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Freddy is too easy to play; remove or nerf him.

SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Yeah, you read the title and i'm not going back on it. Unfortunately, Freddy is too powerful and makes this game P2W. It's grown so bad because his whole entire GAMEPLAY is a crutch and rewards bad tactics and behavior.

Personally, I hate it when I get camped, tunneled, slugged or any of that BS because it leaves a sour tatse in my mouth but Freddy is the ONE killer I cannot STAND because they do EXACTLY this and there's nothing you can do about it, he's quite literally God if god was a nightmare. It's everytime I see him, I literally want to quit or DC; that being the only thing that keeps me going is to avoid the DC penalty. I know everyone else has felt this frustration of Freddy. He's the literal EPITOME of "Lol, easy character hurrdurr." I cannot being to explain how many low ranks i've seen playing as Freddy demolish the floor with people.

Before I go on, I want to state that it's not a skill issue. At this point, and this not me being cocky either, it's that I've looped almost every killer for 2+ minutes straight and they were all in high ranks; like rank 1 and 2 but then when I get into a match with a rank 17 killer, somehow they do better then those red rankers which I find impossible to believe. Suffice to say, I have confidence in my skill TO play the game and loop killers, inb4 the trigger happy people want try and put me in my place, i'm not taking challenges; I might be confient but i'm not going toe-to-toe with some people that just emanate "I will beat your vss six ways to Sunday in 5 seconds." Back to the main topic though.

Those low rankers USUALLY play as freddy which leads me to believe Freddy is completely easy, he takes 0 skill to use and is a complete crutch for newer players. He can TP cross the map (namely to a generator which is OH so annoying.) Place dream pallets and snares which do jackshmt for us; allowing him to cut off looping in seconds and which certain perk and add-on's it becomes a living hell to even get one generator done.

Not only am I confused on how Freddy can be this powerful but i'm also infuriated. He easily eclipses MANY killers just by base Freddy alone and with perks, he stands at number 1. He's the hag if the hag was a literal god. Inb4 the entitled 'I want my 4k/Killers show up' before you say anything, do not say 'Skill issue' or anything along that line; what I want is pure criticism on why Freddy should be nerfed or removed from the game. I know for a fact i'm going with remove him as a goddamned total cause i'm really fed up with him.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I think he still needs to have decent map and game knowledge but I have to agree for how strong of a killer he is he's far to easy to use and do well with.

  • InsaneCoaster
    InsaneCoaster Member Posts: 305

    In fairness it's true that Freddy is extremely powerful relative to the skill you need to play him. I don't think he's crazy OP in the grand scheme of things, but there can certainly be an argument to say he shouldn't be as powerful as he is.

    The main issue I think are the teleports. It's free map pressure with no downside. Running BBQ + Pop on Freddy is phenomenally powerful and it definitely doesn't take skill considering what it does for you.

    So I could maybe agree with a rework in terms of his teleportation, but other than that he's not the worst.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    You can leave or go against several freddies's back to back and then come see my side. Once you understand the hell we've been through, comment again.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited January 2021

    All the high mobility Killers have a strength, i.e. excellent ability to maintain pressure at Generators far, far away. Freddy, in particular, keeps the Player on task, i.e. since he can only teleport to Generators, he enforces good habits in Killers. I think it goes a bit too far to say Freddy is "very easy to play" or his wins are unearned. In theory, all the high mobility types CAN do exactly what he does. The only difference is they have a choice and often make less efficient ones. Does that make sense? The only training wheels on Freddy, if you can call them that at all, is that his power enforces good patrol habits.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • DanielPaint
    DanielPaint Member Posts: 110

    I like Freddy because of the gen teleport. I don't even use the snares or fake pallets. They can remove this and the weird dream effect. The teleport is awesome

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    I have to disagree, he does well on ANY map because of the TP ability. All he needs is discordance, BBQ, tinkerer or some perk that notifies you on which gen you're at and BOOM; he's there. Almost any killer does well on an indoors map but he excells in all of them, outdoors or indoors; like, just yesterday I DC'D from a match with Freddy because I was just frickin toxic and that map was Lampkin.

