Surv. are EZ & The Selfcare, D-strike, Sprintburst & Adrenaline Metaperkcomb is to much and OP



  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259
    edited June 2018
    Markness said:

    @swenpai said:
    Markness said:

    @swenpai said:

    D-STRIKE is not Over powered, it is alot of times hard to hit the skill check.

    But I do kind of agree that survivors are easier than killer.

    That feelin' when someone hit me with a d-strike and ran me for an extra minute on lerys.

    That fee'ilin' when an extra sacrifice was robbed by a d-strike near the gate in the same game.

    That feelin' when you're wrong.

    I can barely understand anything that you're saying will all of you feelin' fee'in' slangs but I'll repond about what I understood.
    The fact that you can't catch a injured, slow survivor when you're almost as twice as fast is a problem.
    And I am even a killer main.
    Try to get a little better at catching survivors maybe.

    Injured survivors run slower? Since when? Oh wait.. since never. So thanks for bringing that up.

    Seriously man, its like totally so hard to run away from someone that is stunned and then you get to a window or something that gives you distance because you vault faster than the killer and then you do circles around obstacles and drop a pallet... then you go back to the window and do it in an another direction.. so hard.

    I've hit rank 1 numerous times as killer and survivor and it is not hard as survivor. Don't pretend that I need to L2P when in reality it is the game that is completely broken. If there is a map that has a building then I guarantee I could run you around it for 5 gens unless you get lucky with the nurse or use broken add-ons with the other ones (insta-down hatchets, etc.)

    The game is completely broken with map balance and DS is broken on top of that broken map balance.

    I keep coming back to this game anticipating when they will finally address the balance issues and they dance around it because of people like you. Stop pretending the game/perks are fine when they aren't. A good chunk of high rank killers agree that DS needs a nerf.

    Anywho, the hatch and all the other crap are minor issues (slug the 3rd survivor) and I don't feel like grinding for cosmetics so I'll be back when they finally get rid of that broken perk and stop balancing this game around rank 20 play.


    Don't play it if you feel that it is broken

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Balance the game?

    Reduce all pallets by 10% in all levels.

    Buff the least used 5 perks on each side.

    Give overall slightly more control and power to killers.


  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 988
    edited June 2018
    So uh how about this...

    Get rid of survivors (op perks) killers gotta either give up noed or nurses..and once you hooked a survivor you can not hook that survivor again for at least 1-2 mins..
    Killer mains cry about the perks that survivors have yet they have noed..nurses..BBQ (which you can not counter) and blood lust..yup blood lust main be for the pallet Loopers but if you're trying to get rid of SB and all our good perks you can't go any fast either...or have any perks that make you go fast like fire up..fighting fire with fire isn't the way to sovle a problem..but here are the killer mains yet again bitching about the op perks that survivors have yet yall have some too..
    Just chop off our arms and legs so we can't move then maybe y'all would be happy..
    But then again you'd find something to ######### about....
    The problem isn't that survivors don't have good perks, the problem is that since SC, SB, and DS are the standard of good perks, everything looks like a poor choice in comparison, which I'd why they need nerfed, so they're on the level of other good perks, and not setting a whole new unachievable level for any new perks they decide to add.
  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    well, a gamemode without perks would be fun

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @MrsMaliciousX said:

    @Shipthebread said:

    @Master said:

    @MrsMaliciousX said:
    So uh how about this...

    Get rid of survivors (op perks) killers gotta either give up noed or nurses..and once you hooked a survivor you can not hook that survivor again for at least 1-2 mins..
    Killer mains cry about the perks that survivors have yet they have noed..nurses..BBQ (which you can not counter) and blood lust..yup blood lust main be for the pallet Loopers but if you're trying to get rid of SB and all our good perks you can't go any fast either...or have any perks that make you go fast like fire up..fighting fire with fire isn't the way to sovle a problem..but here are the killer mains yet again bitching about the op perks that survivors have yet yall have some too..
    Just chop off our arms and legs so we can't move then maybe y'all would be happy..
    But then again you'd find something to ######### about....

