The January 2021 Update, the good, the bad and the "we will see"

Title, i'll be giving my thoughts on the contents of the new dev update
The Good
HUD Update: I personally didn't really see why they felt the need to change it, but after looking at the notes i think this will be a very positive change, it's so much cleaner now and you'll be able to keep tracked of who's been hooked and how many times so much easier now
New Survivor Animations: Making the game look smoother is always a plus, my personal favourite are the new flashlight animation and the picking yourself up animation, they look great
Matchmaking Rewards: Goddamn yes, anything to reduce the grind and give people a reason to rank up
Crotus Prenn and The Game updates: Continuing to make the maps look goddamn amazing, Crotus especially, you really get the sense that some ######### went down now instead of the bland and generic abandoned building it used to be
Wraith and Trapper changes: The 2 are contenders for most outdated killers in the game and giving them changes that bring them more up to speed is always a plus
Undying changes: We all knew this was going to happen and i think they did the right thing here, now you only have to cleanse 2 hexes instead of all of them, and now that the aura reading is stuck to dulls Killers now have to actually take time to check their hexes instead of only going when they see a aura
other perk buffs: straight buffing Iron Maiden, Second Wind, Diversion, Open Handed and Fixated is nothing short of awesome
The Bad
The lack of changes to DS: Undying got hit in the right places but DS haven't been touched, now that undying's nerfed can we see DS nerfed down as well? just reduce the time to 45 seconds so that it's the same duration as PGTW or something
Coldwind being left in the dust: No updates on that, was really hoping the final of the original 3 would be bought up to snuff, still happy with what we're getting but man does Coldwind feel like it's getting shafted
Clown Update: I mean, it's better then nothing but at the same time, what a let down, so many concepts, so many different ways to change his power and all we're getting is a type of bottle that makes everyone, including other survivors, faster...yayyyyyyy
No new Killer animations: I understand needing to manage workloads but still, kinda sucks that killers aren't getting new animations like Survs are this patch
The "We will see"
Undying keeps tokens: I am...on the fence about this, this just feels like it'll make DH insanely powerful
Deep Wound changes: i mean, Deep Wound was kinda just...there, it was never a issue for me personally but maybe someone else had problems with it, i don't know
MMR: I am seriously worried about if this will be a repeat of last time or if it will actually work, if it works, great, if it doesn't, devs, prepare for a LOT of complaining again, just throwing that out there
those are my thoughts, can't wait for this update, hopefully my fears in MMR and Clown's lackluster rework will be misplaced, we shall see
Don't forgot the new HUD not only has hook indicators but shows which survivor is being chased for all survivors. These two changes represent a huge buff for solos. Finally we're seeing the SWF-solo gap get smaller.
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The clown change has potential but I’ll probably run confetti bottles and keep playing old clown
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i didn't even notice that, thank god that massive gap is getting smaller
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The survivor icon glows orangey red when being chased. It's a nice touch.
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I think that’s supposed to show that the survivor is injured and not that he’s being chased.
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How do we see which survivors are being chased on those pictures? To me, it looks the exact same as it is right now. You see that they get injured, you know they get chased. The red glow means that they got hit.
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I'm sorry but I also do not like this new design,
The previous design had no issues, to my knowledge, and in my opinion shouldnt be changed for the sake of it 'being new'.
The old GUI had all the information a player needs to see at the moment, perhaps the hook-count would be a nice addition, but the current asthetics of the GUI should not be toyed around with, personally the new design looks like a wide-scape mobile game, very cheap (no offence to the designers)