DC issues and Bans are WRONG - focus on bugs for one full release!

How an Earth do you ban people for using a menu option YOU give them? This is ridiculous and not thought out - the obvious solution used by other games is a dodge timer that escalates based on frequency of the offending action. Some DC if they are face camped in the basement with an insidious killer to prevent that play on survivor teamwork and prevent a slaughter. Simply start with a 30 min dodge timer, escalate to an hour after xx offenses and so on. Reset after a couple days of no issues. FWIW, I have not been banned - but saw this train wreck coming as I know some that have been banned.

And while I'm at it - how about a release with ONLY fixes. The net number of bugs, based on the forums, is growing - not declining. So make an attempt at actually fixing instead of making the game worse. There are key perks that don't work (Dead Hard works half the time, many killer perk bugs, Deliverance was poorly implemented, Safe unhooks, etc. etc. It's sloppy - you have abundant UI issues - the store is a mess and shows you have no UI Designer. When a timer ends, the action should be performed - not 1 full second AFTER (menus still don't activate correctly). The Summary screen after match has multiple bugs showing we can't trust your internal math if you can't get the math you show us correct.


  • Tiersis
    Tiersis Member Posts: 259

    Been playing about 2 months now.

    Have maybe seen one bug?

    Yet probably about 8 out of 10 matches I have an issue with Troll survivors or DC's when I'm doing well.

    I think their focus is just fine personally.

  • Slaymore
    Slaymore Member Posts: 499

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    Its known for a long time that DC is against the rules and will be punished if abused. 

    You got what you deserved.

    You don't read well do you - It didn't happen to me - DC issues are a problem but punishing people for using an AVAILABLE menu option is absurd. Prompt and let them know that leaving the game will result in a timout of 30 minutes (dodge timer).

    Otherwise they'll do nothing all game which seems to be endorsed by the devs since one of their employees is a moderator of a streamer which does this routinely as part of their schtick.

    Instead of arbitrarily banning - tell people immediately this action will result in x. Killers do nothing all match to delevel and I don't see any bans for that.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Slaymore said:
    How an Earth do you ban people for using a menu option YOU give them? This is ridiculous and not thought out - the obvious solution used by other games is a dodge timer that escalates based on frequency of the offending action. Some DC if they are face camped in the basement with an insidious killer to prevent that play on survivor teamwork and prevent a slaughter. Simply start with a 30 min dodge timer, escalate to an hour after xx offenses and so on. Reset after a couple days of no issues. FWIW, I have not been banned - but saw this train wreck coming as I know some that have been banned.

    And while I'm at it - how about a release with ONLY fixes. The net number of bugs, based on the forums, is growing - not declining. So make an attempt at actually fixing instead of making the game worse. There are key perks that don't work (Dead Hard works half the time, many killer perk bugs, Deliverance was poorly implemented, Safe unhooks, etc. etc. It's sloppy - you have abundant UI issues - the store is a mess and shows you have no UI Designer. When a timer ends, the action should be performed - not 1 full second AFTER (menus still don't activate correctly). The Summary screen after match has multiple bugs showing we can't trust your internal math if you can't get the math you show us correct.

    Quit in any multiplayre game enough (yes by using the menu option) and you will receive punishment.
    But anyway, you would have to DC in like 80% of your matches until devs take action so I assume your "someone" got banned for sth else

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Wait because they give you an option to do something that the rules clearly state is against and you do it anyways. There's very few games out there that don't punish you for dcing in some shape, form or fashion and to earn a ban you have to do it a lot.


  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    So from the title i thought "bullshit".

    @Slaymore said:
    How an Earth do you ban people for using a menu option YOU give them?

    This actually makes sense to me. I do think that the bans for continuous abuse of disconnects is fine, but i also think they should let people know the risks.

    @powerbats said:
    Wait because they give you an option to do something that the rules clearly state is against and you do it anyways.