    Noed and BBQ can both be countered easily, you dont even need a perk to counter it, just some brain :wink:
    But sure, I will gladly throw oaway Noed and BBQ and fire up if we can get rid of survivor meta perks, any time :lol:

    LOL He says they can't be countered. 1 has a hard counter and the other can be countered fairly easily with mind games. Then says by giving those up we got to allowed 1-2 min between hooks. So when someone gets hooked they get off and area allowed to do 1 gen before being allowed to be hooked again? The comment by this survivor main shows just how out to lunch some of the survivor community is.

    It has nothing to do with being a survivor main. It has everything to do with killer mains crying about the swf and the voice chat..when half the time the random survivors are more deadly then the gosh darn killer..this is make it so that the hooked can't just be farmed..i get that they dont get the points..but if i cant stop the survivor from doing it what the heck is the point? yeah borrowed time blah blah they are randoms they dont care if they have borrowed time or not..and for killer mains they dont see it this way, they see it as well they were hurt more than the others so im just going to tunneling them until they are dead, when most of the time the hooked survivor didn't even stand a chance lol

    The arguments you are making reek of low level survivor gripes. I don't mean that as an insult, honestly this will happen often in lower ranks because of bad players and trolls. Though I took time to think about it over the weekend as I played and honestly not once in solo queue this weekend was I taken off the hook at a time that I would say was piss poor on their part. Some might not have been optimal but they were not blatant farming. I found the hardest ranks to get out of in the new emblem system were the 15 to 10 ranks where people are good enough to know better but are still a bit brain dead / don't care. Once I was past that everyone else seemed to want to survive, they know that meant giving themselves the best chance to do that, survivors alive, healthy and doing gens.

    Biggest farming issues I had was in a couple of SWF games where they were overly altruistic, managed to play 2 before I couldn't take it anymore and gave up on the squad.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @weirdkid5 said:
    This thread just exist as evidence this community is divided beyond repair.

    Scientific, factual I right? Scientific evidence this man speaks.




  • This content has been removed.
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    @only1biggs said:

    @weirdkid5 said:
    This thread just exist as evidence this community is divided beyond repair.

    Scientific, factual I right? Scientific evidence this man speaks.




    I'm glad you fully understand now that I only speak pure fact and truth. Everything I say is right.

    Sometimes I'm a little off of the actual truth, but still right regardless.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    well, the hatchchange is the first step in to the right way i think. Its not live on 2.0 but DS is a other thing and not the only one. The fact is they have to many outs. Its not a Challenge and that sucks.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    Balance the game?

    Reduce all pallets by 10% in all levels.

    Buff the least used 5 perks on each side.

    Give overall slightly more control and power to killers.


    SWF not adressed? Cant be fixed then

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheXenoborg said:
    Survivor is definitely too easy. I managed to reach rank 1 with 0 perks on any survivor since they were all level 1. Other than that, Decisive Strike while useful needs to have a downside -- even if one survivor uses it, the downside must affect all survivors. Probably something like, a permanent, stackable speed boost of 5% and/or a 10-15% faster successful/missed attack cooldown to the killer everytime DS is used. This should make DS a, 'is it worth it?' perk and survivors would then be encouraged to use it at critical times.

    Reached rank 1 as survivor in the first month I did more then dailies :wink:

  • Zombiella
    Zombiella Member Posts: 53

    The biggest problem I have with discussions about game balance, besides how toxic people get toward each other, is that most of the considerations are done with SWF and high rank in mind. The problem is that I don't think a majority of the players are in rank 1~8 and I'd say there's just as many regular solo players as there are people who regularly group up. Constantly applying crappy band-aid fixes to the game just because SWF players at rank 1 can be cancerous is not improving the game's experience for most players, overall.

    Gens are done too quickly.
    SC needs a little nerf.
    SB needs a little nerf. Personally, with Lithe, BL and DH, I don't even see a need for SB but I understand that they probably won't remove it. They could rework it a little though.
    DS should be removed or balanced. This is probably the biggest thing I've seen killer mains complain about and it needs to be addressed.
    SWF needs to be fixed, somehow. Maybe give the killers a choice to vs SWF and increase their rewards for doing so? Maybe have casual and ranked lobbies and only allow SWF in casual lobbies. Idk, something has to be done though and more importantly, something _can be done. Maybe it can't be completely balanced, but make it hurt a little less for killers lol._
    Killers should be incentivized not to camp. Maybe make the dying progress on the hook take a little longer if a killer is nearby, or give them much more points the longer a game goes on, or really increase the points from finding and chasing survivors and patrolling gens. Once again, Idk, these are just thoughts.

