We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

looking for more friends!

hi! i play on pc with crossplay enabled so i don't care what platform you play on! i'm currently red ranks but i'll play with anyone of any rank! i don't play super seriously or take rank seriously, and i like to run meme builds a lot (i really like autodidact dfgdfg). i just wanna have fun with people and play casually!

my discord is mashtyx#6896 :D

oh and i'm lgbt+ so if you're a bigot pls don't reply/add me


  • PenguWen
    PenguWen Member Posts: 5

    I added you on discord if you'd like to play

  • Vixenex
    Vixenex Member Posts: 1

    hi lol i also added you on discord. I’m new to the game a lil so i’m not great and i’m also apart of the lgbtq+ and have no friends to play with ahaha

  • eugequeen
    eugequeen Member Posts: 1

    Hi! Also added on Discord. I'm lgbtq+ and looking for friends to play with too. I am also new and not very good. But I have a lot of enthusiasm! Looking forward to it. Discord is eugequeen#0659

  • CrateofBone
    CrateofBone Member Posts: 3

    Heyoo, fellow lgbtq+ here. My sister and I play regularly and need some more people for hopefully playing with a team of 4 almost daily. My friend code is Penguin#877b. Im on the switch (I've played on PC & xbox too).