    So this guy says that it "clearly" states that its against the rules, and then links to a forum post.
    It's not clearly stated when you have to go to a website to read it.
    When the punishment is a ban, i think there should be a prompt in the game explaining this when you click disconnect.

    I don't really get the whole rant about the bugs. Yes they should be fixed, but I just haven't experienced any.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Lagoni said:
    So from the title i thought "bullshit".

    @Slaymore said:
    How an Earth do you ban people for using a menu option YOU give them?

    This actually makes sense to me. I do think that the bans for continuous abuse of disconnects is fine, but i also think they should let people know the risks.

    @powerbats said:
    Wait because they give you an option to do something that the rules clearly state is against and you do it anyways.

    So this guy says that it "clearly" states that its against the rules, and then links to a forum post.
    It's not clearly stated when you have to go to a website to read it.
    When the punishment is a ban, i think there should be a prompt in the game explaining this when you click disconnect.

    I don't really get the whole rant about the bugs. Yes they should be fixed, but I just haven't experienced any.

    TOS/EULA which you agree to when installing the game, I linked to the forum post since that was updated. Besides common sense dictates if you quit during a game there's going to be a punishment. If we follow the op's logic because there's a power button on the computer pressing it means they won't get punished for quitting by turning off the computer.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Slaymore I disagree. The large number of DC-s are the single biggest problem this game faces at this point. The argument "they provided this option" is not quite correct. The option is there for cases like, your father getting a heart attack, your character is bugged at start and cannot move or you're just having the diarrhea of a lifetime. Other than these exceptional cases, you should not DC, and it should be punished much more decisively than it is now. Why? Honestly, do you not care about screwing over FOUR other people's games? Because that's what you do when you DC.

  • Slaymore
    Slaymore Member Posts: 499

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Slaymore said:
    How an Earth do you ban people for using a menu option YOU give them? This is ridiculous and not thought out - the obvious solution used by other games is a dodge timer that escalates based on frequency of the offending action. Some DC if they are face camped in the basement with an insidious killer to prevent that play on survivor teamwork and prevent a slaughter. Simply start with a 30 min dodge timer, escalate to an hour after xx offenses and so on. Reset after a couple days of no issues. FWIW, I have not been banned - but saw this train wreck coming as I know some that have been banned.

    And while I'm at it - how about a release with ONLY fixes. The net number of bugs, based on the forums, is growing - not declining. So make an attempt at actually fixing instead of making the game worse. There are key perks that don't work (Dead Hard works half the time, many killer perk bugs, Deliverance was poorly implemented, Safe unhooks, etc. etc. It's sloppy - you have abundant UI issues - the store is a mess and shows you have no UI Designer. When a timer ends, the action should be performed - not 1 full second AFTER (menus still don't activate correctly). The Summary screen after match has multiple bugs showing we can't trust your internal math if you can't get the math you show us correct.

    Quit in any multiplayre game enough (yes by using the menu option) and you will receive punishment.
    But anyway, you would have to DC in like 80% of your matches until devs take action so I assume your "someone" got banned for sth else

    Again, another poster who doesn't read - I never said DC issues weren't a problem, nor did I say they shouldn't be punished. It's the implementation that is pure crap. Dodge timers are proven in other games and work better - the player is given an immediate notification that if they choose to pursue quitting they will be given a timeout - this amount of timeout escalates the more they do it.

    Geez, does anyone in these forums READ before posting - nothing but Ready, Fire, Aim.

  • Slaymore
    Slaymore Member Posts: 499

    @George_Soros said:
    @Slaymore I disagree. The large number of DC-s are the single biggest problem this game faces at this point. The argument "they provided this option" is not quite correct. The option is there for cases like, your father getting a heart attack, your character is bugged at start and cannot move or you're just having the diarrhea of a lifetime. Other than these exceptional cases, you should not DC, and it should be punished much more decisively than it is now. Why? Honestly, do you not care about screwing over FOUR other people's games? Because that's what you do when you DC.