    Other stuff like pallet looping is continuously being addressed so I hope that's a sign they will get to SC, DS, SB and SWF sooner rather than later.
    Flashlights have been addressed---it's now next to impossible for the average player to regularly land the blind/stun on killers and don't get me started on the immunity frames killers get while picking up on a pallet and how inconsistent the pallet stuns/flashlight blinds are if you even manage the -1 sec timing in the first place.
    Seriously, the amount of times killers just don't get stunned when someone slams a pallet is staggering.
    Just the other day I was able to swing and hit someone while they threw the pallet down right on me and I didn't drop the survivor. On the other side of things, I watched someone perfectly time the pallet while I was being picked up and it just moved the killer to the other side. (???)
    Patch 1.9.2 was a joke. It addressed something that I think should have been addressed but it did so very, very poorly. It was almost like they put no thought into it at all. They should've decreased the crap out of the pick-up animation, only make killers vulnerable to the pallet stun for the last half of the animation, and they needed to make flashlight useage increase so you couldn't use it more than 2-3 times a game (or even less) for that patch to have been viable. But, I do agree that immunity frames in this game is super lame.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736
    Shipthebread said: know

    @MrsMaliciousX said:

    @Shipthebread said:

    @Master said:

    @MrsMaliciousX said:
    So uh how about this...

    Get rid of survivors (op perks) killers gotta either give up noed or nurses..and once you hooked a survivor you can not hook that survivor again for at least 1-2 mins..
    Killer mains cry about the perks that survivors have yet they have noed..nurses..BBQ (which you can not counter) and blood lust..yup blood lust main be for the pallet Loopers but if you're trying to get rid of SB and all our good perks you can't go any fast either...or have any perks that make you go fast like fire up..fighting fire with fire isn't the way to sovle a problem..but here are the killer mains yet again bitching about the op perks that survivors have yet yall have some too..
    Just chop off our arms and legs so we can't move then maybe y'all would be happy..
    But then again you'd find something to ######### about....

    Noed and BBQ can both be countered easily, you dont even need a perk to counter it, just some brain :wink:
    But sure, I will gladly throw oaway Noed and BBQ and fire up if we can get rid of survivor meta perks, any time :lol:

    LOL He says they can't be countered. 1 has a hard counter and the other can be countered fairly easily with mind games. Then says by giving those up we got to allowed 1-2 min between hooks. So when someone gets hooked they get off and area allowed to do 1 gen before being allowed to be hooked again? The comment by this survivor main shows just how out to lunch some of the survivor community is.

    It has nothing to do with being a survivor main. It has everything to do with killer mains crying about the swf and the voice chat..when half the time the random survivors are more deadly then the gosh darn killer..this is make it so that the hooked can't just be farmed..i get that they dont get the points..but if i cant stop the survivor from doing it what the heck is the point? yeah borrowed time blah blah they are randoms they dont care if they have borrowed time or not..and for killer mains they dont see it this way, they see it as well they were hurt more than the others so im just going to tunneling them until they are dead, when most of the time the hooked survivor didn't even stand a chance lol

    The arguments you are making reek of low level survivor gripes. I don't mean that as an insult, honestly this will happen often in lower ranks because of bad players and trolls. Though I took time to think about it over the weekend as I played and honestly not once in solo queue this weekend was I taken off the hook at a time that I would say was piss poor on their part. Some might not have been optimal but they were not blatant farming. I found the hardest ranks to get out of in the new emblem system were the 15 to 10 ranks where people are good enough to know better but are still a bit brain dead / don't care. Once I was past that everyone else seemed to want to survive, they know that meant giving themselves the best chance to do that, survivors alive, healthy and doing gens.

    Biggest farming issues I had was in a couple of SWF games where they were overly altruistic, managed to play 2 before I couldn't take it anymore and gave up on the squad.

    I'm a rank 6 survivor lol I know how to play the game..and I know what I'm talking about so uh my arguments "reek" if they may they are valid arguments..

    The killers lol complaining about pallets and ######### like that..dumb reason to

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    @dragospk said:
    I think the style of the survivors should be to hide by the map and avoid confrontations with the killer, that would be balanced, but today the game took a very different course, just remember when you started playing, you would not run after the killer alike You do it today, and it's not necessarily because you got very good, but because you realized that the killer is weak, you're not afraid of him anymore, and that's the big problem, the killer needs to be buffed so that if you cross with him you lose and not him, this is not arguable, I want to feel the impression of fear again.

