I absolutely hate the solo experience

I did 1 gen by myself and the rest of the game was pretty much me running the killer for 4 gens.

I get downed when all gens are done so the killer doesn't have Noed, but my teammates actually decided to open the exit gates and legit straight up LEAVE ME!

I'm blown away..... I'm legit pissed. Like.... None of you had the balls to come save me?

Come to find out they're a 3 man swf. They didn't care if I died as long as it wasn't one of them. Like ######### are you serious?


  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906

    Solo queue is hell. Is it any wonder people prefer to play with friends.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I play solo because of dumb stuff that happens but now a days solo queue is just a "oh look that survivor is hiding on a locker" and the "oh that other survivor is self caring in a corner"

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Be happy you had a 4 gen chase. Solo is terrible and you just gotta play for doing well personally imo. Don't worry so much about escaping.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    That's solo life, you either get matches with a SWF who leave you to die on first hook no matter how many gens have been done or you get other solos and you pretty much have to carry the entire team to even have a chance of escaping.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I prefer solo queue

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I prefer solo queue because it's more immersive, but I understand your frustrations.

    Unfortunately, the devs can't do anything about selfishness. Aside from rewarding good behavior.

    But they can make other changes like better matchmaking, or buffing perks to help out solo survivors.

    Solo survivors have one thing in common with killers. They both have to endure really unfun matches.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    What you experienced is, sadly, quite common. It is why I firmly believe (one among many reasons) that Solo and Team need to be in their own Ques. You were their "Red Shirt," i.e. an disposable person. Do all SWF treat the Red Shirt so poorly? No. But it is still far more common than not. In the end, you aren't really part of their group. All that being said, you won't get an annoying 3-Person SWF every match. I play Solo 90% of the time and get into plenty of matches where we are all Solo, and understand our obligations to one another.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    To be fair, they aren't required to save you. Just like the killer doesn't have to leave the hook or ignore the unhooked survivor. Freedom of choice is a helluva drug.

  • Wesker09
    Wesker09 Member Posts: 159

    Why may I ask. Personally it's how I play but it's god awful. I get teammates that leave me to die on hook despite running kindred sometimes (still don't know how people think this perk is good) I run the killer around for quite a while and I see my teammates doing nothing after getting hooked, and no one helps me with gens or totems so I'm not sure how anyone can prefer solo queue tbh

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Well least you didn't run the killer for the equivalent of four gens - but no gens actually got done.

  • smileybones
    smileybones Member Posts: 64

    Once you've gotten enough experience as survivor, it becomes less "Surviving against a Killer" and more "Surviving against my ######### Teammates." I generally consider it a good game if my teammates haven't done something to piss me off. Even if I get tunneled, I'm confident enough in a chase to make the killer pay for it.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Because it feels like a more balanced and fair match.

    If I'm in a swf it feels like we're bullying the killer with an unfair advantage that the game wasn't balanced around.

    Kind of like if you enjoyed boxing as a hobby but for every match you went to, you showed up with a knife...does that sound fun, challenging, or simply fair for the other guy?

    It's hard to honestly feel like I earned a win, or outplayed the killer when we aren't playing by balanced rules.

  • Wesker09
    Wesker09 Member Posts: 159

    I can agree on balanced but it's also more frustrating when the teammates I get aren't that good. Had a game last night against a ghostface on haddonfield and the nea, bill and david kept farming each other like crazy while I did the only gen and they essentially threw and we all died (I died to egc) Sure it's more balanced in solo queue in a way but with matches like that I can't understand people who enjoy solo.

    I try so hard to make solo work but when my teammates aren't good and won't help out I can't tolerate sometimes, sure I win some games but that's only if the killer was bad in some way

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    The vast majority of my solo matches are 3+ escapes. You will get matches like that every now and then, but on average the bad survivor teammates you get are still decent enough that if you are decent you will do alright. IE most games they're just slightly bad that you can manage a win if you're good. Rarely are they so bad you can't carry.

    In other words, I think when "most" survivors complain that they lose the majority of matches because they have teammates that are so bad that they can't win, it's actually because they are bad as well. This is speaking in general, not specifically towards you.

    Most games are winnable in solo queue if you're good. Most, not all.

    I think the majority of people on here lack good self reflection. This is a big part of why I'm thinking about starting a series of videos where I critique submitted videos to help people realize how winnable a lot of matches were if they had played better instead of just blaming bad teammates.

  • Wesker09
    Wesker09 Member Posts: 159

    I know I myself am not the greatest but I do pretty well in chases and having good game sense but the teammates I get just...yikes (especially as late cause MM keeps giving me yellow/brown ranks for some reason?)

    And I do tend to win quite a few of my games but so many I don't get to have multiple escapes cause my teammates just love to farm each other and not help out like I mentioned (can't tell you how many games I get where I have to do up to 3-4 gens myself lord it's annoying)

    I really hope MMR (I have doubts) fixes mm so I can get better teammates more frequently cause lately it's a big yikes

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    One time when I was solo I saw nobody was coming to get me so I took the chance and it actually worked and I got downed again and nobody came to save me.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2021

    Well we can exclude matches where you get thrown wild ranks like the browns you were mentioning. That's a matchmaking issue and not truly reflective of a normal solo queue game.

