Freddy is too easy to play; remove or nerf him.



  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    I stopped reading at “survivors use this forum as a whining land...” , boy let me tell you how many NERF DS/UNBREAKABLE & SWF posts I found just on the first page of these forums the past few days. I disagree with you 100% about your statement for survivors using this place to whine, it’s the complete opposite. Survivors cannot post their own opinion or opinions about killers because they get people like you to instantly bash their thread but it’s okay when the same killers make the same posts about DS, SWF, Dead Hard, etc. These forums are really biased.

  • Tomskrex
    Tomskrex Member Posts: 142
    edited January 2021

    I got smoked today while chilling with a meme build on Freddy by a well coordinated survivor team.

    He is definitely a strong killer with high pressure.

    OP? Nah. Well coordinated survivor team has a very good chance to smoke you out.

    Every killer has the ability to camp, can't hate the killer for it, if anything, Bubba is a more notorious camper.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    This post could be bit of a bait. However now that this guy said to remove freddy I'm sure the devs are now working on it. On a serious note hes getting gutted soon so don't worry.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    What defines good? I believe in order to be good, all four must spend their life playing the game and use discord to win. Then, they finally win against an average killer. A good killer might kill 1 or 2 of them and it is still believed the killer is weak because they happened to opened the gates. Too much is expected from the 4 to win or be on equal footing with the killer. What's wrong with the killer trying harder? Why couldn't it feel good to actually kill someone instead of it being "expected"?

    Regarding the rates, red ranks are most important because on average, everyone there knows the basics of the game. Doctor and Freddy kills 3 out of 4 every single match. I bet most of those few escapes are hatches or key escapes. Not good.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Yes I do and if you read my earlier post i made other comparisons to demogorgon, spirit, clown, and others. It seems that every killer is broken OP and needs to be nerfed.

    There is plenty of counterplay to freddy his snares are less effective at shutting down loops than clowns gas or doctors shocks.

    His teleport is actually balanced pretty well with other mobility powers, more control and distance but longer cooldown than Hag, less utility and longer cooldown than demogorgon (who can also shut down alot of loops with his shred), he also loses mobility as gens get done unlike those other ones, you also het notice that he is coming because the gen starts spurting blood which you dont get with the other ones so you have the opportunity to get to a strong tile or another gen before he gets there.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    While I agree that Freddy is too powerful in his current state, (and he is literally getting nerfed) asking for a character to be removed is one of the most ass backwards, selfish things I have ever seen.

    I hate Hag, but I would never ask for her to be removed from the game.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited January 2021

    You know, I could tear your so-called arguments apart right now. I have a rhetorical sledgehammer I could use to leave you paste. Why are you wasting our time complaining about a Killer that you don't actually understand? Dream Projection DOES have a cooldown. Tell you what, before you make anymore suggestions about the Killer, why don't you go read up on him, or better yet play him. Nothing is more of pet peeve of mine than people who scream NERF at the top of their lungs when they don't even know what they are talking about.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    You realize that most killers are P2W right? Want ruin? Buy hag(unless console) want pop? Buy clown, want stbfl? Buy Myers, want bbq? Buy bubba, want IF and corrupt? Buy plague, list goes on.

    Also saying that "play against a freddy back to back and see my side" isn't a good example, we were playing this game against really annoying freddies before back when forever freddy was a thing, now it barely does something, we were in the tunneling freddy with dying light era.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Regarding rates, well regarding rates nurse is the worst killer, can we get 7 blink nurse back? I mean regarding rates she is the weakest killer.

    The devs have said countless times that stop using kill rates as a thing to prove a point.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Except that it isn't. I have all those Perks and I didn't buy any of those guys but Myers. I got all the other Perks off the Shrine over time. They didn't cost me a thing. This "pay to win" argument holds no water. Moreover, I've seen people win match after match playing just the basic Killers that come with this game. It isn't the Killer you are driving, it is YOU. You either have what it takes, put in the work to earn if you don't, or not.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Overtime, but not always there, so let's assume you start today and know what perks you want, how would you do it? Also going by that logic wraith is really strong with base game perks.

    You get to a limit in how good you are with no perks while there are variables there isn't that much you can do.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited January 2021

    You and I clearly approach the game differently. I start playing and get as good as I can with whatever I have on hand. I add more from the Shrine as Perks that interest me become available. If I am "new" then I don't know what Perks I want yet now do I? The basic skills required of good Killers and good Survivors aren't found in Perks. That is why when I started just with Myers and took him to the top before I played anyone else, I didn't drop right to being a Potato the second I picked up a new Killer. There were new things to learn, certainly, but the basics of being a Killer were still there for me. The other stuff just comes with practice.

