OK. Devs love Survivors. At least More bp rewards for killers?

It is already well known that Devs are in survivors’ favor but this coming update proves it once again.
OK, We got it. It’s fine. We get it.
You guys care about survivors more because they are the ones who dominate DBD population. From business perspective, I can relate to that.
However, there are going to be less killers if you guys keep shredding them apart.
Give killers more BPs at least to make people wanna play them despite all the pain they have to go through from chasing survivors. (especially when survivors are 4 man’ed team)
I mean, who would play killers if they keep getting nerfed and there is hardly compensation for it.
Both survivors and killers would agree that playing killers is more exhausting physically and mentally. Why no better reward for playing them? I don’t understand.
Survivors , please don’t say such thing as
“use BBQ then!!”
”BBQ is easier to stack.”
you may already know that Killers can’t always have BBQ in their perks...
You are aware that 3 Killers got buffed, right?
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Clown got faster reload speeds, and got a new type of bottle that speeds players up
Trapper's RNG got changed so early escapes are harder, but later escapes are easier, making them much more consistent
Wraith is now fully invisible from 24m away while cloaked, has the same shimmer when within 16 meters, and the shimmer gradually becomes more visible between 24 and 16.
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Killers already get more BPs and have easier access to Bonus-BPs (BBQ rewards BPs for just playing the game while for WGLF you either have to rush for every Unhook or take Protection Hits which might turn out to be bad for the team) AND have WAY less stuff in their Bloodwebs aka get the stuff they want faster.
Wraith, Trapper, Clown.
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Wraiths aint that useful. That shimmer stood out a mile away, now all it does is make it stand out that the survivors have a good four seconds to lolligag before he even starts ringing the bell.
Clown ill have to see a game of to decide.
Trapper is actually a nerf, it may be more consistent, but its more consistent to the lower end if the scale. If they had increased the time per try then perhaps it could be a buff, but they didint and so its a nerf overall
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People have less chance to escape on their first 3 attempts, so the chance that someone steps in a Trap and is immediatly free (which is faster than disarming it, lol) is lower.
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Which one do you think has more impact?
- slight buffs on 3 killers (with Clown, I think there would be just few killers who could utilize it efficiently)
- crucial nerf on one of the most powerful killer perks ever
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Clown got a buff? His gas can make survivor faster now... You literally can’t make any mistakes with your tonic bottles now as it speeds up the survivors
Trapper buff? Instead survivors now have a more consistent chance of escaping.
Wraith? Yeah but good survivors will be able to discern his location based on where he is not at the time.
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Now the clown can help survivors escape faster.
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Indeed, but that was less common than a trap taking sometimes 10 attempts. It takes about a second per try, so thats 6s to escape and thats if the killer is lucky
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Eh, I would not simply say that one is more common than the other. In reality, there is probably an average which resembles the previous 25%. I mean, when I play Trapper it always feels like they are out on their first attempt, when I play against a Trapper, it always feels like it takes too long.
Small correction tho - its 1.5 seconds per attempt, not 1 second.
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So you can get punished for using a power badly? Oh no, the horror!
If you're that scared of letting them escape, just don't use it in a chase, use it for mobility. It's optional. His reload speed got a buff. Giving a killer more room to make good plays while adding a penalty if you ######### it up isn't a nerf if everything else about them is the same/better. This is objectively a buff.
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These "buffs" will not even take them out of the low tiers. They still will be unviable against decent survivors.
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And I doubt any of the perks buffed will become meta either, none of them where huge.
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I can't agree. I think Clown now has better play potential and reload speed is big for the time. Wraith buff is much better than people think here. I like the trapper nerf/buff.
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They technically are. Survivor and Killer both will be rewarded Bloodpoints in tier values based on their ranking at the end of the season.
Aside from that Killer has almost instant queue times and scores more BP on average than Survivors even without BBQ.
A survivor can be tunneled out of a match and get 3000 or even less BP while a Killer makes over 20,000 easily. Additionally most survivors don't even come close to a perfect 32k while on Killer it's much easier to get close to that / gain bloodpoint in various categories as, you never have to worry about being tunneled out of a match in the first few minutes lol
At least try to see things from both sides before making a post to incite. Killers are just fine on BP farming, again even without BBQ. BBQ just makes it infinitely better to BP farm as Killer than Survivors with WGLF.
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If you use the gas that speeds up players on the survivors then you deserve to lose.
You obviously throw it only in your path. The change is actually really interresting.
