Why are Iridescent Heads the worst thing ever?

Every time I see a thread about things needing fixed in this game, this add-on keeps getting brought up. I do not understand why. It is not some weird, unique thing. Its function is extremely common in this game.

What does it do? It downs a Survivor in one hit. Okay, you know what else downs a survivor in one hit? Literally anything using the Exposed mechanic.

Myers can one-shot EVERYONE for the entire duration of Evil Within 3. Which he can reach multiple times per match. This costs 0 blood points to use and does not take an add-on slot.

Ghostface can one-shot someone after just a handful of seconds of staring and then stabbing. This costs 0 blood points to use and does not take an add-on slot.

No One Escapes Death can one-shot anyone hit by a Basic Attack after gens are completed. This costs 0 blood points to use and does not take an add-on slot.

Hex: Haunted Grounds leaves Exposed on the entire survivor team for a full minute. This costs 0 blood points to use and does not take an add-on slot.

Dragon's Grip will leave you with Exposed for a full minute and can go off every minute and a half. This costs 0 blood points to use and does not take an add-on slot.

Devour Hope will leave EVERYONE Exposed until you get rid of the totem. This costs 0 blood points to use and does not take an add-on slot.

Iron Maiden not only exposes you but it is getting its timer for doing so buffed on the PTB. This costs 0 blood points to use and does not take an add-on slot.

Iridescent Head only works if you spend 7000 blood points on an add-on you get to use for one match unless you pop a ward.

So what exactly makes this so much worse than everything else? Because it punishes you for thinking you are invincible on the other side of a pallet after you teabag a stunned Huntress?


  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    IMO the worst thing ever is actually hag with mint rag + MYC, throw on devour hope and you have a play style that rivals that of insta down hatchets even if the totem gets cleansed.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    When I can run discordance and throw a hail mary hatchet and get a lucky one shot on someone off a guess that's garbage , I will say with the Mori nerf it's not as strong as it used to be but having a ranged throw being a one shot is broken on good killers and every other killer with a one shot isn't ranged they have to be on you to use it , there's quite a big difference there.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    The biggest problem with it is not the add on itself although it is really strong on decent huntresses. It is usually run with infantry belt which gives 2 extra hatchets which a good huntress can use to down 2-3 people in under 15 seconds.

    Also all other exposed mechanics have a set time frame, the only execptions are:

    NOED which doesnt activate till endgame but its totem can still be cleansed which also goes for Devour hope after it activates.

    And Infinite tier 3 myers but he sacrifices alot early game to be able to have it be infinite a good efficient group can usually be done half the gens before it activates

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Because you only get 1.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It's crys from bad survivors, same ones that thinks Noed is a problem. Some lose a game against iri head Huntress and thinks that they would have escaped if Huntress played with other addons instead, so they blame iri for the loss. If they lose to another killer they blame the perks. This is how other survivors thinks mostly. I'm not that kind of survivor..this addon is no problem at all. I rarely even face Huntress with iri heads.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Because they are dumb and unfair? A decent Huntress with Iri and belt is boring to face. This is like asking why people complain about decent survivors playing SWF together.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Is that the WHOLE argument then? That's all you guys got? "It's ranged"?

    Because mechanically it is no different than Billy charging the map and sawing you in half, and that's free.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Irihead by itself is fine IMO because even though it's a ranged one-hit down, you only get one shot at it before you need to reload (and if you do it up close, you're kinda just a worse Leatherface). The problem is when you use it with an add-on that adds extra hatchets, which mitigates the downside of only having one bullet in the chamber.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Its alot easier to dodge a charging billy than a fully charged hatchet.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864
    edited January 2021

    None of those are comparable to Iri head. Most iri head matches, the Huntress brought a belt :/

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    It's totally different because Billy is actually charging at you and not throwing his revved chainsaw half way across the map , name one other killer that has a ranged instadown

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    So again, I ask, is that the whole argument? That it is ranged?

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 571

    If it trumped all other addons like Hag's Scarred Hand so that she couldn't carry more than 1 no matter what it wouldn't be as ridiculous. But aside from that, the hitboxes are just way too jank. You can clearly miss the survivor by like 2 feet and still "hit" them.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890

    Because hitboxes make her hatchets operate like homing missiles.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    It's not Iri Head itself it's when it's paired with Infantry Belt.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    I feel like if you do the math as far as how much time survivors lose because a Huntress downs someone in a chase with an Iri head, the reasoning becomes clear. She doesn't have to work for the instant down, like killers using perks for Exposed. She technically doesn't even have to be able to see the survivor she's aiming at. Some Huntresses will just lob hatchets at a generator or in the direction of someone they saw in BBQ and land a hit. That's powerful. Being able to down someone from the hook? Most killers wish they could.

