Dead hard needs a nerf

What's the point mindgaming when someone has this perk? I'll bait a survivor making them think I'm going one way but go the other way and they use dead hard to save them. How is that fair? I made a play but got played by a perk. Got outplayed at killer shack? Press this button to save you! Survivors always get carried by this perk
Yea so many people use it for distance. It really can extend a chase immensely when you can literally dead hard to a pallet, and move on to the next one. It gets really frustrating I agree with you. Mainly when there is 4 ds, 4 DH, 4 unbreakables, and 4 adrenalines or soul guard. It becomes extremely aggravating.
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Meanwhile in the PTB: Introducing Dead Hard NOW with unlimited movement control to Dead even Harder !
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if they made that happen I would facecamp any survivor who used that perk lol
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But if I use ruin undying against that I'm getting carried lol
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I usually just use corrupt for gen control, and when going against full builds like that it is extremely stressful. Ruin and undying isn't even a crutch either in my opinion, and you need proper pressure to even use it properly, so like I never understood why people say it's a crutch when it really isn't and can be easily destroyed if someone has one brain cell to figure out totem spots which isn't complicated. That's why it didn't need a nerf, because we still got op survivor perks which can win the game easily for decent teams.
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There's no nerfing that perk without removing it. You got out played by the survivor, not the perk.
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yep a lot of the times is an "ass" saver but i mean... you should be aware of these perks.. we can't nerf everythings just because sometimes is annoying
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You got outperked, not outplayed.
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Makes no sense how you get outplayed by a perk that you can't do much about if people use it properly. It is a valid complaint, because it can't be countered if people use it for distance to a pallet.
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Never said that
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No, I said that.
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Well sounds to me you overcommited to a survivor who knew full well their position and utilized their options to the fullest: now you're salty over or it and want it nerfed so you don't get outplayed the same way again.
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Wouldn't you just say I got out perked? You made it seem like I said that
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Sure whatever you say. Keep making fake realities for other people, I like talking to people who have brains
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My Friend, you interpret what you read. I made one simple comment. How you take it, is a matter of your perspective and psychology.
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So using dead hard is outperking, spamming m2 to zone out survivors is outplaying.
Totally not biased players and where to find them
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Hey man, when killers use their busted powers, Gen-stall perks and moris, that's just 'them playing the game honestly.' Clearly anytime survivors, survive, that's just an unfair outcome.
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That's just like saying "you went to a grocery store, not a gas station" who wouldn't react like I did?
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Ok, suggest a nerf then.
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Either way, you were in your car and you were the one driving.
So where you ended up, was up to you!
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No, making players think you're doing one thing but do something else is outplaying
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Honestly dk, the best i got right now is make it have 2 or 3 tokens a game. It's a very strong perk and it fixes your mistakes.I think this is a fair nerf
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DH is annoying and imo it's the one of the best exhaustion perks out there. I think it's fine where it's at though. Unless you are impatient you can usually read when someone has DH by how they keep looking at you and bait it out. Even if they manage to get to another loop there is a good chance you can whack them as they pull it down. Honestly how would you even nerf DH? Make you vulnerable during the dash? Lol.
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Yeah those are mindgames but all the new powers don't require mindgames, ds, ph just force survivors in a lose-lose situation. If you vault or drop you get hit by the killer's power, if you don't you get hit by m1. So i'd like to know why a perk that requires the right timing and even when the timing is correct doesn't guarantee any value should be nerfed while those cheap powers plays are ok.
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You can't do anything about people who use it for distance. Imagine a survivor about to go down but there's a jungle gym right in front of him, he uses deadhard and now it's a 30 second chase
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There's not always a jungle gym available from any point of a map. The narrative that there's always a pallet or a jungle gym reachable from any point of the map was fine in 2018, the game changed, A LOT, you can get outpositioned multiple times in a game and that's not even survivor's fault.