    Of all the games I play, this one has been the least expensive. I have been entirely competitive buying the basic game and the Halloween DLC (everything on sale btw). My only cosmetic purchase has been Krampus for Trapper; sometimes I remember to use it. I have been able to run against very good Players and win consistently. That is why I find your argument without merit. You CAN choose to pay as much as you want and jump to whatever Perks you think you need, but it isn't required. "Pay to Win" implies that you can't do it any other way. That is laughably false.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    They made her so difficult to use with so many nerfs, only 2 tp, long stun after a tp, and very slowly, only a minority can use her, so this will pass with the good freddy someday too

  • SoySensual
    SoySensual Member Posts: 75

    sure kid, freddy is going to be remove just for you, just return the money to the people who paid for the dlc and done

  • TauNkosi
    TauNkosi Member Posts: 282

    His teleportation is free map pressure with no downsides. That's what I hate about freddy. All he needs to do is run any tracking perk and gens will never get done.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Freddy's only real counterplay is playing well, and that's bad game design. He excels in every area a Killer needs to excel in. He needs a nerf of some kind, I don't care where. I am biased though as I really hate this Killer.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Not really if everyone spreads out then at best he can teleport to 2 gens in the time it takes for the other people to do 2 gens possibly 3 if he chases and gets a down and hook on the first teleportand that person can keep him busy for 30 seconds.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    As a solo survivor, my biggest complaint about Freddy is how quickly his teleport ability regenerates. All too often I watch him hook, teleport, then down one of my teammates in record time. He then hooks that survivor, teleports to me, and pops my generator at 90%.

    I then loop him for a time. Either long enough for him to leave me (and my gen to be back at zero), or not long enough for my teammates to heal the injured unhook finish a generator before he hooks me, teleports, and pops their gen.

    Ideally, I loop him long enough for him to leave me. But the sad reality is my teammates don't know enough to go stop my gen from regressing, so I return to a gen below 25%. I begin working on it, then he downs my teammate, teleports to me, and pops my gen when its above 75% again.

    All too often I work on a single generator for an entire game, because my teammates cant loop freddy and he decides to pop my gen 6 or 7 times.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    It Sounds like hes running bbq and chili once he downs the survivor if you hide in a locker until 5 seconds after he hooks them he wont know to teleport to your generator, and you'll avoid that problem.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    im not wasting my time stepping into a locker for 15 seconds because my teammates are incompetent. my teammates should be working on gens as well, and i'm happy to take aggro if it means they can get a gen done.

    at the end of the day, matchmaking is the real issue. Freddy's kit just compounds that issue into an unejoyable match where I watch my teammates die left and right, and spend 15 minutes holding m1 on the same generator as a result.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    So you are saying that you can play against tourney squads with Myers with ONLY basic perks aka whispers/sloppy and maybe stbfl and dying light? And win? Because it's no joke that skill cap has a limit with certain killers, also you can't tell me that you play nurse the exact same way as let's say billy because you and I know that they don't play similar at all the basics you do keep but not the same playstyle that works on let's say freddy and clown, and again killers have a skill cap that can be improved with perks like stbfl that makes chases surprisingly easy.

    And now a days because streaming is a thing I've seen newbies come to streamers asking for advice for new killers and what perks should they go for so they know what perks to look for.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Were you around when Freddy first released? Lets not go back to that.

  • smileybones
    smileybones Member Posts: 64

    Listen, most competently designed games have a character/weapon that's easy to use and powerful, so that new players can stand a chance against more experienced players. They're also designed in a way that experienced players that go against them and are aware of it's shortcomings can win against them, while experienced players who use them can make that harder to do, but not impossible. I believe Freddy has been designed this way. At the end of the day, he's an M1 killer with a power that forces you to leave the loop or take a hit. His teleportation isn't so oppressive that you can't just finish the gen. Most of peoples gripes with him have less to do with him as a killer, and more to do with their teammates inability to deal with him. Hopefully, he's nerfs don't become so egregious that he becomes useless again.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited January 2021

    For all I know I have fought Tournament Squads already, many times in fact. Until recently, when all matches have become rainbow hued, I fought nothing but all Red Rank teams, and most of them SWF. I never made any claim about which Perks I use. I said I have slowly but surely gained all I needed from the Shrine. I can't comment on Nurse or Billy aside from fighting "against" them, because I tend to play one Killer at a time until I feel competent, and I haven't gotten around to either of those yet. Right now I'm interested in Trapper. I still play Myers quite often though.