    Who do you know that runs straight at the killer?
    I still hide..I dont wanna be seen or

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998
    edited June 2018

    It's true, and why? Because the meta survivor perks aren't simply just perks. When I think of a perk, I think of an augmentation of a currently existing feature that provides some sort of enhancement or bonus. But when I look at these perks, they're each just a brand spanking new ability for free.


    Self-Care: It would never be possible to heal yourself without a med-kit, this perk basically unlocks an entirely new ability for free. Not to mention it can be used infinitely.

    Decisive Strike: It would never be possible to injure/stab the killer, nevermind get off his shoulder for free. Equipping this perk is literally unlocking a new ability.

    Like, what gives? These actually feel like character-specific abilities akin to what killers have, with the difference being that you can stack these on a single character with no downsides. At least Sprint Burst and Adrenaline, while still very strong, act to augment the survivors running feature with a periodic boost and make more sense. But Self-Care and Decisive Strike jump out to me as a real problem.

    Not to mention that if SC and DS didn't exist, I bet you game times would lengthen and "gen rushing" wouldn't be as much of a problem. Killers would actually get a benefit for injuring someone then, forcing survivors to seek each other out and removing multiple people from generators as they heal. How much you want to bet that would reduce tunneling and camping too? I could whack someone or let another escape while injured knowing that they'd be easier pickings later or have to waste a lot of their and someone else's time to recover. That would give killers the control and map pressure they desperately need.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    @Zombiella said:
    The biggest problem I have with discussions about game balance, besides how toxic people get toward each other, is that most of the considerations are done with SWF and high rank in mind. The problem is that I don't think a majority of the players are in rank 1~8 and I'd say there's just as many regular solo players as there are people who regularly group up. Constantly applying crappy band-aid fixes to the game just because SWF players at rank 1 can be cancerous is not improving the game's experience for most players, overall.

    Gens are done too quickly.
    SC needs a little nerf.
    SB needs a little nerf. Personally, with Lithe, BL and DH, I don't even see a need for SB but I understand that they probably won't remove it. They could rework it a little though.
    DS should be removed or balanced. This is probably the biggest thing I've seen killer mains complain about and it needs to be addressed.
    SWF needs to be fixed, somehow. Maybe give the killers a choice to vs SWF and increase their rewards for doing so? Maybe have casual and ranked lobbies and only allow SWF in casual lobbies. Idk, something has to be done though and more importantly, something _can be done. Maybe it can't be completely balanced, but make it hurt a little less for killers lol._
    Killers should be incentivized not to camp. Maybe make the dying progress on the hook take a little longer if a killer is nearby, or give them much more points the longer a game goes on, or really increase the points from finding and chasing survivors and patrolling gens. Once again, Idk, these are just thoughts.

    Other stuff like pallet looping is continuously being addressed so I hope that's a sign they will get to SC, DS, SB and SWF sooner rather than later.
    Flashlights have been addressed---it's now next to impossible for the average player to regularly land the blind/stun on killers and don't get me started on the immunity frames killers get while picking up on a pallet and how inconsistent the pallet stuns/flashlight blinds are if you even manage the -1 sec timing in the first place.
    Seriously, the amount of times killers just don't get stunned when someone slams a pallet is staggering.
    Just the other day I was able to swing and hit someone while they threw the pallet down right on me and I didn't drop the survivor. On the other side of things, I watched someone perfectly time the pallet while I was being picked up and it just moved the killer to the other side. (???)
    Patch 1.9.2 was a joke. It addressed something that I think should have been addressed but it did so very, very poorly. It was almost like they put no thought into it at all. They should've decreased the crap out of the pick-up animation, only make killers vulnerable to the pallet stun for the last half of the animation, and they needed to make flashlight useage increase so you couldn't use it more than 2-3 times a game (or even less) for that patch to have been viable. But, I do agree that immunity frames in this game is super lame.