There are tons of dead zones like this and dead hard there is the most useless perk you could ever use
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Meanwhile killers perks get nerfed because they are "not fun"
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Phead and Deathslinger both have counterplay, and phead got changed so it's no longer a lose-lose. Also since we're doing whataboutism, what about god pallets? Survivors are untouchable at these pallets against almost all killers
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It's not whataboutism if you mention a specific situation that is not guaranteed at any point of the game. You mentioned "what if a survivor dh to a jungle gym" if i wanted the whataboutism i would ask "what if a spirit gets hawkins" which i didn't.
The maps changed A LOT dead hard got bugged on june 2019 complaining about a perk that is not even that strong anymore just because you could potentially use it in a specific situation is not the right way to balance the game. Otherwise you should nerf every single stealth killer because what if you get indoor maps and so on.
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And adding 0.4 seconds of cd its not what i call the end of lose-lose situations.
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You mentioned 2 killers that shut down loops like it's a problem how their powers work. I don't get what you mean by the map changes, someone is running to a jungle gym and uses dead hard for distance for which if they didn't have that perk they would be down.
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Its a third health state when used for distance. Basically the equivalent of an instaheal that will be used 3 times per game by each survivor
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Half the time dead hard doesn't even work and I'm exhausted on the ground... it's really not that hard to catch up with someone, especially if it's used just before the killer swings. You don't lose exhaustion while running either so it's still pretty easy to be caught.
You seem a little salty. It doesn't need nerfing.
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They're fixing people being exhausted on the ground, and catching up to someone isn't the problem it's how getting outplayed but getting saved by pressing a button. There is no counter for people who dead hard for distance. Don't try to label me as salty when I'm speaking facts.
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Don't be salty then.
It's a pretty useless perk and I hardly even run it. They're pretty much removing most pallets in the game and loops are non existent. If you're getting outplayed by dead hard then you need to practice more. Facts.
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Kick rocks man lol it's always the people with low post counts who clearly don't play this game at a high level. Don't discuss on any of my post in the future if you see them please.
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Imo DH needs to have a risk to it due to the fact that survivor's can use it for distance to negate counterplay and because it's the most effective way to use it. Either make the perk a one time use or lock survivor's intersections for 3 seconds after using DH.
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By this logic every perk needs to be nerfed. Stuned killer with enduring and couldn't get away, damn got out perked. Killer broke pallet with brutal strength and caught up faster. Damn got out perked. Survivor sprint bursted out of a dead zone, damn got out perked. Killer with territorial imperative saw me go in basement, damn got out perked. Survivor healed with self care while I chased them, damn got out perked.
This can be said about possibly every perk in the game. DH is fine. DH doesn't give a major advantage all the time. For example, Killer could one shot down you, you could be in an area with no resources, you would have made it to the window/pallet regardless. DH is not some OP perk that you think it is.
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everythings gets nerfed in this game every update
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I’m a rank 1 killer main and this is iffy. Like I just wait the dead hard every time cause it’s so popular. Distance is tricky and not having the option to wait is rough but that’s just the perk doing what’s it’s supposed to do, just like how sprint burst gives you distance and can bait hits. The invulnerability is kinda dumb but if that was removed then it would be garbage. It’s not gamebreaking but changing it would be impossible without making is garbage or straight up removing it.
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Would be survivors fault for being caught out in a dead zone. Even though they might, there is a good possibility that 5 seconds or so saved could be enough to get to a safe area. Or just 5 or so seconds wasted. Never know if it'll come in handy I've seen and gotten lucky DS with 5 or less seconds remaining.
Reason being I brought that portion up is meant to point out that every little second CAN, not that it will, count. Even hitting a survivor with 1 second left of BT can change how the game goes.
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Dead hard can only prolong the chase significantly if you are on a right spot when forced to use it. It requires either luck or planning, otherwise it's just a short dash forward and gives you like three seconds.
Look, ALL perks give you "unfair advantage", that's exactly how they are supposed to work, and they are a part of the game. Dead hard wastes killer's time, there are tons of perks that do exactly the same to survivors.