    What I'm saying is that the skill cap isn't the Killers or the Perks. It is the PLAYER. That is why we have crazy good people like Otz (and a notable few others) able to take any Killer and win over and over again with them, sometimes with no Perks at all. This game isn't pay to win. This game is PRACTICE to win. You have to pay your dues in the field. The most important skills for Killers or Survivors are the basics. I don't know why I'm bothering to argue this with you because you are the kind of person who blames your failures on the build, or limitations, or not having the right Perks. It is never YOU is it?

    I'm a different sort of player. The buck stops with me. When I win, I take credit. When I lose, I take responsibility.

  • smileybones
    smileybones Member Posts: 64

    Except I have I seen Otz and other people like him play killer, and end up in unwinnable games. And they didn't make any mistakes during the game either, the survivors they went up against simply were fast on gens, and competent in chase. So I don't know about you, but I wouldn't place the blame for losing on the streamers. They can win against as many potato teams as they come across. But the moment they hit a good team, they smack a ceiling where their experience can only take them so far.

  • TauNkosi
    TauNkosi Member Posts: 282

    Then my teammates bare ######### incompetent. Far too often does he always spawn to a gen I'm at when Im just about to complete it while others are doing ######### all.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I Will give you that matchmaking sucks and remember it often sucks for both sides.

    But if you are playing solo survivor you have to take accountability for how you are gonna play. You know from the first second of the match your against freddy and you have to be ready to counter what he can do. If your just not willing to do that dont complain he's OP, there are plenty of maps where other killers can do the exact same thing. Spirit , Billy, Demo, Nurse, all can see you on a gen with bbq and get there in a matter of seconds, which ironically it takes freddy several seconds to charge his teleport as well.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I Definitely hear ya on that, thats why i dont play solo survivor, i play duo and it still happens to me.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Taking aggro is just as much a counterplay as hiding in a locker.

    As stated, Freddys down my teammates extremely fast. If I go hide in a locker, he will go down another survivor insanely fast and all I have to show for it is a single complete generator. This doesn't get me any closer to escaping. In fact, my decision to hide will likely lead to several teammates being tunneled out of the game and me dying on first hook at the end of the game.

    Freddy's teleport allows him to enter chase 5 seconds after hooking a survivor. This alone makes him stupid lethal against the all-too-common survivors who don't know how to loop a killer for even 15 seconds.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    He has a low skill ceiling. So do many other things. Once you get used to him, there are plenty of counters.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Taking aggro is an effective counterplay if people are doing gens, which as you said, often they are not.

    With bbq on lots of maps a killer with a well placed hook and high mobility can get into chase within 5-10 seconds which is no different.

  • tariousx
    tariousx Member Posts: 156

    I feel like OP is the same person who says "Apply Pressure" to all M1 Killers post game after 4 man escape.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    he isn't P2W but he definitely needs nerfs because as he is right now he is way too oppressive

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Done it no big deal and your forgetting rank means nothing in this game just time played your more then likely getting smurf Freddie’s that recognise a good player and take the, out early

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Why do people go "X class/character/whatever needs to be removed from [whatever game]"?

    I mean, I get the frustration when something is brokenly overpowered, unbalanced, whatever. But I am also confident that you understand you're suggesting something ridiculous. No, the company that has spent capital and labor to create this thing that people have purchased (on top of the license that Behaviour negotiated and paid for) is obviously not going to just remove it. This is not how anything works.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I liked old Freddy. He just needed some QoL changes. Not the whole rework.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    I actually enjoy playing against him, makes using object fun (I don't use it to be toxic I'm trying to get better at looping and running the killer so I put it on to grab their attention). Plus it gives me as a survivor a challenge.

    I will say though I went against a rank 15 yesterday (I got matched with all yellow ranks and a single purple) rank 3 btw, and he had everyone but me on death hook within four minutes! It's insane (not like the purple was a potato either, I've matched with them before and they are pretty damn good).

    Thing is, Freddy is balanced in moderation.

    His kit is full of great things like anti loop and time wasting and a deceiving lunge, but put that all together and it creates a overtly strong killer, with the rework Freddy went from one extreme to the opposite, almost like BHVR did it out of spite. Yes Freddy is bearable but in the hands of someone as skilled as Otz or OhTofu there's no point in even playing the round, you're gonna lose no matter what you do.

    Either way he's not OP, just overkitted with a complexity targeted at appealing to noobs (he's really easy to understand, easy to use, and easy to execute)

  • GhostFaceTJW
    GhostFaceTJW Member Posts: 25


    He IS one of the MOST ANNOYING killers to go against.. and just like the Doctor, he has it TOO EASY...

