Countering Myers is weird

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

At a certain point, there’s no reason to heal against Myers because you know he’s stalked enough to have Tier 3 at 99%.

I had a game where everyone made the same realization and just pretended the Myers was a Legion. I felt kinda bad. He ended up finally popping Tier 3 at the exit gate just to prove that he had it. No one healed, we all had Dead Hard, Myers had no power. Honestly, it was kind of sad


  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    That poor Myers got to play a whole game with already instadownable survivors. Woe be to him I'm sure

  • Endorb
    Endorb Member Posts: 151

    This is only really viable if you're all playing with Dead Hard. Otherwise, this would have been a terrible idea lol

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    I mean technically you gave him infinite t3 without bonus lunge or tr

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Next you’re gonna tell me Legion is OP because Survivors choose to stay insta-downable when playing against them

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited January 2021

    No, why would I tell you that. What I'm saying is that leaving yourselves all one hit from the dying state just because Myers might be ready to Tier-3 on you is not a good choice. There isn't much reason to stop and heal while Myers is in Tier-3 or you know he has the Fragrant Tuft of hair, but otherwise it is never a bad option to heal up with a Med-Kit or another Survivor's help.

    In regards to your Legion comment, I think I should address it. No, I don't make it a habit of staying wounded all match just because Legion has Feral Frenzy. The best way to deal with Legion is for everyone to split up and go to the four corners of the map and work Generators. This minimizes Legion's ability to wound everyone at once and track by heartbeats. Staying injured all game isn't any better a strategy against Legion than it is Myers. It would be a judgement call based on your current situation.

    For that matter, there are lots of Killers that have Insta-Down. Chainsaw maniacs start the game with it and have it all the time. Most Killers have a way to get it through their Power, Perks, or Add-On(s). That doesn't mean I'm going to play the entire game injured against them either. It is a judgement call based on a specific match and the conditions therein. If your reasoning were taken to its logical conclusion, everyone would be running No Mither. :)

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    Just stare back into his malicious gaze from a distance until there's nothing left for him to succ and he realises that it's longing, not hunger within him and all he wants is to join in on the fun. Nothing could possibly go wrong. :p

  • If myers IS tier 3 and doesn't know where you are that is the most amazing time to heal. His tier bonuses are spent on almost nothing cause everyone is hurt, and when it ends everyone is healed- that situation is a game ender for Myers most times.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited January 2021

    I main Myers and I rarely have issues stalking people, because once you understand how his power works, you soon realize when to stalk and when not to. Its also very easy to stalk survivors when you force them to go in a specific direction.

    A reason you would heal against Myers is to stop you from grunting if you need to hide because otherwise he will hear you. Many survivors make the mistake of leaving themselves injured but don’t realize how loud they are.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    I guess I just have a different approach to Survivor.

    I generally don't heal against Killers with insta-downs because I want to use my Dead Hard and have Iron Will, so there's not tons of benefit to healing. Unless I brought a med-kit or another Survivor is offering to heal me I don't really care.

    You really have to weight the amount of time it takes to go out of your way to find someone to heal you and then be healed to the amount of extra time you get in chase from being full health against your Killer.