    At no point did I say DC's were not a problem. Stating the large number of DC's being the number one problem is your opinion. Killer DC's have been an issue from day one with survivors losing offerings and they have still done nothing and I've provided them the SIMPLE fix for this. They say it's a server issue but that is not the case as I have detailed to them. I agree a DC screws other peoples games as does AFK, trolls, etc.

    But, when you choose the menu option to leave, there should be no arbitrary, behind-the-scenes determination of punishment. Dodge timers are used in many other games and work quite effectively - and you are notified immediately what is going to happen so many may just stay in game instead.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Slaymore said:

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Slaymore said:
    How an Earth do you ban people for using a menu option YOU give them? This is ridiculous and not thought out - the obvious solution used by other games is a dodge timer that escalates based on frequency of the offending action. Some DC if they are face camped in the basement with an insidious killer to prevent that play on survivor teamwork and prevent a slaughter. Simply start with a 30 min dodge timer, escalate to an hour after xx offenses and so on. Reset after a couple days of no issues. FWIW, I have not been banned - but saw this train wreck coming as I know some that have been banned.

    And while I'm at it - how about a release with ONLY fixes. The net number of bugs, based on the forums, is growing - not declining. So make an attempt at actually fixing instead of making the game worse. There are key perks that don't work (Dead Hard works half the time, many killer perk bugs, Deliverance was poorly implemented, Safe unhooks, etc. etc. It's sloppy - you have abundant UI issues - the store is a mess and shows you have no UI Designer. When a timer ends, the action should be performed - not 1 full second AFTER (menus still don't activate correctly). The Summary screen after match has multiple bugs showing we can't trust your internal math if you can't get the math you show us correct.

    Quit in any multiplayre game enough (yes by using the menu option) and you will receive punishment.
    But anyway, you would have to DC in like 80% of your matches until devs take action so I assume your "someone" got banned for sth else

    Again, another poster who doesn't read - I never said DC issues weren't a problem, nor did I say they shouldn't be punished. It's the implementation that is pure crap. Dodge timers are proven in other games and work better - the player is given an immediate notification that if they choose to pursue quitting they will be given a timeout - this amount of timeout escalates the more they do it.

    Geez, does anyone in these forums READ before posting - nothing but Ready, Fire, Aim.

    Yes I totally agree on dodge timers. There should be an increasing queue time punishments, the more you Dc

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited October 2018
    Slaymore said:

    @George_Soros said:
    @Slaymore I disagree. The large number of DC-s are the single biggest problem this game faces at this point. The argument "they provided this option" is not quite correct. The option is there for cases like, your father getting a heart attack, your character is bugged at start and cannot move or you're just having the diarrhea of a lifetime. Other than these exceptional cases, you should not DC, and it should be punished much more decisively than it is now. Why? Honestly, do you not care about screwing over FOUR other people's games? Because that's what you do when you DC.

    At no point did I say DC's were not a problem. Stating the large number of DC's being the number one problem is your opinion. Killer DC's have been an issue from day one with survivors losing offerings and they have still done nothing and I've provided them the SIMPLE fix for this. They say it's a server issue but that is not the case as I have detailed to them. I agree a DC screws other peoples games as does AFK, trolls, etc.

    But, when you choose the menu option to leave, there should be no arbitrary, behind-the-scenes determination of punishment. Dodge timers are used in many other games and work quite effectively - and you are notified immediately what is going to happen so many may just stay in game instead.

    Right, I think I could get behind a more open way of penalizing players, with a dodge timer or otherwise. But it still stands that the devs having added a quit option doesn't make rq okay.
    Also, I don't think we have rhe same experiences bugwise. Never really had a problem with Dead Hard, Safe Hook event seems to work just fine. Deliverance is bugged all right and of course there are some others, but nothing that ruins the fun quality of the game. In my opinion.
  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    @powerbats said:
    TOS/EULA which you agree to when installing the game

    TOS/EULA is not "clearly stated", and is not a binding contract in many cases. In general, a service provider can obviously ban you for whatever reason they see fit, but you don't have to be okay with it.
    The key is whether the service provider allows the user reasonable notice and opportunity to review the terms before using the website or service.
    -taken from eff.org
    I do realize that this i about legality, but i still feel that it is applicable.