    NERF both the little GITS !!

    This is why i MAIN as GhostFace.. he HAS TO work for his kills!! Because he has to physically be there to get a hit on someone..

    unlike Doctor who just does his stupid Charge blast.. and Freddy who has Rubber arms!!

  • GhostFaceTJW
    GhostFaceTJW Member Posts: 25

    DEFINTELY.. and many i play alongside agree fully.. he has it way too EASY.. That 'blast' needs a cooldown too..

    Newbies use that blast almost constantly.. and not everyone has calm spirit and whatever else to add on...

    and PLEASE dont tell me the 'you have to counter him' comments others say online here and there..

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
    1. Stop randomly capitalizing your words.
    2. Doctors static blast does have cooldown, a long one at that.
    3. "and PLEASE dont tell me the 'you have to counter him'" What do you want me to tell you then? Doctor is not that hard to counter.

    I feel like what you and many other people on here need to learn is: Just because you personally don't like a killer doesn't mean they are Op or need to be nerfed.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2021

    What people fail to realize is that Freddy IS P2W, You have to get him via using actual money to unlock said DLC; not to mention his skill ceiling is ridiculously low; he needs to be removed or a COMPLETE rework; not a nerf. The nerf will just raise the ceiling but it won't fix the issue.

    This wouldn't have happened if the devs thought about how broken Freddy could be in an instant. Muchless how they designed him. I'd rather go against a tombstone hair tufted myers then play against him because at least with myers; it takes awhile for him to get to tier 3 and that's only if your teammates are really incompetent.

    I keep getting teammates who ARE competent and know what's up when facing a freddy; you may get a warning BEFORE he shows up to the generator but that doesn't mean jack shmt if he's just there to smack your gen, look for you or give up and go back to the person he Hooked

    Think of this scenario, the fewddy is carrying tinkerer, ruin, PGTW and deerstalker; He manages to down a survivor in a 10 second chase, hooks them near a regressing gen and pops your gen; doesn't even look for you and just goes back to the hooked survivor to slug/camp and down the others. Thats the easiest gen 4 I See happening and guess what, that did happen to me. The rest of the game, the other survivor got slugged, the one that got Hooked got off and downed again, both of them get hooked and he showed up to my gen and pops it, finds me and chases me off; downs me, Slugs again via teleporting to a nearby gen towards the survivors who just got unhooked (who were in the middle of healing ):and tunnels the both of them and downs the last survivor. From that point on, we were all hooked with ease and had only gotten a single generator done.

    Do you see how broken he is? Thats down right OPRESSIVE and this scenario was just over 4 days ago; this is one of the main factors I hate about freddy.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Freddy is not pay to win. Nurse is free and Spirit you can get with shards, both of them are better than Freddy.

    I hate to break it to you mate, but just because you don't like Freddy doesn't mean he's going to get removed from the game.

  • 7AJFUN
    7AJFUN Member Posts: 26

    I agree. Killers will cry in the coments about survivors beeing bad, but they never played against multiple freddys in a row. My point is - usually killers do have some specific power: cutting loops (trapper, clown, hag), invisibility or stealth (wraith, spirit, ghostface), teleporting (demogorgon)...but Freddy? He just has everything in one..not fair killer at all...also i never understood & i never will - his stupid long lounge.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Easiest way to negate your whole statement; the nurse is not freddy nor has the amount of oppressive ability he does. She CAN be oppressive but using the nurse as a comparison to freddy doesnt work out; he ECLIPSES HER by as massive mile.

    The nurses chain blinking is easy to counter because she moves inba linear fashion and her hit range isn't ridiculous.

    The spirit is irrelevant because she can't teleport, she phases and can't see ANYTHING; which is usable by both players. Only thing she can see is blood/running marks which means if you have an ability that literally negates that, she's useless; minus stridor which let's her HEAR through yamoka's haunting; now that's broken but playable.

    Freddy on the other hand can directly to to a gen pop it and leave without any problem; he can spam dream pallets and snares making life a hell for anyone. He has 2 M2 abilities compared to everyone else and those two m2 abilities can be used in so many ways it's ridiculous.

    If you're trying to compare the spirit or the nurse to freddy, you'll be sorely mistaken because there skill ceilings are VASTLY different.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I have played against multiple freddys in a row sometimes it sucks but the same thing applies to any killer played over multiple matches. Freddy himself is not op he is strong but he isnt the strongest by a long shot. I wojld ratber play 10 Freddy's in a row than spirits or doctors.

    I could acomplish the exact same situation with hag, demo, or writhe

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Do you honestly think that Freddy is better than Nurse or Spirit?