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Thank god no more mediocre killers getting carried by Ruin/Undying.



  • Member Posts: 529

    Like i said previously kill rates doesn't mean much as there are multiple factors. If you remove ability to quit on hook the statistics could be more accurate, but right now most survivors quit if match is not going in their favor.

    I asked you previously why rank 1 survivor once had 80% escape ratio and you left the conversation?

    Also back in 2016 kill ratios were still above 50% lol so it's hardly indicator of balance 😂😂

  • Member Posts: 2,986
  • Member Posts: 1,241

    I'm interested in this 80% escape ratio because A) how long ago was it and B) the fact that you then said in the next line that kill rates were over 50% in 2016 makes no sense if escape rates were then also 80%.

    And are you saying more people kill themselves on hook now than a year ago? I would beg to differ considering 5 blink omega nurse existed, moris were around and prayer beads was around.

  • Member Posts: 618

    I must've one of the 2% that never used Undying for how unoriginal and surprisingly unreliable it was. Every game I ever used that hex, about 95% percent of the time Undying was found first and vice versa. Undying being an RNG based perk like any other hex didn't make it meta in my eyes with how easy it honestly was for a swf that brought maps to find it.

    I'm excited that the tokens are now kept, so some variety with Hex: combos can be more versatile.

  • Member Posts: 378
    edited January 2021

    Disconnection penalties so survivors are suiciding on hook a lot more. EGC so survivors falling victim to NOED don't have infinite time to fix the situation. There are a couple factors for why kill rates could be up despite killers being weaker than a year ago. There is no way you can convince me that killer wasn't stronger when we had old ruin, enduring that worked on DS (I think that was more than a year ago but there was a time), and PGTW that worked alongside ruin.

  • Member Posts: 529

    I'm just wondering why you keep arguing with me if killer was harder 2-3 years ago when it seems like you didn't even play back then? you don't remember old patches like changing recovering from 85 to 95% which happened like 1,5 or 2 years ago or so.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    I've played since early 2018 so no. Why are you so bogged up over this one small 3 second recovery change thing and completely ignoring every over killer sided change that's every happened. It's like that 10% change makes the difference between you winning and loosing?

  • Member Posts: 529

    Sorry but that is hard to believe.. this was not the only patch you "forgot" such as BT changes. I mean.. we can go test if killer is easier now or not. You face my SWF group, you can pick ANY killer and any addons, any perks. Random map. We can do this maybe on monday? I'm curious to see the results

  • Member Posts: 767

    Yup and they are all roaming forums now. Killers will now use only the strongest killers? Oh well they did already but now they won't use ruin+undying+tinkerer on them.

    Pretty sure even with the new undying the meta won't change much because undying won't be that useless as some people say

  • Member Posts: 1,241
    edited January 2021

    Oh you're actually challenging me to a 4v1? Don't think I won't accept that cause I will. Although I'm guessing ur EU or NA tho right?

    Regardless i'd be down.

  • Member Posts: 571

    SUUUUCKS to be you since Devs are actively nerfing slug to the ground nowadays. I barely can snowball with Oni anymore 'cause of healing perks + medkits (WRGLF is ridiculous).

  • Member Posts: 518

    You gonna complain when undying and Devour hope becomes meta? Probably

  • Member Posts: 613

    Yup was having fun with the twins en pig but that won’t really be a good option so Freddy and spirit it is.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Nurse and Spirit are the only killers that force DH to be used as intended. Billy, Leatherface, Oni, exhaustion add-ons/perk, exposed add-ons/perks

  • Member Posts: 100

    It started with ruin nerf. He ruin slowed the game down just a little bit(kinda a monto joke but literally it did). Weaker killers can lean on that perk for help and be able to do something. After it was gone those killers were unable to keep pressure enough to really win. Gen speed isnt a problem its the pressure part. No matter how good you are you can't keep pressure on 4 gens at the same time. With ruin you were kinda helped. Perfect example is ghost face. A good B tier killer power but he is one of the worst killers because he can't pressure gens and he can't end chases fast enough. For a killer to be good a single question is asked. How fast can I down people. The shorter the answer is the stronger they are. Freddy gives survivors pressure and forces them to do something other then a gen. He only a little is putting pressure on people and his power helps in chases. He is being nerfed because he's "to strong". He is strong yes but he's not OP. He can be countered. He is used because he is the only one that can offer a small bit of pressure on the survivor as the survivor puts on killer.

