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Does getting adept need changing?

BlooperReel Member Posts: 127
edited January 2021 in Ask the Community

Ever since the implementation of emblems, getting adept has changed, well, for killers at least.

The achievements just specify 4k with unique perks but you need to double pip with unique perks. The way that works (to summarize) is to get either 3 iridescent emblems and a silver, or 2 iridescents and 2 golds (or anything better). That changes things depending on your killer of choice as well as how survivors play against you.

For example, each hit awards you points and you need to get 2 hits on a survivor doesn't matter how for max points. 6 hits per survivor, 4 survivors each. However, Hillbilly and Leatherface have instant down abilities, meaning they can't use their abilities if they want to go for adept.

Worse yet, even if the survivors don't know it, they can still deny you an adept by being stupid and clumping up near a hook, meaning you have to give them a free unhook or lose points. This exact issue is why I lost the closest I ever got to an Adept Deathslinger.

Finally, Legion's whole deal is mending, which from what I've seen counts towards healing and that also constitutes losing points.

For survivors, it's relatively easy, given that the job is much more simple, that's not to say it is, there are some pretty garbage perks out there, but...Overall, adept for killers is a lot more stupid now, ever since the inclusion of emblems.

Do you agree and if so, do you have any ideas that might improve this idea or have better options?


  • Speeddemonsaif
    Speeddemonsaif Member Posts: 143

    Yeah definitely like damn survivor adepts are insanely easy to get while killer ones are nearly impossible.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    They're changing rank reset to put everybody back to rank 20. That essentially fixes killer adepts.

  • BlooperReel
    BlooperReel Member Posts: 127

    Not really no, it'll be easier to go against people if you're new to a killer but leatherface and billy will still not be able to use their abilities and it's a 50/50 on whether or not legion should.

    The MMR system won't do anything towards killer adepts

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    They didn’t mean the MMR though.

    But the new Rank system will help. You will get reset to 20 every month and as long as pipping stays the same you have the opportunity to gain a double pip way easier in brown ranks.

  • DivineMonkeyKing
    DivineMonkeyKing Member Posts: 19

    I definitely believe so, I have gotten loads of 4ks with Demo, but have yet to actually get adept, I need to intentionally drag on the game, which almost always ends up hurting me in the end because I got greedy for 4 more of the need hooks or 8 chases so I can end my Adept hunting torture, only to get outperked and lose the last few gens. They need to make it so that you only need a 4k, like back then.

  • Endorb
    Endorb Member Posts: 151

    Killers need a perfect game, while survivors need only escape. Like, to be honest, what would be equal to "escape as survivor" is "Hook all 4 survivors as killer". Both are pretty easy to achieve in 2 or 3 games with average luck at green ranks or better.