    Even removing insane shots like that from the equation, she can end a chase in half the time it would normally last. All she has to do is herd you to a pallet or a dead zone. Or she can just get some high ground and snipe you without even engaging in a chase.

    You don't see this add-on that often? Maybe you've never actually met a good Huntress.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    The tradeoff for the Iri Head's one-shot capability was supposed to be that you now only get 1 hatchet. You get one shot, so misses are much more heavily penalized.

    If that was the end of the story, Iri Head would still be very powerful, but probably not overtly problematic. However, Huntress has ammo belts that can reduce the handicap from this tradeoff. Especially Infantry Belt.

    Look at it like this:

    • Standard Hatchets. Huntress carries 5, which is enough ammo to down 2.5 survivors without reloading.
    • Iri Head: Huntress carries 1; enough to down 1 survivor without reloading (but it only takes one hit).
    • Iri Head + Infantry Belt. Huntress carries 3, which is enough to down 3 survivors without reloading.

    In addition to their range, Hatchets can also easily be used as a point-blank melee attack. Iri Head turns this "Melee Hatchet" into a reloadable insta-down.

    Billy and LF have to charge their saws before they can use them, while Myers and GF also have to charge their abilities and only have temporary access to insta-downs. Huntress's "charge" only takes a few seconds at any time (whether to reload or to wind up) and her attack is capable of hitting survivors at any distance from her.

    Iri Head is one of the most overpowered add-ons in DbD. It's only real competitor for this spot at the peak of infamy is Myer's Tombstone Piece (because swapping your insta-down for an insta-kill at a minimal cost is nuts).

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Iri heads aren't the worst thing ever. You have to bring in a very rare addon to compensate for its huge drawback.

    Also, you can't use hitboxes as an excuse, because that isn't even the issue, it's dedicated servers and latency. Even then, it is the exact same hit radius as a swipe. The only difference is it doesn't look as off since as a killer, you can't determine the range when you M1 a player. As surv, getting hit by a hatchet looks the same as being M1'd, but without a body behind it.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,380

    I would say it's the combination of Infantry Belt allowing you to bring 3 Iri Heads and how Huntress hatchets work.

    Huntress doesn't have much to offset her power now allowing her to instant down survivors that other instant down killers have. Her camera isn't forced downwards like Billy/Leatherface/Oni when she misses meaning she has no issues losing the survivor when missing. Hatchets are ranged meaning that she does not require to be close to survivors to instantly down them. Only Billy and Oni offset this problem with their dashes. She doesn't require any build like Myers/Ghostface/Oni to start instant downing.

    Iri Heads just needs a harsher downside to it. The fact you can run Infantry Belt to mitigate it's downside is a bit of a problem. At least if Huntress was forced to only have 1 hatchet with the addon she would be less snowbally than a huntress without due to the fact she could only down 1 survivor before having to reload.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259
    edited January 2021

    It's ranged but mostly a problem when coupled with infantry belt, I wouldn't mind it so much if it were just limited to the one hatchet but being able to carry 3 instadown in your back pocket is garbage

  • hatchking
    hatchking Member Posts: 312

    Infantry belt

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Well I play solo rank 1 so I have met a lot of really good Huntress players, and they win most of the time iri head or not. I just don't see how it makes a difference really a very good Huntress win either way and a not so good Huntress lose iri head or not. If the bad players could win just because of this addon ok that would be a problem, but I don't see that happen.

    But sure take this addon away I don't think it would reduce Huntress kill rate at all.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    It's a long ranged insta down attack with a hitbox the size of a semi truck.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited January 2021

    It's ranged, and the thing that's supposed to balance it out (the huge reduction in # of hatchets you can carry) can be heavily mitigated with another add-on. To say that it is mechanically no different from Billy is just wrong. Billy's chainsaw is not a projectile attack, no matter how you slice it.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Some people forget that you used to get 3 hatchets and Infantry Belt bumped you back to 5.

    Some players would forgo the Infantry Belt addon and instead use a windup addon.

    The current Iri head requires Infantry Belt.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    You’re not taking into account that Iri Head lasts the whole match and is a ranged attack while everything else you mentioned can be totem cleansed, or has a duration of being one-shot.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    The hit reg is what really grinds my gears, more of that than the iri head. However, the iri head should definitely be changed.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 617

    I wouldn't mind Iri Head if

    • it had a minimum range requirement; aka, it was only an insta-down from a certain distance, and from any distance shorter than that it worked the same way regular hatchets do. WHAT exact distance? I do not know, but Huntresses who use their Iri Head like an insta-down melee infuriate me. If you're actually skilled and can snipe me from across the map then you deserve the insta-down.


    • the add-on actually "disabled" Infantry Belt, so that it was ACTUALLY one hatchet. I've watched a couple of streamers who play a nice Huntress try Iri Head without the Infantry Belt, and it seems balanced enough imo.

    And the hitboxes need some fixing for sure.