  • Member Posts: 977

    Been there.. Done that.. You guys will just find another reason to complain about it.

  • Member Posts: 608
    edited January 2021

    Imagine being this upset about a perk being changed that's only been around a few months. Brea

    Tbf DS does need some changes. For whatever reason those these people grandstand over undying ruin while being hypocritical/petty about it and in some cases being outright wrong.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    I find it's my fellow survivors that were lacking skill. The combo only extended matches were survivors weren't focusing. It didn't change chase conditions, Grant a down, or impair progress while on a gen. The killer still needed to find 1, chase, and go for the hook. So if your team failed, it's on your survivor skills not a perk combo.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    The majority of people in this thread have no concept of balance.

    The combo of Ruin, Undying and Tinkerer is one of the strongest things the devs have made. It's right up there with moris in regards to how many undeserved 4ks it gave to killers, or keys and undeserved escapes.

    I feel like most of the people in this thread haven't actually played in red rank games? And they don't actually realize how oppressive that combo is when the killer has even a basic understanding of his goal in a match.

    I have 4000 hours in the game. Probably about 55-60 percent of that as killer.

    When that combo first came out I used it for a bit. Stopped using it quickly. Too overpowered. Same thing I did with nurse before she got nerfed (never used her - too op), legion when he first came out.

    When I was still a new player I used moris. I used the overpowered stuff. But, the thing is, this game still has quite a few overpowered things (red addon ruin Undying Tinkerer spirit, anyone?). But, using those things, and getting a 4k doesn't mean it was a deserved 4k. Either side shouldn't be able to just decide "okay, I want to win this game. Doesn't matter what the other side wants." But that's what the combo of Ruin, Undying and Tinkerer together did for a decent killer at red ranks.

    The funny thing, though? That combo won't be nerfed to the ground, either. The proposed changes effectively only serve to do one thing: take away the extreme randomness of having to cleanse up to 4-5 totems before finally getting ruin. That alone won killers so many games, even if they played poorly.

    The combo will still be powerful, and I'm hoping that spirits, freddies, nurses and Blights will be scared into moving to a different meta, because the combo will still be plenty strong on them especially. Old Ruin, even when cleansed fairly quickly, still gave the killer benefit. Totem locations are getting better and better, so finding 2 totems will still buy time for a good killer. It's just the bad killers who should be worried about this change.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    I wish killer perks would get nerfed like this...

    Ending up stronger than before.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Btw, if mediocre and bad killers aren't carried anymore by this combo, how do you think it will affect survivor queues?

  • Member Posts: 583

    Lmao your ignorance of the game mechanics is exactly why there is so few killers, they need to fix survivors first then worry about Killers.

    There are few things you can even complain about logically about killers, with this being one of them. Survivors however have nearly every mechanic bias toward them.

    Survivors can turn tighter corners, gen times are low enough typically during or before first chase a genorator pops, decent survivors in a swf make every killer but nurse a joke, there is no counter play with decisive nor dead hard, most maps still have insanely long loops, survivors have "clutch" perks giving them many lives, ect.

  • Member Posts: 583

    The game shouldn't even NEED to have killers scrambling for perks to increase gen time exclusively over any perks in the first place, this was just another bandage patch perk to ignore the actual issues being gen times.

    Your second argument is just as fallacious, "meta" perks are in the game for a reason. Who cares about your opinions on using them or not, the fact remains they are going to be used by both sides. The major issue is Survivors already have better base kits.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I think it is because a lot of mediocre killer stopped playing, so its only baby killers or experienced once left. Babykiller is in advantage vs baby survivor, and experienced killers get more kills vs potatoe survivors.