Even at the most basic principle of throwing a slowdown bottle at one side and a speed up bottle on the other side will most likely result in a hit now instead of just a quick pallet
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The meta for survivors is still the same tho, with no counterplay, the meta for killers got nerfed. All the other perks that no one used before will not be used now as well, but that's not news
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Yeah, expecting an actual buff for the weakest killer we have, was obviously to optimistic.
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There's still a lot of perks that can take Undying's place. Ruin is still good, and Pop didn't get effected at all. The Killer Meta will probably just revert to what it was, which was still strong.
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Ruin is trash.
Same goes for Pop.
The meta will go back to were it was before Undying existed.
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5 second reload to 3 second reload isn't a buff? The ability to increase your movement speed by 10% isn't a buff? Both of these things without a single nerf isn't a buff? The ability to ######### up doesn't make a killer bad. It just makes them harder to play, and in this case, gives more chances for good plays at the same time. That's a good thing. You can just not use the speed boosts in loops and you'll still be playing with several good buffs.
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Ruin is really good on any killer with mobility. PGTW is great on nearly every killer in the game, being able to instantly regress 25% of a generator is really good. Just because it's not as good doesn't mean it's #########.
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have you ever wondered why killers get “almost instant” queue time? Yes, because there are less killers. Why are there less killer? Because PLAYING AS A KILLER IS MORE LIKE A PAIN IN THE BUTT AND NO ONE ENJOYS SUFFERING.
and if you are making an argument on survivors getting tunnelled out in the early stage of the game, It’s neither an abuse or cheating, it’s just a killer killing a survivor.
Playing as a killer, you get to focus and think more. This is clearly more exhausting. You’ll know what I mean if you have played a killer at least once. I’m not talking about the balancing of the game. What I said is killers need more compensation for more exhausting concentration on the game.
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Let's be real guys. The Trapper change didn't even give him an extra trap and Wraith will still get eviscerated by Spine Chill. The Clown change has potential but needs to be tested.
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Yellow will debuff purple instantly ( which i personally find questionable). Resulting in a 110% survivor.
Im bad with math in dbd, will the clown get 125% or 126.5% in yellow?
If both survior and killer manage to get yellow at the same time, theres either the old 15% catch-up speed or 16.5%. It doesnt really change how fast the clown catches up, but the survivor is more likely to reach safezones earlier.
Now if the survivor manages to get yellow a bit earlier, this will be bad for the clown. But i guess thats what the delay is for.
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Only if you purpously throw Antidote at them, otherwise you should use them for your own advantage.
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Do you really expect Clown to be more popular with 1 1/2 buff? The speed buff can also affect survivors.
Ruin is trash. Even on killers with mobility. Why? Because the killer can only chase 1 survivor at a time. The other survivors will not notice that ruin is there, since it has no slowdown on gens that are being worked on.
Pop is also trash, because 20 seconds of additional repair time (for a single survivor... for 2 survivors it will be 11 seconds). Its roughly the amount the killer wastes breaking chases and walking to a gen.
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Killermain here.
Undying was busted and needed nerfs - and you can play the game just fine without it.
and nerfing an overpowered perk isnt exactly "shredding the killer community apart"... especially when we got 3 killer buffs in return, as it has been pointed out already by multiple others.
and before anyone comes at me with that stupid argument:
yes survivors too have overpowered perks. i am aware of that. but no, this does not mean Undying was fine and didnt need the nerfs.
if anything, that just means we have more stuff to nerf in the future.
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this may sound crazy for you but, in this game killers dont have the possibility to play with friends, most people have friends they want to play games with, which is why there are alot more survivors playing.
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Actually, yeeting it into a survivors path can be beneficial. Lure them somewhere for the boost, then use the tonic to nullify the antidote before it buffs them
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Well, besides clown:
The RNG of the traps spawns isn’t fixed, so, it will be matches (a lot of them, actually), when you will not be able to even use all his traps, because you need to forget about all the survivors and go to a dead end of the map (and lost 3 generators in the way!!).
Wraith is completely invisible beyond some distance. How useful! Actually, now he’s at the same tier at Freddy, since that is the most powerful skill! It will help a lot in chases. Or getting to places quickly. Or anything besides not be seen.
Those tweaks aren’t enough for those killers.
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I don't think you're playing properly if you think survivors get more bp
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Survivor main here. Just had a match where we rushed gens (i played solo). Oni got 2 hooks before all gens were completed.
He had Ruin up, didn´t even notice it.
