
Better if you change from assymetric to imbalance :D
Best Answer
Unfortunately this really. I still play DBD occasionally because I bought it back in the day, but Asymmetrical is kind of a red flag when perusing games. It's just not a model that can work in the age of feedback-based balancing. When one playerbase is so large it makes up most of the bottom line, the other will usually suffer until numbers stop dropping, in which case knee-jerk changes that swing things too far the other way can happen.
And I'm not saying that because I have a grudge with DBD - Identity V showed similar problems, and I think it just comes down to Asymmetry being incompatible with competitive human nature. I think people unfortunately realize that the first time they play an Asymmetrical, which is part of the reason Deathgarden flopped. Hard to pitch that game experience twice.
I've just come to feel Asymmetrical multiplayer is one of those concepts that works well on paper and nowhere else.
Asymmetrical games are unbalanced by their very nature. At any point either survivor or killer will be stronger
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the game could be in a pretty balanced state by just listening to the veteran players but like that would happen.
we will have to go through multiple almo shitstorms before that happens.
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I tend to agree but I think that too many of the asymmetrical games make the survivor role the strongest one at high levels. Evolve with its many other issues had this problem, RE:Resistence had this issue as well.
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I seem to have had imbalacne since Jr High. It really is a pain. No matter how much I clean my face it still comes back. Now in my 40s imbalacne still makes my life difficult. Oh well, I'll die one day.