I'm seriously scared from playing killer now

If any of these players see this post, truly gg, i really couldn't understand what was going on, was just getting hit left and right.


  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Mr. Loopy Botthole truly is a menace. When will he be stopped if ever?!

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    LOL I bet. All those Head On's, especially if coordinated, would really suck.

  • wojtech
    wojtech Member Posts: 192

    Mine looked similar except I'm rank 16 killer and there was only 3-4 rank survs.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Matchmaking screwed you man and it really does suck that a newer player has to deal with this.

    Going into these kind of matches right now really screws you over but don't let it discourage you and just try your best to learn from these kind of matches because eventually you will get to a level where you live for these kind of matches as killer and you'll know exactly what they are planning and exactly how to deal with it.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Goes both ways. Just got this lobby, saw the map / key. Then got the hatch offering and map offering and was expecting a super sweaty game.

    But then they all got mowed down at 5 gens left.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    But seriously how does this happen. Matchmaking isnt even quick for either side so if they arent trying to match people at your rank why

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Even if you were all red rank it wouldn't mean squat.

    If skill in this game was on a scale of 1 to 10 red ranks would be like a 4 at most. It just stagnates there with most of the players being purple/red or far better than that.

    Also survivors rarely recognize when things are in their favor. I doubt any of them were like "Wow this doctor actually got 2 hooks, with less experience, almost nothing for perks or experience in the killer" they are usually just like "ahaha he so bad baby doc got head oned 3 times".

    I've rarely seen survivors go "holy cow that guy had everyone on death hook as a low tier killer like trapper, with no addons, no perks that's crazy" they just go "lol trapper bad" and t-bag.

    People get caught up in win or loss they don't look at matches in detail- that's usually how you can tell really good players from bad ones; the really good ones can break something down and pick out details like that and recognise them.

  • gusm09
    gusm09 Member Posts: 47

    I've been playing killer for a bit now, i'm green rank y'know, but this has happened some times, it's kind of insane, doesn't get to me tho, i kinda really don't like how they wait too long when they open the gates, just leave okay lol.

    But this game, it was pretty well coordinated, all flashlights, and as i passed through lockers they were stunning me.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Yeah you got screwed by bad matchmaking and even worse it was a 4 man SWF as well so this was bound to be painful for you and they were taking advantage of that instead of cutting you some slack which is kind of gross but some teams are just like that sometimes. Hopefully MMR will work this time around and you can go against people your own level and be able to rank up and learn the game properly.