I think all these balanced changes are good except one.

RocketPenguin Member Posts: 374
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions
  1. Aura reading only applies to dull totems.

I think that keeping stacks and having a safty net for 1 totem is pretty balanced. Though i think it still deserves the protection aspect. Like whats the point of defending dull totems now? It should be the other way around it only applies to lit totems or just keep the old readings.

Other than that, all perk changes are good,

Clown change we have to wait and see

And the Ui are pretty disapointing especially for soloqueue.

Edit: and deep wounds and wraith changes are great


  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    They did it so the perk, while active, can also act as a tracking one, but not something that will counter the cleansing. They got rid of the aura reading for lit totems in order to encourage the killer to use thrill.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited January 2021

    All of the changes made to Undying are bad.

    1. Every hex should be allowed to respawn at least once unless no dull totems remain.
    2. Once a totem is cleansed, a hex shouldn't lose or keep all of its tokens; it should lose about half.
    3. Aura reading should apply only to hex totems.
  • I don't get why they had such a hard time with this.

    Swap thrill of the hunt and undying's notifications. Thus buffing thrill while nerfing undying.

    Make it so the new effect only works on lit totems with undying; since when the first totem is broken it will negate the entire effect anyways, at least give them the OPTION to defend it ONE TIME. I fail to see how being allowed to defend a totem ONE SINGLE TIME is too much.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Their reasoning is that its functionality overlaps with Thrill. Both of them currently notify you when a hex totem is being worked on.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    I like these points. Sadly there are only 2 devs/mods I've seen on the forums on a consistent basis. They are Boss and Peanuts, I actually think their responses are genuine and are fluent. Not to mention, most of the ideas from the community are going to be ignored even though we have a PTB to test things.

  • maxchienbinh
    maxchienbinh Member Posts: 92

    here is my opinion on the upcoming patch:

    1. why the hex undying still a hex when its function is like a normal perk. you cleanse a hex totem, u lose undying (other hex still stand), u cleanse undying, u lose undying (other hex still stand). either way undying will be gone
    2. isnt deep wound timer is already 20 secs? not sure what is the maximum timer (by legion add on) on deep wound in the current patch but im pretty sure bt and soul guard has 20 secs timer.
    3. clown bottle: might be an interesting play but also potential nerf to him. remember in order to get that speed boost, u lose a bottle. a clown without his bottle = m1 killer.
    4. love the new UI cuz now survivor can see how many hooks their friends get so they dont have to do body block every time. and killer wont be confused if there are 4 same outfit and characters in a match.
    5. new survivors animation (getting up from downed state) = more time for killer to get close? based on the vid, it looks like it takes about 1 sec for downed survivor to stand up (animation alone). can they move during that animation?