colorblind mode WIP

just posting this here for people who don’t have Twitter
this was revealed because of the clip from Almo circulating
I can’t ######### believe it there finally releasing colorblind mode I’m so happy and excited!!! I’m not color blind but I’m happy there adding this
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It sucks that they had to show us this just because almo decided to be fussy when they literally could have just told us they were working on it and avoided the whole mess
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i agree but at least they are listening to the players and actually adding colorblind mode remember when people said they would never add it well look who’s laughing now
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The Devs dont really communicate things until they are basically done. This WIP does not mean that the Colorblind Mode will come anytime soon, and the Community will now ask every two days "When is the Colorblind Mode ready?!".
Personally, I would love to see more WIPs, but I know that even if they show super-early designs of stuff that people will be really disappointed if it takes long until it is implemented or will be scrapped at some point in development (not referring directly to Colorblind-Settings here).
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Not_Queen said in the dev stream today they want to add these modes in the next chapter release.
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Finally something. Let see if it will happen.
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I have no problem with the devs not showing a lot of wip but if it’s something that’s specifically for a part of the community they deserve to know that their issue is being acknowledged and worked on
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This is still a work in progress, we're showing what is currently being worked will be available when it's ready, no set date as of yet.
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I legitimately do not think it matters when it comes out. The mere fact that it's being worked on is such good news to so many people. One of my buddies is colorblind and this has meant the world to him.
If you could, tell the team he and I said thank you :)
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Im pretty sure as much as devs and designers would have liked to disclose data to ease tensions on color blind features that their non disclosure agreements are in the back of their minds the entire time so they have to spend a lot of time asking before they can disclose anything so they don't get sued, fined, or fired you know the usual.
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I'm colourblind myself, so yeah I'm super hyped
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I think showing it's atleast being worked on helps a ton with player morale. While I know showing WIPs can bring out the "where is it" questions I think showing stuff like this is being worked on does way more than just saying "we are looking into it" which starts to feel like a brush off answer after awhile.
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of course, thanks for the confirmation
also- do you happen to know if blood is also being changed for these modes?
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I can't share too much I'm afraid, only what we've disclosed so far @Mew
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oh okay! thanks for the response
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I'm not colourblind so I can't claim to have any experience with the colours used being good choices or not, but looks really good. Sticks to the same "red-ish" sort of color that still fits the game nicely 👍️
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Well this is good news. I'm glad BHVR is finally talking about this issue in a serious manner.
Color blind options are one of the most basic accessibility features game developers can add.
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What kind of aura is the best one for you? Just curious. Is it Deuteranope by any chance ?
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Great that it is finally being worked on.
Not so great that it took a developer from another game company Tweeting about the flippancy of Almo's response to get anything done.
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oooh after 5 years i can finally see scratch marks and generators?
No more loss of survivors in loops, no more running in the face of the killer for not seeing his light?
they are playing with my feelings right?
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It is indeed
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This is something we've clearly been working on for months, not just the past day!
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This is how I feel about it. People are acting like Almo dropped a racial slur or something.
His message was basically "We heard you the first 10,000 times. In case your parents never told you, bullying is bad." and then all the slathering devotees from the outrage crowd showed up to attack him over it, only proving his point even more.
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It definitely shows how bhvr still has a long way to go on the community communication front. So many easily avoidable problems and confrontations.....
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No way this took months of "hard work" to pull off.
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Because, shockingly, responding to a request for disability accessibility, one that's been actively ignored and pushed aside for 4 years, by talking about how annoying the request is makes you a bit of a jerk. As Steven Spohn put it, "If you're tired of being badgered about it, imagine how tired people are of not being able to play your game because it's inaccessible to them". Almo advertises his streams as being the lead developer of Dead by Daylight, which means his conduct is expected to match what is expected as a representative of the company. Being irritated that people are asking for help with their disability isn't okay, even if it's the 10,000th time.
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Well said, it's pathetic the excuses people are making for unprofessional conduct. Regardless of whether he was irritated by the question, the way it was handled would have landed most of us in trouble with our employer. It's telling which people haven't worked in a high profile or customer facing role because they clearly don't understand or appreciate the need for nuance.
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The thing is Almo could have absolutely, if it bothered him that much, not even responded to that question.
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Honestly that would've been a better PR move than what he actually did do.
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That's why while I'm glad the options for people that need them are getting added this whole situation just seems like a lot of damage control instead of something they actively wanted to do.
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question. Forgive me because I have damn near perfect colour perception but how do those colours shown help people who are red colour blind? I can kind of get the orange one, but what about using other colours like green or blue? why different shades of red and then orange?
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I was wondering about this even not being color blind myself. Seeing that red made me think that two of those options are way too similar to the current color scheme to have any benefit.
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Then he could simply have told the person he’s not allowed to disclose anything, doesn’t know anything, or have a twitch bit do something. Regardless he’s a member of the company and he shouldn’t be presenting himself in an unprofessional manner that makes the company look bad.
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Can anyone tell the difference between Default and Tritanope? They look identical to me. I don't have colorblind problems, so if I did it would probably look completely different if i did, but right now, it looks the same to me
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As a colorblind player, that deuteranope picture is a sight for sore eyes
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I'm not colorblind myself, but it looks like the colors are more solid, using less translucent effects and removing the ambient effects. If you look at the gen pic the auras look almost the same but the Tritanope looks slightly more vibrant and doesn't have the cloudy section at the bottom of the picture and the sky looks clearer. If you zoom in on the scratch marks the Tritanope looks to be solid where the original you can still see some of the ground texture under the red of the scratches.
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It's definitely way better. Everything doesn't look so muddy/cloudy. The Tritanope is more vibrant. More "red". It's not all so washed out looking.
I'd definitely take any of the settings over the default.
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BHVR should have communicated this a while ago. I hope lessons have been learned here.
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There's a very stark difference between asking about a topic, and repeatedly asking someone about it that doesn't control said topic, on their personal time, after having been told an answer several times.
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I'm sorry to say this, but not everyone is omnipresent (shocker). Maybe instead of building the frustration up of multiple people asking constantly the same thing, maybe they should have said on their social media: "We are working on colorblindness options, and it should be ready within the next few months. We apologize for not going into much details, but this allows us to be more flexible of the options we have". It's not perfect, but maybe being transparent with your playerbase, even if it leads to more frustration, is better than making the entire company you work for look bad.
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The same person asked the same question over and over again. His stream states "Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Behaviour or the DbD design team." End of discussion, the person harrassing him is in the wrong,and that should have been the end of it, but no, entitled people and victim culture are playing out directly in front of us.
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I'm pretty sure it's more than just one person, and it happened way before the stream, just a little more, something about...hmm... 5 YEARS ago perhaps? If your team claims that they "listen for feedback from the community", then prepare to get feedback from the community. it's like trash in your room, the longer you wait to do something about it, the more it keeps piling on. Should a game NOT have accessibility options? Should people NOT have the ability to enjoy a game?
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Guy's hear me out what if we add subtitles next?
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That'd be weird. 90% of the subtitles would be "sexual moaning," "screaming," "groovy" and "random Akkadian cursing."
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That would be pretty creepy.Imagine you're working on a gen and then you read
*breathing noises*
as you get grabbed of the gen from myers
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That's kind of the point i was trying to make. It was a joke
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I'm not colorblind, but would like to try all modes when it come out.
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Still find it a bit amusing that all this could have been avoided months ago with a simple, "We're working on it," as a response to someone asking. There was no reason to try and hide it, hell, it would have most likely gotten even more people into their game if they had mentioned it at all.
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Now i have mental image 😂
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I am happy