    There are a multitude of issues with mmr and why it's not going to work.

    Firstly the whole reason we are getting mmr is because rank isn't an accurate gauge of skill. Yet, we aren't being told how mmr ranks "skill". We also aren't going to be shown our mmr. If mmr is to replace ranks because it's a more accurate gauge of skill, why didn't we just use that criteria for the current ranking system?

    So what reason would there be for not showing us our mmr, not showing us how it determines skill and not just using its metric for the current rank system?

    It's because there isn't confidence that it actually does gauge skill and also because they don't want us to be able to point out its inaccuracies or that it is matching us incorrectly. In other words, it's the current system we already have except without the ability to see the poor ranking and poor matchmaking to be able to call out the devs on it. It's a way to cover up the games issues.

    The only reason they've given for hiding the mmr information is that it will supposedly be manipulated to control our mmr. This doesn't make any sense. If mmr measures skill...then us seeing the skill metrics...will make us play skillful in order to.."manipulate it"? So "manipulating" the mmr system is just playing skillful? Sounds silly right?

    You're now gonna have no idea after a match as to whether or not you were matched correctly and no clue if the system considers what you did playing well. You're gonna be in the dark. Can't complain if you don't know anything right? lol

    Here's another issue different from the rest of this...

    The game is quite poorly balanced in its current state. The extremely poor ranking system, rank reset being too little, too much ease in ranking up on survivor is what covers up the games imbalances. It puts more potatoes against good killers.

    IE in a perfect mmr system world killers would be getting destroyed. The games issues I just listed cover up these imbalances.

  • smileybones
    smileybones Member Posts: 64

    100% agree with everything you just said. Hiding MMR is the most shady thing I've seen come out of these devs. Some players like to think that this is just some "party/casual" game to play with their friends, and the devs like to pretend that's the case. But we all know it's the intrinsic competitiveness that keeps everyone coming back. Even if the devs and the players like to pretend otherwise.

  • Wesker09
    Wesker09 Member Posts: 159

    So what could be done on the survivor side to make sure the potatoes stay where they belong and not get into matches they shouldn't be able to get in? The issue with survivor is yeah it's easy to play in terms of just hold m1 and help out when you can but where there much survivors can do (a game issue not a skill one) it's gonna be easy for now until devs do something for objectives

    They also hide mmr only cause when they made it to where it was possible to see other ranks people just kept lobby dogging which I guess they don't want

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "So what could be done on the survivor side to make sure the potatoes stay where they belong and not get into matches they shouldn't be able to get in? The issue with survivor is yeah it's easy to play in terms of just hold m1 and help out when you can but where there much survivors can do (a game issue not a skill one) it's gonna be easy for now until devs do something for objectives"

    First we need the old rank reset back. The new one is way too slow in bringing people back down.

    Second increase the requirements for pipping/safety pipping. It's near impossible not to pip on survivor even at rank 1 outside of suiciding or a literal face camp. Move more points from gens and into killer interactions and slow the gens down to allow for more time to have these interactions.

    Lastly they really need to fix the matchmaking. We shouldn't be seeing matches with rainbow colors like we do now.

    "They also hide mmr only cause when they made it to where it was possible to see other ranks people just kept lobby dogging which I guess they don't want"

    You misunderstand. I'm not referring to other people being able to see each others mmr in lobby. I'm referring to seeing your own.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Hiding it gives no benefit that we do not have now.

    The literal only thing it accomplishes is as you've implied, covering issues up.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited January 2021

    This is why I much prefer SWF.

    Because not only map and killer's playstyle is at stake when it comes to the RNG you are about to be met with, but your teammates' skills or lack there of as well.

  • Wesker09
    Wesker09 Member Posts: 159

    Old rank reset will help (I still don't get why they changed it to where it is now) and idk I feel like I get a lot of points when interacting with the killer when I can I just want more points to other stuff like being stealthy or healing and kinda want more survival points cause theyre isn't much in that category I feel tbh

    Also what's the issue with seeing our own ranks? Is it due to people thinking they're better than they are cause they see a red rank and think "i'm so good" when in reality they aren't?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2021

    More points while in close proximity of the killer without being engaged would be a nice change.

    Honestly I think they need to have more objectives for survivors as well, like parts you have to find to start working on a gen. Survivor could use more interactions that are skill based as well. I've been saying they could do much more with gen repairs and skill checks as well.

    "Also what's the issue with seeing our own ranks? Is it due to people thinking they're better than they are cause they see a red rank and think "i'm so good" when in reality they aren't?"

    It's a good question, I don't know why they don't want us to see it. I suppose then we could have a way of finding out if we were badly matched in a roundabout way? Lol

    Honestly not many good answers for some of these changes other than an intent to hide flaws.