    @powerbats said:
    If we follow the op's logic because there's a power button on the computer pressing it means they won't get punished for quitting by turning off the computer.

    That's a quite the straw man. BHVR didn't have anything to do with your computers power button. It's essentially an external or "third party" element, as it resides outside of their game's environment.

    As i previously stated, I'm fine with banning people who DC, but there should be a prompt telling you that continuous DC's can get you banned.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Lagoni said:

    @powerbats said:
    TOS/EULA which you agree to when installing the game

    TOS/EULA is not "clearly stated", and is not a binding contract in many cases. In general, a service provider can obviously ban you for whatever reason they see fit, but you don't have to be okay with it.
    The key is whether the service provider allows the user reasonable notice and opportunity to review the terms before using the website or service.
    -taken from eff.org
    I do realize that this i about legality, but i still feel that it is applicable.

    @powerbats said:
    If we follow the op's logic because there's a power button on the computer pressing it means they won't get punished for quitting by turning off the computer.

    That's a quite the straw man. BHVR didn't have anything to do with your computers power button. It's essentially an external or "third party" element, as it resides outside of their game's environment.

    As i previously stated, I'm fine with banning people who DC, but there should be a prompt telling you that continuous DC's can get you banned.

    While I agree they should have a prompt it's pretty common knowledge that if you quit too much.you get punished. The TOS/EULA is there to show they can basically do what they want given it's their property you're renting as permissible by law. In the United States most incorporate in Delaware due to its law governing corporations.

    I only used the power button as an analogy since it's not a Straw Man but indeed applicable to the situation, the person is choosing to do a negative action. That ISP isn't choosing to intentionally dc that person when they select leave game.

    It doesn't matter what anyone thinks really since the moment you click accept you agree to abide by their decisions one of which is if you dc to much you run the risk of getting banned.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Lagoni said:
    As i previously stated, I'm fine with banning people who DC, but there should be a prompt telling you that continuous DC's can get you banned.

    Maybe you should use common sense. If that doesn't work, read the rules of the game.

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    @Orion said:
    Maybe you should use common sense.

    You can say that about pretty much anything?
    Yes of course it's common sense to most, that DC'ing isn't okay, but if you have a job where you often get calls in your free time, but still want to play a game, then you will get reminded that you risk getting banned if you do it too much.
    To a person in this position, it might not be immediately obvious that they will get banned for doing their job. With a prompt to remind them, they might just alt-tab.
    Again; it's odd to have a button that essentially can get you banned for pressing it.
    There is no arguing with minor bans, only permanent ones.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited October 2018

    DCs are a massive problem, especially for solo players. 1 DC pretty much gives a free win for Killer, and it made data inaccurate on kills.survived.

    from what you wrote you sound like those ppl who abuses it, people like you needs to be perm ban, they ruined so many of my games and many others

    DC instantly when downed, trolling etc

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Lagoni said:

    @Orion said:
    Maybe you should use common sense.

    You can say that about pretty much anything?
    Yes of course it's common sense to most, that DC'ing isn't okay, but if you have a job where you often get calls in your free time, but still want to play a game, then you will get reminded that you risk getting banned if you do it too much.
    To a person in this position, it might not be immediately obvious that they will get banned for doing their job. With a prompt to remind them, they might just alt-tab.
    Again; it's odd to have a button that essentially can get you banned for pressing it.
    There is no arguing with minor bans, only permanent ones.

    You don't get banned for one DC. You get banned when you constantly DC. If you don't have the time to play an online game, then go play a single-player game that has an actual pause button instead of ruining the experience for everyone else. Your real-life limitations are just that: yours.