    My thing is that, everything that the killers have complained about has gotten changed lol.
    They said tooo many pallets..they took some its the looping...and the on and on..i just dont understand when enough is going to be enough..I get that they are KILLERS and their job is to KILL but they also have OP perks..BBQ now i know some people say that it is easily countered..But its not even if you are standing next to a undone gen...they can still see your feet poke husband is a killer man and runs bbq and he even said that it was a little unfair lol..I mean come on..that is the ONE perk that can not be countered..yes DS is a pain in the ass but people dribble and half the time they use it way early in the game..part of me is waiting to see everyone complain bout flashlights...then maybe they will take them out too..Everyone says its so easy for a survivor...Im a survivor main..well I play both but survivor more..its harder to pip as a survivor than a killer..i can pip without trying as a killer.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    i´ts harder to pip as a survivor than a killer ???? This is not true...def. not

  • DasMurich
    DasMurich Member Posts: 67
    edited June 2018
    Zombiella said:

    DS should be removed or balanced. This is probably the biggest thing I've seen killer mains complain about and it needs to be addressed.

    I couldn't agree more. Point of reference - Friday the 13th: The game.

    F13 has Pocket Knives. If you're a counselor and Jason grabs you, you're dead. A pocket knife is a counselor's "get out of jail free" card so to speak. You stab Jason in the neck and he drops you. But that's the point. If he grabs ahold of you, you are going to die. It doesn't matter what's been accomplished, what state you're in, how long the match has been going, what perks you have. Jason will grab you by throat and crush your skull against the wall.

    Seondly - These have to actually be found though, you cannot start the game with one in your inventory. 

    In DbD a killer has to strike a survivor 2 times, carry them, hook them, almost certainly they'll do this 3 times to kill 1 survivor.

    I just don't see the necessity for DS. This game isn't Friday the 13th.
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited June 2018
    DasMurich said:
    Zombiella said:

    DS should be removed or balanced. This is probably the biggest thing I've seen killer mains complain about and it needs to be addressed.

    I couldn't agree more. Point of reference - Friday the 13th: The game.

    F13 has Pocket Knives. If you're a counselor and Jason grabs you, you're dead. A pocket knife is a counselor's "get out of jail free" card so to speak. You stab Jason in the neck and he drops you. But that's the point. If he grabs ahold of you, you are going to die. It doesn't matter what's been accomplished, what state you're in, how long the match has been going, what perks you have. Jason will grab you by throat and crush your skull against the wall.

    Seondly - These have to actually be found though, you cannot start the game with one in your inventory. 

    In DbD a killer has to strike a survivor 2 times, carry them, hook them, almost certainly they'll do this 3 times to kill 1 survivor.

    I just don't see the necessity for DS. This game isn't Friday the 13th.
    You say this isn’t Friday the 13th yet you literally just compared it to Friday the the 13th. Let’s be real here for a second yea you have find a pocket knife but it doesn’t even matter half the time if you have one or not because counselors tend to travel in at least 2s and if you pick someone up they’ll just knock them out of your hand. Jason is a meme in that game. Killers who haven’t played F13 have no idea what true bullying is like.
    Post edited by ThePloopz on
  • BlondeMegPls
    BlondeMegPls Member Posts: 66

    Think the problem here is SWF. Don't pretend that killers don't have staple perks too, haven't encountered any killer without BBQ, hex ruin or both for quite some time now, pretty damn rare. And what's that about SC being taken by every single survivor? I don't take it! I have SC 3 but I've never even once taken it into a game! Whenever I play killer I feel completely demotivated and drained by even a 2 man SWF... I think we should have a second queue where killers get double BP for versus SWF or something along those lines...

  • DasMurich
    DasMurich Member Posts: 67
    edited June 2018
    ThePloopz said:
    DasMurich said:
    Zombiella said:

    DS should be removed or balanced. This is probably the biggest thing I've seen killer mains complain about and it needs to be addressed.

    I couldn't agree more. Point of reference - Friday the 13th: The game.

    F13 has Pocket Knives. If you're a counselor and Jason grabs you, you're dead. A pocket knife is a counselor's "get out of jail free" card so to speak. You stab Jason in the neck and he drops you. But that's the point. If he grabs ahold of you, you are going to die. It doesn't matter what's been accomplished, what state you're in, how long the match has been going, what perks you have. Jason will grab you by throat and crush your skull against the wall.

    Seondly - These have to actually be found though, you cannot start the game with one in your inventory. 

