why cant i play a killer that i bought with my own money survivors mains

i mean i try not to be the op killers all the time i just played spirt for the first time in 2 months and it seems i cant play the killer with out death threats like why does it matter to you that much i bought the killer and i just want to play the game without the complaing after every match


  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    Sorry bro. I feel for ya.

  • AbsoluteArcadia
    AbsoluteArcadia Member Posts: 14

    Firstly, ask yourself how fair you played in your opinion, if you feel it was fair in a scenario, then ignore those survivors, you deserve to have your fun. A great example is when I get bashed for early game slugging, I don't always do it, but if I do it's because I need pressure in the beginning. Players that judge you based on the killer solely also shouldn't be given much attention, the asymmetrical nature of this game, as well as their past experiences can easily make either side a bit cruel to the other's choices.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It's just how the game is. If something is unfair, people will complain, because people always complain about unfairness if they think something might be done about it.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    People will complain no matter what you do, so unless it constructive, it's best to ignore it and move on.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    If you like spirit play spirit. If the killer is broken BHVR should fix it, that's not your fault.

    I would say how to play matters more. Spirits tend to be played by people who REALLY want to win as well, so this leads to a lot of negative experiences with the killer. The ones that hardcore tunnel and proxy camp with noed but then throw a fit if even one person gets out in the end.

    Not EVERYONE IS LIKE THIS I want to clarify; but I mean it's simply true that you're going to see more people who REALLY want to win playing those top tier picks. Same with any game.

  • They're used to having full control and having all the options. They don't like when that isn't the case.

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131

    ######### FAIRNESS, ######### SURVIVOR OPINIONS.

    Their toxicity is my joy. If you get abused, you take that badge of honour and hold your head up high. It means you did well.