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Devs buff 3 killers, nerf 3maps, nerf one of the most busted perks that ever existed...devs love survivors
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thats mostly on the killer for not applying map pressure then.
unless you were a coordinated genrush group, which i doubt, given you were solo (maybe the other 3 tho).
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We were just 3 survivors running from one gen to the next one. Not exactly coordinated, but still quick.
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If they nerf Freddy the same way they buffed those 3 killers, than Freddy mains can sleep without any fear.
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3 of the worst killers in the game become 3 mediocre killers in the game
finally time to nerf one of the best killer perks while leaving the even stronger survivor perks untouched because survivors need 5 second chances minimum to have a chance to survive
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You say not to mention BBQ, but you already get bloodpoints so fast with BBQ. Killers don't need increased BP incentives, they already have them lol
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Undying will do what everyone said it was doing anyway. On the forums undying was the 1st hex to get cleansed so it will make no difference at all.
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I know the struggle of playing as a killer, with no meta perks to boot and yet I still make more BP on average when I play killer because I can do reasonably well every match and can get into and out of matches faster than waiting for Survivor queue.
Honestly I only play Survivor with friends so when they aren't on I'm playing Killer. I get to see both sides and I make way more BP as a killer on average than I do as Survivor lol
The BP grind problem exists for both sides and Behavior knows they need to address it for both. I understand there's a collective group of people who don't want Survivors to have any form of extra BP farming ease as
"this would further exacerbate queue times as Killers would just play Survivor reee"
but I don't see that ever happening. Killers will always have fast queue times and be able to make more BP consistently than Survivors can individually save for those few games where Entity is displeased and we get rolled. There's just a sort of natural balance already. Survivors don't need some broken way of getting more BP but something small would be appreciated to help new players with the insane grind + long wait times.
Heck I'm all for both sides getting more ways to get BP more easily. Like if you buff Killers ease of getting BP considerably you could actually do the same for Survivor and Killer would still likely make more on average as well as retain their fast queue times etc.
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u can tell who the bad killers are, its been constant buffs for killers yet apprently the devs are all survivor mains...... victim mentality.
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Oh yeah like when they gave ph 1 sec cd and someone said that the 3 ph players won't play him anymore even tho ph was one of the killers with the highest pick rates
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remember when killer mains said " billy was massivly nerfed" when nobody ever overheats and all they did was take INSTA SAW away. :D
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kinda but there is no point to the dull totems
my ideal change would be if undying moves hexes to dull totems when cleansed but if undying is cleansed any already moved hexes also become cleansed
minimal is still 2 totems
max is now 4 totems guaranteed
removes the highest highs of the perk being strong but keeps the lowest lows
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Yes, the speed buff can effect survivors, but only if you mess up. The only way it will speed up just the survivors and not you as well is if you ######### it up badly. Anything else, and at worst it will do nothing and give both of you the speed boost. Not to mention the fact that the purple smoke cancels the effect for survivors, so if you use it right they'll hardly gain a boost at all. It will just take still.
So, you chase one guy. His gen is regressing. You hook him, someone else has to go for the save. 2 gens. You find another person, that's 3 gens regressing at double speed. Pair it with Surveillance, and you get really good Gen tracking. Want a specific gen to regress? Defend it hard, they can't tap it to stop the regression. For Pop, that 20% can save a generator by itself. If you use it on a gen and survivors don't come back to it, it will regress a ######### ton. If they're nearby and want it completed, those 10-20 seconds can give you enough time to catch whoever's working on it. Defending a Gen without Pop is WAY harder then doing it with. Plus the mental aspect of taking away a quarter of a generator can cause survivors to leave it. Both of these perks are viable.
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I didn't say the Killers are good now, but they did get buffed, and they are improved. Wraith and Trapper do need more, but this is still helpful. I still need to see Clown in action to see if he's fixed, but nothing else in the patch will be meta. Both sides got small buffs. This isn't a survivor sided patch.
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I see a big clown buff. Also I’m worry about using ub, because in the new movements it seems there’s about 1 sec when you recover from dying state before you can run
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I haven´t seen Pizza head for at least... a month. Maybe more.
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Lets follow your example. The hooked guy goes back to the same gen as the one that saved him. After 5 Seconds of working together on the gen, they recovered the whole ruin regression.
For pop its the same story but with lets say 15 seconds of regression they recover once they go back.
Unless the killer is camping certain gens (as you said) the survivors will go back and recover the lost progress in a couple of seconds.
IF the killer camps those gens, the survivors will just do other gens. Not like theres a shortage of gens on the map.