    In DbD a killer has to strike a survivor 2 times, carry them, hook them, almost certainly they'll do this 3 times to kill 1 survivor.

    I just don't see the necessity for DS. This game isn't Friday the 13th.
    You say this isn’t Friday the 13th yet you literally just compared it to Friday the the 13th. Let’s be real here for a second yea you have find a pocket knife but it doesn’t even matter half the time if you have one or not because counselors tend to travel in at least 2s and if you pick someone up they’ll just knock them out of your hand. Jason is a meme in that game. Killers who haven’t played F13 have no idea what true bullying is like.
    Yes. I'm saying that DbD is not F13, yet has a defensive mechanic identical to F13. What is the point? No killer in DbD can instantly kill a survivor. I'm saying DS is not necessary in DbD. Even with a Mori you still have to put them on the ground and in that situation DS is pointless anyways.

    2 counselors in F13 are never an issue if you know what you're doing.

    However! I have about a year in Friday the 13th and have switched to DbD because I can absolutely say that F13 is broken beyond belief and a lost cause at this point, and yes, against a group of seasoned counselors I've seen Jason players get beaten for more than 10 minutes. It's just so wrong.
  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @MrsMaliciousX said:
    Shipthebread said: know

    @MrsMaliciousX said:

    @Shipthebread said:

    @Master said:

    @MrsMaliciousX said:

    So uh how about this...

    Get rid of survivors (op perks) killers gotta either give up noed or nurses..and once you hooked a survivor you can not hook that survivor again for at least 1-2 mins..

    Killer mains cry about the perks that survivors have yet they have noed..nurses..BBQ (which you can not counter) and blood lust..yup blood lust main be for the pallet Loopers but if you're trying to get rid of SB and all our good perks you can't go any fast either...or have any perks that make you go fast like fire up..fighting fire with fire isn't the way to sovle a problem..but here are the killer mains yet again bitching about the op perks that survivors have yet yall have some too..

    Just chop off our arms and legs so we can't move then maybe y'all would be happy..

    But then again you'd find something to ######### about....

    Noed and BBQ can both be countered easily, you dont even need a perk to counter it, just some brain :wink:

    But sure, I will gladly throw oaway Noed and BBQ and fire up if we can get rid of survivor meta perks, any time :lol:

    LOL He says they can't be countered. 1 has a hard counter and the other can be countered fairly easily with mind games. Then says by giving those up we got to allowed 1-2 min between hooks. So when someone gets hooked they get off and area allowed to do 1 gen before being allowed to be hooked again? The comment by this survivor main shows just how out to lunch some of the survivor community is.

    It has nothing to do with being a survivor main. It has everything to do with killer mains crying about the swf and the voice chat..when half the time the random survivors are more deadly then the gosh darn killer..this is make it so that the hooked can't just be farmed..i get that they dont get the points..but if i cant stop the survivor from doing it what the heck is the point? yeah borrowed time blah blah they are randoms they dont care if they have borrowed time or not..and for killer mains they dont see it this way, they see it as well they were hurt more than the others so im just going to tunneling them until they are dead, when most of the time the hooked survivor didn't even stand a chance lol

    The arguments you are making reek of low level survivor gripes. I don't mean that as an insult, honestly this will happen often in lower ranks because of bad players and trolls. Though I took time to think about it over the weekend as I played and honestly not once in solo queue this weekend was I taken off the hook at a time that I would say was piss poor on their part. Some might not have been optimal but they were not blatant farming. I found the hardest ranks to get out of in the new emblem system were the 15 to 10 ranks where people are good enough to know better but are still a bit brain dead / don't care. Once I was past that everyone else seemed to want to survive, they know that meant giving themselves the best chance to do that, survivors alive, healthy and doing gens.

    Biggest farming issues I had was in a couple of SWF games where they were overly altruistic, managed to play 2 before I couldn't take it anymore and gave up on the squad.

    I'm a rank 6 survivor lol I know how to play the game..and I know what I'm talking about so uh my arguments "reek" if they may they are valid arguments..

    The killers lol complaining about pallets and ######### like that..dumb reason to

    This constant farming / Tunneling thing you are talking about isn't a big issue at those ranks. Sorry I am not buying it for a second.

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @MrsMaliciousX said:

    @Zombiella said:
    The .its harder to pip as a survivor than a killer..i can pip without trying as a killer.