  • Member Posts: 363

    Trust me there are faaaar more worse combo from ruin/undying. That ruin/undying let people play other killers so we had some kind of diversity. Without that combo which sacrifice 2 perk slots there will be increase in use of farm worst combos for surv then ruin/undying. But you will see it soon enough.

  • Member Posts: 157

    survivors: "ruin+undying op plz nerf"

    also survivors: Runs ds, unbreakable, adrenalin, dead hard w/Keys

    even thou only a select few killers can actual travel fast yet most of the speed killers are hard to play to some degree such as nurse/blight

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    NOED is king of the mediocre once again.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I think a lot of games are not won by the killer but rather lost by the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 392

    I mean DS in its current form is better than the 1.4.0 version. No more 35% wiggle required for non obsession. No more dribbling survivors to hooks also. It is funny how the perk has been changed so much, but is still complained about. I wonder why? Maybe it's because the current version is still not fine, just like the other versions. At least now, in theory it is anti-tunnel perk. But in reality, I could hook you, go find another survivor, you then get unhooked. I then down the other survivor and hook them. Then I can come back to you, down you and get hit by DS if you go down fast because I play better, or because you let yourself go down so I can pick you up. Then you get away. People also just sit injured on gens with DS because they know the killer will get hit with DS. Then combine it with UB. Either way, you are gonna get away, even if I slug. Because I ain't waiting 60 seconds, or even 30 secs for the DS timer. That is time gens are getting worked on. That is time I can't afford to lose. The survivor wins in all scenarios. It's little risk and BIG reward for the survivor, always.

  • Member Posts: 179

    Ruin/undiying is best perk combo because slow perk is meta for killer. Was ruin, ruin+pop, pop+CI. now ruin/undying. Pop+ci si still good but de 15 seg nerf in pop was unnecessary and hurt slow and low tier killer. Yes some time killer can be carry by this combo, need a nerf, clean 4 totem to much, clean 2 is very little for 2 perk, aura reading 2m have to gone only in cleaning. The true is we need viable perk to slow gen as a reward for the skill: surge 40seg and only works with basic attacks, Only pop is viable for the skill to down and hook a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    Oppression doubles as tracking and gen pressure. With pop I can get 25% down on a gen and if there's no one around Oppression tells me which gen to go to next. Basically taking a very strong regression perk and adding a little more strength to the build while also dropping in some more tracking. Oppression could use a little reduction in the cool down but otherwise it's a really balanced perk, imo, that fits well into multiple builds and it's effectiveness hinges on the skill of the killer. Theoretically you could use it well with any perk that requires you to kick a gen but with pop being the strongest regression perk it just makes sense lol

  • Member Posts: 597

    I've bee running Small Game ever since they changed the way Totems looked recently (because now they blend in and I simply cannot see them without the perk and it drives me crazy)

    Let me tell you something.

    If everyone would be willing to run Small Game and give up one of their "precious" DH/DS/BT/IW etc. perks like I have, then Killer perk combos like "Undying/Ruin" would be a complete joke and there would be absolutely no need for a nerf ...

    It's unfortunate that the game developers have such perfect "COUNTER" Perks such as Small Game in place, but yet instead of making people actually use them to counter the other perks that they would, they just let Survivors keep the "meta" perks and nerf the other, making Small Game essentially useless again instead of seeing it as an opportunity to use an underused perk.

    Well anyways, I still use Small Game and I gotta tell you that I cleanse all Totems on a map so fast that it doesn't matter what Hex perks the Killer is running because they won't last longer than a few minutes at the most!

    It's really unfortunate that counters like these get ignored by the community.

  • Member Posts: 159

    Stacking these perks to deal with tunneling camping and slugging which happens a lot. Then again I don't get much use of these perks half the time unlike ruin+undying when I ran it

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    Don't worry though, unskilled survivors will still be carried by DS+Unbreakable. Fair and balanced, with no bias towards one side at all.

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