annoying and it sounds bad!
And I feel like his music could've been better.
BUT AGAIN THE DEVS DON'T LISTEN. They just want to do something to hush people up whether or not it's actually a good final product. But hey what's new?
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Myers. I used to love Mikey and his playstyle, but eventually I realized I just liked Wraith more. Then Ghosty, and finally Oni who imo is just superior to Mikey in every shape and form. Michael is still fun, but I don't play him nearly as much as I used too.
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Doctor, stopped playing him because of Billy. But right now I feel like Ghostface is slowly taking his place.
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I dropped Wraith for Legion, then I dropped Legion for Nurse and Spirit.
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Old Freddy was honestly fun, having to pinball around to the different Survivors applying pressure. Sure Survivors could wake up, but thats why you used perks like Overcharge and Unnerving Presence, use add ons to insta sleep people. He was by no means easy but that made him fun to me.
New Freddy is just to easy. Survivors fall asleep on their own, I can teleport to any gen essentially whenever I want, I can either place traps OR fake pallets. It's no fun, he has virtually no weaknesses. To use thw terminology that got him changed in the first place.
He's boring to play and play against.
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Nurse was my first. Figures I'd pick one of the harder Killers to manage during my first time playing but ultimately I dropped her once I got the tier 3 perks I liked to use because it had become too easy to 3 and 4k trials. It honestly wasn't that fun anymore, and since then I've been bouncing around to a handful of different Killers (and Survivors), mixing it up frequently.
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Began to Freddy. but after rework drop him because now Freddy not from movie,now Freddy its a hag in other shell :DYes he is strong but its not classical Freddy ................now play Legion :D
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Doctor, used to play him a lot but the rework came and made him generic, its stronger true, but it feels more generic and boring.
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Hag was always my primary until dedicated servers. There is too much delay between teleporting and being able to get a hit now.. I teleport as soon as the notification allows and I'm slowed down and can't move.. so they are the equivalent of a sprint burst away already. Completely ruined her for me. Shameful as she has the most unique add ons.
yes this is console
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drop nurse to play spirit and huntress
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It was main Myers, but after taking out the expert on October 19, 2020, I put it aside because I wanted to make the most of killers that I have never played as Trapper, Deathslinger, Blight, etc.
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Was alright for a little while then players figured out her weaknesses and I was doomed.
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Concept was fun in the trailer but he is the most boring and unfun Killer I have ever played.
Getting power punished for basic attacking as a Killer is comical.
"But Legion is fine"- Legion's concept Creator.
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Hillbilly. I fell in love with him even when I was a noobie player, but the changes they've made recently to him just make him awkward to play. Used to love his gameplay but he just feels clunky now.
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at some point i got tired of asking and waiting for buffs, so i stopped playing him.
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Wraith at beginning but then got all the killers and have been using them all. Trapper is my favorite and my main now. I don't have to run massive slowdown, or special chase perks. I can play what I want with him and still perform optimally. I feel he has devastating add-ons if used in certain combos especially the 30 sec trap reset if used with honing stone or the purple bag add-on. You can lock down almost every pallet and vault location on some maps and even if they disarm it resets in 30 secs and they get caught coming back. Find myself wishing there were more traps/carry more on normal games though. I find Trapper very rewarding when it all comes together.
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Have not played much Billy anymore either. used to like him alot. i played one game with him over the weekend had lots of fun with tinker and dark devotion. Nothing like a silent chainsaw to the face from across the map. I understand what you mean about the feel though I thought it was just console.
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Pre rework Freddy...I enjoy putting people to sleep watching people get butthurt they could not bodyblock me..And watching teams flee in terror when they get taken to dreamland.
Now,he is too easy to play..You slap pallets/blood everywhere..Can tp and the survivors just go to sleep themselves. Don't get me wrong, It is fun to set up traps for when people finally nod off and watch them scream in terror when their pallets does nothing. But,I feel me not having to put them to sleep and teleporting is a bit much.
That and those "Upgrades" kind of remove the thing where f survivors are asleep and out of the radius you can see them..Which made surviors panic and mess up just so they did not have to been seen and being able to be bodyblocked again is err...
I don't feel as much as Freddy now as much as If Hag/Doc and Nurse had a baby. I don't feel like they are panicking now as much as getting annoyed to be asleep. Because, Freddy can't see your outline If you are alseep,but you can see him fully..The only downside to being asleep depends on the build and most are gonna run pallet freddy so mainly It is gonna be only during chases that he is gonna be your problem.
Otherwise,It will be forever genny freddy who I am sure got nerfed.
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When I first started playing killer I use to main Hillbilly.
Then I dropped Hillbilly for Myers because I liked Myers gameplay better and it was more fun sneaking up on survivors.
Later down the line I kinda also dropped Myers for Clown because I find Clown really fun to play. (Can't wait for his rework)
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Old Nurse, before the nerf. She was the killer that actually got me into DbD. Was finally landing blinks after weeks of hammering out muscle memory, then boom. Change. Threw everything off.
Moved from killer to killer after that until I found Plague, somebody I hadn't thought I'd enjoy. Now I love her to bits, mained her this last year.
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How did you main blight on console but dropped him because of console?
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Years ago I really really tried Nurse on my old Xbox1 but no go, even though I put in months and it was before her rework & bug infestation.
There's like 4 expert Xbox1 Nurses out there and I think 3 retired. I get it the frames and turning just won't allow it, and it is why I imagine there's so few Blights and Hags and such.
Shame really.
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I used to be a billy boi, but after they reworked his add one I switched to have leggy boi, Bing bong boi, or Doc as my mains
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The Trapper - Too many perks and items counter him, there are just so many better choices now and he takes too long to set up and be useful. I get he's one of those he'll either be too weak or too strong characters but still. Plenty of quality of life suggested have been made for him.
- Make his Trapper Bag (Common) basekit.
- Have the entity occasionally relocate his unset traps nearby Trapper's proximity so he doesn't have to walk the corner of the map to pick up a single trap wasting 30 seconds just to enable his power essentially.
- Make Honing Stone basekit
Before that it was The Shape - Too many stealth killers currently overshadow him and too many snowball killers overshadow him. He's not amazing at either unless you have a very gimmicky niche build on him specifically for certain maps. He needs a lot of quality of life changes and buffs. Could start with the obvious ones.
- No longer a permanent limit on draining a survivor and instead when a survivor is topped off they go through a one minute period where it resets to 100% available
- Evil Within 3 no longer automatically activates but instead requires a button press to activate similar to The Oni.
- Enable multi stalk
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Hag. She was the first DLC I picked up and the first killer I mained for a long time. Then, Legion came out and I played the hell out of them. Tried coming back to Hag and realized that I forgot how to play her, among others. I mained her for a bit longer, but I eventually went back to the now reworked Legion, then I started playing PWYF + Nemesis Bubba a ton, and now I've been playing a ton of Bubba and Wraith.
I still play her every now and then, but most of the games against solo queuers are so easy with her, it's just not fun. I need a challenge to enjoy this game. Spreadsheet Hag is just way too good against uncoordinated teams, and that is sadly what I've gotten the past few times I played Hag. With other killers, I at least feel I'm doing well. With Hag, though, I just feel like the game plays itself most of the time.
Now I'm a Bubba and Wraith main, and I'm having a very good time.