    Of course it is, any of us can double pip from ranks 20 through 10 probably perkless. Please take the time this season and play killer to rank 1 and come back and make the same arguments.

    Survivor pip'ing is easier, it's hard at rank 20 through 15 due to killer ability and noob teamates after that it's way way easier to pip

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    @Shipthebread said:

    @MrsMaliciousX said:
    Shipthebread said: know

    @MrsMaliciousX said:

    @Shipthebread said:

    @Master said:

    @MrsMaliciousX said:

    So uh how about this...

    Get rid of survivors (op perks) killers gotta either give up noed or nurses..and once you hooked a survivor you can not hook that survivor again for at least 1-2 mins..

    Killer mains cry about the perks that survivors have yet they have noed..nurses..BBQ (which you can not counter) and blood lust..yup blood lust main be for the pallet Loopers but if you're trying to get rid of SB and all our good perks you can't go any fast either...or have any perks that make you go fast like fire up..fighting fire with fire isn't the way to sovle a problem..but here are the killer mains yet again bitching about the op perks that survivors have yet yall have some too..

    Just chop off our arms and legs so we can't move then maybe y'all would be happy..

    But then again you'd find something to ######### about....

    Noed and BBQ can both be countered easily, you dont even need a perk to counter it, just some brain :wink:

    But sure, I will gladly throw oaway Noed and BBQ and fire up if we can get rid of survivor meta perks, any time :lol:

    LOL He says they can't be countered. 1 has a hard counter and the other can be countered fairly easily with mind games. Then says by giving those up we got to allowed 1-2 min between hooks. So when someone gets hooked they get off and area allowed to do 1 gen before being allowed to be hooked again? The comment by this survivor main shows just how out to lunch some of the survivor community is.

    It has nothing to do with being a survivor main. It has everything to do with killer mains crying about the swf and the voice chat..when half the time the random survivors are more deadly then the gosh darn killer..this is make it so that the hooked can't just be farmed..i get that they dont get the points..but if i cant stop the survivor from doing it what the heck is the point? yeah borrowed time blah blah they are randoms they dont care if they have borrowed time or not..and for killer mains they dont see it this way, they see it as well they were hurt more than the others so im just going to tunneling them until they are dead, when most of the time the hooked survivor didn't even stand a chance lol

    The arguments you are making reek of low level survivor gripes. I don't mean that as an insult, honestly this will happen often in lower ranks because of bad players and trolls. Though I took time to think about it over the weekend as I played and honestly not once in solo queue this weekend was I taken off the hook at a time that I would say was piss poor on their part. Some might not have been optimal but they were not blatant farming. I found the hardest ranks to get out of in the new emblem system were the 15 to 10 ranks where people are good enough to know better but are still a bit brain dead / don't care. Once I was past that everyone else seemed to want to survive, they know that meant giving themselves the best chance to do that, survivors alive, healthy and doing gens.

    Biggest farming issues I had was in a couple of SWF games where they were overly altruistic, managed to play 2 before I couldn't take it anymore and gave up on the squad.

    I'm a rank 6 survivor lol I know how to play the game..and I know what I'm talking about so uh my arguments "reek" if they may they are valid arguments..

    The killers lol complaining about pallets and ######### like that..dumb reason to

    This constant farming / Tunneling thing you are talking about isn't a big issue at those ranks. Sorry I am not buying it for a second.

    Then don't buy it..But Im telling you..95% of killers I go against from rank 20-5 all tunnel the crap out of people and about 75-85% of them just camp the hell out of the hooked survivors..Even if they are running BBQ Nurses NOED all t3 lol..pretty sad if you ask me..I main bubba as killer and I never tunnel nor camp..dont need to

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    @Shipthebread said:

    @MrsMaliciousX said:

    @Zombiella said:
    The .its harder to pip as a survivor than a killer..i can pip without trying as a killer.

    Of course it is, any of us can double pip from ranks 20 through 10 probably perkless. Please take the time this season and play killer to rank 1 and come back and make the same arguments.

