The "nerf" that Undying will get in the January update is more like a buff than nerf.

As a killer main iI love the undying change because combine New Undying and Devour Hope and Exposed and Mori cannot be stopped. Combine New Undying and Huntress Lullaby and you get Impossible skill checks for days. Im gonna love Mori survivors without a care cuz my Devour Hope cannot be stopped. Litterally you don't even need to guess which totem is which because no matter what if you're near a totem that totem will be your hex (for example Devour Hope) because if it's your Undying once Dev Hope is cleansed ur Undying becomes Dev Hope if you're near the Dev Hope when they cleanse Undying you'll know they killed Undying and no matter what you will always know your Dev Hope totem.
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All this is from me a killer main.
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I love how you had to add this before giving your opinion in the forums.
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Nope. Undying will be useless after that change, offering little more than a placebo.
With the current Undying, the worst case scenario for the perk is:
- Undying gets cleansed
- Other perk gets cleansed
In this situation, Undying didn't trigger a single time. It acted as a tiny shield, but didn't get any respawns.
With the updated Undying, the old "worst case scenario" is now the only way the perk can play out.
New undying... dies. That's all it does.
It's genuinely worse than Thrill of the Hunt.
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the remove of aura reading is too much.
it 100%is a nerf.
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Undying is worse than Haunted Grounds now. That one gave you at least the exposed status.
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Bassicly hex Undying now is just a copy of another hex. You now have 2 ruin totems, or 2 whatever get's cleansed first
Imo i'm happy with the changes. they nerfed the ruindying combo but made undying work better with almost everything else.
It's a fair change.
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Undying is trash now. But sure.
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It's not; it is slightly more useful with devour hope and some niche perks but overall it's going to be fairly bad.
It's going the mettle of man route.
I think a nerf was needed and the 2 totems part would be okay; if it still let you know when someone was on it so you had one chance at defending the first totem at least.
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Then the best scenario would be:
- Finds the other hex
- Finds 3 dull totems that turned in to a hex.
- Find the Undying. people need to "break Ruin 4 times" and such but look at how it will be now:
Same scenario but after the changes:
- Finds the other hex
- Finds 3 dull totems.
- Finds Undying that turned in to the other Hex.
Nearly nothing changed. It still lasts all game.
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No need to do the dull totems with the new one so people will be skipping that step entirely.
Also in games with that set up you'd need not to worry about NOED so...No one will be doing dull bones.
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Who called it a nerf? Why does everything have to either be a buff or a nerf these days, can't things just be different?
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It's a buff to its combo with devour, 3rd seal + lullaby
It's a nerf to its combo with ruin, blood favor (lol) and probably haunted grounds
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Depends on how undying works with haunted. If they break a totem and they get exposed, as long as haunted totem is still in play its a buff. Otherwise it hurts haunted user to run undying.
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Lmfao no it is not. If ruin worked so well why is it hard to imagine that it worked better with other hex perks as well?
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Because other hex totems often used tokens and they didn't transfer before the change?
Kinda obvious that new undying works better with token based totems then old undying
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Not exactly a buff, but its a rework that makes it better at something else.
I've long said that Undying is still going to be terrible when combine with Devour Hope. Lullaby is another obvious candidate and Haunted Ground might also work we don't know. What's worse than one Haunted Ground? Two Haunted Grounds. And then you mix in NoEd because after the first Haunted Ground they won't want to break other totems, so you can mindgame the NoEd and it goes off free at endgame.
A lot of killers are complaining because they lose the crutch Undying Ruin combo, but you get a lot in return.
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This is nothing like the Mettle of Man route.
First off Mettle of Man was nerfed in 2 weeks. Undying's been around for 3 months now. Second, Mettle of Man is right now almost completely useless and you have to play suboptimally to get it to even just get it work, and the benefit of doing so is negligible after sacrificing yourself 3 times to do it.
Undying at least works 100% of the time each time you bring it to the match and it does what it is supposed to do, and it's a very tangible and powerful effect. Then you get free aura reading on top of it. Killers like to downplay the importance of Aura Reading a lot as if it didn't matter, but Aura Reading is always good. DBD is a game that thrives on information. Knowing where to go and what to do at the right time is what separates newbs from good players in this game.
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I'm interested in trying it with Devour and 0 slowdown but I'm sure people will still be in destroy all totems mode for a while. Huntress is a perk I've never been fond of.
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Agreed not comparable. You have to waste a large amount of time and potentially lose the game for your team for Mettle. Undying/Ruin is basically a passive that you throw on and turn your brain off. You don't have to deviate from your usual gameplay to capitalise on it at all. That said MoM would have killed this game without the nerf.
