“In chase” HUD icon concept (with image)

This is long overdue, but now I’m finally doing it. We all know how frustrating solo queue can get, so I wanted to present this to you.
The image speaks for itself, when a chase initiates, the HUD will display a running person icon; letting others know that their teammate is currently in a chase. Lack of feedback is what makes solo queue frustrating, which is why I believe this will have a significant impact on it.
I actually really like this, any change that would bridge the gap between solo queue and SWF is a plus for me
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Thank you 🙏
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I love the idea! I've always wanted more HUD icons showing actions. Can you also make a HUD icon concept for actions such as getting healed or doing gens?
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Thank you, I was thinking about doing healing & repairing icons however it would make the killer more aware of what the survivors are doing.
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The killer wouldn't and shouldn't be able to see ANY of these icons. Only survivors.
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Bringing this back because I still genuinely believe that this can benefit solo queue significantly.
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I think this would be fantastic for solo survivors. The main reason i only like playing with my friends is because i then know what is going on, this will help those who play solo a lot and i don't think it will be too strong either, just a little bit of help.
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I do too! Solo queue needs a bit of assistance, which is exactly what this will serve!
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I like this, or to make their status icon (whether healthy or injured) tremble like the obsession entity claws. Your design is great however I'd prefer being able to see their health status and chase status at the same time.
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Nice one. Instead we'll get the new UI. Rough one.
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Perhaps the developers can come up with a way to have the little person icon appear injured!
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They said that the new HUD is not the final form/version of it. They said they have more plans for the new HUD, so I guess we'll get new UI features that hasn't been shown yet.
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This gives me hope, fingers crossed.
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This would help solo so much I wish BHVR would put this in the game.
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If we can shine more light upon this concept, it could possibly come true.
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It's not a buff to 4 man. With so much complaints towards SWF shouldn't the gap between solo and SWF be bridged then balance killer accordingly? That way there is NO excuses for losing.
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Its rare to see someone else disagree with UI changes to close the solo-swf-gap. I like your callout to even good survivors forgetting to use comms. As fr the topic of the chase icon, its nice to have a glowing icon to tell you youre completely free to do everything, not needing to pay attention and rush da gen boooois.
The only ways i can think of to close the gap without buffing swf is to add voicechat ( because swf already has it) or a message system, as that'd be a slightly weaker version of comms. And a message to " focus gens" is waaay more balanced than a glowingnicon telling you to be free to do so, as that chased survivor still had to intend and relay thst info to the others.
UI/HUD stuff will be available to all survivors, at all times, and dont need input of survivors to work. Thats way stronger as comms for gathering information. Especially since comms will then be used less for gathering info, but using the free info to relay strategy etc even more efficient as before.
As for the killer compensation. It really is a barebone concept as its never really discussed. People keep throwing some single killer buffs around, but the fompensation needs to be something that affects ALL killers, general killer mechanics or stuff for the general killer-survivor interaction. Ive got some smallish ideas
- Making getting hit during actions more punishing ( ministun, resulting in less hit sprint)
- Instant regression on kicks.
- Unrestricted grabs? Or atleast functioning grabs.
I feel like people underestimate how strong a buff that solo-swef gap closing would be.
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I think instant regression on gens is good idea for compensating killer. Currently there is no consequence for survivors instantly tapping gens with the killer in the area. More power to the killer without making survivor less fun.
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I don’t see how SWF would benefit from this.
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Why shouldn’t it be base-kit? I don’t find it fair that solo players have to use up a perk slot while SWF groups are allowed to use what they please. In my opinion, trying to solve problems with perks is not necessarily a good idea.