    Survivor pip'ing is easier, it's hard at rank 20 through 15 due to killer ability and noob teamates after that it's way way easier to pip

    Ive been to rank 1 as killer..Im not about rank..and no its not easier to pip as a survivor lol not at all..You get less points for working on gens get points taken if you take someone off the hook but the killer decides to chase them instantly lol..It is not easier at all..I play killer as I have stated before..and I pip more as a killer than I do as a survivor go ahead with the "git gud" comments, But its hard to play the game when you have killers do do nothing but tunnel and camp, and teammates that dont care if you are pulled off the hook in front of killer thus being farmed pretty much..Just yesterday I had a teammate working with the killer..would pull us off just to be how is that fair? So our "get out of jail free card" may actually save us from toxic ass survivors that are greedy and don't care.

  • darreCZ
    darreCZ Member Posts: 5

    @swenpai said:
    D-STRIKE is not Over powered, it is alot of times hard to hit the skill check.
    But I do kind of agree that survivors are easier than killer.

    I dont use DS at all, because i cant hit the skill check in most cases, for me its a waste of a perk slot...:-D

  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259

    @darreCZ said:

    @swenpai said:
    D-STRIKE is not Over powered, it is alot of times hard to hit the skill check.
    But I do kind of agree that survivors are easier than killer.

    I dont use DS at all, because i cant hit the skill check in most cases, for me its a waste of a perk slot...:-D

    Yeah, it can be pretty hard, that's my point. :-)

  • appelpeer
    appelpeer Member Posts: 9
    Jack11803 said:

    The way to balance killers and solo is to buff solo to have SWF style comms. With this they’d be equal strength to SWF, so both could be nerfed without gutting and making solo impossible. That’s why survivors aren’t nerfed as is, it’s make solo to weak. So if solo is as strong as SWF, it’d no longer be to weak, and a PROPER NERF could be applied, making the comms not a problem, and achieving the closest thing to balance we’ve had in a while.

    Or simply give survivor some more things to do in order to escape so the killer gets more time (unless it's a Nurse lol) and doesn't get genrushed. They could also add like 10/15 more seconds to gens. I don't have a hard time catching people but if they genrush (with ruin or not) there is nothing I can really do about it.
  • Zombiella
    Zombiella Member Posts: 53
    PNgamer said:

    i´ts harder to pip as a survivor than a killer ???? This is not true...def. not

    Not since the recent patch maybe but yes, it was harder to PIP as survivor. That's precisely why the values for survivor score events were tweaked so much.
    I was and am consistently able to PIP as killer without even going for kills. If you camp, you probably will find it difficult to pip as killer. Otherwise, it's not that hard.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Zombiella said:
    PNgamer said:

    i´ts harder to pip as a survivor than a killer ???? This is not true...def. not

    Not since the recent patch maybe but yes, it was harder to PIP as survivor. That's precisely why the values for survivor score events were tweaked so much.
    I was and am consistently able to PIP as killer without even going for kills. If you camp, you probably will find it difficult to pip as killer. Otherwise, it's not that hard.

    From 20-15 it's a lot harder to pip as a survivor then killer although 2.0 has helped. PRe 2.0 I had no problems pipping even when not getting sacs. Also don't forget survivors 20-15 and perhaps lower have a much harder time when you get rage quitters, especially 1-3 within the 1st few minutes.

    I've had 3 ppl all probably a trio rage quit within seconds of each other after 1 person got downed the 1st time. The last week since patch has been a nightmare of quitters some after getting hit just 1x.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Survivors are saying that killer's always complain about everything a survivors have. However we do complain a lot because it's not just one thing that makes a survivor OP, it's multiple things! For example, let's demonstrate with a survivor with 1000+ hours with DS, SB, Adrenaline, and SC. First that survivor SB away when you find that survivor, then looped you for around 3 minutes, then DS, then another 3 minutes of loop town, then Adrenaline, then that survivor leaves. If you leave that survivor then that survivor will SC which if you ever decide to chase that survivor later, that survivor is now fully healed. That was an demonstration if you was going against 1 survivor with +1000 hours and with those perks. Notice how there's multiple things that made that 1 survivor OP?

    1.) Pallets
    2.) EASY "Get out of jail cards"
    -SC (Sometimes)
    3.) One survivor has too much power. Don't get me started on how much power 4 survivors have.

    New mechanic for healing:
    Any progress you made to you healing one health state will be regressed by 3% every second.

    I'm not talking about DS because no one listens to my suggestion about that.

    Sprint Burst needs a 3 second running animation to activate.

    Developers are taking a great step in the right direction for pallets.