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    @Orion said:
    You don't get banned for one DC. You get banned when you constantly DC. If you don't have the time to play an online game, then go play a single-player game that has an actual pause button instead of ruining the experience for everyone else. Your real-life limitations are just that: yours.

    I'm aware of that, but "constantly" doesn't mean that all the DC's occur in a single day.
    I have on occasion left a game because my "real-life limitations" (AKA being an adult with money that pay for the game) dictated that i had to, but not enough to be at risk of a ban, I would assume.
    As i see it, there are two problems that cause this split.
    1: the prompt one, which i have explained multiple times.
    -If there was a prompt, then I think it's all fair game.
    2: the remaining players gets punished.
    -If the killer leaves, you loose offerings.
    -If a survivor leaves, the team is at a disadvantage.
    -If a survivor leaves, the killer "wastes" his add-ons.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You sound like the kind of "adult" who thinks they're entitled to ######### over everyone else just because they paid for something.

    If you don't have time to play online games, then don't play them. Know your limitations instead of making them everyone else's problem.

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    @Orion said:
    You sound like the kind of "adult" who thinks they're entitled to [BAD WORD] over everyone else just because they paid for something.

    If you don't have time to play online games, then don't play them. Know your limitations instead of making them everyone else's problem.

    And you sound like the kind of child who takes their games way too seriously.
    Lets just agree to disagree.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Lagoni said:

    @Orion said:
    You sound like the kind of "adult" who thinks they're entitled to [BAD WORD] over everyone else just because they paid for something.

    If you don't have time to play online games, then don't play them. Know your limitations instead of making them everyone else's problem.

    And you sound like the kind of child who takes their games way too seriously.
    Lets just agree to disagree.

    I'm an adult myself, FYI. I just don't want my gaming experience ruined because some guy thinks that paying for a service gives him the right to screw over everyone else. If you're not using the product properly, you get punished. If you can't use the product properly, that's your problem.

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    @Orion said:
    I'm an adult myself, FYI. I just don't want my gaming experience ruined because some guy thinks that paying for a service gives him the right to screw over everyone else. If you're not using the product properly, you get punished. If you can't use the product properly, that's your problem.

    Yeah i know, it was just too good of a zinger to let go.
    But I think you keep misreading me. I don't disconnect from games constantly. I don't feel entitled to do so, but I do have a life that on occasion needs more attention than a video game.
    The guy who gets calls from his job all the time is not me, that was just an example (perhaps a poor one, i don't know), but a guy like that would probably be happy to get a prompt reminding him, that he will get banned. Then he could choose when to play the game with more care.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Lagoni The thing to realize is that the person that has the occasional real life issue come up isn't going to ever get a ban over this. The only ones complaining about this are those that dc at a high rate and thus get a ban they deserve.

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    @powerbats said:
    @Lagoni The thing to realize is that the person that has the occasional real life issue come up isn't going to ever get a ban over this. The only ones complaining about this are those that dc at a high rate and thus get a ban they deserve.

    I'm perfectly aware. My only issue is, that there should be a prompt when disconnecting. I'M aware that continuous disconnects can get me banned, but with a prompt, the whole issue would be gone and dealt with. No more complaining, because it's right there in the game.
    I don't really know when and how this discussion derailed into what it became.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Lagoni said:

    @Orion said:
    Maybe you should use common sense.

    You can say that about pretty much anything?
    Yes of course it's common sense to most, that DC'ing isn't okay, but if you have a job where you often get calls in your free time, but still want to play a game, then you will get reminded that you risk getting banned if you do it too much.
    To a person in this position, it might not be immediately obvious that they will get banned for doing their job. With a prompt to remind them, they might just alt-tab.
    Again; it's odd to have a button that essentially can get you banned for pressing it.
    There is no arguing with minor bans, only permanent ones.

    Just dont DC for the call and go afk instead. Voila, problem solved, you can take the call and you dont get banned

  • Slaymore
    Slaymore Member Posts: 499

    Morf_UK just DC'd because the killer wanted him to farm - where is his ban? Will they ban a popular streamer? or ignore it because he basically advertises the game.