    Prior to that I got into another match on cross pentus, that was another match I Dc'd from because he was camping the hell out of me and then when I matched to get off the hook, slugged me; got another got another survivor; we got both put on the hook; got down and I got tunneled. I then got a 15 minute DC penalty which I just waited out by watching YT. he's flipping ridiculous.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    You obviously didnt read anything of what I just said, nor have you experienced facing off against a disgusting Freddy. Before you come back to this reply, face off against Freddy in back to back scenarios. Pretty sure I explictedly stated things in my wall of text that gave you insight on where I stand.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    The snares is what makes him strong ma dude. I don't think you can get 2 kill with Freddy against a decent team of survivors without using his snares.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I understand your point and I agree that with certain gen perks and his ability to go straight to that gen can be oppressive. But I think In terms of just in normal chase with a survivor he still has to have some game knowledge to know how and where to chase survivors etc. A brand new player isn't going to win if they just use Freddy, however I completely agree that an average player can pick up Freddy and get wins a lot easier than with most other killers.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    I have faced a good Freddy. Want to know what happened? I looped him so much he left me and went to down my teammates with 5 second chases. I guess he was just a super good Freddy to down my teammates in 5 seconds, or I'm just the best survivor on the planet for making him break chase with me.

  • GhostMaceNotCrusty
    GhostMaceNotCrusty Member Posts: 716

    But why would they just remove freddy because hes annoying you. We already know hes getting changed so your just complaining about nothing.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Reality check: it's not that hard to loop a killer and make them give up on chasing you. I did to 2 PH's, 1 Ghostface, 1 Huntress and 1 Wraith today. As long as you have good judgement, a solid reaction time and good pallet positioning; obstacle positioning, you're set. Freddy on the other hand destroy that with said snares and fools you with dream pallets. Obviously, that wa a bad Freddy otherwise you wouldn't be making that statement.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    With regards to his teleport you get a few seconds notice when blood starts coming out thats more notice than you get with demogorgon is he OP too? What about spirit when she phases and shows up next to you out of nowhere, OP as well? Or when Huntress or deathslinger shows up undectable with Tinkerer and get you at range OP right? Clown can shut down loops with his gas OP? Nurse can teleport through a wall and hit you OP? Bubba,billy, Ghostface,and Myers all have one shot down abilities OP? Why dont we just get rid of the ability to play killer and go against ai killers so you never have a challenge. Then you wont have to worry about being camped or tunnelled or slugged.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I love how people can't stand the existence of clown with mobility. Imagine if actual Clown's rework gave Clown mobility insted of yellow bottles that do everything but that. We would have 2 Freddys to complain about and their OP hindered debuff that totally ruins looping.

    Freddy is nowhere near strong enough in chase to warrant high skill ceiling for a slowdown power. He's no spirit, nurse or deathslinger etc who dominate chases when played extremely well to the point where survivor can't do much assuming they never miss (which even the best still do).

    He could use some small number nerfs to see how he feels to play as/againt after them but nothing more then that. Easy to play good killers are healthy for DBD and Freddy is exacly that. Not every killer needs skill ceiling of nurse to warrant viability.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Yeah, it has to be because the Freddy was bad, otherwise I wouldn't be able to loop him. It's not like you didn't just admit that looping the killer is easy if you have a good tile setup when you are an observant competent survivor player. Guess who also has snares? Clown. Can I loop Clown just as easily? Yes I can. The only things Freddy has over Clown are the Dream World slowdown and map/gen pressure via his teleport. In a chase, Freddy is basically Clown.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Being ignorant won't help you here. This comment is the WALKING equivalent of "Skill issue bro, just get good." Dont comment If that's your plan.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited January 2021

    And being insulting isn't helping your cause. The problem is that you are wrong about Freddy, in so far as him being the problem by himself. When you complained about him, you talked about all those information Perks on TOP of his ability to teleport between Generators. I would submit that all the high mobility Killers profit from the wealth of information Perks available. So is the problem their mutual ability to teleport, or the information Perks, or both in combination? Saying NERF Freddy is a totally useless. Give us specifics. A rant without constructive suggestions is just that, a rant.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130
    edited January 2021

    Most of the killers are easy to win with, Freddy simply sits at the top and earns the prestigious reward of being pay to win. He needs reworked from the ground up, I don't care how the devs do it, but I know it desperately needs done.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392
    edited January 2021

    Why are most killers easy to win with? Is it because the killers are actually too strong, or is it because most survivors just aren't very good? Doc has a 60.33% kill rate. Bubba has a 62.04% kill rate and Pig has a 62.09% kill rate. Would you consider these killers strong vs a competent survivor, or survivor team? Personally, I wouldn't and most good players don't as well.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I'm not being ignorant I'm giving you actual comparisons based on your line of thinking. Slugging camping and tunnelling are a playstyle that players use which is completely seperate from what killer they play. Playing as freddy still requires the same basic skill as any other killer.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    I fail to understand where I insulted him muchless was being blunt about it. If your defintion of being insultive is me calling someone ignorant then 🤭

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    It's less his base and more how much more perks can elevate him. And he is getting nerfed.

  • He isn't as game breaking as everyone says, he is not as strong as like Spirit or hag for example.

