Improving intentional hook deaths and D/C trials

Starr43 Member Posts: 873
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Idea: Offer a late join/sub-in option as an adjunct to queuing up for a regular lobby.

Default requirement for a substitute Survivor to join the match

  • D/C within 30-60 seconds or so of spawning or 4-5 generators remaining

Killers and Survivors would both have the option to turn Late Join on or off

  • The Killer has control over the generator completion requirements prior to searching for a lobby so range can be extended to allow a substitute player between 3-5 generators for example

A major flaw is people purposely dying on first hook instead of pulling the plug so having situations like this recognized in game and allow a sub-in then it could still work.

Entering matches as a substitute:

  • The health state of the disconnected survivor you’re subbing in for will be applied to you (healthy, injured, broken etc) I’d leave dying state out or at the very least grant 1 self pickup
  • Subbing for a disconnected obsession automatically makes you the obsession unless obsession status has already transferred to another survivor
  • Hook states carry over to the substitute (a Mori will apply to you if you happen to replace a survivor on death-hook)
  • Healing progression would reset and not carry over i.e., 99% back to 0


  • Potential to maintain balance/equal chance of success for both sides especially when 4, 5 generators are unfinished
  • Killers won’t be punished so hard if D/C’s occur while striving for Adept/Merciless
  • Chance for faster queues and more gameplay in general

Incentive for survivors subbing in:

  • Automatic 15k bloodpoints
  • All bloodpoints earned in each category by completing objectives, helping teammates, being chased etc are doubled (bonus bloodpoints are awarded after the trial)
  • Guaranteed safety PIP for joining late and completing a match as a substitute

Incentive for Killers:

  • Automatic 15k bloodpoints and an extra 15k for each generator you allow in the setting (45k at 3 gen leniency)
  • Bloodpoints would be awarded regardless if a substitute player joined late (this would prevent Killers from intentionally trying to force a D/C or camp someone to death in order to get a late joiner
  • Essentially free BP just signing up
Post edited by Mandy on


  • Ghosty123
    Ghosty123 Member Posts: 23

    Its not needed if someone kills themselves and you really dont want to play that match just kill yourselve too. The only downside is depiping which rank doesnt do anything atleast until the new changes come into effect but still the bloodpoints you gain from your rank is a ridiculous low amount to care about

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Point one: ends up delaying the match. it already cancels if this happens.

    Point two: so one person turns it off or on then what? so if killer says no and this happens it's now 3 V 1.

    Point three: you intentionally handicap someone being THROWN into a match without knowing? wow great way to make it bad. ok new survivor, you're right there, killer's behind you and you're already injured or dying state. hook #1 before you could even DO ANYTHING... how is this good?

    Point four: no issues with this as obsession status really only matters in a few cases like the black box from freddy and still does not really affect anything.

    point five: ok sub in someone for someone that dc's after 2nd hook state: killer gets a free sac because the person was subbed in the dying state and never gets to play the game.

    point six: so someone that was using this is not happening at 99 health now the sub is at 0 health and they don't even know how they were injured because they just got in the game now they can't heal because no one is around and also they have nothing to heal with.

    point seven: you mean give the killer extra hooks? bah that's not right it's really hey now the killer has to kill 5 people instead of 4 and ONLY increases the chance that the survivors escape? great balance!

    point eight: sure doesn't affect the killer's pips but it does increase the chance he'd loose the match because now he's had to case one of 4 down, and suddenly he's back to 4 and then finally two more gens are done and it's 4 survivors alive and 2 gens remaining.

    point nine: lol only for the ones that are solo! benefit only one group of players.

    point ten: yes more blood points, that's a great consolation if you go in and die/get sac'd immediately and you had 28K bp items, add-ons and offerings GREAT thing! YES lets give them 15K!

    Point Eleven: yes lets double 0 blood points for someone that came in and didn't get a chance to do anything.

    point twelve: perfect! didn't loose 1 pip at all but lost those 28K of stuff that they can't get back becuase they ended up being sac'd after joining in the game at death hook.

    point thirteen: makes no sense? how many gens are allowed???? doesn't make sense.

    point fouteen: bloodpoints would be awarded regardless would stop someone trying to bully another into dc? makes no sense.

    point fifteen: again does not make sense what so ever!

    with the exception of point four these points make 0 sense in the game and only will cause people to be upset as they come in and suddenly are right out of the game. no i do not support this, I find this some how only benefits survivors because it increases the chance that they win over a killer. and you make it sound like killers are forcing people to dc or trying to make them dc..... and how does this replace someone that takes themselves out of the match via in game functionality help the killer? lol no you are looking for easier ways that you could win a match when you don't like what is going on.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559, if I die accidentally after reaching struggle phase, someone can just come in and replace me on the hook and then die themselves once they spawn and don't press struggle fast enough? Or, do they spawn right on top of the dying survivor in the corner or anywhere else where the killer suddenly had a survivor on the hook and now has no idea where the newest survivor has appeared?

    There are plenty more questions to ask, but just from those above, it doesn't seem like your idea is incredibly feasible as of right now.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    It was my overly convoluted and poorly thought way to save games that still had potential to play out somewhat normally. Possibly even an alternative to bots if BHVR ever decided to add them.. that’s all.

    you would spawn away from the killer normally and never on a hook