    Vinc3ntVega DC's and there is a DBD employee as a moderator in his stream - conflict of interest much? Both Vince and that employee should get bans.

    Let's see those bans Devs - fair is fair.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    I'd rather the whiny quitters be banned and not have to deal with all the rage quits. If your gonna play accept the fact there will be somebody better and play till the end. DCs are the equivalent to a child's tantrum when you don't follow their imposed rules and let them win. No shame in losing, but there is in a ban cause you can't handle a loss.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Slaymore said:
    Morf_UK just DC'd because the killer wanted him to farm - where is his ban? Will they ban a popular streamer? or ignore it because he basically advertises the game.

    Vinc3ntVega DC's and there is a DBD employee as a moderator in his stream - conflict of interest much? Both Vince and that employee should get bans.

    Let's see those bans Devs - fair is fair.

    Sure. Their DCs just have to be in the required percentage.

  • Slaymore
    Slaymore Member Posts: 499

    @Orion said:

    @Slaymore said:
    Morf_UK just DC'd because the killer wanted him to farm - where is his ban? Will they ban a popular streamer? or ignore it because he basically advertises the game.

    Vinc3ntVega DC's and there is a DBD employee as a moderator in his stream - conflict of interest much? Both Vince and that employee should get bans.

    Let's see those bans Devs - fair is fair.

    Sure. Their DCs just have to be in the required percentage.

    Why? Where is that stated? I hear everyone here saying there should be punishment the second they DC. Then send a message to EVERYONE and ban streamers that do it. Gets the message out pretty damn fast.

  • Whispers23
    Whispers23 Member Posts: 111

    DC sucks for every one and should be banned. However I understand your frustration when the killer uses that dumb perk to camp. First time this happened to me I dc but I don't care anymore and you should too.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Slaymore said:

    Sure. Their DCs just have to be in the required percentage.

    Why? Where is that stated? I hear everyone here saying there should be punishment the second they DC. Then send a message to EVERYONE and ban streamers that do it. Gets the message out pretty damn fast.

    If you play 100 games a week and only dc 5 that more than likely won't be enough to get you into the ban %.threshold. But if you play 100 games and dc 20 that's probably going to get you noticed quickly. The exact threshold is never known so that people can't try and game the system.

    But it's usually based upon % of games played within x time and they usually throw in history of the account as well and mostly the system automates the detection. The bans however are all done manually by BHVR since they don't have the staff compared to say Riot games where the system can automate it.

  • Look at it in this scenario... your being face camped hard... team are doing gens pretty quick and killer is not going to leave... why would i waste my time gaining no points on a hook whilst the killer wracks up some amount of points for my eventual death ,when i can CHOOSE to LEAVE MATCH ,as is stated by there esc menu, and move onto a better match. In that case my dc wasnt going to be making one amount of difference to the rest of my team as im pretty much serving no use on a hook. I mean how the hell are the devs actually calculating a dc... daily, weekly, monthly? they havnt satated the ratio nor over how many days they are monitoring a person dcing to warrant the ban hammer. Also are they saying dc'ing at ANY point of game under ANY circumstance is ban worthy... or do they actually timestamp the dc in a particular gam,e and look into the possible reasoning behind it... I can honestly say alot of dc's iv witnessed or done myself have been caused by crap killer gameplay... i.e full out target tunneled of hook or blatantly face camped... regardless whether these strategies work or not the devs need to start admitting that this gameplay is causing nothing but annoyance for survivors ... we all want points or rank or both, No need for the scummy toxic gameplay every damn game.

  • Slaymore
    Slaymore Member Posts: 499

    I'll just add one more thing - I see plenty of survivors now just finding the killer and dying on hook very fast - they use their escape attempts and don't struggle in phase 2. Clearly giving up - identical to a DC. So how are they going to police that? I don't trust their 'back-end analytics' when they can't get the game summary totals correct.