    The thing is he is being nerfed because his win rate across the board is too high; he destroys less experienced survivors because you don't need experience as freddy to play well. His abilities are ridiculously spammy so anyone can play him with relative ease.

    All he needs is to have his abilities toned down to a point you need to think about how and when you use them; that would increase his skill ceiling but keep his overall power as close to where it is as they can. That would be optimal.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Yeah, in civilized circles calling someone ignorant is considered an insult. The fact that you don't understand that says more about you than it does anyone you choose to judge. I notice you completely ignored my suggestion that you address what exactly is broken about Freddy that isn't also broken about any other high mobility Killer with access to those same Perks. I also notice you did not give us any constructive suggestions to go along with your demand for a Nerf. I don't know if you have noticed, but you aren't exactly winning over any hearts or minds. Freddy is a highly effective Killer. However, I don't think you have demonstrated that he is anymore effective than any of the high mobility Killers that would use the exact same Perks. And again, you haven't offered any of YOUR ideas to fix things. Is that because you know once you do that you too will be judged, your ideas weighed and if found wanting massacred?

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    If we're REALLY going there; here's an idea, either give a cooldown to when he can teleport; like 45 seconds - 30 seconds of it so that it's not spammable. I doubt it is but i've seen the blood spurt from a gen more than 3 times in the span of 5 - 8 seconds. Also, note I didnt ignore your suggestion; I read it, whenever I do a post I read the comments I get on it and see what I can take from it. If it's nothing of value which is subjective to different people, I move on; likewise, if it has something of value i'll take that info and apply it to what I already do and dont know.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    I rarely win against a Freddy, he's probably the only killer that I actually have an issue dealing with across the board.

    I wish he had to stand still while applying his traps, I mean it's just like half a second but that would honestly make dealing with him feel a little more fair. He's able to shut down loops more efficiently than Trapper, which tells me it's a bit of a problem. I think his mangled blood traps are a bit much, too once you hit one you've basically lost the chase, even if the chase hasn't started.

    I wouldn't want to gut him because I think the dream world pros and cons are really good, but a couple tweaks here and there and he might actually be fun to play against. I think his typical build has a lot to say about how much perks can influence a killer, even when the player behind the killer is not that great.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    So we went from "reeeeeee nurse is OP please nerf" to "reeeeeee spirit is OP please nerf" to "reeeeeee freddy is OP please nerf".

    Let me guess, the next killer you people will cry about will be wraith right?

    Because you can't see him from a great distance anymore.

    Learn to adept and stop this whining about killers being OP

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    When you refer to “saltynooty” you’re referring to a large portion of the community who agrees with his post btw. Pfft Negative Nancy.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    A large portion of the community are also low skilled and whine about things good players don't.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    That’s true to an extent but there’s also a majority who are skilled and have over 3,000 hours in the game like myself who also agree that Freddy is brain dead but that’s just my opinion and theirs. The overall problem is that survivors can’t post a thread they want about a killer or killers because they get attacked right away.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    It goes both way unfortunately.

    When killers post a thread they get attacked and visa versa.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    I mean old Freddy was complete crap but they overbuffed him with his rework. He probably has the most going on in his base kit when it comes to how he affects the game such as mindless snare spamming while movement speed is unaffected, Countering Borrowed Time, Making survivors travel across the planet and back just to wake themeselves up and his global teleport. Add-ons make the game go by significantly slower but I’m not gonna get into that. He just needs something that makes him not boring to go against.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    There really isn't anything wrong with Freddy. I don't even play him anymore after his rework, and I say this. When I face him as a survivor, I can run him just like I do Clown. The main issue with this game in general is that most players are low skill and refuse to improve. They just want to nerf things instead. The only reason Freddy, or a killer like Doc has a high kill rate is because the majority of survivors are not good. Why does a killer need to be nerfed because of that? A Freddy vs 4 competent players is going to struggle to do well unless the survivors make mistakes the Freddy player can capitalize on. For some reason that isn't seen as an issue, but killers stomping low skill survivors is. The devs need to make their mind up. They need to balance around casual low skill players, and disregard the good competent players, or balance around good players and incentivize the lower skill players to improve. This is the whole reason this game is killer sided vs low skill survivors, while also being survivor sided when the survivors know how to play optimally.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Ok so pyramidhead is op as well since he can bypass not only borrowed time but decisive strike and other hook perks too and he can send survivors to cages cross map so you have to travel far away to save them right.

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    So you consider being represented by a guy who litteraly think Freddy is op cause his tp has no CD because he dont even know about faking and never played this killer (look 2 post above yours).

    Survivors use this forums as a whining land so your argument falls apart, most of their thread is this killer is OP, this perk is OP, this playstyle is OP... Of course experimented killers/survivors will counter their bs. Look at the recent thread about 3 killers you dont want to face, if you add all them its 80% of the roster... Giving opinion is not stating things as fact when they are not established or recognize by the majority...

