What is revert you guys would like to see?

Old Frank's Mixtape....
Just kidding. But honestly, I want Legion to have his speed add-ons back. If not that, then the 3 sec fatigue base.
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The overheat mechanic for Billy.
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Pigs 28 meters would be great, because I would not have to use M&A on her anymore when paired with Whispers. But sadly, not going to happen, since it should be consistent.
I would like to have back old Balanced Landing. At least when all Maps are reworked.
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You say franks mistake, I say old legion as a whole.
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Pig's 28 meter terror radius would be nice.
That or 60-second pop again.
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I don't miss the 5 blinks because it was super easy to catch people. I would like her CD to be reverted. Her blinks worked before they messed with her.
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Honestly I miss point t-bagging. Not because of being toxic or anything but it was hilarious to look at.
For killer I'd say Legion not seeing scratch marks. I just don't see a reason for that still being removed.
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I'd revert Legion back to when he didn't exist 👍️
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Billy nerf would be #1 by an absolute mile. After that I'd say the autohaven rework, I think it was poorly done.
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Billy's animations and overheat mechanic.
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Old hilbily.. I actually don't think the rework was needed.
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Enduring's minor buff to stun recovery & the removal of Perk stun recovery.
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I second this , the old billy was in my opinion the prime example of how a killer should be balanced in this game, the only thing that needed worked out was the insta saw add on combo
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I would love it if Old Freddy came back, I just want to play him again :(
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Reject Dream Snares
Return to laser beam
I hope he comes back when they change him again.
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Pig had a 28 meter terror radius?
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You would probably change your mind pretty quick with some of the perks we have now, imagine a squad with desperate measures, wglf , and soul guard , they could just keep picking each other up to full health before you can even put someone else to sleep and stop it and even if you did manage to re sleep the recently downed survivor they would just start the chase over and you wouldn't be able to sleep the healthy survivors fast enough to injure them and trade out
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Old Hillbilly. Although Billy is still good the nerf was unecessary and the devs overreacted. Would like to see old balanced once all maps especially Haddonfield are redone.
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If the devs made it so that survivors who were picked up from the ground didn't automatically wake up, that'd prevent that entire problem.
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Laurie Strode deleted
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Freddy rework reversed.
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Probably the maps. Kinda liked them at first but the Yamaoka ones are terrible. Miss the old MacMillan maps and the Autohaven ones.
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I'm probably the only person who would like the Spirit's vault animation reverted. I just liked that it made for some surprises when playing as and against her.
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Billy animations and that horrendous roar he now does.
As if the chainsaw noise didn't give enough of a notification we now have this roar which grates in every fiber of my being. It is actually so bad it stopped me playing him.
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remove bubba's 4th teachable
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The Billy overheat.
it just straight up shouldn’t exist for multiple reasons, the main one for me is double engravings is nigh unplayable.
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Give me back release Freddy
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old billy by far, back when he was fun
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I want Psyonix to give me back my "Change Preset" button between matches. I have like 25 car presets and I like changing between them a lot!
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For one patch they made it so you couldn't hit survivors on hook. The aim-assist on console has screwed me over one too many times against hook farmers >:/
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I'd like to see a revert back to when they cared about feedback and improving the game health instead of the cosmetic push.
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So like... why does Myers have a 24 terror radius at tier 2 with 115% movespeed?
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I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about ._.
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Pig's RBT's killing survivors who escape even if they are inactive. She was a lategame monster of a killer who could extend the match beyond the exit gates opening and made good use of endgame perks that no other killer does.
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Even if just for one of those test weekends, I'd like to see the old exhaustion mechanic return. The one where you would recover at half the speed when running and double the speed when crouching, but you would still be exhausted after getting hooked.
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If they do come out its gonna be old survivor movement. The ones shown in the PTB are so bad, I rather have the ones from 2016.
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Old ruin and lullaby with new undying.
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Billy's overheat was so hilariously unnecessary for any match above the "knows how to throw a pallet" skill level. I will never ever understand what the balance team was thinking there. Billy without an overheat wouldn't even be top 4 right now. So dumb.
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Rocket League
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old freddy as a option
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After looking it up, it looks like he's talking about Rocket League. Not that it really matters, but yeh
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I want Billy's overheat either removed or reverted to post-PTB. Unlike Nurse, his problems really were just his add-ons, not his base kit.
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But on the same note. Only change to Nurse I would like to see is the blink cooldown removed. Having two cooldowns for one action is stupid and ignores the fact she uses her power to traverse the map.
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Oh it looks so good returning to old freddy until you sat there staring at a survivor finish a gen because your dream transition is still occurring. Likely its the last gen and boom everyone adrenalines and the game reminds you why old freddy sucked booty. I mained the guy on account of him being the killer that introduced me to the horror genre and I can safely say new freddy just needs some of his gen repair slow downs reduced that's all. Don't pull a billy or nurse and mess this up again small tweaks to the slow down gen repair effect that's it. Remember we need freddy to exist as a new player killer nerfing him into an underpowered state is not good for the currently garbage survivor queue times.
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I want Nancy's down scream from PTB. Why did they remove it?
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I'm not asking for current Freddy to be replaced with the old one, I want an option to play the old one. A lot of people miss him, including me, but I understand that a lot of people love playing the current Freddy. The Kid's Drawing addon isn't doing anything useful at the moment, why not use that if the devs don't want to implement an option for it? I'd rather have a button to switch between the two though, a lot of his addons were really cool and I'd love to use those.
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Nurse's recharge mechanic.
Given how slow Nurse already is, adding a second cooldown to her power was a bad idea because it greatly disrupted her fast pace playstyle.
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Maaaan do I wish they just made old Freddy a good killer and not a tunnel monster. They COULD'VE kept pulling people into dream, being invisible, etc. That didn't have to go. He didn't have to turn into Clown with traps and 10 more easy abilities. Idk how that rework ever got through. They made the simplest, most boring, and uncreative killer out there man.
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I wanted Balance Landing’s nerf reverted (especially since they fixed the problem loops it was abusable on anyway).
Maybe not a full revert, but a revert to a part of it.
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He needed some minor tweaks, but he was a lot better than people thought he was, he just required a different playstyle. I'll never forgive BHVR for removing everything that made him unique. Unless they add him back, of course.
I don't know why people called him a tunnel monster though, current Freddy is WAY better at tunneling than the old one lmao.