More exhaustion addons

Since one of the metas is constantly using exhaustion perks we should have more adding to counter them and thus making them less over used as they won’t work as well with more counters
I mean it as so many are relying on them often some quit because they can’t dh away
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I am all for more counter play against survivor meta.
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Exhaustion addons are too strong most of the time imo.
I would rather have a good reliable anti exhaustion perk to be honest.That would be more fair
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Anti-exhaustion addons or perks. Exhaustion perks on survivor are currently just game swinging with zero downsides.
The few anti-exhaustion perks killers have are all mediocre at best and not worth using even when you can guarentee everyone will be using one...that says something about how bad they are. Not to mention what few exhaustion addons we do have are slowly getting removed.
There's literally no reason not to run an Exhaustion perk on survivor right now unless you literally just don't care about winning. That's bad design.
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If your gonna add more exhaustion addons at least make it so that they lose it while running, or have it last 5-10 seconds. There's to much things in the game that relate to exhaustion right now.
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I don't see how Exhaustion is a game-breaking mechanic. It literally does nothing at all, NOTHING AT ALL, if the Survivor is not running an Exhaustion perk and Adrenaline doesn't even count.
If anyone thinks it is game-breaking, maybe people have become too reliant on Exhaustion perks.
But no no, you go ahead. Tell me more about the crutch perk issues with NOED and Undying.
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i agree, hex perks are the supposed to be some of the strongest perks and hence being countered by cleansing bones but the survivors strongest perks have almost no counters and now clown is losing his exhaustion causing addon aswell
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Because survivors dont do bones and blame it on killers when it’s a easy counter
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And they should get rid of bloodlust while they are at it.
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i mean, that would be fine if they fixed their map design
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I agree 100%.
Some maps have an abundance of dead zones with a couple of unsafe situations pallets where bloodlust shouldn’t even be a thing.
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definetly, i feel like autohaven after its rework is always a giant deadzone if you dont get the version with the car wall and shop
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I feel like they are shying away from addons that induce exhaustion
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They made sense when exhaustion recovered while running. Now, since it doesn't, they do not make sense anymore and are overpowered.
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Interesting post since they are actively reducing exhaustion addons with every killer rework.
Survivors ask, survivors get.
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Survivor perks aren't designed to have counter-play.
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I was thinking about a perk that M1 on Survivor will cause 10sec exhaustion
Then I remember Mind breaker give 5sec exhaustion if u do Gen...thats the best Devs could give u.
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Actually it isn't, the devs have given killers blood echo, which applies exhaustion for a full minute. I really don't see why people think that add ons should essentially remove a number if perks from their opposition.
If survivors had a toolbox add on that completely removed all gen slowdown perks from killer, there would be uproar, and rightfully so. I don't see how exhaustion perks are any different, they are used to extend chase, and give teammates more time to do generators. Slowdown perks are used to give killer more time to catch a survivor before generators get done. So figuratively speaking, the counter to exhaustion perks are slowdown perks, and the counter to slowdown perks are exhaustion perks. They simply balance each other out.
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That’s why we’re losing them. Survivors don’t like it when Killers are able to expose how bad they are, which is exactly what Exhaustion add-ons do. I predicted this the moment Doctor lost his. Bad Survivors complained and the devs gave in so they wouldn’t lose their cash cows. There is no way Huntress is keeping hers, those things are 100% getting wiped out with her add-on pass. Demo and Pig might be the only two to have Exhaustion add-ons, and that’s only because of how bad the add-ons are.
If you’re a Survivor that needs Exhaustion perks to win, then you’re bad and need to get good. I’m tired of Killers losing good add-ons because of low skill players.
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Blood Echo is only really reliable on Plague and Legion.
I agree that exhaustion addons are too strong (well,most of them).
If survivors had a toolbox add on that completely removed all gen slowdown perks from killer, there would be uproar
Hmm,if we talk about commodious toolbox with wire spool and BNP then yes they essentially remove your gen slowdown perks.
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They've been phasing them out for a while as they come from a time when exhaustion ticked down while sprinting. Meaning if the survivor was good enough they could potentially trigger their perk 2 maybe even 3 times in a chase. Having them exist when exhaustion freezes while running is stupid and can lock a survivor out of their perk for the entire game, and there's really only one exhaustion perk that is above and beyond the rest in terms of actual power.