Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Why does Lampkin Lane suck ass and is still in the game?

Member Posts: 4
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm a pretty good killer main who can win most of the time when getting this map, but when doing Perkless win streaks as killer this seems to be the map that I lose to the most whether it be the dogshit RNG it has to offer or the horrible 30 ft walls that some killers can't do ######### on. Also don't even get me started on how some certain killers like Victor and Spirit can't reach the main top of the middle building with their power and how trap killers you can do nothing about on this map. AND if you think about it, this map caused Balanced Landing to get nerfed because old BL you didn't get stunned when hitting the ground no matter what, and this made it to where you could use the Strode House as an infinite.

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  • Member Posts: 5,449

    It will probably get a bit more balanced when the Devs make their pass over Myers and Lauries perks and remake the map.

  • Member Posts: 890

    Why do killers think Haddonfield is so bad?

    I'm not asking this sarcastically or anything, I just don't really play killer (and def haven't on Haddonfield the occasional time I do) so I don't know what the experience is like, and I'm curious.

  • Member Posts: 811

    The map was reworked and they barely changed the map, the houses are still god places to be and those walls of grass/fences of china are annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    A lot of the long corridors created by the fences create loops which cannot really be mindgamed and it's boring as a Killer since they are not at all mind-gameable so you just have to hold W, it's also more punishing as a result if you then whiff or get dead harded as its even more of a time waste.

    Also the balconies can be used by survivors to waste even more time as they can jump a window but again you can't mind game this as they will then just stand on the balcony to FORCE you to follow that direction.

  • At least they acknowledged people don't like it and that there are reasons for that worth looking into. That's something at least.

  • Member Posts: 806

    I agree with you, better than absolutely nothing.

    My issue is that they do not give stats out as they know we will interpret them either the wrong way or without context. Yet, the Dev's (sometimes) go about touting random facts like this...and provide no interpretation or context. How are we supposed to react to this?

    So on one hand, they know Haddonfield is "not fun" but then come back at us with a dismissive "Well actually it's not even that bad".

    I cannot be the only one seeing this double-talk.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    I´m also sure the map will be overhauled at some point. Many people were baffled where they put their rework priorities, though.

    Given what the DEVs stated regarding Myers and Laurie I don´t think they will be ever changed again, though.

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    I love how when they asked what map people expect to rework next; everyone said "Coldwind, please let it be coldwind, it better be coldwind" and "Haddonfield? It's gotta be Haddonfield"

    Only like a very small minority said much else xD

    Literally like the next day: "The game and Crotus Penn"

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    To be fair, Asylum and the game were also due for updates. That being said, an estimated 99% of people considered Coldwind and Haddonfield to be more urgent.

    Let´s just hope that with the next chapter these realms will be ready, too.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I don't know, I feel like they will alter DS to be less abuse-able one day in the distant future. They won't do too much due to the fact that it's a part of a paid chapter and has to be a reason people buy it. It is also possible they will surprise us with an update to Laurie to look like Jamie Lee Curtis, but I won't hold my breath on that.

    But yea, the map will be re-balanced to hopefully be more fair once it gets it's graphic uplift- hopefully without stupid breakable walls.

  • Member Posts: 651

    It spawns with the House of Pain AND the Myers House as well as other houses with balconies, which are either ridiculously strong loops if spawned correctly or just massive timewasters when the survivors camp the upper floor.

    Almost every pallet that spawns on the map has at least one extremely safe side - The picnic tables, the ambulance, the car and truck loops. Even worse, these loops can be augmented by the long white fences spawning windows near them, sometimes even facing the pallet, creating chainable pseudo-infinites with no mindgame.

    Even without the strong loops, the very long corridors between houses separated by waist-high shrubs can be looped by survivivors to force you to give them an out /push them towards a safe area, since you can't just build bloodlust forever.

    TL:DR Survivors will always see you coming, they will always have a strong place to run.

  • Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2021

    This is not a map I want to ever be killer on. It's to big with to many buildings in it. It wants windows on some of the garage building taken out. It wants 1 garage taking out. It wants 2 buildings top level taking out. Balconies on the windows needs removing Lamp Lane needs a massive nerf

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    Because its impossible to catch a survivor who's inside in any good amount of time, and otherwise its just Nascar Emulator 2021 when you're looping around a house.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    I've been burning all my Haddonfield offerings to avoid going to the "reworked" maps (that do a number on my frames and significantly decrease my enjoyment of the game), but I mostly play Hag and Huntress and tombstone Myers, so I haven't experienced recently much of what makes that map unfun. In fact, I've been enjoying myself immensely on Haddonfield.

  • Member Posts: 410

    I don't get the statistics of this game. I am pretty sure everyone is in agreement that Haddonfield is probably one of the most survivor sided maps (better for survivors, worse for killers) in the game. It has a lot of houses so people can use balanced landing, if you play as Hillbilly, Deathslinger, Huntress or Leather Face you'll probably be ######### cause there are a lot of buildings and walls to hide behind and dodge #########.

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