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Hold it i swear i put this in discussion and not feedback and suggestions
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Lullaby is really annoying though. Especially when used by Doctors running Unnerving and Distressing. But even if it's not doctor, Lullaby + Unnerving is pretty annoying and can cost survivors a lot of gen progress. The sound alert matters a lot and when it's gone coupled with the smaller area it is very easy to miss the check. It also doesn't come up often enough to get used to it, like how old Ruin was.
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It does that sometimes, if you create a thread from General it won't appear in the dropdown list and default to somewhere else. Bizarre
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Why understand the new uses and utilities of Undying when I could just doomsay and headbutt walls in a rage?
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sometimes Mandy will put thread the mod staff feels fit in another section
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The removal of Auras when a Hex Totem is being cleansed and the first Hex Totem that's cleansed will always be Undying (even if there are 5 Hex Totems on the map). Totally seems like a buff to me.
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The trade off for that is that it now keeps tokens so it isn't exclusively useful with Ruin. It has way more build potential now. I can't believe anyone actually thinks this is a significant nerf. I think it should maybe allow 1 extra totem destroy at level 3 but I can see that being a problem if they went with keeping tokens.
And I'd rather have a perk that works with multiple other perks than exclusively working with 1 (passive, very boring to use) perk.
People that are genuinly upset about this are just afraid to leave their comfort zone and try something new.
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You guys use the term "boring" as an excuse to describe why you do like "specific thing" please tell me why Hex: Ruin is "boring"? You need to apply pressure to Survivors for Ruin to take effect. When the Killer applies pressure they move away from the Hook and are rewarded for their knowledge of the game. Ruin doesn't work if the killer is camping or tunneling.
Also, why would anyone waste 2 perk slots for a perk that doesn't benefit you until a specific requirement is met?
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Not sure what the "you guys" is about but I find passive perks boring to use as theirs not much interaction in actual use. That's my stance. I like perks that give me a new ability or boost an existing one, change up gameplay that sort of thing. A lot of people hated Repressed Alliance but I love it. It's a whole new avenue.
Slowdown isn't boring by default, I really don't care that much about Ruin as I'll have it out the game within 3 or so minutes. For example, I'm not gonna vault the shack window when being looped normally as it'll just give the survivor more breathing room. But with Bamboozle I block that window and change the dynamic completely.
Also that second point. People do that all the time, I certainly do. For the same reason I don't use meta builds as a survivor/killer. It's just boring.
Endgame builds for killer, stealth builds for killer, all the weird crazy stuff you can do with Doctors TR and certain perks/add ons, sabo builds, stealth juke builds, anti-pallet builds, obsession builds, theres too many to count.
Edit - To add. I'd stopped using Ruin/Undying long before this but I'm excited to try it with Devour or maybe Third seal.
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I see what you're saying with the combination of perks example Resilience and Spine Chill for the Vault speed build, and Enduring and Spirit Fury for the ultimate pallet stun.
Sure the Undying change will benefit Hex: The Third seal and Devour Hope but that's just about it, the change is just a plain nerf that's all to it and it's going to benefit the weaker perks. Which I'm all for but they're reducing the effectiveness of something that's healthy for the game for something more gimmicky.
Also, the passive argument is kinda dumb. Almost every strong perk in the game have a passive design, they just have a requirement to activate. Ruin gets its effect when a Survivor stops repairing while perks like BT and DS are passive they just have a hook requirement.
We're too each their own. Some people will see it as a good change but it's plain and simple to me as a nerf. I have a good chance that the new version of Undying and either Third Seal or Devour Hope combination will die off 3-4 weeks after live release.
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Agree to disagree I guess. I personally would take a slightly weaker slowdown version of Undying for one with more utility. I also think this is a very healthy change for solo survivor players.
I still think that Ruin/Undying isn't anywhere near as good as people think it is when going against strong players who know totem spawns or use Small Game/Hunch. That said, I'm gonna assume this rework happened as it was being used too much, which makes me wonder when we'll see a DS rework. I still see at least 3 every match, even if they aren't used.
I think perhaps a scaling respawn system would have been accepted more (2 respawns at level 3 for example) but I could see that being potentially game ruining for solo players if the token system stayed.
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As far as gen defense goes, undying/ruin probably won't be worth running anymore because they'll more likely than not just get easily broken leaving you without two perks quickly into the match. We'll just be going back to the good ol' days of pop/corrupt and everyone will just be complaining about that instead. On the brightside Undying/Lullaby will be a thing which means impossible skillcheck Doc is coming back baby and he's bringing back the past nightmares of old ruin with him.
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Not really since the required search for totems is reduced. We lost a good chunk of time where survivors needed to get off gens or chose to power through.
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its a nerf
all token hexs are not reliable and that is still the case with undying because it is not hard to find 2 hexs.
the reason undying was good was the potential to save your other hexs more than once as well as the aura reading and we traded that for the use of unreliable token hexs.