    Sure Freddy is ez to play its a M1 killer... But not easy to win with, his snare are merely good, his tp is trash against good players (faking is way more effective than using it), the only things that is realy good is how is TR works and his lounge is shady cause of his height. Also he have some really good add on i give you that.

    They will not rework him, only his "forever Freddy" add on wich are too strong i can agree with that.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    This post right here illustrates that you dont know how his teleport works and need to do some research. Freddys teleport has a fairly signifigant cooldown when he teleports, so he cant just go from gen to gen to gen. He can also fake it for a second or 2 which recharges fairly quickly which if he runs ruin and surveillance he can fake it to scare people off gens and know exactly where they are then teleport, or not teleport and just walk over and catch the person in the area.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Nothing to do with survivors skill. Killer mechanics are too easy while survivor mechanic require too much effort, practice. Survivors have been nerfed for 4 years straight, maps been redesigned around expert loopers, and nothing expected more from the killer side. I'm still seeing maps with gigantic deadzones where their recently over-buffed bubba does nothing but press a button and they are dead. How is that remotely fair? Your percentages are too low, if I remember correctly doctor was closer to 70% or more. With the hatch escapes factored in, an average killer winning that much over average survivors shouldn't be possible at all.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392
    edited January 2021

    What about when all 4 survivors are competent? Why is it an issue for killers to stomp on average survivors, but 4 good survivors being able to dominate all but 2 killers is fine? Why is requiring survivors to improve such a bad thing? If you are a good survivor, you know that most killers are a joke mechanic wise to face, and that most killer players are actually not even very good. They just happen to be slight better, or on par with most survivors. It's just that survivor is less rewarding at low skill level than killer. I really don't see the issue with the 1 in the 4 vs 1 being stronger. The survivors should have to try more. I say this as a competent 50/50 player as well.

    Also here are the kill rates for all ranks:

    Here is kill rates for red ranks:

    My percentages are not off. I didn't specify red ranks only because there are more ranks than just red.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    I just read your post, and oddly I need to correct you. ATM looping "Does Not Take Skill" I say this due to the fact every map will have a God Window, or a God Pallet. Heck I looped some Red ranks for 3+ Minutes. But some killed me before 1+ Minute.

    2nd Rank means nothing. I could be a really great vet player who just stopped playing the game for months on end then barely came back. And guess what rank I would be? You guessed it. 20.

    And IMO we need more killers using Freddy's anti-loop abilities, Cause looping is SUPER strong in this game. You wanna T-bag at god pallet? Good you are just feeding my power to force you to go slower than normal so that god pallet will be forced to be used.

    Perk and Addon builds? Literally on any killer if you get the right combination of perks and addons their unstoppable. In Freddy's case he Halts Gen rushing.

    You may be fed up with Freddy but all of us can agree, playing survivor is boring. Literally. If all the killers are weak and are predictable, and they force them to only use m1 buttons or Right Triggers good luck having fun. Freddy gives a certain challenge that's why people loved the Buff in the first place. The Second reason they loved the Buff was because Freddy was literally an F tier Killer for as long as his release. He sucked so bad people rather play legion than Freddy. Now that they buffed Freddy people are happy with being challenged by a Killer who is as strong as their loops.

    So before you go on a Rage Charade on this comment please understand that THESE are my Points, and what I've seen from the community.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Also to remind you... once he teleports it resets his Power as a whole.. So it does have a cooldown..

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    You realize this post is about FREDDY right? So the fact that you brought up pyramid head makes no sense. He’s also broken but that’s not what THIS post is about.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Freddy doesn't need to be nerfed.

    Now before you hit me with "gO PLaY aGaINsT A bUncH oF frEDdY's, tHeN CoME baCK." Let me tell you this. I have played against good Freddy's.

    I once played against four "Forever Freddy's" in a row. Did I like it? No, I didn't. Did I think Freddy is Op and should be nerfed? No.

    Have you ever played against a bad Freddy? Because if you have, you'd know that he does take skill. Bad Freddy's have no idea what they're doing with their snares, and also don't know how to use their teleport to mind game. Bad Freddy's can be looped for ages. I'm not claiming he's the next Nurse, but saying he takes zero skill to play is just incorrect.

    Freddy is also not "pay to win". Nurse is free, and Spirit can be bought with shards. Both of them are far better killers then Freddy. The only reason Freddy can't be bought with in-game currency is because he's licensed.

    Also, judging from your post history, you think that Deathslinger, Doctor, and Bubba should be nerfed. All of those killers are high to low mid tiers, and none of them should be nerfed. So yeah, I'm not taking your word to seriously.